Novarules — The Kyoge family Timline part 11 [NSFW]
Published: 2012-05-23 03:50:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 497; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 1
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Description *Eleven months later*

Sahara: *Runs up to Ni-Gin and Mika* Can we go to the field?  Please?  I wanna play! *Smiles*

Ni-Gin: *Looks at Mika*

Mika: *Looks at Ni-Gin then back at Sahara* Yes, we can go

Sahara: Yay! *Looks at Ni-Gin* Carry me! *smiles*

Ni-Gin: *Laughs* Alright *Picks Sahara up and sets her on his shoulders*

Sahara: *Smiles again*

Ni-Gin: *Looks at Mika* Are you ready to go?

Mika: Yes

Ni-Gin: Alright *Walks out of the cabin and down a small trail* *Still carrying Sahara on his shoulders*

Mika: *Follows*

Sahara: *Holding onto Ni-Gin*

Ni-Gin: *Keeps walking*

Mika: *Still following*

Sahara: How much farther daddy?

Ni-Gin: *Looks up at her* Just a little further

Sahara: *Smiles* Okay!

*They make it to a field*

Sahara: *Looks around*

Ni-Gin: *Picks Sahara up off his shoulders and sets her on the ground*

Sahara: Yay! *Starts running around*

Ni-Gin: *watches her and laughs*

Mika: *Also watching, smiles*

Sahara: *Sees a white flower* Oooo *runs over to it and looks at it* Daddy, what kind of flower is this?

Ni-Gin: It's a White Venus

Sahara: It's so pretty

Mika: *Smiles* Yes, it is

Ni-Gin: *picks the flower and puts it in Sahara's hair* There, isn't that nice?

Sahara: Uh-huh!

Ni-Gin and Mika: *Smile*

*A few hours later*

Mika: Sahara, come to mommy.

Sahara: *runs to her and hugs her* Mommy *smiles*

Mika: Do you know why we named you Sahara?

Sahara: No, why?

Mika: Because it is the name of a beautiful desert.

Ni-Gin: *watches Sahara and smiles*

Sahara: *Looks over at Ni-Gin* daddy, why do you have yellow eyes?

Ni-Gin: *smile fades a little* I was born to a different kind of people.

Sahara: What kind?

Ni-Gin: I'll tell you more when you're older.

Sahara: *Smiles* Okay! *Runs to Ni-Gin and hugs him* I love you daddy!

Ni-Gin: *smiles and hugs back* I love you too Sahara.

Sahara: *Smiles again and let's go*

Ni-Gin: *Blinks and looks around*

Sahara: Daddy?

Ni-Gin: Huh? *Looks at her* Yes?

Sahara: Is something wrong?

Ni-Gin: No but I need to check on something, I'll be right back

Sahara: Okay!

Mika: Alright

Ni-Gin: *walks away and into the forest*

Sahara and Mika: *wait*

Ni-Gin: *Looking around* something isn't right *Keeps looking around* I feel something I haven't felt in a long time, I feel a familiar presence and it's getting closer, what is it?  *Eyes widen as he realizes* No, it can't be *Runs back to the field*

Sahara: *Looks over* Daddy?

Ni-Gin: *Runs to Sahara* Sahara you need to hide!

Sahara: But why?  What's wrong daddy?

Ni-Gin: Please Sahara, there's no time to explain, just hide!

Sahara: Okay *runs into the forest and hides*

Ni-Gin: Mika, he's coming!  You need to hide!

Mika: No, I'll stay

Ni-Gin: Please Mika, he's coming!

Lamont: *appears out of nowhere* Hello brother

Ni-Gin: *Looks over* Lamont…

Lamont: Master Asesino isn't happy; he hears rumors that you have fallen in love with a human. *looks at Mika* It seems they're true.

Ni-Gin: *Moves in front of her* get back

Lamont: Master Asesino says he will give you one chance, kill the human or die.

Ni-Gin: I will do no such thing!

Lamont: Is this your final answer?

Ni-Gin: Yes, I will not obey Asesino anymore.

Lamont: You've disgraced our family, now you and your human lover can die *Smiles evilly*

Sahara: *still hiding*

Ni-Gin: (Ni-Gin's thoughts: I'll erase your memory of me Sahara, if you have no memory of me maybe you will be safe)

Lamont: First I'll take care of that human *forms his sword and slashes at Mika*

Ni-Gin: Mika look out! *Runs in front of the attack*

Lamont: *Watches Ni-Gin* to think you were once so powerful and now look at you, dying just to protect a human, pathetic…. it is interesting though, you've killed hundreds of humans with no problems and yet this one you risk your own life to save.

Ni-Gin: *falls to the ground, bleeding badly*

Mika: *Eyes widen* Ni-Gin!

Lamont: *looks back at Mika* your next human.

Sahara: *Watching*

Ni-Gin: *looks up at Lamont, bleeding worsens* ….no……. Mika….

Lamont: *Looks over at Ni-Gin* it seems you're still alive, but at the rate you're bleeding not for much longer.  You don't even have the strength to move, but that works in my favor, I want you to see your human lover die, I want you to see everything

Ni-Gin: ...Lamont……leave…her……..alone…..

Lamont: *laughs* what makes you think I would ever listen to you? *Looks back at Mika and slashes her*

Mika: *Screams in pain then falls to the ground*

Lamont: *Starts laughing* such a weak human!  *Laughs even harder*

Ni-Gin: *Eyes widen*…Mika…….

Lamont: *Looks back at Ni-Gin and smiles evilly* Now you can watch your human wife bleed to death

Ni-Gin: *Turns head slightly to see where Sahara is hiding*

Sahara: *Still hiding in the forest* *eyes wide with fear*

Ni-Gin: (Ni-Gin's thoughts: Please be safe, Sahara) *Uses the last of his power and strength to wipe Sahara's memory and sent her to a small town* (Ni-Gin's thoughts: ..be……safe…) *Looks back at Mika one more time*

Mika: *On the ground, not moving*

Ni-Gin: ….I'm…..sorry….Mika…please…..forgive……me..*bleeding worsens*

Mika: *Still not moving* Ni-Gin….this…is…… *unable to finish her sentence*……..*silence*

Ni-Gin: *eyes go blank* ……….

Lamont: *Laughs a little* Well, that was enjoyable *Opens a portal and walks through it*

*Small town*

Sahara: *Lying on the ground in an alley, unconscious*……..*Starts to wake up* Huh? *Looks around* Where am I?  I don't remember anything *Stands up* I need to find out where I am *Walks out of the ally and walks around*

*some people are talking to each other*

Sahara: *doesn’t notice them* *Looking around* Where am I?

*The people notice her then look at each other*

Sahara: *Keeps walking around*

*the people start to follow her*

Sahara: *doesn’t notice them*

Man: *Whispers to the other man* what do you think it is?

Other man: I don't know, but those eyes are like a demon's

Man: They are, maybe it's a demon that was sent to try and destroy our town

Other Man: Yeah, let's kill it before it hurts someone

Sahara: *Notices them following her and stops* *Looks at them* Hello!

*the people stop and stare at her*

Sahara: Can you please tell me where I am?  I think I'm lost and I can't remember who my mommy and daddy are, do you know?

Man: *Narrows eyes* your tricks won't work on us demon!

Sahara: Demon?  I'm not a demon

Other Man: Quick let's kill it before it tries to kill us!

Sahara: *Eyes widen* what?

Man: *Pulls out a knife* Kill the demon!

Sahara: *Eyes widen even more* I'm not a demon! *Starts to run away*

*they run after her*

Sahara: Someone, help me!

Man: There's no help for you demon!

Sahara: *Crying as she runs* I'm not a demon!

Other Man: Liar!  You demons always lie!

Sahara: *Keeps running* I'm not lying! *Sees a small alley and runs in it and hides*

Man: *Looks around* Dammit!  Where did it go!?

Other Man: I don't know, it must have used its power to escape

Man: Damn!  Well if we ever see it again we'll kill it for sure

Other Man: Right *Walks away*

Sahara: *Waits until they're gone* *looks around still crying* Where am I?  Why were those people calling me a demon?  I don't understand

*hours later*

Lamont: *Sitting in an alley alone staring at the opposite wall*

Young woman: *Walks by and sees him* *blinks*

Lamont: *Doesn’t notice her, keeps staring at the wall*

Young woman: *Walks over to him* Are you alright?

Lamont: *Too deep in thought to hear*

Young woman: *Kneels down next to him and pats his shoulder* is something wrong?

Lamont: *Snaps out of it, looks at her then looks away* No, nothing is wrong, leave me alone

Young woman: you’re a terrible liar

Lamont: ............

Young woman: Tell me what’s wrong, I’m a good listener

Lamont: It’s nothing you want to hear, it’s actually quite cruel

Young woman: I’ll be the judge of that *Smiles* I may not seem it but I can be very understanding

Lamont: *Looks at her and thinks for a moment* Fine

Young woman: Start from the beginning

Lamont: *Takes a deep breath before speaking* my name is Lamont Kyoge, my father is Asesino Kyoge and I had and older brother named Ni-Gin Kyoge

Young woman: Had?

Lamont: *Sighs* Ni-Gin was my father’s executioner, he was always favored by father and it seemed he could do no wrong he always seemed to be proud of Ni-Gin but when he looked at me  he saw nothing….all I ever heard was how worthless I was.....Ni-Gin didn’t want to be father’s executioner anymore so he went into hiding for quite some time but father discovered his location and ordered me to kill Ni-Gin for his betrayal...not only for leaving but for marrying a human....so I killed him and his human wife but what I can’t understand is why I feel bad...I’ve always hated Ni-Gin, he was always better than me and now that I killed him I can be the best but even so I still feel terrible about it and no matter how hard I try I can’t understand why

Young woman: I see.....your brother...did he ever boost about his power?  Or say he was better?

Lamont: .......no, he offered to help me a lot and he was always kind to me even though father didn’t approve.....

Young woman: Then that is why you feel so awful

Lamont: *Looks at her* what do you mean?

Young woman: It sounds like you cared about your brother but your father convinced you he was always better so you forgot you cared about him and tried to disown those feelings so you could try and win your father’s approval but when you killed him even though your father told you too it brought up old feelings that you had tried to bottle up and after doing something so awful to your brother you couldn’t hide those feelings anymore

Lamont: *Eyes widen* that’s........that’s actually true.... *Looks down* what have I done?

Young woman: See?  You’re not as cold hearted as you think your father just made you believe so

Lamont: Thank you

Young woman: Your welcome, my name is Abelia

Lamont: You are a truly kind dragon Abelia

Abelia: Thank you Lamont *Smiles* would you like to come back to my home?

Lamont: Yes but I have to report to father....he’ll be furious if I don’t report to him

Abelia: Alright...if you’re sure you want go ba-

Lamont: Of course, he won’t be expecting me for a few hours I’m sure *Smiles slightly*

Abelia: *Smiles* Well if you’re not expected then let us go *opens a portal* this way *Smiles*

Lamont: Thank you Abelia *Walks through it*

Abelia: You’re welcome Lamont *Smiles again then follows*

*They appear in a nice small house*

Lamont: *Looks around*

Abelia: We can go to the kitchen there’s a table and two seats if you want to talk

Lamont: That would be nice

Abelia: *Smiles* Great, it’s this way *Walks to another room and sits down*

Lamont: *Follows and does the same*

Abelia: So is there anything in particular you want to talk about?

Lamont: I’m not sure

Abelia: Alright tell me about your relationship with your father

Lamont: I-.....

Abelia: Take your time, there’s no hurry

Lamont: *Takes a deep breath* Alright

*Lamont began to tell her all about his childhood, how his father always said he was worthless and how Asesino would even torture him if he said anything his father didn’t like*

*Hours later*

Lamont: *Asleep in a bed*

Abelia: *sleeping next to him*

Lamont: *Starts to wake up* *Looks around eyes widen* Oh no

Abelia: *Wakes up too* what’s wrong?

Lamont: It’s been over 8 hours!  Father will be furious with me!  

Abelia: Oh my

Lamont: *Looks at her* I’m so sorry Abelia but I have to go

Abelia: I understand

Lamont: I hope we meet again someday *opens a portal runs through and it closes behind him*

Abelia: *Watches him leave*

*Three weeks later*

Abelia: *Reading a book in her bed* this nausea is getting worse, it just won’t go away *Eyes widen slightly* I couldn’t be.....could I? *Places her hand over her own stomach and mutters a spell* *Waits a few seconds, her hand glows white* *Eyes widen even more* I am, I’m pregnant which means I’m going to be a mother *Blinks* And Lamont is going to be a father but he has so much to deal with as it is......I guess I won’t tell him...*Sets her book down and lays down* I’m going to have a son, I should think of some possible names...*Yawns* I know....I’ll name him....*Closes eyes* Almus.....*Falls asleep instantly*

*One week later*

Sahara: *Lying down in an ally* I'm….so hungry…*Stands up* I have to find something to eat *Walks out of the ally and looks around*………..*Starts to walk around*

*There is a women sitting on a bench reading* *She has a grocery bag next to her*

Sahara: *Sees it* Food...*quietly walks over to it and tries to grab it before the women notices*

Women: *Looks up from her book and grabs Sahara's hand* what do you think you're doing?

Sahara: Please, I'm so hungry

Women: That doesn't give you the right to ste-*Notices Sahara's eyes* you're the demon everyone has been talking about!

Sahara: No!  I'm not a demon!

Women: Someone, come quick!  The demon is back!

Sahara: I'm not a demon!

*A man runs over with a knife*

Sahara: *Eyes widen* No! *Brakes free of the women's grasp and runs away*

Man: Come back here demon!

Sahara: I'm not a demon! *Runs to the alley and hides*

Man: *Looks around* Dammit!  It got away *Walks away*

Sahara: *Sits down*……*Starts to cry* Why does everyone try to attack me?  *Cries harder* I am not a demon *Cries even more*

*A young women sees her crying and walks over to her*

Young women: *Kneels next to her* Are you alright little girl? *Notices her yellow eyes*

Sahara: *Looks up at her with tears in her eyes* Please don't hurt me

Young women: *Smiles at her then hugs her* I'm not going to hurt you

Sahara: *Stares at her for a second then hugs back*

Young women: *let’s go of her* Where are your parents?

Sahara: *Looks down* I don't know, I can't remember anything *Still has tears in her eyes*

Young women: *Wipes her tears away* Can you tell me your name?

Sahara: My name is Sahara

Young women: That's a very nice name, I'm Alison

Sahara: Hello Alison

Alison: Would you like to come with me?  I could take care of you until your parents come for you

Sahara: *Looks up at her* really?

Alison: *Smiles* Yes

Sahara: Yes please!  I would like that!

Alison: Good to hear

Sahara: *Smiles* *Stomach growls*

Alison: But we should get you something to eat first

Sahara: Oh *Looks at her stomach* I haven't eaten anything for a month

Alison: You poor thing *Stands up* Come on

Sahara: *Tries to stand up but falls down*

Alison: *Looks at her* you must be weak from hunger

Sahara: ……

Alison: *Picks her up* I'll carry you

Sahara: Oh, thank you

Alison: *Smiles* you're very welcome

Sahara: *Smiles too*

Alison: *Starts to walk*

Sahara: *Holds onto her as she walks*

Alison: So Sahara, how old are you?

Sahara: I'll be 3 tomorrow

Alison: Oh, wow

Sahara: What?

Alison: It's just, you're still so young

Sahara: Oh….

Alison: *Smiles* It's ok

Sahara: *nods*

Alison: *Walks to a small house out in the forest* *Walks inside and puts Sahara down* Wait here while I look for something for you to eat

Sahara: Okay

Alison: *Walks into the kitchen and looks around*

Sahara: *Sees a couch and sits on it*

Alison: *Looks in the fridge*

Sahara: *Lies down*

Alison: *grabs some oranges*

Sahara: *Closes eyes*

Alison: *walks back to the room she left Sahara in* Sahara, I found some-

Sahara: *Sleeping*

Alison: *Smiles and walks over to the couch* …..*puts a blanket over Sahara and walks away*

*A few hours later*

Sahara: *Wakes up* oh, I fell asleep *Rubs her eyes*

*A tray with pancakes, bacon and a glass of orange juice is sitting on a table next to the couch*

Sahara: *Looks at it* Oh, wow *Gets up and runs to it* everything looks so good *Looks at the pancakes* what's that? *Tries a small bite of it* it doesn't taste like much *Sees something on the tray that says Maple syrup* Hm…*Picks it up and pours it on the pancakes*….*tries the pancakes again* Oh this is yummy!  *Eats it* Now what? *looks at the bacon* this looks good *tries it* Oh!  And it is! *Finishes it then looks at the orange juice* is this a drink? *Drinks it* Wow!  It's good too! *Finishes that too* Yum!

Alison: *Walks in* I take it you liked everything?

Sahara: *Looks at her* Uh-huh!  It was super yummy!

Alison: *Smiles* that's good

Sahara: *runs over and hugs her* Thank you!

Alison: *hugs back* you're welcome

Sahara: Are you really going to take care of me?

Alison: Yes, if you want me too

Sahara: Yes please!

Alison: *Smiles* Alright Sahara, I'll take care of you

Sahara: Yay!  I want to call you something!

Alison: Call me something?  

Sahara: Uh-huh!

Alison: You already know my name

Sahara: No, I want to call you something other than just Alison

Alison: Like what?

Sahara: Um….*thinks* I don't know

Alison: How about "Aunt Alison", will that work?

Sahara: Yeah!  That sounds perfect!

Alison: *Smiles* Okay then you can call me that from now on

Sahara: Okay!
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