Novarules — The Kyoge family Timline part 5 [NSFW]
Published: 2012-02-25 00:33:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 408; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description *Nine Hundred Eighty Six years later*

Asesino: *Walking around the forest*

*the most beautiful singing is echoing throughout the entire forest*

Asesino: *Looks up* what is that sound?  I must know *Starts to follow the voice*

*As he walks the singing becomes even more beautiful and angelic*

Asesino: *Eyes widen as he listens* *Walks faster*

*He makes it to a clearing* *There is a young woman in the center of the clearing singing, she's surrounded by many dragons who are standing around her mesmerized* *The woman has long flowing black hair that touches the ground and her eyes are closed as she sings*

Asesino: *stops and watches the woman sing, eyes wide*

Woman: *Finishes the song*

*The dragons cheer once she stops singing*

Woman: *opens her eyes, smiles and bows* Thank you all for your kindness, but I'm afraid I'm too tired to sing another song

*The dragons groan with disappointment then walk away but Asesino remains*

Woman: *Starts to walk away*

Asesino: *Walks after her* Excuse me Miss?

Woman: *Stops and turns around* Yes?

Asesino: That was an exquisite performance and your voice has such elegance it was as if an angel was singing

Woman: Oh, thank you very much

Asesino: Oh my, where are my manners? *Bows* my name is Asesino Kyoge, and who might you be?

Woman: Stella Basin

Asesino: Ah, such a beautiful name, a name fit for only the most beautiful of dragons

Stella: Oh, thank you

Asesino: I'm sure you hear this all the time but you have the most stunning eyes

Stella: Thank you but I really should be on my way

Asesino: *Walks in front of her to stop her* you know someone as beautiful, talented and powerful as yourself should be with the most powerful black dragon to have ever lived  

Stella: *Stares at him a little confused* what do you mean?

Asesino: Well my dear, your very powerful and so am I, I suppose what I'm trying to say is *Gets down on one knee* Will you marry me?

Stella: *Eyes widen* what?

Asesino: You heard me my dear; after all it's only natural that the most stunning female black dragon be with the most powerful male black dragon *Smiles* If anyone deserves you it is me, what do you say?

Stella: I'm very sorry but my answer is no

Asesino: *Eyes widen* what?

Stella: I've heard much about you Asesino, you are a cold hearted creature who cares about no one and nothing but yourself, not to mention you're an unbelievably cruel, power hungry and manipulative individual, I'm sorry but I could never be with someone like you, goodbye *Walks around him then starts to walk away*

Asesino: *Narrows eyes* you will regret this Stella, I promise you that *Growls and quickly says a spell in dragon*

Stella: *Falls unconscious*

Asesino: *Catches her as she falls* If I can't have you, no one can *Disappears then reappears back in his castle* you will be mine *Walks down a hall to a huge metal door then opens it*

*There's a long staircase leading down*

Asesino: *Starts walking down the stairs while carrying Stella*  

*He makes it to a dungeon*

Asesino: *Looks around the room* I was hoping to use this place for those who I desire to punish severely but now it will be for you, you will be kept prisoner here for all time *Carries Stella to some chains and puts her wrists in them* You should never have refused me Stella, this will be your greatest mistake

Stella: ……….

Asesino: *Mutters a spell* this spell will prevent you from going into your true form *Cuts his arm and wipes the blood on the chains the mutters another spell* this spell will prevent these chains from ever breaking no matter how much strength you put into it *Backs away from her* This will forever be your home Stella and there will be no escape this I swear to you *Turns around and walks back up the stairs* *makes it back to the top and closes the door* For extra security I will use another spell but this time on this door so that only I can open it *cuts his other arm and uses his blood to mark a symbol on the door then mutters another spell* Now no one can free you *Starts walking down the hall* You will never leave here, no matter how much you wish it, you are mine forever…

*One year later*

Asesino: *Walking down the hall of his castle* Hm....*Walks to a huge metal door* *Forms a dagger slashes his arm and black blood comes out* *Uses the blood to mark a symbol on the door*

*There’s a noise like something unlocked*

Asesino: *Opens the door and walks down the stairs to a dungeon* so I see you’ve gone into labor

Stella: *Chained to the wall of the dungeon* Asesino.....you bastard...*Eyes squeezed shut with pain*

Asesino: If you had done as I had asked none of this would be necessary, but you refused and I will have my son

Stella: ..........

*A few hours later*

Asesino: *Holding a baby boy in his arms*

Stella: *Breathing hard*

Asesino: *Looks at the boy* I will name you Ni-Gin, a strong and unique name, a name all will know in time *Starts to walk away*

Stella: *Looks up at Asesino* Where....where are you taking him...?

Asesino: *Glances back at her* Far away from you, if I leave him anywhere near you, you might poison his mind with your nonsense of being kind *Looks back at Ni-Gin* I will teach him how to be strong and powerful

Stella: Asesino....you know nothing of power or strength....and you will always know nothing...

Asesino: *Turns around and faces her, eyes burning with rage* you are the one who knows nothing!  He will become strong unlike you!  *Growls and walks up the stairs with Ni-Gin, reseals the door*

*One year later*

Asesino: *Walking down the hall of his castle*

Ni-Gin: *Runs up to him* *looks about a year old and has short black hair and yellow eyes* Father?  Where are you going?

Asesino: I have something that I need to do

Ni-Gin: Oh.....can.....can I come with you?

Asesino: No, you may not, stay here and wander if you wish but do not break anything or follow me

Ni-Gin: But....

Asesino: Do not ask again or you will be punished

Ni-Gin: .....okay *Looks sad*

Asesino: Good, now I must be off

Ni-Gin: Bye father

Asesino: *Walks away*

Ni-Gin: .........*Runs back to his room*

Asesino: *Walks back to the metal door and opens it the same way he did before* *Walks down the stairs again*

Stella: *Still chained to the wall* *Ear twitches* ......Why have you come?  You have not come down here for quite some time...

Asesino: I desire a 2nd son

Stella: I want no part of it

Asesino: *Narrows eyes* I’m not giving you a choice...

*Three weeks later*

Asesino: *Sitting on his throne*

Shadow Servant: *Appears, bows to him* Forgive me Master Asesino but the “vessel” refuses to eat anything and she fights us every time we try to feed her....she says she wishes to die

Asesino: Is that so?  *Stands up* Let us see if I can “persuade” her otherwise

Shadow Servant: If that is your wish, I will inform the others of your arrival

Asesino: Very good

Shadow Servant: *Disappears*

Asesino: *Walks out of his throne room down the hall and to the metal door* *Unseals the door walks down the stairs and up to Stella* so you refuse to eat?

Stella: ....I would rather die than be any part of your desires.....I will not give you the 2nd son you want....you can torture me if you wish but I will take no part in this...

Asesino: If you do not eat you will deprive my new son what he needs while still in the womb, this I cannot allow....you will eat even if I have to force every bit of food down your throat

Stella: *Lifts head slightly so she can see into his eyes* ....how I hate your eyes....so full of hatred and anger....

Asesino: Whether you like my eyes or not you will eat! *Grabs her by the throat* Now open your mouth! *Forces her mouth open and makes her eat*

*Nine months later*

Asesino: *Holding yet another baby in his arms* I’ll name you Lamont *Glares at Stella* I will teach this son how to be strong as well....and he will become strong.....and he will stay far away from you

Stella: Don’t take him....please

Asesino: What do you care if I take him or not?  He is my son and I will do with him what I please *Walks back up the stairs, closes and reseals the door* *Walks down the hall while carrying Lamont*

Ni-Gin: *Sees Asesino and runs up to him* Father?  *Sees the baby in his arms and blinks*

Asesino: Ah, Ni-Gin perfect timing *Lowers Lamont down so Ni-Gin can see* this is your new baby brother Lamont

Ni-Gin: Brother?  

Asesino: Yes, he is your little brother and I expect you to take care of him no matter what, is that understood?

Ni-Gin: *Looks up at Asesino* Yes?

Asesino: Good

Ni-Gin: *Smiles slightly* Can....can I hold him?

Asesino: Yes *Hands Lamont to Ni-Gin*

Ni-Gin: *Takes Lamont, holds him and smiles*

Asesino: I have some things that need my attention, watch him

Ni-Gin: *Blinks and looks up at Asesino* Okay

Asesino: Very good *Walks away*

Ni-Gin: *Looks back at Lamont and smiles* Hello little brother, looks like I’m going to be your big brother *Smiles again*

*One year later*

Ni-Gin: *Looking about 3 years old* It’s getting late we should go to bed

Lamont: *Only looking about a year old* *Rubbing his eyes as he yawns* Okay, nighty-night big brother

Ni-Gin: *Yawning* Nighty-night little brother

Lamont: *Leaves Ni-Gin’s room then walks to his own and gets ready for bed* *Walks to his bed and tries to get on it but is too short to reach it* *Frowns and looks around* Where did the step-stool I had go? *walks to his room door and opens it then walks out and to a storage closet, jumps up and manages to turn the knob, opens the door and looks inside* *Sees the step-stool* There it is *Smiles and grabs it, unaware of the spider that had already made its home on the bottom with its batch of new baby spiders* *Carries it back to his room then sets it by his bed* Yay! ^^ *Climbs on it then onto his bed* *Gets under the covers and snuggles into his bed* *Yawns then falls asleep*

Spider: *Crawls out from the bottom of the step-stool carrying the egg sack filled with baby spiders, jumps onto the sheet hanging from the side of the bed then on to the top of the bed*

Lamont: *Snuggling in his bed as he sleeps*

Spider: *Slowly crawls over to the top part of the bed, sets the now hatching baby spider eggs down then crawls onto Lamont’s neck*

Lamont: *Flinches slightly in sleep*

*The spider eggs hatch and hundreds of spiders crawl out and on to the bed, covering every inch of it with newborn spiders*

Spider: *Crawls up Lamont’s neck and onto his face with all its newborn spiders then crawls along his face until it’s on Lamont’s nose looking right at him*

Lamont: *Slowly starts to wake up from the crawling feeling all over him* Big brother...? *Opens eyes and sees the spider on his nose, sees its 8 eyes and two venom dripping fangs* *Then notices that his bed is covered in baby spiders, eyes go wide then screams*

*Meanwhile in Ni-Gin and Asesino’s bedrooms*

Asesino: *Eyes fly open filled with rage* Why the hell is that damn boy screaming!? *Gets up and out of bed*

Ni-Gin: *Jumps awake* Lamont?  Lamont! *Runs out of his room and to Lamont’s* what’s wrong!

Lamont: *Screaming as he runs around in circles covered in spiders*

Ni-Gin: *Eyes widen runs over to him and starts flicking the spiders off him*

Lamont: Get them off!  Get them off!  GET THEM OFF!

Ni-Gin: I’m trying! *keeps flicking them off but then just crawl right back onto Lamont* Ah!
They keep going back on you!

Spiders: *crawl down Lamont’s shirt and into his hair*

Lamont: *Pupils go wide as he screams louder* HELP!

Asesino: *Bursts through the door, eyes widen at seeing all the spiders covering Lamont* *Growls then waves his hand causing all of the spiders to burst into flames and leaving nothing left of them*

Ni-Gin: Lamont! *Hugs him* Are you ok?

Lamont: Wh-wh-what w-w-w-

Asesino: Those were spiders, something very weak and insignificant and yet somehow important enough that you had to wake me from my SLEEP!  

Ni-Gin: Sorry father...

Asesino: *Turns to leave as he growls* I had better not be woken up again or they will be hell to pay

Ni-Gin: *Nods* Yes father

Asesino: *Leaves*

Ni-Gin: *Looks at Lamont* you ok?

Lamont: *Eyes wide* Sp-sp-spiders

Ni-Gin: Do you wanna sleep in my room tonight?

Lamont: *Calms down a little then looks at him* Y-yes please

Ni-Gin: Okay *Holds out his hand*

Lamont: *Takes it* Thank you Ni-Gin *Smiles a little*

Ni-Gin: *Smiles too* you’re welcome Lamont *Leads him out of Lamont’s room and to his own*

*One year later*

Ni-Gin: *Looking about 4 years old* *Sitting on his bed, using claws to carve into a block of wood* I hope he likes this once it’s done *the block of wood starts to take the shape of a dragon* *Looks at it* Um.....oh! *Starts carving eyes, then two little holes for a nose* done! *Smiles*

*It was a small wooden dragon with its wings folded, it had limited but nice detail to it*

Ni-Gin: *Runs off to go find Lamont*

Lamont: *Looks 2 years old* *Fiddling with some old books in his room*

Ni-Gin: *Runs to his room and inside* Lamont I made you something *Holding the wooden dragon behind his back*

Lamont: *Blinks and looks over* what?

Ni-Gin: *Holds the dragon out and smiles* It’s a toy

Lamont: *Blinks confused* Toy?

Ni-Gin: *Nods and smiles* so you have something to play with *Walks over and hands him the toy*

Lamont: *Takes it and looks at it* Wow *Looks at Ni-Gin and smiles* Thank you big brother

Ni-Gin: Your welcome Lamont *Smiles* Well bye! *Runs out of Lamont’s room smiling*

Lamont: *Looks back at the wooden dragon*.....*Smiles and puts it carefully in his pocket*

*One year later*

Lamont: *Runs down the hall then stops at a door and knocks* Big brother? *looks about 3*

Ni-Gin: *Opens the door and smiles* Hi Lamont ^^ *Looks about 5*

Lamont: *Hugs him* Will you read me a story please?

Ni-Gin: *Hugs back* Okay

Lamont: *Smiles and runs in Ni-Gin’s room, sits on his bed and waits patiently* ^^

Ni-Gin: *Walks over to his bookshelf* Um....* Looking through the books* I don’t have many books, what do you want me to read to you?  

Lamont: Uh.....can you tell me a story you know?

Ni-Gin: *Blinks and looks at him* Like what?

Lamont: I don’t know......I just like spending time with you...*Looks down*

Ni-Gin: No don’t be sad *Walks over and hugs him* Okay how about a story about brothers?

Lamont: I’ve never heard that one before!  Tell me please!

Ni-Gin: *Smiles* Okay, there once were two brothers, an younger one who was always happy and smiling and then an older one that always helped the younger one smile

Lamont: Just like us! *Smiles*

Ni-Gin: Yep, anyway they didn’t have many friends but they were always there for each other and tried to make each other smile and even laugh

Lamont: *Lays head on Ni-Gin’s shoulder* *Sucking his thumb, listening with interest*

Ni-Gin: They lived in a huge castle and even though their father never had time for them and they didn’t have my toys, they made time for each other, they always played games and the older brother would try to teach the younger brother new things when he sat still long enough to listen, and sometimes the older brother would even make toys for the younger brother so he could have something to play with, sometimes the brother’s father would get mad at the youngest brother for accidentally breaking something but the older brother would always take the fall because he wanted to protect his younger, both-*blinks and looks at Lamont*

Lamont: *Had fallen asleep still leaning on his shoulder sucking his thumb*

Ni-Gin: *Smiles and gently lays Lamont on his bed and pulls the covers over him* Goodnight little brother *Smiles again and quietly walks out of the room*

*a few days later*

Lamont: *Standing by a banner* *looks like a 3 year old, he has short black hair and yellow eyes but he’s still very small in size*

*The banner is on fire*

Lamont: *Watching the fire, not sure what to do* Oh no, father is going to be mad at me

Ni-Gin: *Runs up* what happened? *He looks 5 about the same as Lamont but taller*

Lamont: I accidently set father’s favorite banner on fire

Ni-Gin: *Looks at the fire* Oh no, that’s a really bad fire

Asesino: *Walks up* Lamont!

Lamont: *Looks over eyes widen*

Ni-Gin: *Same*

Asesino: *Eyes show rage* you did this didn’t you!?  You set this on fire!?  

Lamont: I...

Asesino: You good for nothing little brat! *Gets ready to hit Lamont*

Lamont: *Closes eyes tight*

Ni-Gin: *Steps forward* I did it

Asesino: *Looks at Ni-Gin* you did what?

Ni-Gin: I set the banner on fire....

Lamont: *Blinks and looks at Ni-Gin*

Asesino: Is that so?

Ni-Gin: Yes....I was practicing my fire power and I lost concentration....so I lost control of the fire and some small flames landed on the banner......I’m sorry father...it won’t happen again...

Asesino: Hm........let me show you a useful technique *Puts his hands into the fire on the banner and them pulls his hands away* *the whole fire is in his hands* *Closes his hands and the fire disappears*

Ni-Gin: *Blinks*

Asesino: *Looks at Ni-Gin* Use that technique next time “someone” starts a fire *Glances at Lamont as he says “Someone”*

Ni-Gin: Okay.....

Asesino: Ni-Gin

Ni-Gin: Yes father?

Asesino: Lamont will be your responsibility; you will take care of him from now on, is that understood?

Ni-Gin: Yes father

Asesino: Good, now I need many things I have to do *Walks away*

Lamont: *Waits until Asesino is long gone* Why did you do that?

Ni-Gin: Do what?

Lamont: *Looks at him* Why did you lie to father about the fire?

Ni-Gin: Well....because father was furious and I knew he was going to hit you, so I thought maybe if I told him I did it he might calm down a little

Lamont: Why do you care about what happens to me?

Ni-Gin: Because you’re my little brother and I need to protect you *Smiles* that’s my job as the older brother

Lamont: Oh.....thank you

Ni-Gin: *Smiles* you’re welcome

Lamont: I’ll go back to my room

Ni-Gin: Okay, bye

Lamont: Bye *Smiles slightly and walks away*

*a few months later*

Lamont: *Sitting on the ground* *Playing with a small wooden toy smiling* *looks about 3 year’s old, hair and eye color are the same*

Asesino: *Walks by and sees him* Hm? *Walks over to him* what is that thing you are fiddling with?

Lamont: *Looks up at him* It’s a toy *Smiles* Ni-Gin made it for me so I could play with it

Asesino: Is that so? *Tears the toy out of his hands*

Lamont: *Eyes widen* Ah!  Father, please don’t break it!

Asesino: *Looks at Lamont then back at the toy, sets it on fire*

Lamont: *Eyes widen even more* No father!  Please!

Asesino: Silence! *Throws the toy to the ground and stomps on it*

Lamont: *Looks up at him with tears in his eyes* Father that was the only toy I had, it made me happy

Asesino: *Glares at him* Happy!?  *Grabs Lamont by his shirt collar and holds him up to his eye level* you aren’t here to be happy!  You exist only to serve me!  Happiness was never an option for you or your brother! *Throws Lamont against a wall* Do you know why you’re so weak!?  It is because you waste your time playing instead of training!

Lamont: *Starts crying* But Ni-Gin said it was good for me to play!  That’s why he made the toy for me! *Cries harder*

Asesino: I am your father!  I am your Master!  You do as I say!  Not your brother!  And I say train or I’ll kill you!  And stop crying!

Lamont: *Sniffs* But why is it bad if I’m happy?

Asesino: Because I said so!  Now if I ever see you “playing” smiling or even being nice I’ll cut off your arms so fast you won’t even know what happened!  Is that understood!?

Lamont: But-

Asesino: *Grabs Lamont by his neck and pins him against the wall hard* I SAID IS THAT UNDERSTOOD!?

Lamont: *Eyes wide with fear* Y-yes father!

Asesino: Good boy *Release Lamont and walks away*

Lamont: *Sits on the ground and hugs his knees* *has a look of fear, confusion and depression on his face* *Buries face in his knees and cries softly*

*Two years later*
Lamont: *Practicing forming fire balls*

Ni-Gin: *Walks by and looks at him*

Lamont: *Trying hard to keep concentration*

Ni-Gin: Lamont?

Lamont: *Loses control of the fire and sets a rug on fire* Dammit!

Ni-Gin: *Runs over and uses the technique Asesino showed him 2 years earlier* Okay, the fire is out

Lamont: Ni-Gin!  Why did you do that!?

Ni-Gin: *Looks at him* because father told me to put out any fires

Lamont: I don’t need your help!

Ni-Gin: But I-

Lamont: Leave me alone!

Ni-Gin: *Eyes show hurt* I’m just trying to help

Lamont: I don’t need your help!  Go away!

Ni-Gin: What happened to you?  You used to like it when I was around but now you can’t stand me, why?

Lamont: None of your damn business!

Ni-Gin: Lamont, its ok to ask for help

Lamont: I don’t need help!

Ni-Gin: Your only 5 years old, its ok if you’re having trouble with your power

Lamont: Shut up!  When you were 5 you didn’t need any help!  And I don’t need it either!

Ni-Gin: Huh?  Is that what this is about?  You’re jealous because I could control my fire power at 5 and you can’t?

Lamont: Go away!

Ni-Gin: Just because I could do it at 5 and you can’t doesn’t mean you’re weak, it just means you need a little more time to learn

Lamont: I said shut up!  I can do anything you can do!  I’m just as good as you!  No matter what anyone else says!

Ni-Gin: Oh.....I see what this is about....I know father has been giving you a hard time about your control but you’re not weak and you’re not worthless, you’re my little brother and I want to help you

Lamont: Leave me alone!  *a sudden burst of fire power blasts at Ni-Gin*

Ni-Gin: *Eyes widen and dodges it*

Lamont: Why are you better at everything!?

Ni-Gin: Lamont, I’m not trying to be better than you

Lamont: *Eyes show frustration* you’re that powerful and you’re not even trying!?

Ni-Gin: No, that’s not what I mean


Ni-Gin: *Eyes show hurt* I’ll just leave you alone...*Walks away slowly*

Lamont: *Growls*

Ni-Gin: *Walks back in his room and sits on his bed* Why can’t I have the same relationship I had with him before? *Buries face in hands* I don’t want him to hate me....he’s my only brother... *Buries face deeper into hands* I wish things could go back to the way it was before...

Lamont: *Starts trying to control his fire power again* If Ni-Gin can do it so can I *Closes eyes and concentrates*

Ni-Gin: *Lies down on his bed* I guess I could take a nap....there’s nothing else I can do *Closes eyes and falls asleep*
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Comments: 2

Angelarosetom [2012-03-01 00:48:17 +0000 UTC]

This is so sad!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Novarules In reply to Angelarosetom [2012-03-01 00:50:15 +0000 UTC]

I know T^T Aaron was such a nice guy

👍: 0 ⏩: 0