NintendoSuperMario1 — Strawberry Shortcake OC -- T. N. Honey 2003

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Published: 2023-04-28 09:37:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 3579; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description The fact that Plum Puddin' started his run as a male in the first generation and ended up become a female for the next two generations before switching back to female is the reason why I made the headcanon that DIC Plum Puddin' has a father and Wildbrain Plum Puddin' has a daughter.  Now who's the mother.  Well, Nelvana Plum Puddin' and a minor character named T. N. Honey , who was named after tea and honey, were said to have a crush by many fans after a card in which they appeared together.  Therefore, this T. N. Honey design can be created as the spouse of my OC, DIC Plum Puddin' Senior.  (This T. N. Honey would also be a foil, as my Plum Puddin' Senior can be cold and distant to those outside his family.)

T. N. Honey (2003)T. N. Honey is DIC Plum Puddin' Jr.'s mother as well as DIC Plum Puddin' Senior's spouse.

Character Description

T. N. is quite close to her family.  Like her husband and daughter are, T. N. is quite smart.  However, while her husband can be somewhat cold and distant to outsiders and their daughter is shy, meek, and jumpy, T. N. is sociable, bubbly, polite, trustworthy, forgiving (although she does have boundaries), and cheerful.  She has a habit of clapping whenever she has an experiment go well or when something good happens to her, and she is reasonable when she experiences something bad.  She is also thoughtful on what she says.  T. N. treats her creations with the best care.
  • Good point:  Friendly
  • Bad point:  Hated by Sour Grapes.
  • Likes:  Her family and work
  • Dislikes:  Cruel persons

T. N. Honey has golden hair that has been tied into a ponytail and a pair of bangs.  She is twice as tall as Strawberry Shortcake is.

  • Casual:  T. N. Honey has a gold-colored shirt with long sleeves that reach her wrists and a blue jeans.  Outside, T. N. has brown shoes.
    • In the winter, her shirt becomes a sweater.
  • Work:  T. N. has a labcoat over what she wears as a casual outfit.
  • Formal:  T. N. has a dress with long sleeves and a Peter Pan collar.
  • Pajamas:  T. N. has a long-sleeved nightgown.  In the winter, she also has a nightpants underneath.
  • Swimwear:  T. N. has a sleeveless swimming top and shorts.

Robot Masters
This T. N. Honey created the Robot Masters for the fanmade Rockman x Strawberry Shortcake crossover game Rockman Strawberry Shortcake Legacy.  These are her robots (AGN means American Greetings Number).

AGN-001:  Singe Man
This Robot Master is a fire-type robot that was created to run a furnace.  His design is inspired by the titular protagonists of Munchkin, and he has an arm cannon on the right arm that he can use to launch fiery projectiles.  Singe Man is not the brightest for his line, but makes up for it with his raw power.  He is weak to ice-type moves, which can put out his flames.

  • Data:
    • Quote:  "Burn to the ground!"
    • Good point:  Super-strong
    • Bad point:  Simple-minded
    • Likes:  Summer
    • Dislikes:  Winter
  • Weapon:  Char Buster -- A fiery projectile that can burn things.
  • Weakness:
    • Primary:  Frost Arrow -- Cold wind can put out flames.
    • Secondary:  Stasis Flash -- No explanation.

AGN-002:  Critic Man
This Robot Master can freeze time with his Stasis Flash weapon.  He loves perfection and takes his design from Bread Pudding.

  • Data:
    • Quote:  "¡Perfecto!"
    • Good point:  Thorough
    • Bad point:  Cannot stand flaws
    • Likes:  Perfection
    • Dislikes:  Mistakes
  • Weapon:  Stasis Flash -- A light flash that can freeze whatever gets caught in it.
  • Weakness:  Sport Fuse -- An enemy that can manipulate time can get caught off-guard with an explosive weapon.

AGN-003 Smart Man
This electric-type Robot Master takes his design from Nelvana Plum Puddin', and he very closely resembles him but has a trumpet-shaped arm cannon on his right arm.  He is very smart as per his name but is easily embarrassed when his form is altered in a way he does not like, such as with his weakness, the Femme Laser.

  • Data:
    • Quote:  "Never play with wires, kids!"
    • Good point:  Smart and polite
    • Bad point:  Can be easily humiliated
    • Likes:  Science
    • Dislikes:  Being feminine
  • Weapon:  Spark Thunderstrike
  • Weakness:
    • Primary:  Femme Laser -- Smart Man prefers to keep his masculine look.
    • Secondary:  Rad Slicer -- Sharp blades can damage circuitry.

AGN-004:  Lemon Woman
Created as a fashion robot, Lemon Woman can design the best clothing, making adjustments for more feminine clothes with the Femme Laser, which is fired from her arm cannon on her right arm.  She is quite feminine and graceful, being built rather scrawny, but that scrawny build makes her quite frial, and she knows it and tends to walk on eggshells.  In a fight, Lemon Woman prefers to attack from long-range.
  • Data:
    • Quote:  "Fantastique!"
    • Good point:  Likes new trends
    • Bad point:  Walks on eggshells
    • Likes:  Fashion
    • Dislikes:  Charge Man (The guy hates the new trends!)
  • Weapon:  Femme Laser -- A laser that can feminize things.  Painful for masculine and tomboyish robots.  Thankfully ignores living flesh creatures.
  • Weakness:  Rad Slicer -- Lemon Woman is frail, so she can be damaged easily.

AGN-005:  Parka Woman
Based on Frosty Puff, this ice-type Robot Master can blow clouds of ice out of her mouth and freeze the ground so she can skate on it to charge into an opponent.  She runs on low voltage, causing her to become vulnerable to electricity.
  • Data:
    • Quote:  "Walking in a Winter Wonderlaaaaaaaaaand!  Woo!"
    • Good point:  Sensible
    • Bad point:  Low voltage
    • Likes:  Snow
    • Dislikes:  Saunas
  • Weapon:  Frost Arrow -- A spear made from freezing air.
  • Weakness:
    • Primary:  Spark Thunderstrike -- The cold can make things super-conductive.
    • Secondary:  Char Buster -- Metal can melt ice.

AGN-006:  Macho Woman
This explosive-type Robot Master takes her design from Raspberry Torte, the sporty tomboy.  She has an arm cannon that lets her fire explosives, and as a tomboy, she loves playing sports and roleplaying soldiers, often playing in open areas.  Macho Woman is vulnerable to fire-type weapons which can prematurely detonate her weaponry.

  • Data:
    • Quote:  "Hut, two, three, four!"
    • Good point:  Strong-minded
    • Bad point:  Drill Sergeant Ego
    • Likes:  Playing Soldier, Sports
    • Dislikes:  Dresses, Skirts
  • Weapon:  Sport Fuse
  • Weakness:
    • Primary:  Char Buster -- Heat can destabilise bombs.
    • Secondary:  Femme Laser -- Macho Woman prefers her tomboy look.

AGN-007:  Stunt Man aka Rad Man
This cutter-type Robot Master takes his design from Huckleberry Pie.  He loves to perform risky stunts for clout and has been used as a crash test dummy on more than one occasion.
  • Data:
    • Quote:  "Cowaaaabunga!!"
    • Good point:  Good following
    • Bad point:  Reckless
    • Likes:  Doing dangerous stunts
    • Dislikes:  Restraining orders
  • Weapon:  Rad Slicer -- A cutter blade that can return to the user for future use like a boomerang.
  • Weakness:
    • Primary:  Create Square -- Rock beats scissors in Rock-Paper-Scissors.
    • Secondary:  Char Buster -- Metallic objects conduct heat.

AGN-008:  Construct Woman
This stone-type Robot Master was designed with Orange Blossom as the basis for her look.  She has a similar build to Guts Man from the original Rockman (left arm), Kramm from Mixels (body), and Seismc from Mighty No. 9 (right arm and tank tred feet).  She is very strong and can hold tons of weight, but can easily be taken down by explosions or stopped in time.  While she is brutish in build, Construct Woman is smart enough to know what she should and should not do, making her a huge asset in construction projects.  She is quite friendly and a reasonable authority figure to her workers.

Due to an incident where Crash Man destroyed a building with his crash bombs right after she built it to give the city a hospital, Construct Woman has a bad relationship with Crash Man.
  • Data:
    • Quote:  "Be mindful of your builds, son."
    • Good point:  Treats Her Subordinates Kindly, Smart
    • Bad point:  Looks Stupider Than She Really Is
    • Likes:  Construction
    • Dislikes:  Crash Man, Bad Bosses, Sloppy Planning
  • Weapon:  Create Square -- The user spawns a stone square that they can pick up.  They can also uproot stone squares that spawn naturally.
  • Weakness:
    • Primary:  Stasis Flash -- Construct Woman needs to keep good schedule; thus, she can get thrown off by time distortions.
    • Secondary:  Sport Fuse -- Bombs can destroy structures.

Character Tropes
Tropes That T. N. Honey Herself Displays

Tropes that T. N. Honey's Robot Masters Display

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade :  Stunt Man, also known as Rad Man, uses sharp cutter blades called Rad Slicers that can return to users for future use  as his main weapon.
  • Arch-Enemy :
    • Charge Man prefers the older trends, so Lemon Woman isn't on his friend list.
    • Crash Man once destroyed a building that Construct Woman was planning to use for a hospital, so they became enemies quickly.  Crash Man also has a fetish for destruction and dangerous mood swings as mentioned in his biography in Rockman & Forte, while Construct Woman plans whichever projects she pursues, builds things, and is generally level-headed (although there is a point where she just flips out if pressured enough) and a good boss .
  • Arm Cannon :  Singe Man (right), Stasis Man (right), Smart Man (right), Lemon Woman (right), and Stunt Man (left; wrist-mounted).
  • Battle Boomerang :  Stunt Man's Rad Slicer.
  • Benevolent Boss /Reasonable Authority Figure :  Construct Woman is friendly with her subordinates.
  • Dishing Out Dirt :  Create Square, which makes use of special stone squares that can be plucked and thrown with whoever wields it.  The user can also spawn these stone squares if there are none around.
  • Everyone Has Standards :  Construct Woman hates those who bully subordinates , though you may have guessed that due to her nature as a Benevolent Boss .
  • Expy :
    • Singe Man is based on the Munchkin card game.
    • Parka Woman bears a resemblance to the titular protagonists of Ice Climber and has the head of Frosty Puff.
    • Macho Woman has a drill sergeant's look combined with Raspberry Torte's sporty tomboy appearance.
    • Construct Woman blends elements from Guts Man from the original Rockman, Concrete Man from Rockman 9: The Ambition's Revival!!, Seismic from Mighty No. 9, and Kramm from Mixels, with her head being based on Orange Blossom herself.
  • Fire, Ice, and Lightning :
  • Gender Bender :  The Femme Laser can feminise targets.  Forte takes increased damage from this weapon due to his Man's Man traits.
  • Genius Bruiser :  While she looks bulky with the body frame of an ogre or a gorilla, Construct Woman is quite smart.  She has the capacity to plan things, which also makes her a foil to Crash Man, who is stupid, destructive, and mentally unstable.
  • Girly Girl :  Lemon Woman is a fashion robot.  She loves fashion and gets into the newest trends.
  • Gun Nut :  Macho Woman has a love of firearms.
  • Logical Weakness :
    • Singe Man uses flames for his Char Buster.  Strong cold winds can put out those flames.
    • Critic Man can manipulate time to throw his foes off, so how can that be thwarted?  Bombs.
    • Smart Man is easily embarrassed if someone feminises his look, and the Femme Laser can do just that.  Plus, his electric circuitry can be damaged via sharp blades.
    • Lemon Woman is a frail robot who can be sliced up easily, hence the Rad Slicer being her weakness.
    • Parka Woman runs on low voltage, so she can easily be electrocuted by lightning-based attacks like the Spark Thunderstrike.
    • Macho Woman wields bombs for her weaponry, which can be destabilised by heat, something that the Char Buster can provide.  Plus, she is a hardcore tomboy , so she would hate being zapped by the Femme Laser .
    • Stunt Man wields sharp blades for his weapon, with his weakness being the Create Square to reference Rock-Paper-Scissors.
    • Construct Woman makes a schedule constantly, so she can be thrown off with the time-distorting Stasis Flash.  Plus, the Sport Fuse can destroy structures, so she is also weak to that.
  • Passionate Sports Girl :  Macho Woman loves playing sports when she doesn't roleplay the military.
  • Time Master :  Critic Man can control time during his fight.  His weapon, the Stasis Flash, can stop time completely when used by the heroic party.
  • Tomboy :
    • Macho Woman is a robot who loves playing soldier, and she hates girly stuff.  She loves sports.
    • Construct Woman prefers to work with construction than go to tea parties or serve as a waitress.
  • Unwillingly Girly Tomboy :  While she takes more damage from the Char Buster, Macho Woman bears a secondary weakness to the Femme Laser.
  • Walking Armory :  Macho Woman has many weapons.
  • Why Did It Have To Be Snakes? :  Smart Man hates being a girl, hence the Femme Laser being his weakness.

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