A pair of wicked fangs were 8ared as their owner's cerulean lips were drawn 8ack in a grimace of mingled fear and revulsion, an involuntary shudder racing up her torso pillar. Vriska had felt it again, that unwelcome, invasive, and utterly alien sensation that had threatened to send her running for the load gaper to disgorge her stomach contents nearly as often as she had done in the early days of her peculiar condition. Although she had h8ed it at the time, retrospect had forced the young woman to reconsider her position on the matter; the discomfort of her constant nausea and tiredness 8arely held a flicker stump to the constant movement she was feeling these days. That horri8le, unnatural, squirming in her guts was driving her shithive maggots.
Pausing in her journey down the hall of her a8ode, a sick sense of curiosity overtook her, almost a compulsion; turning to face a full-length narcissism sla8 set into the wall, a trem8ling hand pulled up her shirt. Slowly, the tightly-stretched fa8ric slid across sensitive skin, until finally, the taut dome of grey flesh 8eneath it was exposed. Yellow and 8lue eyes took in every detail of her distorted frame, from that dark line that ran vertically along the 8ump's middle and the strange nu8 at its apex, to her rum8le spheres, which were unnaturally 8loated with some disgusting fluid that had already started leaking out and staining her shirts in recent weeks. Although she h8d her un8ural condition, she tried very hard to hide her disgust from John; unlike Vriska, her human m8sprit wasn’t disgusted at all 8y her condition at all, nor 8y the movement of the monstrous 8rood. Quite the opposite in fact: the human seemed to jump at every opportunity to feel her 8elly, to ru8 it, to listen to it; she even caught him talking to it more than once. She couldn’t 8egin to fathom why John was so giddy a8out her pregnancy; the only reason she could think of was that the little parasites weren’t writhing around in his innards.
She tried to ignore her mor8id curiosity, 8ut it was pointless; as Vriska 8it her lip, the seven pupils of her left eye 8egan to glow a dull red. Layers of skin slowly disappeared 8efore her vision eightfold, until finally, her piercing gaze revealed it: that organ that shouldn't have 8een there, a strange, fleshy sack nestled in her digestion tu8es, right a8ove her nook. No one knew exactly how it had happened; at first, when the trolls and humans of this new world 8egan reproducing with each other, they had all assumed it had just 8een some trick of ecto8iology, a little gift from the universe to help 8olster 8oth species underwhelming num8ers, and that as survivors from another universe (well, two universes, to 8e precise), they wouldn't 8e affected. It wasn't until Vriska herself started experiencing the nausea and wooziness that the heroes of S8ur8 learned that they had 8een changed as well.
Taking a deep 8reath to steel her nerves, Vriska tightened her focus, revealing the four small figures curled up in her 8elly to her; she watched as they squirmed around inside of her, and she could feel her lunch 8eginning to creep its way 8ack up her protein chute. She didn't know why she kept torturing herself like this- just feeling the little 8loodsuckers was 8ad enough, she really didn’t need to see them doing it too. Vriska’s 8reath caught in her chest as one of them kicked hard, its foot pressing out from the skin of her 8elly.
For a moment, she stared in 8reathless horror until the little monster settled down; 8reaking off her gaze 8fold, Vriska tried her very 8est to forget what had just happened.
So wanted to see a remake of a shitty drawing I did like four years ago , and I aquiesced because fuck it, I've wanted to draw spider8itch again for a while now and the original was kid of terrible, and now I've got the pregstuck itch again and have to draw Kanaya. Oh well. So I did it, and ended up adding a fourth baby to help fill space.
And no, this story doesn't have a happy ending; even when I drew the original, I imagined that as freaked out by the whole pregnancy thing as she was, the concept of raising the offspring terrified her just as much (because a, she's a troll, and b, she's terrible with people even by her species's sociopathic standards), if not a little more, so practically as soon as she gives birth, like, before she's even officially discharged from the hospital, she runs away and leaves the planet to become a space pirate, leaving John a single dad taking care of four kids. I'd like to think she cares a little though, and occasionally drops by to keep a distant eye on them. Maybe one day one of the kids grows up and becomes a pirate herself, hoping to track down a legendary terror of the spacelanes and get some answers...