nikazumi — Hell's Heart

Published: 2006-08-03 05:42:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 280; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 3
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Description Hell’s Heart

Coldness filled the room, love was missing. Warmth had been a foreign thing to the residents of the Main Domain of Hell. Silence over took Purgatory. No one was allowed to talk. If they did speak even a word, Purgatory’s ruler would kill them all over again, because he’s got that power. But in the Black Room, the meeting place of the Council of Hell, two people, the Ruler of Hell himself, Davey Havok, and the Ruler of Purgatory, Draco Marsters, met. Draco fiddled with his fingers as Davey sorted through all of his reports. Davey looked at the nervous Draco and smiled.
Davey: What’s wrong Draco?
Draco: It’s Demyx’s 5th birthday today. June 6th.
Davey: Ahh, that’s right. Your grandson’s birthday. Krueger’s son.
Draco: Yeah, exactly. Are you going?
Davey: I wouldn’t miss young Demyx’s birthday for the world. Lets just hope nothing wrong will happen. I heard they’re having it at the playground in front of the church…
Draco: Me too. There’s going to be a lot of children there. A lot of innocence. Something’s going to happen. I can feel it in my gut.
Davey: Strangely, I feel it too. Like something between Sara and Freddy when he finds out that Demyx is more like Krueger than himself. When Freddy realizes that it was Krueger Sara was having sex with and not him. Well, *he looked at the clock on the wall* shall we get going?
Draco: *looked at clock as well* Yeah, we should. *He stood up and pushed his chair under the table.* Otherwise, we might miss the cake. *And he apparated out of Hell and back up to Earth. Davey shimmered back to earth and at the park.*
Damian: *he was kneeling beside Demyx and handing him a present.* Happy birthday Demyx.
Demyx: Thank you Damian. *He took the Black Box from Damian and showed a half smile*
Davey: Are we late?
Demyx: No. You’re not. Grandpa Draco was pretending to be worried about the cake Uncle Dean prepared, huh? Always substituting food for his real worries. I guess it makes him less stressed.   
Davey: And how old are you again? You sound like you’re all grown up. So, you are five today. *He bent down and picked Demyx up and twirled him around while kissing his head and put him back down* I got something for you, by the way. *he pulled out something from his robes and handed it to Demyx. Happy Birthday ^-^ *The present was an old book of Dark Magic that was used a long time ago. The book was over a thousand years old and it had a symbol on the front* This book has all the magic you will need. Its been in my family for years and I want you to have it.
Demyx: Thank you Uncle Davey. *He gave Davey a big hug* I’ll keep it somewhere safe, where no one can get it.
Draco: *he popped up out of nowhere* In your father’s head?
Demyx: *smile* Or Blaze’s.
Draco: *Bent down to Demyx’s height* Well, it’s safe either way. Now come here. I have my own gift for you. *Demyx approached Draco. Draco put his hand to the back of Demyx’s left ear. He said a spell, chanting it a few times, and he tapped the back of the boys head, then he backed away and stood up*
Demyx: What was that?
Draco: Protection spell. Later on tonight, a spirit will be hovering outside your bedroom. Call me and tell me if she shows up, okay?
Demyx: Okay Grandpa. *Then, above the church came a voice*
Girl: Demyx, look! Look at my Demyx! *The woman had a rope around her neck* I’m doing this for you! *The woman then jumped off the church hanging herself*
Damian: What the fuck?
Sara: Demyx *She grabbed him and hid him from the sight*
Freddy: What the shit?
Draco: *whispering to Davey* Did you know something like this would happen?
Dean: *whispering to Freddy* Isn’t that the nanny?
Freddy: Well…it sure looks like her. I think it is her, man.
Dean: Sorry, man.
Freddy: I know. Ahh, hell. Now we have to find a new nanny.
Dean: I’d help out, but I don’t wanna.
Freddy: …Thanks bro. -.-
Demyx: Is the lady dead momma?
Sara: Yes…
Demyx: I knew she would do it…
Davey: *whispering* I think only we know about his power, who is going to tell Sara and Freddy? They need to know who and what he is.
Draco: *whispering* Well, I’m Freddy’s father, Demyx’s grandfather…I suppose I should do it. That way they’ll flip out over me instead of Demyx or yourself. You know, for keeping this to myself for so long.
Davey: No, you know what, we will tell them together. How about that? So we can once again go through hell together ^-^
Draco: *laugh* Its like it never ends, the whole ‘hell coming to Earth’ thing, I mean. I guess it’s logical, you and I both telling them. The Devil and the Messenger together again.
Davey: Of course. *He shook Draco’s hand* Well? Now or later?
Draco: *looked at the Nanny and then to his son’s family* A few minutes of shock relief couldn’t hurt, right?
Davey: I saw we get everyone out of here and go to your place. What about that?
Draco: Sounds like a plan. What about Subrena? Would we need to make her leave the house? She’s still there finishing Demyx’s birthday present.
Davey: Damn! Fine, my place then.
Draco: *smirk* Better plan. Lets hurry then? Sooner the better.
Davey: I agree. *He walked up to Freddy* Look, you and Sara need to come with your father and me to my place. There’s something we have needed to talk to you about, Demyx can stay with Sora and Dean or with Lestat, you choose. But we really need to talk to you.
Freddy: Um…okay then. Uh, Lestat, where is he? *He turned around and saw Lestat by the cake* Grandpa Lestat! Can you take Demyx for a while?
Lestat: If we can take the cake! *He said licking the icing from his glass like nails* Which is very good by the way. ^-^
Freddy: Thank Dean for that. He’s the one that made it. But, you can take the cake as long as you take Demyx. ^-^
Lestat: I’d love to. *Demyx ran up to Lestat*
Demyx: Are we going to your castle?
Lestat: Yes and we’re going to stay up all night eating cake and ice cream and watching movies. Yippie! *He picked up Demyx as he giggled and grabbed the cake* And we’re out! ^-^
Freddy: Bye! Have fun! ^-^ *He turned back to Davey.* So me and Sara are going to your place? And Dad’s coming with us? What about Devon and Kit?
Lestat: I’ll take them too if you want! *He said as Demyx got into the nice limo*
Davey: There ya go. *He smiled*
Freddy: Thanks Grandpa! ^-^ *Kit and Devon said good bye to their parents, getting hugs and kisses all around. Draco hung up his cell phone and walked over*
Draco: Are we all ready then?
Davey: I say so, and the little wife?
Sara: Yes, I heard everything and the name is Sara.
Davey: Okay, good. *He took a hold of Draco and Freddy* Sara, take my shirt so we can shimmer there.
Sara: Alright. *She took a hold of his shirt as they shimmered to his place.*
Davey: Welcome to my domain! Yeah! Umm, Theo!  
Theo: Yeah dad?
Davey: Can you and you’re friends go else where? I have company?
Theo: Yeah okay…everyone out! By Dad! *They all headed out the doorway*
Davey: Please, take a seat…*They all took seats, Draco in one of the many chairs, crossing his legs. Sara and Freddy took a seat on the couch, holding each other’s hands. They smiled at each other briefly, then turned their attention back to Davey. Draco scoffed.*
Draco: You’re both disgusting.
Sara: Excuse me?
Davey: Now Draco, temper my friend…chill.
Draco: Right…chill, temper…calm. I’m fine.
Freddy: If I may, um, why are we here? Could we get back to the point?
Davey: Its about Demyx. *He leaned back in his white chair, crossing his legs and intertwining his fingers*
Freddy: What about him?
Draco: We’re getting there, Freddy. You see, Demyx is different from your other two.
Davey: He’s not just your son…he belongs to someone else as well. He’s fully Sara’s son but only half yours…*clears throat* Draco…
Freddy: Dad, your half his father?! Oh my god!! Our son is inbred!
Draco: Your son isn’t inbred, Paranoia! Shut up! He’s half…half Krueger’s.
Davey: Yes, and what he says is the truth.
Sara: Oh my god…
Draco:  Yeah, that’s what we said.
Freddy: Wait,  how can he be half Krueger’s kid? I mean…
Draco: Well, son, if you don’t know how a child is made, you shouldn’t be having them.
Davey: Sex, Freddy, sex!
Freddy: Sex? *looked at Draco and Davey* What?
Draco: Well, when a man really loves a woman or they’re both very drunk, a man puts his who-who dilly in a woman’s cha-cha…
Davey: What we’re trying to say is, I guess, by accident one night y’all were having sex and something happened to you, Freddy. Like…passing out or something and once your mind went blank, Kruger decided to finish it. And in the process, his sperm got mixed up with yours and pop! There’s Demyx for you.
Freddy: So…you’re saying that he’s Krueger’s kid and not mine?
Draco: No, he’s yours…just not fully.
Freddy: So *he turned to Sara* You did it with Krueger? *slightly grossed out*
Sara: I didn’t know, I thought you where just having one of your spells and got rougher then usual…
Draco: Well…
Freddy: Well what? >.<
Draco: Is it hot in here? Its hot in here…*looks away*
Davey: Vodka? *He said getting up*
Draco: I’ll join you! *He got up and went to the kitchen with Davey*
Sara: Look, he’s you, is he not? I didn’t know!
Freddy: Baby, you had to know to an extent! Yes, he is me, but Jesus Christ, I’m sure he sounds different than me!
Sara: But I…you’re right but it was nice…and I thought you where still there. I didn’t know it was only him…
Freddy: What do you mean, ‘it was nice’? It was nice having rougher sex? Or it was nice because you were having sex with someone different?!
Sara: No, Freddy! That’s not what I meant! He is you and you are him! I love you both! *She covered her mouth* Its complicated Freddy…
Freddy: What? How is it ’complicated’? Oh, I get it, yeah! “Its too complicated for Freddy to understand, so I just wont tell him!” Well, I get it entirely! I’m not that stupid you know! *And he walked off, closing the door behind him. Draco and Davey were watching through the door. Draco looked at Davey.*
Draco: Whose gonna tell him he walked into the closet?
Davey: Sara will. *He took a drink of the vodka*
Sara: *she went to the closet and opened it* Tell me, Freddy, cause I’m trying to do my best to understand and your not stupid! I never thought you were stupid. You will not walk away from me, we will settle this….like adults!
Freddy: Well, apparently, I’m not ‘adult’ enough for you! And if I wanna walk away, I’ll walk away! It seems to be the thing I’m best at, anyway. You know, since I’m obviously not keeping you happy with the other thing I thought I was pretty goddamn good at!
Sara: *she slapped him across the face* I’m sorry! Okay, I am! I didn’t mean for it to happen! It just did! You do make me happy, Freddy, goddammit! I do! That’s why I said ‘I do’! And I’m sorry for once in my life, I was the one who messed up!
Freddy: Well, finally! For once it isn’t me! For once, I’m not considered the screw up in the relationship! In anything! And besides, if I kept you happy, you wouldn’t have enjoyed it so much! *he began rubbing the spot Sara had slapped*
Sara: So now I’m a screw up? Freddy, it was your body! But yes, I guess for once, I am the screw up, for once! And maybe I liked the attention! Ever since Zack was brought back to life, you have been with him every second of the day. So why didn’t you just marry him, since I’m such a screw up! *she began to walk off* I love Demyx! You will not hold a grudge against me because I don’t regret having him! *She once again began to walk off*
Freddy: What do you mean? ‘For once, I’m the screw up!’ What the hell do you mean by that?! And you know, I’m sorry I’ve been hanging around with my revived friend! I’m sorry I’m happy he’s back! You know, it’s not like he, I dunno, died or anything! And I love Demyx too! I don’t regret having him either! I regret how he was conceived!
Draco: *drinks vodka* That was a bad move. Bad, bad, bad move.
Sara: Well if he was not conceived that way, he wouldn’t be here! And yes, Freddy, for once I’m the screw up! But all those times you screwed up, I didn’t judge you! *She walked up to Freddy* And if you’re looking for a fight, you’re gonna lose. *She began walking off*
Davey: Just stay out of it! It’s a good love scene. Because even when they’re fighting, they just love each other so much! *cough* Did I just say that? Damn, I really need to get laid. *took another drink* Ew!
Draco: Need to get laid with or without commitment? Because I know some great places *takes another drink*
Freddy: Why the hell are you being such a bitch? I’m the one that got hurt here!
Sara: *she turned around* Well you sure look just fine to me!
Freddy: If I were fine, I wouldn’t be yelling! And if I’m such a screw up, why the hell are you with me, anyway? If I screw up so damn much?!
Sara: Because I love you!!! *she said crying* And I thought that was enough for you to understand!
Freddy: *quiet* If you loved me, you would have stopped him. *And as he cried, he walked out before Sara, walking out the front door instead of a closet*
Draco: *drinks* Damn…fight scenes always end too quickly.
Davey: Let’s take lunch, shall we? My treat!
Draco: Finally! I’m not the one paying *sigh*
Sara: *she walked out of the house* God, I hate them sometimes!!! *She yelled* I’m finished! *She left to Lestat’s*
Draco: So…where to?
Davey: Umm, how about Rose’s Café?
Draco: Sure, why not? I suppose I’ll have to go home after wards…with the children…And I’m sure one of the older one’s will be there. It’s like they won’t leave *he finished his vodka off*
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