notaguitarfret — Freak Of Nature

#mlp #mlpfim #iremiaverse #mlpnextgeneration
Published: 2016-12-10 22:40:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1451; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 9
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Description NOTE: A transphobic slur is used in this story. If you're uncomfortable with this, then don't read on. Also note that it's not a word that I use in my own language, and is simply here for the sake of the story.


The amount of thick, long hair forced underneath her beanie created the most uncomfortable warmth for Gale's forehead. She could feel the sweat building up beneath the strands, but she preferred her head to be suffocated rather than to let her mane blow all over the place, constantly blinding her view and tangling around branches and barbed wire. She wished that she could do the same to her tail, which grabbed every twig and leaf that it rolled over as it dragged along the ground.

She wasn't headed in any particular direction, since she knew just where she'd end up. The same group of fillies and colts that she always stuck with like dried glue. This day wouldn't be any different.

And yet, with each hoofstep, her anxiety built up all the more in her chest, weighing her down and slowing her pace.

A slow pace didn't stop her though, she was still heading towards the gang of ponies in the distance, all grouped in a messy circle, every voice drowned out by each other, all mixed into one substance that sounded the same.

One voice sounded slightly different for a moment.

"Hey, Gale!" A filly called her over, causing her to automatically crank her head up. "Sup, girl?" She cantered over to her, a wide, plastic smile on her face.

Gale tried to yank the strings tied to the corners of her mouth upwards, but they soon dropped again.

"Hi, Crystal Wing..." she muttered, her voice low and almost inaudible. Crystal arched a brow, her crystal-textured mane sucking in all the light that would have landed on her face.

"What's with the weird hat?" she questioned, eyeing the item of clothing grappled around her head. Gale bit her lip. She hadn't thought of what to say, had she made it this far.

"I... um... funny story, actually..." The bottom of her eyes creased as she tried to look into the filly's icy blue eyes. "I'm... um... thinking about-"

"Woah, are you not wearing mascara?" She cut in with a sharp gasp. "Didn't you have time? Did you oversleep?" She pouted. "I know the feel. There was this one time I woke up half an hour late and I had to literally smear my eye shadow on. I'm so glad you weren't there to see it, it was absolutely awful-"

"I didn't oversleep," she blurted out. Crystal gave her a puzzled look, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by a gathering of several other ponies.

"Woah, Gale, you look tired," said one colt.

"Did you not have time to put anny makeup on?" said a filly.

"Where's your mane?"

"Are those bags under your eyes?"

"Your tail's a mess!"

"Your featheres a pretty ruffled."


...why do you look like a boy?"

"Because I want to!" she suddenly snapped, silencing every voice ringing in her ears. She glared at them all with some sort of new found confidence. "Or, at least, I don't want to look like a girl. I don't want to look like anyone!" She chewed on her lip as she felt every gaze pin her in place. She waited for something - anything - to break the silence.

Until someone finally spoke.

"Wait, so you're a tranny?" a filly with her mane tied back in a tight bun asked. Gale whipped her head towards her, her jaw hanging low in disbelief.

"Wha-" She shook her head. "What did you just say?"

Her face scrunched up. "I asked if you were a tranny. Y'know, one of those ponies who like cross-dressi-"

Before she could finish, she met a hoof slamming into her jaw. She yelped as she was thrown backwards, only just catching herself on one hoof. She blinked open one green eye, holding her jaw in shock, before glaring back at the pegasus who had hit her.

"What the hell?" she hissed, glancing at her gang in disgust. "What was that for?"

Gale, while stunned that she had dared to harm anyone, continued to stare at her with a raging fury.

"You can't just say that!" she exclaimed. "Who do you think you are?"

Her balance was suddenly thrown off as someone nudged her with some force.

"Who do you think you are, hitting someone like that?" It was Crystal, staring down at her.

"I always knew she was weird," she heard someone mutter behind her. Suddenly, all the confidence she had found seeped away into oblivion, and terror hit her as reality hit her.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Something hard collided with her face. Unlike the filly she had hit, she couldn't stay on her hooves.

"See how you like it, bitch," someone spat. To Gale, it was the words that hurt more. She knew that she had just lost the only friends she had in this whole school.

She felt something slam into her back, throwing her onto her front hooves which scraped across the gravel. She winced at the pain.

"I'm sorry! I overreacted, I-"

As she found her breath, she felt dust enter her mouth as she inhaled, as well as her eyes, which she squeezed shut in attempt to stop the stinging, even though she knew it was already too late. Her world went black as she struggled to rid of the dirt that had stuck to her throat, making her hack uncontrollably.

"What's wrong?" someone cackled. "Didn't you want to look messy and filthy?"

The others laughed along crudely, before continuing kicking dirt in her face, along with throwing punches all over her body. She tried opening her eyes to search for a way to escape, but she was only met with clouds of dirt flying into them, forcing her to keep them shut. She tried to push them away by flaring out her wings and flapping them as furiously as possible, but that only resulted in the feeling of someone slamming their hoof onto one of them, crushing it beneath their weight. Up until now she had clamped her mouth shut, as to make sure she didn't choke on the dust flying into her mouth, but the feeling of her bone possibly snapping into two pieces emmitted a loud cry from her.

At this point, she had tears flooding from her eyes; a mixture of her tear ducts reacting to the dirt, and simply her weeping  as she covered her face with her hooves, drowing out her cries from any ears that may or may not have been listening.

Her ears were ringing, and could no longer process what was being said or done anymore, which is why she didn't notice the fierce growl that chased her abusers away from her helpless body.

Only after a while did she notice that she couldn't feel herself being hit, nor did she feel dirt being thrown into her face. At first, she felt like she was paralyzed, and was unable to move from her position of being curled up. But after a few moments of no more pain being added to what she already felt, she dared to peak over the top of her leg that covered her face.

There, in front of her, she saw the gang of her ex-friends, all grouped together and glaring at a huge, green and orange figure. She raised her head off of the ground, as if to check if what she was seeing was real or just an illusion.

"All of y'all, scram." A low, angered growl rumbled in the dragon-hybrid's throat. The group looked shocked, but not afraid. She saw Crystal compose herself, then step forward.

"Tch, a freak of nature like yourself is expected to protect your own kind," she scoffed.

Gale felt rage bubble in her, and she tried to pull herself back on her hooves, only to slump over, hearing her spine scream in pain as it straightened itself.

"Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm doin'," he shot back, clearly not phased by the comment. "We gotta stick together if we wanna stay breathin', right?"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't act like you're some sort of hero. You guys always act as if you being a special snowflake means you're constantly fighting for air! All you're doing is feasting for attention since you just don't fit in with anyone."

Apple Flame snorted. "Don't tell me that we ain't fightin' for air." He looked over his shoulder, his amber eyes catching her magenta. She could see his muzzle was crinkled and eyes were blazing. "For once, I hate how you've proved me right." He whipped his head back to her. "You've bloody stolen the air from her lungs. Isn't she your friend?"

There was a pause.

"She would be if she went back to being normal. But nah, she went and punched one of us for saying a dang word?"

"Yeah?" Flame huffed. "What word was that?"


"Then it's understandable. I mean, maybe punchin' was a bit of a stretch, but in my opinion, you all need some sense knocked into ya." He snarled. "Or maybe some nonsense knocked out of ya."

Crystal laughed haughtily. "Oh, us? Because personally, I think she needs some sense knocked into her."

Flame glanced back at her, pounting in thought. Then he turned back.

"I agree."

Another pause.


Flame then circled around, until he was standing at Gale's side. "She did need some sense knocked into her."

Gale stared at him in confusion, as he gently lay one of his huge claws on her shoulder.

"Now she won't ever go near you ever again."

Crystal's face scrunched up with rage as she marched over to him. "Why, you unnatural guard dog-"

"Stop!" Gale suddenly wheezed. She paused, only a few steps away from them both. She stared at her with her crystal-like eyes.


Gale tried to get her voice up, but first had to clear her throat from the filth that had been flung into her mouth. "I... he's right." She gasped. "We do have to stick together. But donn't go complaining about it when ponies like you are the reason why!" she yelled with a hoarse voice. Her chest hurt from her attempt at screaming, but she was somehow powered by all the rage and fear welling up inside her. "Because look at me; you did knock the air out of me! There is something to defend me from! And that thing is you!"

Crystal was pinned by her fiery magenta gaze, her blue eyes wide with surprise.

"We wouldn't have done it if you didn't come to us like-"

"Like what? Just because I wasn't a dolled up, pretty filly like all of you, just because I didn't act like a snobby bitch like you all do, I was somehow less of a pony than I was yesterday, all because of some black liquid stuck to my eyelashes?"

Crystal stared at her in disbelief. Her mouth opened, but no words come out, for once in her life.

"And you know what's best about being a freak of nature?" Flame suddenly asked. Crystal turned to him with a questionable look. "Unlike any of you, I can-" she felt herself being lifted off the ground by his foreleg and slipped onto his fluffy back "-do stuff none of you colts can do." She could picture a smug grin plastered on his face. "Not because you ain't strong enough or anythin', but you're not stallion enough to actually put that strengthy to some use."

Then, without another word, he spun around, and it was about then when this nightmare came to its end for Gale, as they escaped the toxic wasteland they had once been a part of.



Okay, so this was a little bit more intense than I intended it to be, but I wanted it to be really harsh because I know that a lot of people who feel different from everyone else have it really rough. I'm not saying this is completely accurate, since I've been lucky enough to not be caught up in this situation, so I apologize if I got a few things wrong.

Also, please note that the transphobic slur used here was not at all intended to offend anyone! I was very hesitant in using it, but I wanted this to be very harsh and to directly hurt Gale so that they could finally break out of their fake image for good. I did put a disclaimer for those who may have been uncomfortable with it, and please understand I would never use the term in my own language, as I find the word to be offensive and hurtful.

I guess part three of this?


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Comments: 1

AngelCnderDream14 [2018-01-04 03:35:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gawd, this artwork remind me so much of my idea of an artwork, of my Dream Rayverns. ( My own species btw. ) Which I still got to make, but only its a bit different. ^ ^

Anyways I am lazy to read, but I am assuming that he/she is protecting their friend. Which is sweet, if that is the case here. ^ ^

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