Notra — Boewolf vs Wyrd by-nd
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Description Christie Ruiz
English 11
Ms. Schleifer
October 24, 2005

Beowulf vs Wyrd
       The Journey Continues

The city of Hagall’s Eight is ruled by a wise and noble king, King Futhark and by his side is his beautiful and respectable queen, Queen Isa. They and their people, the Hagalls lived happily in their kingdom without war for many years until one day a great evil was awoken from its slumber. Terrorizing the peace of the kingdom.

It was a beast that can fly with wings that covered almost the entire sky. Fire blasts from the mouth, aiming down below at Hagall’s Eight. Killing peoples as they tried to hide from the beast.

King Futhark and his men attack the beast with arrows and catapulting boulders of rocks at it, but it did little damage to the beast. Then without warning, the beast swoops down and grabs King Futhark away from his kingdom to fly to his lair, Uruz Keep, said to be where men wonder in and never comes back.

The attack still continues for two months. The kingdom of Hagall’s Eight now without hope . Their beloved king is believed to be dead.

Throughout the world poets sang sad songs about King Futhark and his kingdom. It didn’t take long for these stories to reach the great hero, Beowulf.

As Beowulf and his brave warriors traveled many terrains to reach the land of Norway, where the kingdom of Hagall’s Eight is in dire need. Finally after many weeks, Beowulf and his warriors have reached the gates of Hagall’s Eight. Its tall walls and towers was like anything that Beowulf have never seen before.

“Who goes there?” said the gate guard from above the tower walls. “I am Beowulf.” he said, “Son of Edgtheow has come to you in your hour of need.” “Beowulf ?!” said the gate guard in shock . “The one who slain both Grendel and his demon mother?” “Indeed, I am he.” said Beowulf proudly. “Come in. Come in. The Queen is excepting you.”said the gate guard. As the gate guard open up the gates, Beowulf was puzzled to why the Queen knows that he was coming.

Beowulf and his warriors went inside to see the horrors that the beast has done. Buildings that crumble, dead bodies of men, women, and children lad on top of each other, and seeing the wounded that was missing some body parts in their sick beds as they walked through each site thinking of what heartless soul would do something so meaningful to them. When they stop to find themselfs in the center of the village’s disaster there is a great white house with roofs that was cover in hay was also damage. This is were they will go in and meet the Queen.

Passed the guards as they went in to see the Queen siting in her royal thrown. “Greetings Beowulf and follow warriors. ” said the Queen. “I am Queen Isa, wife of King Futhark, daughter of King Baldar. Welcome to Hagall’s Eight.”

Beowulf march forward and bows to Queen Isa to show his respects to her. “How did you know, your Highness, that I was coming to you?” asked Beowulf. “It was because of this letter that I received two days before you arrived.” said Queen Isa. “May I see the letter your Highness.” said Beowulf. “Yes.” said Queen Isa. “But you must order men to leave. They must be starving from their long journey to arrived here. Guards, take this men to the Mess Hall and all of go with them to get acquainted with one of another.” Beowulf senses fear in her eyes but went along with her request and the warriors from both sides left the room leaving the hero Beowulf and Queen Isa alone.

Beowulf approaches Queen Isa as she gives the letter to him. “Your Highness.” he said. “I sense a great deal of fear in you. Does this have to do with the letter that is in my hand?” “Yes. Yes it does.” said Queen Isa “What is it that this letter fears you?” asked Beowulf. “It was the sentence that said ‘The two of you must be alone’... ”said Queen Isa. “From that I-I  couldn’t read it no more. My body was stiff as stone let alone my mouth could not move. I couldn’t finish the letter. I didn’t know what to do until today when you came knowing now what the letter meant. So please read what it says.” Beowulf holds up the letter that reads: “The two of you of you must be alone in order to read this letter. I am a dragon called Wyrd the Terrible. I am tried of them calling me ‘Beast this’ and ‘Beast that.’ You don’t think that I can hear it while attacking your kingdom, didn’t you? I want you to get it right so name can be in grave in ever weakling’s mind. Enough said about that. I want the warrior that came into your kingdom to come to the northen mountains. In a cave called Uruz Keep. He must come alone. If you don’t come, I will still attack their kingdom until there’s nothing left. You have been warned.” Just when they were about to speak one of the Queen’s guards came in. “Queen Isa. Queen Isa.” said the guard. “Its here. The Beast is here.” “Oh no.”said the fearful queen. “If only I read the letter at the beginning then all of this could have been avoided.” she begins to cry thinking that all is lost. “Your Highness.” said Beowulf. “You mustn’t cry. You came a long way to sum up your strength to give hope to your people. Don’t give it up now. There’s to much at stake for you and your people.”  Queen Isa wiped away her tears and looks at Beowulf face to face. “You are right.” said Queen Isa. “This is no time to be weak.” “Queen Isa.” said the guard. “What are your orders?” “My orders are to get the wounded out of the dragons ranges and the other people as well to safety” said Queen Isa. “Right away my Lady.” said the guard as he leaves out the door.  “Beowulf.”said Queen Isa. “Go and help your men and mine to defeat and slay Wyrd. ” “Leave it to me your Highness.” said Beowulf. He runs out the door knowing that Queen Isa will be safe as he went into battle.

The kingdom was set on fire by Wyrd as the people were in chaos. When they didn’t make it to the safety houses that only the wounded did. The dragon continuos the assault without showing them no mercy. They trembled in fear as his mighty claws ripped thought homes and in human flesh. The flames that came out of the dragons mouth was like an volcano blast busting from a great mountain. The wings were like hurricanes knocking down people that were trying to escape.

The warriors of both sides were utterly scared and confused until Beowulf, the might hero, finally reach his destination rally up both warriors and yell to them “Grab your spears and throw them at its wings! Ground the serpent!” the warriors did as they were told to do. The spears flew like flocks of eagles attacking its prey. Surprised by the attack, the spears went through the dragon’s wings wounding him in battle. The dragon’s cried echos for miles as he retreats in raged and in pain.

The peoples cries of fear turned into the cries of joy when they saw the dragon flee from their kingdom. Queen Isa heard cheers of joy and chants saying “The Beast is gone. Beowulf had saved us.” has she came out to see it for herself. “Thank you Beowulf for the swift actions that you took to save my people and the kingdom itself. ” said Queen Isa with warm gratitude, “I am honor your Highness.” said Beowulf. “But the battle is far from over yet. Tonight the wounded must rest and regain their strength for tomorrow I must go alone to Uruz Keep to defeat and slay Wyrd the Terrible. My men will guard your walls until I returned.”

By nightfall all the warriors and the Hagalls were sound asleep but one was awake. It was Beowulf that could not find sleep at night. He stood at the balcony in his room gazing in the night sky when Queen Isa came in. She too could not find sleep. “Your Highness” said Beowulf. “I through you were sleeping. You should be resting.” “I couldn’t sleep.” said Queen Isa as she got close to him; putting her arms around his neck. Her head got closer to his as she tried to kiss him but he gently pushes her away. “Your Highness.” said Beowulf. “It isn’t right of what your about to do so please stop.” She realized what she as done and took a step back.”I -I am sorry for the way that I acted Beowulf. Please forgive me.” “Its all right.”he said. “You don’t need to apologized. I know that you still in love him even though he is not here.” “Yes. Yes I do.” she said. “In my mind says that he is gone forever but my heart says that his still alive.” “Hmmmm......”said Beowulf has he puts his head down to think. “What troubles you Beowulf.” said Queen Isa. “It’s the letter that Wyrd wrote or did he?” said Beowulf in question.”What do you mean?” asked Queen Isa. “Are you saying that the letter from Wyrd is actually written by my husband? ” “ It is possible that your husband is still alive.” said Beowulf. “But there is also something else that troubles me.” “Like what? ” asked Queen Isa. “Like how did he know that I was coming to your kingdom in the letter that he wrote? It doesn’t make sense.” said Beowulf. “Maybe he saw you from the sky when he was attacking us a few days age.” said Queen Isa. “That could be the case but it isn’t.” said Beowulf  “You see when I started my journey I was reading books to learn more about this flying beast that I kept hearing about. It turns out that this flying beast is really a dragon that we know now too little too late. As I read more and more about dragons the less information that I get because each book that I read is incomplete.” “Incomplete?” questioned Queen Isa. “But why is that?” “Its because that I believe that the dragons are still in hiding or that they were in a battle and died from their wounds. The only information that I can gather is that they can breath fire or ice or maybe both, their skin said to be hard as raw diamonds, and that their eye site is the same as humans.” “I see.” said Queen Isa “Do you have a weapon that can kill Wyrd once and for all?” “No I don’t.” said Beowulf  “The last weapon that I used was on Grendel’s Mother and it didn’t went well as I hope it should.” “Then what will you do when you go and face Wyrd?” asked Queen Isa. “I don’t know.”replied Beowulf. “But I do know that God is on my side and that along will help me to kill Wyrd.” “I’m amazed that you have that much faith in God.” said Queen Isa. “Excused me Beowulf but it seems that we talked forever that my eye won’t stay open. Good night Beowulf.” As she heads out the door Beowulf remember a question that he wanted to ask her. “Wait, your Highness”said Beowulf. “Yes, what is it Beowulf?”said Queen Isa as she stops at the entrance. “I have one more question for you to asked before you go to sleep.” said Beowulf. “What is the question?” asked Queen Isa. “Why is it that your kingdom is name ‘Hagall’s Eight’ was name after your father Baldar Hagall?” asked Beowulf. She smiled to the question that Beowulf asked.“I knew that one day someone will asked me that question and that day has come.”said Queen Isa. “Before these greats walls were built there was a battle in our kingdom that many of us won’t forget. Years age the enemy was a group of bandits and mercenaries calling themself ‘The Eliminators ’that wanted nothing but to kill. My father and my fiancee, Futhark at the time they were great friend and allies that fought side by side with their men trying to defend their kingdom. The battle went on for days as they continue fighting off these heartless soul. We won the battle but with a price to pay. My father died on that day to save the man that I loved.” “I ‘m sorry, your Highness, to bring up such sad memories.” said Beowulf  “Its quite alright so you don’t need to apologized.” said Queen Isa. ”My father did everything to make me happy but I never did anything to pay back his generosity. He was so selfish in a good way that all he wanted was to help me and his people. That’s why Futhark had this walls built because he didn’t want to see anyone else to die so history won’t have to repeat itself again and everyone would be safe until now.” “Your Highness.” said Beowulf. “I  promise you that I will bring back your husband what ever it takes and I will show no mercy to Wyrd for what he has done.” “I know that you will Beowulf. I know that you will.” said Queen Isa. As they say good night to one of another for they must rest for tomorrow that Beowulf will head out to Uruz Keep to kill Wyrd the Terrible.

When sunrise came, Beowulf knew that it was time to leave as he put on his mail shirt and weapon on his side. He walked towards the entrance where his men and Hagalls followed him saying “Make him pay for what he as done.”and others say “Bring its head”while Queen Isa was trying to get though to see Beowulf one last time. “Beowulf.” said Queen Isa. “Yes, your Highness?” asked Beowulf. “I wish you the best of luck and I want you to have this item for you on your journey that you will need to kill Wyrd.” said Queen Isa. This bastard sword that was once belong to my father so used it well against Wyrd itself.” “Thank you your Highness.” said Beowulf “I will treasure your father’s sword well.”  He bows to her as he sets out to find Wyrd and kill him.

As Beowulf traveled for eight hours of snow he reached his destination and starts to climb. He climbs up the frigid mountain for almost six hours as he found the cave of Uruz Keep. He quietly goes in without disturbing the dragon to find only treasures of gold, sliver, gems, and daimons and other objects that covered almost the entered cave floor but with no sign of Wyrd or King Futhark. Until suddenly he spotted a shadow figure that he saw on the floor on the other side. Beowulf takes out his sword from his sheath as he approach it cautiously and quietly turns to only to find out that it was  King Futhark barley holding on to dear life. “King Futhark” said Beowulf  “I was sent by her Highness, Queen Isa, to find you and take you back to your kingdom.” “Its....” said the weak King Futhark as Beowulf listen carefully but not knowing that Wyrd was seeking up behind. “Its...a trap.” “Indeed it is.” said Wyrd in a deep voice as he used his tail to hit Beowulf as he flies over and landed on the piled of gold. His body was like the color of the sky and his eyes was green as a leaf itself as he walked slowly towards him.“I though you were much quicker then your feet.” said Wyrd. “Like you did when you killed Grendel and Grendel’s Mother.” Beowulf was shock to hear of how did Wyrd have know about the deaths of Grendel and Grendel’s Mother. “How did you know that Grendel and Grendel’s Mother was dead? ” said Beowulf as he tries to get up while Wyrd was circling around him slowly. “Its funny of how you humans ask questions just before you die.” said Wyrd. “Very well then. I will answer your questions of the ones that you seek and then I will kill you. For you see I am one of the ancient dragons that lived for centuries long before you humans roomed the earth. The reason that I know about them is because I was the one that casted the spell on each body to make them immuned to weaponry.” Beowulf finally stands with his sword in front of him remembering when he went head on with Grendel’s Mother that she didn’t had a scratch on her. “Even though I put the spell to immune weaponry.” said Wyrd. “I also put a counter spell on them.” “What do you mean ‘a counter spell’? ” asked Beowulf.  “Ha ha ha ha.” said the laughing dragon. “Grendel and Grendel’s Mother weren’t the alone ones that were reeking havoc. I was also causing chaos and destruction until monks used their chants to seal me up in Uruz Keep for centuries. I had to wait fifteen centuries. Fifteen centuries for someone to kill those worthless insects to set me free and that someone was you. That’s right. It was you that killed Grendel. It was you that killed Grendel’s Mother.” “What about the king?” asked Beowulf. “You hadn’t kill him.” “Yet.” said the edger Wyrd. “Haven’t you ever wonder why is he alive for more than two month. He should have died right there and then so I casted a spell on him that he won’t die on starvation. How else that you would have come if I didn’t force him to write the letter. Ha ha ha ha ha.” as he laugh at Beowulf. In raged Beowulf attack Wyrd as he swung his sword at him but the dragon was too quick for him. Beowulf tried a second attack at him but Wyrd dodged it and open its mouth for a fire blast at Beowulf that left him no where to run. Beowulf saw the red flames coming towards him only thinking about the end. Then suddenly his sword started to glow at front of him as he raised the sword up not thinking about the fire as it made contact to him. “Ha ha ha ha.” said Wyrd as he laugh. “You were a fool to think that you can stop me. Ha ha ha.” When he was about to leave he saw shadowy figure appear out of the fire as Wyrd stopped laughing. “What is that?”question Wyrd. “No, it can not be. No one can’t survived that. Not even a weak human.” As the shadow got closer and closer a sword stuck out and slice its way though the fire. It was Beowulf alive as he got out of that deadly fire of death. “Your- your alive.” said Wyrd in shock. “But how?” Beowulf who looked determined raised his glowing sword begins to attack him. “That sword.”said Wyrd to himself. “Its not from this world.” As he dodged Beowulf’s attack and quickly swung his tail at him but Beowulf counters attacked by cutting off Wyrd’s tail. The dragon cried in pain as his tail gushes out blood. “Impossible.” said Wyrd. “Body scales is hard as any matter there is so no meir sword wouldn’t have done it to me. That sword. I know where it came from. Artemis... ” As Wyrd looked up to see Beowulf in the air screaming his lungs out raising his sword and struck Wyrd’s chest down to the bottom landing his two feet to the ground. The dragon, Wyrd fell to the ground and his eye lid closed at front of Beowulf knowing that he had accomplish his task. He runs towards King Futhark to see if his alright. When he got there the king was unconscious. Beowulf picked him up and headed towards the exit but right after ten steps the cave stared to collapse. Beowulf runs for dear life as he runs closer and closer to the exit and leaps to it as the boulders came coming down.

Back at Hagall’s Eight, Queen Isa looks out her as she wonders what has happen to them. “It has been a day an a half since Beowulf left to on his journey to Uruz Keep to slay the dragon.” said the gloomy queen. “My Lady.” said her servant. “Everything will be alright. They will come back..” “I hope so.” said Queen Isa. “I couldn’t stop worrying when Beowulf left and I didn’t went to sleep last night. I don’t want to think...” “You mustn’t think that my Lady.” said the servant. “You must have faith that Beowulf will return with your husband, our king, and that Wyrd is dead.” Queen Isa smiled at her servant as a glimmer of hope that shined over their heads. “Queen Isa.” said one of Beowulf’s warriors. “Its Beowulf. He has returned with King Futhark and he slay the dragon.” “You see my Lady.” said the servant. “Have faith.” “And I thank you for giving me that.” said Queen Isa as she rush out side to see Beowulf. Beowulf with the king on his shoulder is greeted by Hagalls wanted to get closer but Beowulf’s warriors was there to push them back. When they reached the house, Queen Isa waited outside on the front steps to see them come up the stairs. When they came up she saw Beowulf with her husband, Futhark on his shoulder looking pale but it didn’t matter to her. She was glad to see them both especially her husband and begins to cry when she went to him for a hug. “Don’t cry” said King Futhark in a low voice. “Or else you ruin your beautiful face that I waited so long to see.”She laugh softly as King Futhark was pick up and taken to the Healers for his treatments. “I thank you Beowulf for returning my husband back.” said Queen Isa “I shall reward you treasures from our kingdom has soon has you leave.” “But your Highness.” said Beowulf. “What about your kingdom that needs repair?” asked Beowulf. “It will be months until our peaceful kingdom can be restored once again.”replied Queen Isa. “Then my men and I will see to that your kingdom shines in its glory and your husband gains his strength.” said Beowulf  “But Beowulf, you have done so much to me and my people.” said Queen Isa. “I couldn’t asked no more from you.” “It wouldn’t be right to leave the kingdom without helping the kingdom itself.” said Beowulf. She laugh softly at him. “You remind me of my father.” said Queen Isa. “Always want to help the people first.” “Speaking of your father. Here’s his sword back.” said Beowulf. As he lay out the sword in front of her. “I see that Artemis has help you quiet will in your battle with Wyrd.” “Artemis?” asked Beowulf  “Yes, my father named it after the Greek Goddess.” replied Queen Isa. “That’s what Wyrd’s finial words were when he called out the sword’s name that I slay it with.” said Beowulf. “The sword was also glowing when it protected me from his fire blast.” “That’s impossible.” said Queen Isa. “There was no chance that he know the swords name let alone that it didn’t came from Greece.” “Well.” said Beowulf Putting the sword on his shoulder. “You’ll never know what mystic force can be conjure up there.” He walks inside the house leaving Queen Isa baffle. “Beowulf what do you mean?” asked Queen Isa. “Hey, I’m talking to you. Are you even listening? Put down him father’s sword. BEOWULF!” As the two went inside. The kingdom begin slowly with the repairs and is once again at peace thanks to Beowulf.
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