ninninja24 — Mr. Clone

Published: 2012-01-27 19:24:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 296; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 5
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Description Personal
Name: Tural "Mr. Clone" Leo
Weight: 220 lbs.
Age: 27
Born: September 1
Height: 6'4"
Gender: Female
Laugh: Rahahaha
"Occupation": Antagonist Pirate, Leader of Panthera Pirates (Referred to as Prideful Leader by crewmates)
Bounty: 90,000,000
Family: Edward Newgate (Ex-Captain)
Home: Grand Line
Orientation: Straight
Hairstyle: Long white hair
Eyes: Brown
Body: Dark brown skin with a decent amount of muscle.
Clothing: Dark grey pants, black and white shirt, no shoes
Tattoos/Scars: Right eye is white and blind
Objects: Knives set (Balanced throwing knife, dirk, parrying dagger, KA-BAR, jewel hilted ornamented dagger), sabre and rapier, dual pistols (open lion face carvings on end of gun), coin bag, tiny smoke pellets, X-plosive bombs, Golden Mane (shield in shape of lion face)

Tural has an ambitious streak within herself, often competing with her crewmates in matches of skill, strength, knowledge and drinking. She often gets very angry when she is outmatched by them, but never harms them or berates them for this. Because of her competitive nature, she will often keep on challenging a particular crewmate until either the crewmate fails from lack of sleep, or if a situation comes along.
Although she treats her crew like family and will often go out of her way to protect them, she is not one to do charity work for others. If someone approaches her with a problem, they either have to be willing to pay, or have some other form of incentive.
Although she may appear to others as a brute, she actually is very intelligent and cunning. She employs many spies in countries around the world and oversees many illegal operations throughout the Grand Line, from weapon trading to selling information.
Due to some psychological trauma in past events Tural feels an extreme fear of fire, a fear which she is fascinated with. While fire is her only major fear, Tural is also very cautious of those connected to Whitebeard. She hates the man himself, but does not take action against him or his family.
Is often confused her for a man because of her large stature, bulky clothing, and becomes very angry at those who mistake her for one.

Devil Fruit: Clone-Clone Fruit
Tural has the ability to copy any item exactly, flaws and all, just by a brief touch. The object can be touched by any part of her body, and the clone can be expelled from anywhere on Tural's body. Sometimes this is used to form weapons in her hands, and other times can be used to launch projectiles at enemies. However, the object has to be physically lighter than Tural herself and must be an inanimate object. Although she has the ability to clone living things, it is a lose-lose situation since the part of the body being cloned will kill off that part of Tural's body. Objects cloned are also half as durable as their original counterparts, so cloned weapons are only useful in emergency situations. Cloned items will dissipate after a certain amount of time has passed. Objects around 200 pounds will last ten minutes, objects around 100 will last an hour, and objects around 50 lbs. or less can last several days.

Weapons/Fighting Style
Tural owns and uses a vast assortment of weapons for fighting. Although she prefers using her physical strength to overwhelm enemies, she is also decent with weapons that strike quickly such as a rapier and parrying dagger combo, or dual pistols. She also is able to fight with a sabre and shield combo if on the defensive.
Because of her Devil Fruit abilities, she rarely uses the previous fighting styles, and prefers fighting with her assortment of knives and bombs. Also her ability to expel cloned objects at high speed allows her to make most objects projectiles if need be.

Clone-Clone Dual Wield: Copies weapon in hand for dual wielding. Clone always goes to left hand.
Clone-Clone Expel: Touches object and continuously fires clones from hands. Often used with knives, bullets, and debris for intercepting shots/fire.
Clone-Clone Armor: Touches rock or metal and clones it around body for quick armor (although only the front is protected, allowing for ease of exiting).
Clone-Clone Cluster: Copies a bomb into a line of destruction
Clone-Clone Road: Copies solid surface while running to create surface to walk on

Not much is known of Tural's past other than that she was recruited into Whitebeard's crew at an age of 10. It has been rumoured that she was the biological daughter of Whitebeard, while others believe that she was found on an island recently ravaged by pirates.
None of this has been confirmed, partially due to Tural not talking about her past and also because she does not remember much about her life before she met Whitebeard. She does not even truly remember her own name, and was given one by Thatch.
Because of her young age and competitive nature, she was often treated like a younger sister or daughter by the crew members, a position she did not mind. Whitebeard was the only one willing to call her son and risk her anger. She would use her intelligence and innocent face to gain attention or prevent infighting amongst crewmates. She also always seemed to be able to convince crew members to bring back books for her whenever they landed in a port.
She had a fascination for how the world worked. Countries' histories, the interaction between pirates and marines, but most of all she read about wars. Wars that ended countries, and wars that started countries anew. She saw how wars affected the world, and how the leaders of wars seemed to always profit.
One time when she was 14, she became angry when she was accidentally struck during an argument between two crew members. Both members involved were severely beat by Tural, but were not angry when she went to go apologize after the fact.
Once Whitebeard heard of the incident though, he reminded her of the consequences her actions could bring if the result had been worse and told her that if she wanted to become one of the crew she would have to learn to control her strength.
After several years of physical labour, training, and missions, Tural became larger and stronger than most of the average crewmembers. She soon gained an unofficial position under Whitebeard, and was often tasked with keeping the 4th Company's crew in fighting form.
A few years passed, and Tural realized that no matter how often she proved herself stronger and smarter than those around herself, she was not advancing. She decided that she required a Devil Fruit to gain a Commander position. Because she was never officially a member of the crew, and as a result had never received a tattoo, she simply left when they docked at a port in the East Blue. So at the age of 23 she simply left behind a note saying she would return once she had gained a Devil Fruit.
Fast forward two years and Tural had gained a decently sized close crew and a small information network. She learned from one of her informants that the Marines in the area had gained not one, but two Devil Fruit. She believed that if she gained the power of one of the fruits, and then presented the other to Whitebeard, her position would be secured.
She gave chase and easily caught up with the smaller marine vessel. After a few quick skirmishes the ships parted and Tural came away with a marine hostage and a chest containing a Devil Fruit. She had also lost Mir, a bald, shadowy, young man who ran Tural's information network and whose intentions were never truly clear. Never the less, he was a friend. Also, she had failed to gain the other Devil Fruit. She had no intention of harming the marine, but had him tied to the mast so he would not cause trouble. She ate the Devil Fruit in preparation for the upcoming battle. As she sat on deck practicing her new abilities, she conversed with the marine.
Once they came within sight of the island, the marine questioned Tural on her goals. She told him that she planned on trading the marine for Mir and the Devil Fruit. The marine told her that they would not trade valuable targets for one marine and realized that Tural would likely use force.
She realized that the marine appeared nervous, and wondered if he had family on the island, but during a moment of hesitation the marine broke free and almost stabbed Tural. She was saved by a young crewmate named Cap, who had pushed her out of the way and taken the blade intended for her. She instinctively fired her gun at the marine and he fell over the side of the ship with a hole in his gut.
She found Cap bleeding from a gash across his right eye and slash across his chest. In her anger and sadness, she attempted to copy a new eye for Cap and almost didn't feel the pain of her own eye dying. After realizing that Cap had died, she declared the ultimate punishment on the island for the murder of one of her family: complete and total destruction.
She and her crew rained cannon fire upon the marine base and set the town ablaze. During the fighting at the marine base, no sign of another Devil Fruit or Mir appeared. Not until Tural encountered a young boy with much resemblance to the marine who had previously killed Cap in the burning ruins of the town. A boy who fired energy from his fingers and flew with multi-coloured wings. The boy had escaped Tural's grasp, and fled far away from her sight.
Returning to her ship, Tural discovered Mir on deck watching the night sky. Questioning him about the events that led to his escape was met with offhand remarks about stars or a quirky smile and a compliment. Deciding to have the young man questioned, she informed Mir of his appearance and abilities and asked him to investigate the matter.
A few months later she returned to Whitebeard's ship with her crew, showing her new abilities and boasting of her conquests. Whitebeard would not accept her back though. She had slaughtered an entire island in an fit of rage for a crime they had not committed. When she asked if she was not still his "son", he told her that she was never a son of his. Her soul crushed, she fled his ship and took off in pursuit of a target to work off her anger. She never realized that Whitebeard had always tried to protect her from having to take responsibility of an entire family, he knew that Tural was not hard enough to deal with death of a close one well. He always had considered her a "daughter" who he was trying to protect instead of a "son".

"Tural is a woman's name, and I'm a woman!"
"Conflict creates profit. Profit ensures stability. Stability ensures no conflict. A treacherous cycle, but one worth the price."
"Those who threaten my family, threaten me."
"How hard is it to find someone with blue hair and red eyes?"
"Whitebeard is the only man I have ever respected. I may hate the old man, but I will never harm him."
"The fires of battle burn so bright, it's a wonder I don't hide away."
"Again…..Again……Again…..DAMMIT ALL!.....AGAIN!"
"I have spies in every major port around the world. I have three ships under my command. I know the history of major and minor pirates alike. My muscles may help reinforce my rule, but information lets me rule efficiently."
"Mir. MIR! Where the hell are you, you black coated weasel?"
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