In the magical land of Hightale, there is a legend of 5 virtues, that when obtained, give you an ultimate ability.
The Virtues:
Strength - Ultimate raw power and ability
Wisdom - Infinite intelligence and lightning-quick processing skill
Bravery - Unyielding courage. You become fearless and passionate
Insight - The holder of insight uses loose pieces of information to predict almost anything. Insight holders can detect changes in breathing rates, drawing conclusions of lies. They can see vague possibilities of the future.
Magic - The most powerful virtue. Can defy common reality as we know it
There were 5 rulers in Hightale, and each of them had kept one of the virtues for themselves. They were called the 5 Holders. The 5 Holders of the virtues in this world were always in great danger, as people would always attempt to steal their respected virtues. The 5 virtues caused many wars and conflicts in Hightail. Finally tired of the fighting, the 5 holders decided to seal each of their powers inside a magic pendant in order to eliminate these virtues from their world. With one last magic strike, Prestigia (the holder of magic) sent it out into a dimension elsewhere.
... Taking us to present day earth, where the pendant has been discovered by an 18-year-old named Naoki. What will she do with this pendant?