NovaEden — Skydiving Experience
Published: 2013-09-05 10:47:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 8912; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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A couple  days ago, I was spending my time to expand my new horizons of photography that I've been dreaming for-  aerial photography. That's something I've neglected too much because of the stuff in my head was, lot's of crap bothered me, health and life issues, damned small crap kept me away from realizing things what I really wanted to do.

When I've jumped out of a plane after passing the second layer of clouds, at 4200m elevation...

I felt like Link from Skyward Sword jumping out of his Loftwing.

The experience of skydiving is very immense and surreal. My most favourite moment is when I crawl on the edge of plane's "door" and giving my glare downward. Your first thought is like that:




Still, being in the place it does feel earthy and natural for your body. You feel like your body and mind are connected together. You can feel how the time goes.

"Okay, gotta hold something…"

After swinging 2-3 times to prepare jumping, I've jumped off and those "five seconds after" are the best feelings you can experience ever. That's something I can't describe. While you jump, your body is overwhelmed with awesomeness feeling like there are no boundaries and you feel like a freespirit. Perhaps, it's like when your soul leaves your body. You are becoming a free soul.

Also it becomes scariest feeling sometimes.

You are falling.
You are gonna die.

When you experience it for the first time, you feel like your body and subconsciousness that is responsible for your own safety are sort of naturally panicking. Because falling and floating in the skies is something that wasn't designed for earthlings by Nature. Also, I've felt like I was drowning since I couldn't breathe and extreme pressure in my ears.

Also that's very, very different feeling from falling from the heights (such like bungee or falling from the tree or mountain) which indeed creates phoby from falling, strong tense of gravity (located in the part of ear/brain that is responsible for your balance)- because you feel your being surrounded within limited space. Earth do have boundaries and they tighten your mind. But in the skies or space, there are no boundaries and that becomes totally different feeling.

This is that best feeling is that you are in open space. Open world. Universe. Whatever you want to call. There are no boundaries.

Free falling is something that I can compare to the dream world. In dreams, especially while lucid dreaming, you have that *special* feeling of antimatter, time does not flow (you feel just inner awesomeness) and surrealistic feeling- did anybody ever dream to fly or soar in dreams? That's how it feels…okay, almost like that…

For the entire time, I've felt so much of adrenaline, excitement and mostly surreal feeling like my soul flew away from my body. Simply, sort of psychedelic feeling.

After spending "sky time" upwards, being back on my feet on ground felt kind of… strange.

In result I did stuff which I used to hate doing or felt too lazy- especially the small tasks which are quite time consuming, frustrating and give me back pains such like picking up dead plants and weed which overgrew our stoney sidewalk that makes our yard as the ugliest in our neighbourhood.

Finally I did a decent digital painting which I always neglected.

And so on.

That experience gave me a new, fresh energy and the stronger will for changes. For the new changes in my life that I really need to make. 

And, no, I'm not aerial photographer yet, it takes a lot of time, more practices and experience with sky themed environment and it's practices. I'm still learning to skydive/AFF. What I've started doing is becoming my new passion and perhaps, new goal. I feel like having a passion is probably the most important thing in life. Knowing what you want to do and feel immense enjoyment can overcome many issues such like emotional issues with society, relationship breakage, family issues and illness- it is something that we can fully control for ourselves, unlike, things such like love (another person), friends, health stuff are things out of our control.
But don't follow what is being stereotyped, bring destruction, being forced and mainstreamed.

If you have a passion, share. And describe your feelings. The Passion Sharing discussion will be in next journal :>
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Comments: 48

CaseyKobies [2013-09-16 21:06:09 +0000 UTC]

wow that sounds like so much fun id love to go one day 

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Teavian [2013-09-10 02:33:53 +0000 UTC]

That sounds like it was amazing! Maybe one day I won't be so fearful to try that.

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ChaosToGlory [2013-09-10 00:34:37 +0000 UTC]

I've always wanted to go skydiving, but my boyfriend won't let me because he's afraid something will go wrong. But it sounds like a lot of fun.

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irradiate [2013-09-08 20:58:32 +0000 UTC]

interestingly enough... i'm simple. i just want to excel heavily in my arts. haha~

i honestly could not sky dive for a million dollars. yes, im that petrified... i'd literally die in those first ten seconds. i firmly believe my soul would say 'sayanora world, im out!' haha.

btw, this is quite interesting. i was just here yesterday for the first time admiring your photos... when i ended up today researching something for a friend.

i noticed in the article from wisegreek about 'indemnity agreements' that your lovely photo was used as an example for sky diving.

i just thought i would share that also since i'm not fully aware of how comfortable you are with your work being borrowed to that degree... especially considering they flipped it and put their watermark on it... nor can i see a spot on their site crediting properly.


(forgive me if you were aware, i just figured better to be safe than sorry when it comes to such things. (: )

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NovaEden In reply to irradiate [2013-09-08 22:01:14 +0000 UTC]

I understand that Many people would be earth staying on the ground safely.. after all, that's for what human creature is designed It's not really part of our nature to fly and fall like that XD. Ah, photo is not mine and belongs to that photographer that took while outcasting on skydiving... so I dunno about that.

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Joannamation [2013-09-08 14:43:13 +0000 UTC]

Skydiving's the biggest thing left on my bucket list, & your description's made me ten times more excited to do it.

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Oharya [2013-09-08 03:52:18 +0000 UTC]

How much did it cost?

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Tristan-the-Dreamer [2013-09-06 23:23:54 +0000 UTC]

My passion: to join the police.

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Tristan-the-Dreamer In reply to Tristan-the-Dreamer [2013-09-07 01:36:55 +0000 UTC]

I'll describe my feelings after I get rid of an annoying headache

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Kerberos-668 [2013-09-06 16:14:05 +0000 UTC]

Wow, looks like heaps of fun!!!

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GreyRadian [2013-09-06 06:34:35 +0000 UTC]

wow you're such an adventurer! I love reading about your experiences, and I'm impressed that now you've taken on skydiving!

I envy you, because at my current situation I'm being unhealthy and locked within my house, on the computer >.<;

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FleshBird [2013-09-05 21:21:59 +0000 UTC]

I wanna skydive so badly! Lucky!

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Ferngirl [2013-09-05 18:45:30 +0000 UTC]

Skydiving is so awesome.  I'm so glad I got the chance to do it. 
Though admittedly the first 10 seconds of falling were rather scary...

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Fyrrea [2013-09-05 17:15:37 +0000 UTC]

Ech, chciałam zawsze coś takiego zrobić, chociaż na bungee skoczyć, ale mam pół kilo żelastwa w plecach, pręty, śrubki i takie tam - czy szarpnięcie podczas otwierania spadochronu jest bardzo mocne? Odkąd miałam operację i się nasłuchałam jak to trzeba do końca życia uważać żeby się nie przewrócić itp, jak inni ludzie po operacji myślą że to koniec świata itp, ja od początku chciałam robić dziwne rzeczy, nie tylko normalne, ale i te szalone, właśnie żeby pokazać że się da. I póki co łażę po ruinach i opuszczonych budynkach, chodzę po górach, będę się uczyć jeździć na motorze (raz na motorynce próbowałam i się oczywiście wywaliłam ale na wózku na szczęście nie wylądowałam xD) i myślę że taka akcja to by było jakieś takie utra podsumowanie tego że się da robić wszystko nawet jak się miało operację na kręgosłupie

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NovaEden In reply to Fyrrea [2013-09-05 22:29:08 +0000 UTC]

Niewiem jak to określić, ale mniej więcej tak i nie. Dla mnie ono nie było wcale mocne, napewno bólu nie wytworzyło. Słyszę od ludzi że bywa mocne ale w praktyce nie jest tak aż źle. 

Wierz mi.... ja też nasłuchałam się co mi wolno a nie będąc transhumanem też, i połowa rzeczy g*wno prawda. Zaczynawszy od najmniejszych czyli straszono mi ze bramki elektryczne w sklepach bedą piszczeć gdy będe przechodzić (prez RMI wywtarzane pole elektromagnetyczne) - i co? Nic. Absolutnie nic, bramki grzecznie cicho siedzą gdy przechodzę. I również dostałam specjalne papiery lotnicze (tak jak ci z fałszywym sercem dostają) że kategorycznie NIE mogę przechodzić przez bramki elektromagnetyczne i skanery na lotnisku podczas security checking, nie tyle że wykryją że mam coś strasznego ale też może to spowodować zwarcie systemu skaneru oraz, w najgorszym wypadku, moim. 

Zawsze na lotniskach miałam ręczne przeszukiwania na specjalną prośbę po okazaniu dokumentu.

A więc to było upierdliwe i wymagało duuużo czasu Nie było to plusem dla mnie.

I jeszcze znajdzie się francuz który nie umie po angielsku i na bank spóżniona na samolot bym była....

Pewnego dnia postanowiłam to olać. Zrobiłam coś zakazanego. Czyli przeszłam przez bramke jakby nic.

I co?

I nic.

Absolutnie nic się nie stało.

A wiesz co najlepsze?

Bramka nawet (i to skaner!) nie wykryła żadnego procesora, baterii i tytanowych i platynowych elektrod na mnie. A sama się czepia strasznie o podrobioną, plastikową biżuterie albo silikonowe powiększone cyce u kobiet...

Ciekawe dlaczego.

Wracając do tematu, rozumiem co masz na myśl z tymi ograniczeniami. Ze skokiem, bardzo obawiałam się ciśnienia. Czyli, ryzykowna jest gwałtowna zmiana ciśnienia. Naprzykład, ja nie mogę nurkować głęboko pod wodą (tylko do określonej ilości) bo to spowoduje cisnienie. A jak skakałam to była gwałtowna zmiana. Cholernie się bałam- fakt, jak spadałam to właśnie bolało w okolicach gdzie mam te tytanowe żelastwo. Bolało.

Ale po wylądowaniu, sprawdziłam. Nic się nie stało i myśle że takie cisnienie podczas skoków jest bezpieczne. Ale będe miała z tym porządna konsultacje z surgeonem aby się upewnić ale jestem raczej przekonana że będzie dobrze.

Wiesz, z mojego doświadczenia, lekarze sraja tak- dla Twojego bezpieczeństwa ale w prakryce całkiem bardzo dobrze mi idzie jako trans. Niewiem jak u Ciebie bo u mnie to żadne kilogramy tylko gramy, fizyczny ruch mi nie grozi ale to 'żelastwo" jest technologią elektroniczną i procesorową i mieści się na głowie to żadne żarty z nim. Najgorzej wspominam gdzie organizm niezaakceptuje to to, będzie próbował się pozbyć a to grozi śmiercią. 

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Fyrrea In reply to NovaEden [2013-09-06 12:00:31 +0000 UTC]


Też myślę że lekarze się tak strasznie srają, bo u nas na studiach zawsze podkreślano jak ważny jest "dupochron" - żeby wszystko mieć na piśmie itp, żeby się trzymać wytycznych, bo wtedy do sądu nikt nie może pozwać. I myślę że zakazywanie tego wszystkiego jest takim właśnie dupochronem, tak jak na receptach piszą zawsze takie straszne straszności że jak się weźmie apap to się umrze itp  

Ja mam w rzeczywistości takie ograniczenie, że się nie mogę schylić, bo mam sztywny kręgosłup od tego - mogę ruszać szyją i parę kręgów lędźwiowych też mam wolnych, więc się schylam głównie biodrami Da się coś podnieść z podłogi, da się wszystko, więc nie narzekam. Za to odwracać się do tyłu mogę tylko głową, więc jak prowadzę samochód i cofam (parkuję) to muszę tylko na lusterkach polegać bo się tak nie jestem w stanie odwrócić żeby popatrzeć przez tylną szybę. I w sumie tyle, trudniej przechodzić przez płot czy łazić po ciasnej jaskini, jak coś dłużej noszę ciężkiego albo stoję za długo to boli, ale poza tym to nie przeszkadza mi w niczym a znajomi to cały czas chodzą sztywno i się boją że im się coś stanie i ich to cały czas boli... Myślę że też przez nastawienie psychiczne, bo ciągle o tym sobie przypominają że muszą uważać i że to ich powinno boleć skoro wszystkich przecież boli. 

Tak więc pomyślę nad skoczeniem kiedyś Namawiam właśnie mojego Andrzeja też xD

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NovaEden In reply to Fyrrea [2013-09-06 15:33:03 +0000 UTC]


Może jak wpadnę do kraku, to Ci opowiem na spotkaniu jak to jest z skydivingiem- i ew pokażę Ci pozy jak to wygląda. 

Aha, i jak będziecie skakać to dołaczam się do Was (w grupie jest zawsze weselej) Proponuję skoki w Nowym Targu... z zajebistym widokiem na góry i Tatry.

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Fyrrea In reply to NovaEden [2013-09-14 19:59:46 +0000 UTC]

Nie mogę się doczekać  

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SelenaRH [2013-09-05 16:57:28 +0000 UTC]

Glad you had fun, but I couldn't do it. Hanggliding maybe, but falling? No, nope, never! xD

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KovoWolf [2013-09-05 16:56:18 +0000 UTC]


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whitew3r3wolf [2013-09-05 16:49:44 +0000 UTC]

What an amazing experience!! As scared as I am of heights/falling, this seems like it would be a wonderful thing to try 8D

Lucid dreaming is the best, I totally understand the feeling you describe~ :}

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Fuzzyhair [2013-09-05 16:06:38 +0000 UTC]

I've always envied my brother when he was my age because he was after finishing school
and he even went to the US for a couple of months with an uncle of ours,
and even went skydiving. This was before 'the crash' but I was always jealous of him
for experiencing all of that at the time. Lucky guy

Of course, its great for him to get such an experience but
hopefully, when I finish school next year, I'll be able to skydive somewhere
thousands of meters in the air too

And when I do,
I'll probably die from the adrenaline rush

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BaneEden [2013-09-05 13:13:38 +0000 UTC]

Wow awesome that you found a new passion! it's great for you to try new things in life ^^ skydiving is something I actually never thought of doing when I become older. But maybe now I'll start to reconsider the thought.

It's just the way you describe your experience makes me want to try it out and overcome my fear of heights. At least there aren't any spiders 4200 feet in the air ^^

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NovaEden In reply to BaneEden [2013-09-05 13:25:56 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that's one of the best parts

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BaneEden In reply to NovaEden [2013-09-05 14:35:35 +0000 UTC]

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Rosstarot [2013-09-05 13:03:42 +0000 UTC]

I like when you write about stuff.

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scribblyblue [2013-09-05 12:50:42 +0000 UTC]

I came back from holiday two days ago and I as I was looking out the window of the plane I was thinking how much I really wanted to do some sky diving. My boyfriend has done it before and he said it was amazing, but I never thought I found many (stupid) excuses not to try it, but your journal has sold me and I'm going to look into doing a charity dive this year. Thank you for sharing this, it sounds like it was a fantastic experience!

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NovaEden In reply to scribblyblue [2013-09-05 13:22:46 +0000 UTC]

I agree with those "stupid excuses". Apparently many of stupid excuses are terrible reasons to hold us from doing what we want. This is something we need to overcome and ask ourselves if it's really what we want. 

Let me know if you've done this!

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ArtLover25 [2013-09-05 12:29:18 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you had a good time. Skydiving is something I have always wanted to do, but I have yet to be able to go. I will someday though!
Those photos came out great!

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NovaEden In reply to ArtLover25 [2013-09-05 13:21:04 +0000 UTC]

Ah Is there something that is on the way?

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ArtLover25 In reply to NovaEden [2013-09-05 19:49:08 +0000 UTC]

I hope so!
I had some friends who wanted to go a few years back, then all of them chickened out and I didn't want to go alone. Then it was a matter of money, and later it was a matter of health insurance (I didn't have a good plan and my parents didn't want me to go in case something happened). So now that I finally have a little money saved up as well as good health insurance, and people who want to go, I hope to be able to soon!

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ChasingCrystals [2013-09-05 12:12:24 +0000 UTC]

Your description actually cleared up what sky diving would feel like if I were to do it. So great job with that ^_^

I've always wanted to go skydiving, prove to myself that I could do it. x3

Those pictures are amazing too :3

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NovaEden In reply to ChasingCrystals [2013-09-05 12:24:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh, thank you! Though it might be like what I only feel and other people may feel differently ^__^

Don't wait. Don't think that is something what you want to do.

Just do it.

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WyrmsRoost In reply to NovaEden [2013-09-05 21:23:50 +0000 UTC]

Truly inspirational quote, one I'll have to be sure to remember when I'm hesitating to start a project.

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ChasingCrystals In reply to NovaEden [2013-09-05 13:06:15 +0000 UTC]

Well it seems pretty accurate ^_^

And I sorta have to wait, I'm young as of right now and I cant just march out of my house declaring I'm going skydiving xD But thanks x3

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Before-I-Sleep [2013-09-05 12:03:04 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that's amazing, I'd be way to scared to do it. Maybe someday. You're pics are awesome.

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NovaEden In reply to Before-I-Sleep [2013-09-05 12:25:31 +0000 UTC]

Well if you are afraid of heights, or that kind of adventures, the falling moment will be very scary experience for you especially that process what your body does with it's natural panicking.

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Before-I-Sleep In reply to NovaEden [2013-09-05 12:38:53 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, I'm not so much afraid of heights, I think I'd be more afraid of the parachute not working or something, lol.

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NovaEden In reply to Before-I-Sleep [2013-09-05 13:06:58 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes, there is always no guarantee about safety and chute may not open. There is an emergency parachute if the first will not work- but again, yes I very agree there is always a huge risk standing behind.

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Before-I-Sleep In reply to NovaEden [2013-09-05 13:44:28 +0000 UTC]

But I guess that's the exciting part of it, especially for adrenaline junkies.

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Silvolf [2013-09-05 11:42:08 +0000 UTC]

I love your description of it! And the photos are awesome. It sounds very fun.

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NovaEden In reply to Silvolf [2013-09-05 12:26:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks :>

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House-of-Bones [2013-09-05 11:29:07 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness! That sounds so amazing! And so... terrifying!

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Henva [2013-09-05 10:56:35 +0000 UTC]

omg i want to go skydive now!!

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NovaEden In reply to Henva [2013-09-05 12:27:17 +0000 UTC]

Me too when I look at photos and videos of skydiving. Though right now since a lot of "earthy" stuff I have to do, it might be a good two weeks till my next skydiving.

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amaicreama [2013-09-05 10:54:22 +0000 UTC]

Awesome!! You're so lucky you could do that!

I can't wait for the day I can finally skydive!! >w<

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NovaEden In reply to amaicreama [2013-09-05 12:27:47 +0000 UTC]

It's not just matter of luck that I did, but a decision that I made :>

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amaicreama In reply to NovaEden [2013-09-06 05:56:21 +0000 UTC]

ahh...I'm not old enough to skydive yet :'D

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