novafox — Emissary Sketch

Published: 2018-07-04 16:58:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1549; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 2
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Description Alliance Naval Service
Special Division Shroud Navy
Emissary Class Troop Assault Battle-cruiser

Role Troop Lander and mobile Alliance Martial Service Base once landed. 

Crew 400 Alliance Naval Personnel
1 Gamma Class AI

Typical Organization
1 Battle Cruiser Squadron consists of 5 ships, no escorts, no dedicated flagship for the purpose transporting an entire Alliance Martial Service Division.
Squadron Naval Commander and Division Commander do not share the same ship. 
All AMS personnel are trained in naval duties as well during rotations.

12 Pod Launchers
1 Attached Brigade (4,000 units effective +/- 10%) which includes:
    1 Armored Battalion further divided into:
        1 Anti Armor Company
        2 Anti Infantry Companies
            1 Standard Mechanized Platoon
            1 Biological Platoon (Biomechs and their handlers)
        1 Utility Company
        1 Logistics Company
    1 Calvary Battalion (Air)
        1 Strike Wing Company (Fix Wing Fighters, Bombers, Gunships)
        2 Guardian Wing Company  (Vertical Craft, such as Aeros and Hoovers)
    1 Standard Battalion
        1 Expedition Company
        1 Escort Company
        1 Guardian Company
    1 Support Battalion
        1 Medical Company
        1 Logistical Company
        1 Engineering Company

Following is Designated Black File; Clearance Required; If you are reading this and not designated to please report in person to Alliance Prime Services, Code Word Blackout
APS assures protection but isolation of reporting persons.

Shipyard Commanding Officer audio notes:

To the esteemed colleagues at Alliance Tech Divisions, we finally managed to complete the camouflage work on objects D-BC-012x series. Functionally I don't see how this ship works
from the outside, it's nearly magic to our best technological minds. As for the camouflage, the ship did not protest any modifications and attachments we bolted onto the

Yes, it looks like a respectable pure alliance battlecruiser on the outside and dressing the interior wasn't too much harder, it still nearly puts half the ship in total mystery, or rather
the bridge between the two halves. Without it this ship looks simply like two daggers in parallel with no notable connections between the two yet on the inside there is.  
Installing a faux bridge between the two daggers went without a hassle and we also managed to get a means to travel to the bridge without breaking anything to the known 
laws of physics especially concerning this ships very own violations of it there does seem to be a set of rules still in place.

Some rules we found out is basically the following. Spaces that exist inside the ship that are not observable or intractable from the outside of the ship cannot be larger than the space they
do not occupy.  Violating this designated area results in loss of material unrecoverable. Aside from that, the other detached objects accompanying the object have no discernable function and cannot be
accessible through the inside of the ship. Also, these extra floating objects do NOT tolerate camouflaging attempts thus these ships are going to stick out like a sore thumb as they're designed
aspects not found on any other alliance ship. 

Forcing the daggers apart with the shipyard's vice, physically destroys the ship's interior perceptions of the connections between the two halves. Space designated is then only 60% of the
connections half. Any material beyond 60% ish of the original depth is lost. The connection can be repaired but attempts to erect connections greater than the original distance results
in the material loss. Repair of the connection can only be made from the inside of the ship. We have great concerns about 'destroying' any of these objects to see if we can get the system to break
. These simply don't fall out of the shroud like rain despite getting a number of them there does seem to be a limitation to that of one invasion fleets worth of ships. 

As for the outside gap of the ship we can seemingly attach anything we want between the two daggers with no ill effect. This is how most of the ships' camouflage is being achieved using 
stress pressure fitting and connecting to the ships known natural entry points. 

This 'negative space' fluke as the yard engineers calls it, is also energy neutral to maintain and self-repairs as soon as the daggers are brought close together with the power off. 

Matter lost has been known to cause x-ray bursts that can get to harmful levels to most biological depending on the matter or energy lost. This got some of the egg heads thinking of
artificial black holes but I have my doubts. After all, we still had to install gravity plates in the halls of this ship as we don't know how to turn the native system on.

As for the spaces within the hull, they can violate the space the outside observable ship occupies, the ship, for the most part, is empty on the inside and massive. Large enough compliment the 
disguise role. Aside from the cryopods and equipment. 

We have taken one of the daggers as I am going to call it as D-BC-12x is too long. Anyways we have gratefully taking our volunteer alpha AI class installed into the vessel. She found the
ships body to be in 'good' but alien condition but 'lived in'. Further inquiry revealed that this ship had once featured a Cytron AI like our own. However,r the words lived in was in reference
to the idea basically; this ship HAD an AI and installing our alpha into it is like... how to put it. Putting a living person inside of a carcass of another person and I just happened to put an
equivalent to an anthropologist inside a dead gift-wrapped mystery corpse. The other ships had similar... AI corpses. So far our installed AI has no ill effects from the other usual quirks most
cytron ai have. For the purpose of the assignment its going to pretend to be a gamma verge class, but like us she has no idea what half of the ship does or works and can only supresses
some functions such as weapon usage in the camouflaged areas and control navigation, oh and she managed to get the color to change to alliance standard white from the strange galaxy
black color it had before. 

As with most shroud objects designated a ship, "Dagger" series have a has a notable number of armaments with unknown amounts of performance on the forward edges of the daggers. 
Attempting to camouflage Shroud weaponry was proven so far impossible as torpedoes, missiles, and most notable on this object class anti strike guns are formed on the outside of the 
hull on an as need basis in whatever yield or amount needed based on the perceived threat vectors of the target. We have seen multiple dreadnought killing beam cannons even spawn in front
of this ship fire in unseen amounts of torrent and fury and disabling the weapons did little to no good as the ship simply dissolves the weapon and respawns a new fabrication in its place. 
Attempts to track the mass has yielded little results but it does seem to have a dedicated pool to only one mass as indicated with our attempt to use the hardest to remove matter dye on
our test ship showed us that one of the guns we painted white was continuously reused as a new cannon every time we blew it up. That said here are the observable weapons and the 
weapons disabled to make room for the camouflage, designated names are courtesy of the engineers being fond of these instruments. 

Known Provokable Weapons:
An array of 4 Dreadnought killing beam cannons, Codenamed Gae Bolter.
Range is a bit far but doesn't compete against inter system artillery but can easily shoot from the back-line well into the enemy's back-line in our current skirmishing.
The weapons spawned when we flipped the IFF in our decommissioned dreadnought and the weapon spawned and immediately fired within 3 seconds Striking the target at 3.0001 seconds
after IFF flip. 

While I would like to see if this is a pre-stored battery state we don't have enough dreadnoughts getting retired for that kind of testing and as we already proven with other shroud objects
using ECM methods to trick it does not yield results though attempts to fool the objects IFF detection has netted some excellence new ECM and stealthing protocols. 
Anyways the Gae Bolter hit multiple spots on the target to best spread the destruction. The results are basically every current carrying material in the ship turns into a bottled plasma jet. Worst
reactions have been Energized Armor plating, ever seen a ship mimic the sun without the reactors going off? Gae Bolt will get you that result. The plasma jets are weapons-grade able to cut
through multiple feet of armor, remove atmosphere. As of our best guess of the one-time firing we seen of this weapon, the alliance currently has NO defenses against such weapons short of
opening a hyperspace bubble in front of the shot and hope the ship does not follow up with its torpedoes. Dreadnought armor and hull may survive the attack but crew, and electronics inside
are completely gone. Compartmentalization of power structures would seemingly work as well but unlikely as we see the effect jump to a nearby testing escort ship and impact its systems as
well in the same exact manner. we assume this weapon will also spawn for anything larger than a dreadnaught or maybe ships of smaller size with a comparable power output. 

For smaller ships provoked weapons, we have observed up to 12 torpedo launchers in use against battleships or larger fleet compositions firing every 10 seconds with no discernible limits. Yields
are significantly high and all torpedoes launches are FTL ram based making interception impossible and the damage immense as it somehow leaves all off of the explosive force of the torpedo
along the damage before it detonates. Interdiction of the torpedoes also proved impossible as it was a multiphasic FTL method used. I mean our own torpedoes can be armed with one FTL drive
but a multi drive is insane for the size of the torpedo being used though we have to manage to capture and disarm one torpedo that was made after stressing the system out and resulted in a failed
construction. I await results from our armored segregated lab. The ship seemingly can detect uses in attempts to use FTL methods as a means of defense and has exploited physics of various
methods to devastating effects including turning one battleship into a size of a particular sized ball no larger than my head for those who may be unfamiliar with the earth sport of bowling. Though
I am glad to hear we are approving the testing of Torpedoes armed with our enemies FTL drives in hopes it has a method of exploiting that FLT methods physics in that we could produce if not a
counter weapon to their short range jumping but maybe an inhibitor to interdict their vessels with allowing us to control more of the space. These torpedoes differ from the other notable objects to
be more 'versatile' in target attacks. 

Next up is strike craft provoked weapons.... well let's just say its an absolute circus of chaos. Like most other notable objects countering hostile IFF targets, all manner of bad things for fighters is
launched out against them. Though thinking the smallest object we found so far would be weaker in this case; all signs are pointing that the larger objects may have been older designs and this
dagger object is one of the newer ones as we launched one thousand armed hostile attack drones against this craft. The main notable difference in this attack however from the larger objects is
not the only concentration of counter fire but the use of a gravimeter tractor beam of sorts. It would just simply pick a torpedo, a missile, a fighter and slam it against its fellows. Then as more and
more debris is made from the shot down craft it started to make a hailstorm of the leftover parts to shred the remaining fighters. I have currently no recommendations against such defenses,
there doesn't seem to be any blind spots and our best hope would be an FTL attack from beyond the dagger's range and even then its ability to pick up hyperspace threats from beyond the shroud
even to which I hope you find my recent alerts useful in operations for the area.  

Our Cytron is confident that there is one more sleeping weapon system that is installed between the two wedges of the ships dagger structure. The whole reason why the gap exists in the first place.
The 'Blood Letter' though cannot be seemingly provoked by the largest ship we had available for scrapping and manual activation of any weapons is beyond our grasp aside from our AI
mistranslated IFF interpretations allowing her to ID tag an asteroid as a hostile threat though the response has been the same basically we need would need an asteroid larger than a dreadnaught to
ever hope of seeing the 'bloodletter' at work. For now, the Cytron AI will run all other systems including the fake interiors, personnel, and fake exterior.

In conclusion, we must not use the dagger in any combat capacity against our enemies; we simply do not know enough of its capabilities and cannot risk the enemy capturing it. Let alone we have yet
to devise any capable solution as to a defense against these weapons though it has given inspiration to newer defense designs slowly turning naval fights into the equal footing.

The all four of its sister ships are to be camouflaged and crewed by its native 'Alliance' members with supplemental shroud personnel we also found a perfect ship to shove all the assumed to be
martial service members. Any additional ones we find will be experimented on more heavily and if they survive that we will form a second battlecruiser squadron to continue housing marital forces we
keep finding in the shroud. As much memory as they lack they're quickly familiar with alliance protocols and general maintenance of the objects just the areas of most concern seems more
maintenance free than expected and we have no idea how to 'break' them early to allow repairs and last time we tried this we wound up with an irreparable object as parts request simply don't
exist yet. Sadly Life support doesn't change drastically much in the future or alternative universe the objects have come from, though the new bacterial based recycler we learned and cultured
had lead to a revolution in ship spacing and suiting it's not going to win wars in the end. 

As for the native crew we find on these ships, those viable... They still have no memories, and the ruse to make them feel that we are part of 'their alliance' has yielded far better results than trying
to convince them they are part of 'our alliance.' The uniform change to match theirs even was a smash hit among the older crews recovered from the shroud. Though the older crews are 
concerned about their rotations and lack of orders. While I think it is safe for these crew members to transfer out of the shroud, we cannot risk deploying any of our assets to cure their boredom.

I am having a few of the recovered fleets patrol and explore AWAY from the primary anomaly recovery area within the shroud to do patrols and surveys of within the shroud now. Hopefully, in theory of
star density, we can find a viable star system within the shroud to occupy hopefully with a Gaia class world. Odds are with me on this. I am just afraid they might slam into a planet without seeing it
first. That's the shroud for you and I am sure you will accept a loss of a nonunique sample or two to find a system we can occupy in near total undetectability.

As for Subject 10A42B-1 as her designation states. Its indicated she's a clone daughter of sorts. Series A being one clone series and Series B being another, thus a daughter between Clone A series
number 10 and Clone B series number 42. The reason why I mention this is we found two more clone designators, another 12A41B-1 other than being a male, the DNA would indicate a sibling though the
two don't recognize each other as such unlike many other siblings found among the natives. Then C11 and C20, identical twins almost; even more harrowing identical personalities, same mannerisms and
responses to most stimuli and situations, however still different life experiences and shaping, we are keeping them separate for now as we have no idea what ill effect may happen should they come in
contact with each other, best to keep it as a lost sister from another mother incident if anything. C series seems cultivated for medical practices and their last name Nightengale suggests these clones and their
personalities were specifically designed to a repeatable end; far beyond our current cloning which only copy physical traits of a person these are programmed individuals but allowed to reproduce which is
another uncommon difference between our current clones. Now that we ascertained that clones are functional personality diverged we assume model A and Model B are tactical models. Both AB subjects have
superior spatial reasoning and prediction tables and win many stratagem games. 10A422B-1 however while excels at games cannot pass a single exercise involving live members on the field. Whereas 12A41B-1
has expressed excellent comradeship on the field, while terrible in at the games and simulations. We assume that a common leadership trait was desired out of A and B and wanted them to be merged to make
a perfect leadership model to make a new baseline. As to why Subject 10A42B-1 was in an ejected 'bridge' module and not in a cryopod is beyond us still but whatever event that brought her to us was recent
from her perspective. Subject 10A42B-1 has finally admitted to peer pressuring memory overwrites though taking us a good six cycles to get that in her head. All known references to Polaris still don't match
her "Polaris" and I am afraid this may be leading to her to mistrusting us and maybe permanent psychological harm. Despite having all of her memories when we recovered her, her young age is against us
as simply I don't expect a 12 year old to tell me how the trans-phasic space tech to work let alone how to rebuild a gae bolter from scratch nor let alone start messing with the reactors on these objects.
She also keeps insisting her friend is still out there Alpha-0, 'Orchid'. Strange Cytron designation though every time I ask any Cytron AI about it they button up real quick. I would like to know
why but even with a compulsory command can't get it a straight answer out of them. Who is Alpha-0 and they just simply rattle off a non-descriptive answer. Maybe Alpha-0 currently exists and she wouldn't
be able to reconcile with this alternative person that she has yet to meet. I don't know Cytrons keep enough things hidden from me as is.

        Admiral we got an incident involved 10A42B-1, we need your advice on this. 

Is it about her obligation?

        Yes; she bloodied the donor pretty badly nearly crushed his skull in saying that he wasn't acceptable breeding material. 

Computer sorry to cut this short seems that getting 10A42B-1 to produce children of her own now that she is of mature age has not taken well with her despite her knowing its alliance enforced protocol. 

        Noted; beginning encryption and fueling data torpedo.

This is Shroud Supreme Theater Commander Navahls Serket signing off with my informal audio musing report. Ill have a secretary draft something more professional in the week as per usual complete
with attached data outputs from all the ongoing testing of ALL recovered objects.
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