NinjaCheetah — Rowan | Tree Hugger

#cat #feline #roleplay #rowan #tgb #thegoldenbutterfly
Published: 2015-01-18 19:36:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 9216; Favourites: 134; Downloads: 16
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Credits | Art by SilviBili + unipurr
Design by SimplyNeon

Last Updated 07/07/17


Name | Rowan
Pronounced | Roe - An

Nicknames | None

Kit Name | Bumblebee

Gender | Demiboy
Sex | Male

Age | 60 moons | 5 years 0 months
Joined | At 1 year 6 months


Current Tribe | Earth Tribe
Previous | None

Rank | Silver | Adult
Profession | Leader
Previous | Scholar, Deputy

Apprentice | None
Former Apprentices | Sohvi

Abilities | Earth | Primary (Earth / Plants)
Progress ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Soulbound None
Soulbound Powers | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

On The Outside

Breed | Red bengal x Thai x Snowshoe

Size | Rowan is noticeably smaller than the average sized cat, with strength obviously not being what his body is intended for. His limbs are slender and thin, and his body is skinny and weak. With his petite size, and somewhat feminine features, such as a delicate muzzle and tiny paws, Rowan can sometimes be mistaken for a she cat rather than a tom.

Appearance | One of the first things you notice about this petite feline is the large leopard spots that are blotched across his body, stretching across the main part of his body and legs, although they seem to fade as they reach down his limbs. In between the leopard markings, speckles are dotted amongst the rosettes, both dark red and cream in colour. Rowan also has pointed markings, clearly shown by the darker hue of his fur on his legs, tail and face. His underside is a cream, and it reaches from his belly along his chest to his muzzle. His nose is tipped by a dark smudge of red, as well as his toes, although his paws are bordered by white as well. As well as spots, Rowan also has stripes across his body. Two stretch across his chest, as well as three spreading from his eyes to his cheeks. Rowan's ears are also rimmed with crimson, before tipped with cream. His tail tapers into a darker colour, ending with two lighter stripes. The tom's eyes are a bright emerald, and are fringed with cream on the upper and undersides.
Scars | None

Scent | Because of the herbs he carries in his pouch, as well as the fact he is often surrounded by plants, Rowan smells of, well, nature, and the earth.

Items | A pouch made out of woven reeds dangles down to his chest. Rowan uses it to help carry around vital herbs for common wounds and illnesses, so that he can help someone as quickly as possible.

On The Inside

Compassionate | Intelligent | Creative | Leader | Reserved | Stubborn | Timid | Clumsy | Insecure

[ ] Compassionate | This is probably the trait that most dictates Rowan as a character and his actions. To put it simply, the young tom quite honestly has a heart of gold. His compression reaches from felines to other animals to even plants, and he absolutely hates to see any creature in pain or despair. Rowan always tries his very best to help others, and has chosen to pretty much dedicate his life to peace. Whether you're a best friend or a stranger, whether you've got a thorn in your paw or you're a chick who has fallen from it's nest, whether it's emotional or physical, Rowan is always willing to help. He may even deprive himself of sleep or food just to try and help a creature in need, and although his initial shyness may put off cats, or maybe even make him hesitate, in the end, he'll always be there, and always willing. Viewing everyone as equal means that he is also willing to help any cat there in, whether they're a bad cat or not. Armed with his herbs and heart, Rowan makes a formidable force against pain of any sort

[ ] Intelligent | As the common saying goes, what he lacks in brawn, Rowan certainly makes up for in smarts. He definitely isn't a cat of lower IQ, and in fact his head does contain brains and quick wit. Rowan can think and plan quickly, can easily see how events will lead to others, and can predict the outcome of actions so that he knows the best course to take. Despite his young age, the tom is knowledgeable on the world, and on how cats tick too, and can sometimes be seen as quite an old soul, sometimes expression his views on even quite philosophical questions. However, because of his shyness, he is often overlooked when cats are looking for advice or help, and because he isn't exactly the most assertive of cats, his ideas are often forgotten because he doesn't push them to make them heard, like some more vocal cats may. If a cat is willing to take the time to listen to him however, they might realise that actually there is more to this tom than the quietness that he usually greets cats with.

[ ] Creative | Rowan absolutely loves to make things. The tom especially loves to paint, creating the paints from natural substances and smearing it on his paws so that he can use them like a paintbrush, swiping across materials like rocks and tree trunks to create his picture. Not only that, but Rowan loves to craft too, enjoying spending his time finding the perfect items to put together, to make the best accessory possible. It was a skill that he taught himself during his free time in the past, and he is positively thrilled that the Tribes also seem to love creative arts, even dedicating ranks to it. One day, Rowan would love to share his passion of painting with another cat so that they can create images together and mix their ideas and skills. However, his creativity doesn't just dip into the artist mindset. Tying in with his intelligence, the russet feline can come up with unique ideas for both daily life and problems.

[ ] Leader | This is quite possible one of his surprising and least believable traits, but it's true! Despite his quietness and lack of confidence, if he is in a group of cats and no one rises to the leader position, Rowan will take the lead without himself even realising, walking in front and beginning to advise the group on what to do. Because of his caring nature, Rowan makes a gentle leader, one that is sure to include the views of every cat and make sure that everyone is taken care of and is okay, even if it's just a journey to the mines. This is a trait that not even the tom realises he has, much less the felines around him, as it is almost always muffled by his quietness, as well as by more confident, louder cats. A cat may chuckle at the thought of Rowan being able to lead anything, but he certainly can when he needs to, and quite a decent one at that.

[ ] Reserved | As you've probably figured out by now, Rowan isn't the most talkative of cats, much preferring to hang in the background and keep to himself than jump in the middle of a conversation and talk mindlessly to anyone and everyone. The young tom would much rather keep to himself, and when he is spoke to, Rowan doesn't like to reveal too much information about himself, or at least, not enough to satisfy a cat's curiosity. As such a quiet individual, Rowan is often overlooked and forgotten about, and he is mostly happy about that. As he grows closer to cats however, although his quietness will never change, he may grow more open and more willing to speak.

[ ] Stubborn | This young feline definitely isn't one to give up easily, and he is often stubborn about both his beliefs and his habits. For his beliefs, it's not that he refuses to listen to other cats; in fact he'll always listen no matter how much their opinions clash. However, on ideas he has a strong belief on, such as the idea that everyone should be viewed equally, it's hard to sway him. This doesn't mean he's not open to new input and ideas, Rowan values everyone's viewpoint, he just finds it difficult to change his beliefs that are already in place. As well as that, he also prefers to stick to old habits and traditions,

[ ] Timid | Rowan was always jumpy as a kitten, and his experiences he went through whilst travelling to the Tribes only made it worse. His lack of confidence too only serves to make this trait worse than it possibly might be if he has a little more courage in himself. The russet tom is a very shy cat, and because of this he can also be skittish, jumping at any noise or movement. Even just a tiny crack of a twig is enough to sent his heart hammering, and if any cat even tries to jump out at him to surprise him, if he doesn't die of a heart attack the only thing you'll see is his tail vanishing into the bushes as he flees. However, now that he is in the Tribes, Rowan is trying his best to at least not run instantly from anything that makes him jump, but at least stand his ground.

[ ] Clumsy | If there is sometime to trip up on, Rowan will trip up on it. If there is something to drop, then Rowan will drop it. If there is something to knock over, then Rowan will knock it over. Rowan could be described as an accident magnet. This definitely isn't a trait that the tom loves having, and he often finds himself frustrated after he's bumped into the sixth cat that day. And despite his hasty and overdone apologies, his clumsiness can also provide a source of annoyance for the cats around him. Tripping over his own paws on a high ledge, or stepping on a twig right when the hunting group is about to pounce on the first bit of prey they've seen all day, certainly doesn't make you popular, and it's a daily annoyance he is forced to put up with.

[ ] Insecure | Rowan's confidence is at rock bottom, and it'll be pretty much impossible to ever change that. The russet feline is almost always doubting himself, and his low confidence is one of the main reasons as to why he's so shy and quiet. Why speak when he knows no one will listen to him? Why do something when he knows someone will do it better? Even if cats tell him he's good at something, it'll only bounce off like a mirror, and Rowan will often try to twist any compliments he gets given so that they're aimed at the other cat instead. Because of his low confidence, Rowan often doesn't believe he can do something and doubts himself, meaning that he keeps to himself and doesn't draw attention to himself.

Others | Sensitive | Quiet | Polite | Optimistic

Extra Information

Trivia |

• The more frustrated he gets, the more polite he gets. I don't know how to explain this lmao just - you'll know what I mean when it happens pfft
• Rowan is a pacifist
• It upsets him immensely every time he has to kill something for food
• Rowan's stammer grows worse the more nervous he is
• Rowan loves nature, and he often spends his time tending to plants or even animals
• After being taught about the natural world as a kit, Rowan now has an extensive knowledge on herbs, possibly even matching that of the Light Tribers
• Rowan is an insomniac
• Still doesn't know where babies come from lmao O never mind thanks Sylvani
• Gets little crushes really easily because what a dork
• !Human Rowan would look a little like this
• Rowan is a philocalist
• Although he has a fear of touch due to the fact he was raised without it, the more closer he grows to a cat, the more they are able to touch him
• If forced into a fight, Rowan would refuse to use his claws and teeth, or even to hurt the other cat as little as possible. Instead he'd use his powers to try and block them from him and ward them off

Allergies |

• None

Theme Songs |

Safe & Sound

Favorites | ( Prey / Season / Color / Time of Day / Place / Activity / Scent / Cat )

Prey | Rabbit (Not to eat, he just thinks they're adorable)
Season | Spring
Color | Earthly
Time of Day | Dawn
Place | Lifespring Pond
Activity | Painting
Scent | Herbs
Cat | Sylvani

Likes |

• Painting and crafting
• Nature
• Learning new things
• Helping others

Dislikes |

• Violence
• Hunting
• Climbing
• Intense heat

Fears |

• Seplophobia | Fear of decaying matter
• Glossophobia | Fear of speaking in public
• Arsonphobia | Fear of fire
• Aphenphosmphobia | Fear of being touched

Goals |

• Help anything he can
• Make other cats happy
• Advance the Tribes towards ideas of peace
• To one day gain a soulbond - He thinks the idea of sharing souls is beautiful


Speed | ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Strength ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Stamina | ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Defense | ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Tactics | ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○
Reactions | ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○

Herb Knowledge: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Hunting: ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Battle: ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


Sexual Orientation | Panromantic demisexual

Relationship Status | Dating Sylvani

Current Attractions | Sylvani |
Past Attractions | Elliot

Attractions |

• Personality

Looking for
• Long Lasting Relationship: ✘
• Quick Fling: ✘
• Unsure: ✘
• Not Looking: ✔

Best Friends | Sylvani | Jack (left Tribes) | Darius (Left Tribes)

Mate | None
Offspring | Benison | Noel | Grace

Relationship Information | Heart chart


Original Histroy
Rowan was born to a travelling group of cats, staying together more for companionship more than anything else. Each cat had it's own strength to add to the group, and this made them a strong force against almost anything nature could throw at them.

Named Bumblebee at the time, Rowan wasn't the result of mates, but rather, merely two cats in the group who felt as if the cats needed more members if they were to continue surviving. And so he was conceived for that reason alone, and was born on a wet spring day. To the group's disappointment, Bumblebee was the only kitten in the litter, and a weak one at that. Scrawny and sickly, a lot of the cats were convinced he was destined to return back to where he had came from, and that he was a bad omen for the group. But somehow, Bumblebee managed to cling onto life and struggled through his illness, and soon, he had grown enough to be able to take his first few unsteady steps, albeit a bit later than most other kits. And after a few more days, the tiny tom had almost fully recovered, racing around like any average kitten.

Bumblebee was never too sure who his parents was. The group looked after him as a whole, usually one staying behind to play with him and keep him safe whilst the others went hunting. This duty was met with various degrees of reaction, some felines quite happy to entertain the kit, others rather irritated that they're stuck in the same place all day with something to look after. Through all these times when he was entrusted in the care of someone, Bumblebee soon began to develop affections towards a older she cat, her muzzle grey with age. Her name was Earth, and brought the skill of herbs and plants to the group. Although she often didn't hunt due to her age, she was able to earn her place by her knowledge of healing, able to heal any wounds or illness. It was Earth who had helped him recover as a kit, and as he began to spend more time with her, Bumblebee began to become more and more interested in what she specialised in. He was in awe at the power of nature and plants, and as he grew, Earth began to teach him everything she knew about the natural word. Bumblebee learnt everything, from the true power of a flood, to the gentle scent of young herbs fresh for picking. And he loved it.

One day however, the young kit awoke to find a black tattoo scrawled across his shoulder, seemingly resembling a circle of vines. Although the cats in the group also had tattoos themselves, he'd never really stopped to question what they actually were. At the sight of his own suddenly stretching across him, Bumblebee instantly bounded over to Earth to awaken her, asking what was now sprawled on his shoulder. The kit had always been mature for his age, and Earth felt that he was more than ready to know about the Tribes. So, she delved into the story of the Tribe's past. Earth had been born just before the First Great War, to two cats who had been part of the Rebellion. Both of them had been part of Shadow Tribe, and they were kind and loving, speaking about how, when she grew older, no matter which Tribe she went to she would be a daughter they would always be proud of. However, a moon before she was to be made into an apprentice, the first Great War began, and fearing for their kits lives, the family fled from the Tribes, her parents not willing for their kittens to grow up in a world of war and destruction. And so, despite a few protests from the kits at first, they soon began to live happily from the Tribes, travelling further and further away as the searched for a much simpler, peaceful life. And so it was. Earth soon left the family to make her own life, and traveled from place to place, slowly building up knowledge of herbs and nature. Soon after, she discovered the travelling group, and settled with them, her whole life relaxed and content. However, she had never forgotten about the Tribes, the Light Tribe tattoo across her shoulder and forehead a constant reminder, and when he asked, Earth told Bumblebee everything she had been taught herself, eventually revealing that he'd be in Earth Tribe because of the tattoo that he held. Bumblebee was both amazed and horrified. The Tribes sounded like an amazing place to live, but the tales about the war terrified him. How could he even begin to think to live in a society that was deep in a war? How could cats even do that to each other? Earth did reassure him, stating that she had heard whispers from others about how now the Tribes were living in peace, and were in fact actually joining together to go in battle against a threat of creatures called caimans. And although the idea of violence still concerned him, Bumblebee was soothed a little at the knowledge that cats were no longer fighting.

The following moons after spun by in a blur, the kit slowly beginning to grow into a young tom. His compassion quickly shone through, and it was decided by the group to become Earth's 'apprentice', learning everything she knew about nature. Soon, Bumblebee's knowledge became vast, especially anything to do with healing, and Earth quickly became confident that, when her time came, he was to be possibly even a better replacement for the group as their personal healer.

Through it all however, Bumblebee struggled to shake away thoughts about the Tribes, and he often found his mind drifting back to the mysterious groups of cats. And as he grew older still, his yearning to meet them only grew. Although he was a shy cat, the idea of cats working together in a Tribe, for the good of all cats rather than just themselves, sounded perfect.

Earth began to notice the tom slowly begin to drift as he grew, often finding him sitting alone, lost in his own thoughts as he gazed into the distance. The elder was aware without him having to even speak to her about his yearning for the Tribes, she too experienced it. As a young cat however, she had pushed it away, and as the seasons past, she soon realised that she had grown too frail to ever take the journey. Despite being happy with the group, the elder had always felt a pang of regret for not following her heart. And she wasn't willing to allow Bumblebee to grow old with the same feelings haunting him for his life. Sitting down with her, Earth began to talk to him, and after a little bit of encouraging and coaxing, Bumblebee eventually spilled out his thoughts, revealing Earth's suspicions to be true. Indeed, he did have a longing to visit the Tribes, to see how they worked in such a loving society, to see if he could somehow help. The idea of a war between cats had shaken him, and although he was merely a single feline, he wanted to at least try and hope that something like that never happened. Despite never meeting a true Tribe cat before, he felt connected to them, and knew that this was what he had to do. He had to find them, to live with them. To help them. But, the dependency of the group made him reluctant and nervous to dive in.

It took a while, but eventually, the elder managed to convince him that it was okay to leave the group. After all, it was his own life to lead, and although Bumblebee was still very hesitant, he gave up in the end. He was terrified to announce it to the group, but Earth stood by his side as he explained his feelings, lending him some of her gentle calmness. The tom was met with mixed reactions, although many believed that he should not stay in a place where his heart truly doesn't belong. The night before he was to leave, the small group held a feast in his honour, wishing him well on his journey and bombarding him with tips and advice for surviving on his own. His head was spinning by the end of it all, desperately trying to cling to any pieces of information he could. It was a good night though, possibly one of the happiest of his whole life, and Rowan truly realised how much the group was like a small Tribe, all looking out for each other and caring for one another. And despite his insomnia, he slept well that night.

Bumblebee's journey to the Tribes was surprisingly uneventful. After heartfelt farewells, especially between him and Earth, the tom set on towards the direction he had been told the Tribes lay, following the setting sun. At first it was tough going, not used to hunting for himself, and certainly not able to defend himself against any predator or territorial cat he came across. Many times he was chased by a foe, his only chance against larger, more aggressive animals to flee. As the journey continued, he became a lot more skittish, even fleeing from a mole poking it's nose out of the ground at one point. However, through his knowledge on the natural world, the weak tom somehow managed to struggle through. Every day was another challenge, but the promise of the Tribes helped him to battle through.

And then, finally, a sight both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time met his eyes as he scrambled over a mountain peak. Below him, stretched the Tribes.

It had felt odd to talk to another cat after being alone for so long, but he had no idea where to go, and he quickly managed to find a cat who, in what he recognised from the description Earth had given him of the tattoos, was from Fire Tribe. The feline gave him directions towards Earth Tribe, and after a sincere thank you, Bumblebee set off again, his journey finally at it's end.

Roleplaying History |

Timeline of Events

(Winter ) - Celestial Battle / Death of the Spirits
• Arrived in the Tribes just as the tattoos vanish
• Meets Darius, quickly becoming friends
• Goes gem diving with Larka for painting supplies
• Meets Elliot, and after a short while, they meet again, when it is too dark for Elliot to return to Fire Tribe. WIP


(Spring) - Rebirth of the Spirits
• Elliot confines his nerves about moving to Void Tribe, but Rowan encourages him
• Begins to explore his new powers, having never been able to use them until that moment
• Transfers to the scholar profession

(Summer) - Unprecedented Peace'
• Meets Sylvani, teaching her to paint to try to soothe her and make her feel a little better
• Badly dislocates his leg in a rock fall. Is saved by Jack and taken to Light Tribe to heal
• Leaves Light Tribe before his leg is fully healed after hearing that Jack is upset to see the tom, although Jack seems unwilling to speak much about it
• Experiences ache in the joint because of that occasionally, but it was worth it to Rowan
• Appointed the new gold after Alcina steps down, much to his shock
• Sylvani takes him down the tunnels, where events quickly turn as she confesses all the bad things she had done to him. She expects him to leave her, but he merely tells her that she is forgiven, and that she should learn from the experience towards becoming a better cat
• Swims with Sylvani is Lifespring Pond, both of them spending the afternoon relaxing

Autumn - ???
• Expands a hollow beneath a tree with Sylvani, hoping to turn it into their own special place

Completed Roleplays | • None

Roleplay Information

Roleplay Statistics

Notes: ✔
Google Docs | ✔ / ✘
Comments | ✘
Chats | ✘
Skype | ✔

PG | ✔
PG – 13 | ✔
M | ✔

Time zone

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) - Autumn and Winter
BST (British Summer Time) - Spring and Summer

[1] Taken from a RP with Bayflight and SimplyNeon with their characters Kooken and Ktori

[ Blue Green - Water | Kato | Outskirts of the Tribe’s Land ]

Pebbles clattered down the stone cold slopes as a cat moved about the ridges, their tumbling temporarily breaking the silence of the night. The noise was amplified by the lack of background noise, and the tom's shadowy figure paused on the ledge above, tense and watchful as his glowing emerald eyes scanned the rocks below. Claws scraped against rock as the undergrowth that bordered the slopes trembled, the feline prepared to leap into battle at the first sign of a predator. A shrew burst from the bushes, disturbing by the falling rocks, and the tom relaxed, before hopping down into the undergrowth and bounding through the shadows.

Kato's paws pounded the ground heavily as he sprinted, heading back towards Water Tribe territory. He had explored the outskirts in search of any sign of his brother, Finnick, but like always, there wasn't even a pebble out of place to single his arrival. Is he really coming? Kato swallowed down his doubt. Finnick had to come. His brother had promise. At least he could look forward to a cozy bed to sleep the day away. He was tired after -

Kato skidded to a stop as the scent of blood flooded his nostrils. Fresh. So wrapped up in his thoughts, the Water Triber hadn't even noticed until he was drowning in it, and he gagged as it poured through his nose and jaws. He had never really scented blood before, and he had never realised how overwhelming the grisly smell was until now. Raising his head, Kato forced himself to drink in the scent as he tried to decide where it was coming from. Maybe it was just a fox that had gotten in a fight with another. There! The scent was strongest just through those ferns. I really hope it is a fox. Kato grimaced as he reluctantly edged forward, terrified at what he might find. What if it's a cat? Fuck, don't let it be a cat. Taking a deep breath, Kato puffed out his chest as if to egg himself on, before shouldering through the fronds, his tail bristling with nerves.

A brown body lay sprawled on the ground, unmistakably that of a cats. A brown body with white patchs and fluffy fur. A brown body with a Light Tribe tattoo. Kato's stomach churned with dread and fear as he raced the last few steps, already knowing who it was. "Yvaine!" He choked out, horror making his whole body tremble. Moonbeams filtered through the leaves above their heads, illuminating the blood that was plastered to her fur and splattered on the ground, dyeing the leaves beneath her crimson. Frozen with shock, Kato's eyes swept over the scene as a gasp escaped his jaws. No ... Not Yvaine.

Finally released, Kato instantly dropped down to the ground and wrapped his arms around her limp body, holding her close to him. Blood tricked onto his fur, leaving smudged stains but he didn't care. "No." He whimpered, pressing his head close to hers. Who'd do something like this; rip her life away just like that? Why? Kato felt sick. This couldn't be happening. Both his mind and vision spun. He could barely think straight.

W-Was she ... Dead?

There was a terrible pause that seemed to last for seasons, and Kato was stiff with tension as he leaned close to her mouth, his breaths coming in short, uncontrolled gulps of air.

Relief coursed through him as he felt her breath on his cheek, faint, but still alive. Tears prickling the corners of his eyes, Kato slowly and gently place her back on the ground. She needed help and fast. There was nothing he could do, but he couldn't be the only cat out here. Plenty of cats he knew loved going to night walks, and that was just in Water Tribe. "Stay there." He whispered, determination flowing through his tired limbs, renewing his energy. There wasn't really wasn't any point in saying that to her, but a mixture of shock, fear and hope made his thoughts whirl. All he could focus on was finding someone, anyone.

Springing upwards, Kato bolted away, his paws a blur as he charged through the night, yowling for help.

Related content
Comments: 66

NinjaCheetah In reply to ??? [2017-07-23 15:23:32 +0000 UTC]

Rowan: //Wibbles

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Foxkino [2016-12-09 02:20:07 +0000 UTC]

When is he having babies

I need them

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaCheetah In reply to Foxkino [2017-01-26 23:52:35 +0000 UTC]

OMG idk honestly depends completely on ic stuff??

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

alixseven [2016-10-19 22:43:26 +0000 UTC]

Taren: Take good care of my Princess. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaCheetah In reply to alixseven [2016-10-25 19:06:43 +0000 UTC]

Rowan: ;/////;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

alixseven In reply to NinjaCheetah [2016-10-26 12:34:17 +0000 UTC]

Taren: Be good to her or I stg bitch I'll cut you. I know you'll be perfect together. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sshoes [2016-10-16 14:38:16 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaCheetah In reply to sshoes [2016-10-16 14:38:59 +0000 UTC]

@/ RadioactivelyToxic based it on the four seasons : D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sshoes In reply to NinjaCheetah [2016-10-16 14:42:38 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DiSCO-xx [2016-04-07 21:29:16 +0000 UTC]

Awh! He looks so sad! D=

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

holyteeth [2016-02-24 14:44:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Baerrito [2015-07-26 03:14:43 +0000 UTC]

My son but also my s un

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaCheetah In reply to Baerrito [2015-07-26 13:57:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Inkuii [2015-07-23 22:34:18 +0000 UTC]

tree hugger indeed

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaCheetah In reply to Inkuii [2015-07-23 22:35:03 +0000 UTC]

Rowan: (✿◠‿◠)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

puglifebebs [2015-07-19 16:35:59 +0000 UTC]

eeeep I love this bby soooo much ;w;
lil timid cutie <3333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaCheetah In reply to puglifebebs [2015-07-19 20:36:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh that means a lot aHH thank you ;; <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

puglifebebs In reply to NinjaCheetah [2015-07-19 20:39:14 +0000 UTC]

you're welcomeeee!! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AutumnBells [2015-07-01 17:55:04 +0000 UTC]

What a hot little deputy lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaCheetah In reply to AutumnBells [2015-07-01 18:30:02 +0000 UTC]

;///; Thank you so much <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

holyteeth [2015-06-28 06:37:24 +0000 UTC]

Darius is proud of you baby

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NinjaCheetah In reply to holyteeth [2015-06-28 09:17:02 +0000 UTC]

Rowan wishes he was still in the tribes weeps

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

holyteeth [2015-06-28 06:26:20 +0000 UTC]


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NinjaCheetah In reply to holyteeth [2015-06-28 09:17:16 +0000 UTC]

Rowan: OAO

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2wolfan [2015-06-28 05:47:27 +0000 UTC]

by far one of your MOST beautiful works! awesome job ;o; <3

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NinjaCheetah In reply to 2wolfan [2015-06-28 08:20:15 +0000 UTC]

!! Oh! The art was actually done by galaxy-prince ! So direct all your love to her eek <333

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2wolfan In reply to NinjaCheetah [2015-06-29 03:44:41 +0000 UTC]

AH, your art kept improving so much that- I thought this was yours x'D MY bAD. BUT, yes, your friend does have good art as well <3 

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HauntedMuck [2015-06-28 03:52:32 +0000 UTC]


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NinjaCheetah In reply to HauntedMuck [2015-06-28 09:17:49 +0000 UTC]

It honestly means so much to hear you say that ;///;

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pavrzlove [2015-06-28 02:24:02 +0000 UTC]

AAAAA love his new ref <33 cONGRATS

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NinjaCheetah In reply to pavrzlove [2015-06-28 09:17:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank youuuu <33 You too aHHH

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bangarain [2015-06-28 02:09:52 +0000 UTC]


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NinjaCheetah In reply to bangarain [2015-06-28 09:19:06 +0000 UTC]


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wiskrr [2015-06-28 02:02:02 +0000 UTC]

Im proud of you ninja

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NinjaCheetah In reply to wiskrr [2015-06-28 09:19:13 +0000 UTC]

Cries thank you ;///;

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Baerrito [2015-06-28 01:44:41 +0000 UTC]


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NinjaCheetah In reply to Baerrito [2015-06-28 09:19:29 +0000 UTC]


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sshoes [2015-06-28 01:07:32 +0000 UTC]

God I love him wEEPS.

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NinjaCheetah In reply to sshoes [2015-06-28 01:08:10 +0000 UTC]

SCREAMS thank you oh my gosh ;////;

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sshoes In reply to NinjaCheetah [2015-06-28 01:08:49 +0000 UTC]

Let me know if you ever want to rp. uvu

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NinjaCheetah In reply to sshoes [2015-06-28 01:16:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm chocked full of RPs right now RIP but I'll definitely message you when they go down a bit <33

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sshoes In reply to NinjaCheetah [2015-06-28 01:20:27 +0000 UTC]

Alright. ouo

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animefreak120 [2015-02-06 10:06:01 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh he's adorable and his pelt is pretty. Is he open for rps?

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NinjaCheetah In reply to animefreak120 [2015-02-07 13:57:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ahh <33 And he's not open to para RPs right now because I have so many sobs but he's open for scripting! ;O;

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animefreak120 In reply to NinjaCheetah [2015-02-09 07:39:04 +0000 UTC]

Scripting is fine by me. Notes okay?

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NinjaCheetah In reply to animefreak120 [2015-02-09 16:40:22 +0000 UTC]

Hnng I usually do script over skype ahh 

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animefreak120 In reply to NinjaCheetah [2015-02-10 02:48:59 +0000 UTC]

We can do it over skype if you want.

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zonatea [2015-01-31 20:14:40 +0000 UTC]

Such a unique design! ;w;

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NinjaCheetah In reply to zonatea [2015-01-31 20:38:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ahh <33 Neon did a great job hnng 

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Luc-Ari [2015-01-31 19:53:54 +0000 UTC]

the design, the color, the spots! 8D Oh my this guy freakin' handsome >w<

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