Very little in the means of low key normal sort of fashions. Even their toned down outfits are usually all black with fun accessories. Subtle gothy prints on button downs or a cropped top band t-shirt are his favourite daily wear.
T-shirts and jeans or cute gothy lounge pants around the house. Sleeps in the latter as well. Really cute bat slippers.
Always in heels or platforms. Owns one pair of high top sneakers for trips that include a lot of walking on rougher terrain and a pair of simple ballet flats for quick errands.
Very rarely has fully barred arms and legs - usually wears tights or a mesh/fishnet undershirt. Even wears a mesh over shirt to the beach/swimming as well.
Dresses in lolita fashion often and is apart of the local community.
Very fashionable daily wear and likes a nice bag. Usually very simple black ones but all sleek and look upscale even if they’re not. Doesn’t like full back packs and opts for messenger style cross bodies when a larger bag is needed.
Cute under things only - prefers lacey things and silk.
Big on accessories! Hats, jewelry, glasses, belts, etc. Prefers gold to silver and either makes their own gold spiked accessories or goes out of their way to find them.