nightfury150 — Httyd - perspectives
Published: 2014-03-31 22:00:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 51; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Hiccup fell backwards through the fire - he could feel the heat of it scorching his back and leg. As the pain peaked, he noticed that Toothless was spinning out of control. Got to do something about that, thought Hiccup sadly as his vision dimmed, can't let my dragon be unable to fly on his own. His last sight was of Toothless wrenching himself out of freefall and attempting to move towards Hiccup...


Astrid stared at the tip of the explosion at the spot where she thought Hiccup and Toothless might be.
Don't let them die, she pleaded Thor. Either of them. Please.
She glanced around at the assembled villagers - it was interesting, she noted through her worry, to see the range of emotions on their faces. Some were terrified of the Dragon Queen, some were yelling with the joy of battle, and then there was Stoick. He needed a whole class of his own. He was afraid for Hiccup's welfare, but trying not to show it, and also trying to make sure that his village is okay. Hiccup was so much like him, even if neither realized - they blamed themselves a lot, and tried to take on too much at once.
They both bore a very heavy burden on their shoulders, and though the burdens might seem different, they weighed the same.
She heard Hiccup shout "No. No!", quickly followed by a dragon calling out in distress.
Her head snapped up.


Stoick's head hurt from thinking up any possible outcome, planning for them, worrying about his son, and caring for his village. The battle cries were grating on his nerves, but he tried his best to stay calm. Though he didn't admit it, the call from the dragon was more worrying than Hiccup's shout. If the Night Fury itself was afraid, than Stoick should be too.
The silence was deafening and the white ash made it too dark to see very far, even while squinting. He looked at Astrid, who was gnawing her lip nervously, and staring at the main cloud of ash.
There was nothing to do but wait.
Stoick waited.


Hiccup coughed himself awake. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. He was tucked up behind Toothless's wings, being held in place by his paws! But that meant that the dragon couldn't stop or even slow his descent...
Hiccup couldn't feel anything but pain. His body didn't move properly.
Toothless must be coming close to the ground now. Hiccup tried to focus, but the pain inside head built, and he slipped into unconsciousness as they hit the ground (which seemed harder than usual) and rolled.


Toothless fell at Night Speed. He squinted his eyes almost shut to minimize damage to his vitals, and kept Hiccup close to his chest. He'd already felt the boy stir.
Toothless rolled as they hit the ground to reduce pressure and immediately felt Hiccup go limp.
Ah well, thought the dragon. Can't blame him really. Oh look, here comes Stoick and Astrid, they'll sort things out.
But I'm ready for anything.
He closed his eyes.


Astrid sprinted over to the big black comet that'd just crash-landed on the rocky ground. The lump that was Toothless tensed and went limp, his saddle empty, his prosthetic tail burnt off completely. Where was Hiccup?
Please, she begged again. Please.
There! She saw him, lifeless and unresponsive. No, please no. He can't be... dead?
She lost all hope.
No more Hiccup.


Stoick sank to his knees. It couldn't be. No, no, this was someone else's life, someone else's mistake. Not my life, not my fault.
But it is my fault. He's dead now. No way to say sorry. No way to say goodbye.
Stoick hung his head in shame. "I did this..." he said.
Toothless stirred painfully and blinked open his eyes, gazing steadily at the Chief. Astrid sobbed brokenly beside him. The whole village was silent now, out of respect and shock. Hiccup was the last person they expected to die fighting.
"I'm so... I'm so sorry..." he heard himself say to the dragon.
Toothless seemed to have been waiting for this; he blinked again and outstretched his wings to their total wingspan, revealing Hiccup, pale and drawn out, lying in Toothless's arms.

Hiccup faded in and out of waking, hearing silence then muffled sobs. He heard rustling and felt a fresh ocean breeze against his face. He would have flinched at the harshness of being awake, but he couldn't move. He couldn't open his eyes either. His leg was burning and festering with pain but he lay there. He listened to the shocked silence, he smelt the smoke and ash floating around, and he felt Toothless's scales on his hands.
Metal rang against stone and a very familiar voice, Dad's voice, announced that Hiccup was alive...
Gobber's voice muttered something about metal legs, forges, and Phil his pet sheep getting lonely.
Hiccup, ignoring the last part, dimly wondered who's leg needed replacing.
Probably mine, he joked to himself, then realized that it was, indeed, his leg the needed replacing.
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