Novern — Lore and Stovefire - Rift's Edge part 8

#pokemon #rivalgates
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Farren shot a Flame Burst, seeing as the cinccino was racing ahead now, and, since his target moved a bit faster, he spat the flame as far as he could, not wanting his prey to escape. The ball of hot flame landed on a patch of grass a few feet in front of the cinccino, erupting it into flames and creating a small wall of fire. There wasn't a whole lot of tall grass around it, so it didn't look like it'd spread unless a gust of wind came along. Either way Farren didn't much care.

"Your luck ends here fuzzball."

Magnus stumbled as the plume of fire entered his view and hit the grass in front of him. The grass burning down made him feel like his freedom was burning down with it. Shakily, he got on his two's and turned his head to face the 'mon before it got to send another attack. The thing was alive.

He had kind of expected something to come... But not really.

The cinccino was mildly relieved that it wasn't an officer, though he wasn't exactly happy to see the salandit either. "What luck," Magnus laughed, smiling. It would just feel awkward to show how scared he really was.

Farren smirked. This would be an easy kill (well, not exactly 'kill' kill, but an easy target... though it could go either way). The 'mon before him looked tired and weak and, from the encounter from before, didn't seem willing to fight unless the odds were in his favor or the opportunity came and he saw another way out. He decided he'd take this slowly. It'd be too easy for him to get the information out of him by just pain alone. No. That'd be too quick and take the fun out of it.

The salandit stayed where he was, standing on his two back legs. "You know kid, either you're pretty dumb or just a coward to leave your green friend back there. There's no way you can beat me you know. No way you can win," Farren said, maintain his ugly smile. "So you might as well tell me where the gold is. It'll be no use to someone who's DEAD."

The cinccino's face automatically flinched at the salandit's last word. He was right, there was no way he could take him down with his own strength. Magnus actually wouldn't have had a problem telling him where the gold was if he didn't suspect the thing to end his life afterwards. He wanted to stay alive today, so for the moment, he was going for plan A (taking as long time as he could in hope of someone else popping up and saving the day).

"One person," he whispered, continuing the sentence inside his head, 'I told ONE person. And you just...' He closed his eyes for half a second before snapping out of it. Magnus didn't move from his spot either, taking a deeper breath before saying anything. His minor facial expressions seemed to be one second too early for his words, "That's right," he waved away thoughts like 'I just wanna go home' and 'just sit Down and cry' like a maniac before continuing, "What are you gonna do 'en?" His tired back slowly began to sway more to the front. Magnus noticed and straightened up again, giving a smug smile back to the scrawny creature.

"Well," began Farren, beginning slowly toward the cinccino, "I could draw the location out of you slowly and painfully or I could take you with me back to mine and Lady Maito's hideout which would probably just be more excruciating and result in your death. OR you could just tell me now and save yourself from the pain. I'd just need you to lead me to it. Of course any funny business would result in your suffering."

"Hm." Magnus replied in all seriousness, acting like he didn't pay attention, obviously knowing what NOT to do. He managed to calm himself down even more, but this wouldn't seem to go quite in his direction. Something was coming his direction though, that obsessed and stubborn little thing... or, he seemed small because of the skinny bones and skin, but he was in fact a little taller than him on two legs. Great. The cinccino began walking parallel to the flames in the same speed as the salandit. Magnus looked down at the ground with his hands on his back, acting like he wasn't paying attention at all, kicking rocks, but he had the salandit in his peripheral vision. "So... it wouldn't help if I just... told you?" His voice seemed all innocent.

"Keh. Yeah and you tell me a lie?" Farren replied, with a grin that faded a bit on the next part, "I'm not a fool." He was tensed up just in case the cinccino ran for it, but another part of him relaxed in a way that boosted his confidence. The way this pokemon carried himself put him at ease. He was no threat. This would be easy.

Magnus nodded sideways at the comment. "So you want me to lead you," he replied calmly. Then he shook his head, "But you are so keen at ending my life if I don't show you where it is that you surely can find new places to go easily." The cinccino continued on his path as slowly as he had till now. This was going okay for now... As far as it could be okay, he had gotten quite a few threats just from three replies.

"Only if you don't comply," Farren replied, stopping where he stood now. He wanted to make sure that that the cinccino was trapped, between the dwindling fire and him. And he was close enough now, but far enough that he could keep a close eye to determine the cinccino's movements and be a safe attacking distance away. "And I never said I'd kill you, only make you suffer."

The cinccino halted to a stop a few seconds after the salandit had stopped, "Yeah same same." Magnus looked up from the ground in some directions before landing on the opponent's eyes. Then he began talking more slowly, "What if... it was all just," he turned his head to widen his peripheral vision, his eyes still fixed at the salandit's, "...a lie? If I only wanted to get out of this place as a free 'mon?" The cinccino's eyes looked at him, questioning.

Farren squinted his eyes in suspicion and raised his lip a bit, almost in a snarl. "And why should I believe that?"

Magnus felt the chills flow down on the inside. He looked away to make it easier to focus on his conversation. "You're not a fool you said," he replied, still keeping a calm voice (but With a hint of accusation), "but hasn't it yet... occurred," his eyes suddenly met the salandit's again, his head fixed and arms on his back, "to you that it was just too good to be true?" He lifted his eyebrows in his serious and calm face.

The pattern on the salandit's back heated up and flickered a bit with fire, agitated. But a flicker of doubt took root. Maybe the cinccino only said it to get away from whomever was pursuing him, to get help. After all, he did tell it to that idiot mankey. He didn't know anything about what had been pursuing them and why, only that they were being pressured. Then again, the cinccino could just be saying that to make him THINK that. To trick him. Farren eyed the cinccino carefully. "Then why were you keeping it up if it was just a rouse? Why act and make it sound so real?" He said this with clear frustration lacing his words.

Magnus was filled with joy as he saw that the salandit seemed to become a bit enraged. Terror came flushing as well of course. The creature must really be wanting to get his hands on big riches... more than normal. Well, maybe close to as much as Moku.

The cinccino took another deep breath, knightly fighting his thoughts to keep his mask up seeing the glare he was sent. "Not all 'mons may be on the... smart side, but most 'mons... feel," Magnus replied, sounding all cool, collected and intellectual. "It was my best bet, so I needed to do it properly." His eyes tended to flash to his surroundings in case the mankey suddenly came running. He didn't want him to hear anything, it would ruin his chances to become a free 'mon again (as far as "free" meant to travel to the place he wanted to go). The warmth coming from behind his back didn't help his thinking much.

Farren felt the heat spread through his tail and then entire body. No. He wasn't going to let this happen again. Here was his chance at fame and being number one alongside Lady Maito only for it to be thrown on the ground and crushed. He wasn't going to let it end like this, having wasted the rest of the day hunting this rat down and then returning with only a few, mere trinkets.

No. He was going to end his day with some satisfaction at least and it would satisfy him at the very least to hurt this kid in some way. He was just going to reject what the ciniccino was saying and believe that the treasure was real.

"Haha, so it was all fake, huh?" Farren replied with a fake laugh, closing his eyes and putting a hand on his head and smiling. Then he stopped and opened his eyes with a sudden sharpness, getting on all fours and slithering up swiftly to the cinccino, coming within 3 feet of him before springing to his two back legs again. He spoke slowly and clearly, his eyes pinpointed directly at the cinccino's, "Let's cut the crap, okay? TELL ME WHERE THE GOLD IS."

Magnus' eyebrows dropped, he couldn't believe it was true. Maybe he would stop chasi- oh no. His body didn't react fast enough, it felt like he was struck by lightning as the salandit seemed to come to attack him. The cinccino's self-defense was to crouch, and his eyes turning big and some would say... cute, a small whine coming from inside of him (Baby-doll-eyes).

Farren hesitated, his body relaxing a notch from his tense position (like a cowboy at a standoff). He felt less like striking the kid now, but his anger still flamed as he glared at the cinccino. "Where is it?" He hissed.

Magnus stared at the salandit still, yet his mind was racing. He could probably manage one more move, which one should he pick? His eyes filled themselves with tears and he sniffed. Then he curled into a ball, right in front of the 'mon, and started crying (Fake Tears).

Farren flinched. Geez, was he really that frightening to make this kid cry like that? The salandit clenched his fists. No. This kid was playing him for a fool. He wasn't going to fall for any of his tricks. "Quit your crying and GET UP!" he shouted, his tail fully ablaze now.

The cinccino had already gone into sobbing when the salandit busted him. The loud sobbing stopped. A fire of his own was set ablaze inside of him. Magnus had  had enough of this. "FINE," the cinccino quickly slightly uncurled, and striked the salandit's feet with an Iron Tail, spinning, making him fall to the ground on his back. "It's in Metallheim yOu MOroN," he yelled, and flung another iron tail at his stomach.


Cecil groped for the vines, panicking when he didn't grab hold right away, but then he managed to grab one. He slid down to where the vines ended, struggling to get a grip, but then stopped. Cecil's heart pounded in his chest. He did it! The espurr began to climb the tangle of vines to the top of the building, hefting himself onto the roof. He stood up and took a look around.

Yes. This was good. He didn't know how things were going down below, but he thought he might as well warn the others. He went to the edge of the building and looked down where he last saw the others and shouted, "Cover your ears!" Then he took out his "screeching box" and pressed the button.


Lavender gripped the window's edge even harder to make sure he wouldn't fall and watched as the ground sunk 3-4 meters down. He didn't hear what had been shouted to them, he was too busy not getting his other foot clenched between anything again. The instance the sound came, the grovyle jumped through the window, yelling as he hit the floor with his bad foot, then used his senses to cover his ears, lying down.

Talvi had heard a small voice from above as she pulled herself up into the window. Cover your ears? That was Cecil's voice, she was sure of it, but why cover your- Just then an earsplitting shriek erupted from somewhere above them. Talvi, crouched on the ground, put both hands over her ears. Oh. That's why.

Kurok did the same, trying to cancel out the harsh noise. He had gotten a considerable distance away from the cracked, sinking ground. A good thing to or he would have gone with it.


Moku dwelled on this. He felt a burning in his chest. If others cared about the stuff just as much as he did, then they must be heartbroken! The mankey jumped to his feet and trained his eyes on the pansear, his gaze intense now. "Then I have to find them and give them back! There's no time to waste!"

Just as he went for his bag however, a loud, piercing shriek rang out and Moku stumbled, grabbing his head. He shook his head, trying to get it to stop, but, when it didn't, burst through a nearby window in a fit of rage and crashed into a trash can outside.

Zef felt excitement build up in her as the mankey talked from his heart. She was on her way to get up as a screech penetrated her body, especially her head. Her reaction was to cover her head with her ears and hands, less sound coming in that way. What in the world?? Her eyes were closed, but she felt like the mankey went off to somewhere.


Cecil stumbled as the noise blasted his ear. He immediately dropped it and clapped both hands over his ears. Thankfully the device didn't break and kept screaming. With his ears ringing and head throbbing, Cecil looked around him and below at the network of alleyways. He scanned the area until his eyes fell upon some commotion from an alleyway about 3 or so blocks away. He caught a flash of green and black and decided he'd go on that. He couldn't stand the noise much longer. Quickly, he picked up the box and pushed the button to turn it off.


Farren was surprised by the sudden change in mood from the cinccino and alarmed when something hard smashed into his feet, sending him crashing to the ground on his back rather roughly. He had gotten the name of the place, but he barely had time to take in the information. His tail swiped along the ground, it's flames licking the nearby grass and making it smolder.

Startled by the first attack, the salandit didn't see the other one coming as the cinccino slammed his iron tail into his stomach. "KAK!" Farren gasped, salvia flying from his mouth. The alarm left him and his anger rose within him again, causing him to focus. Even though it pained him to move, he rolled over onto his feet. "You little brat!" His mouth frothed with flames as the fire built up inside him, shooting a Flame Burst in the cinccino's direction.

Magnus had already started running when he had seen the salandit take damage from his last Iron Tail, he was running away from the fire that was spreading as well.

A bit ahead, he heard the words of the salandit and began zigzagging his way forth in case he was going to hurl stuff at him... which he did. The Flame Burst came right behind him and blasted the ground, the flames from it scorched his hair and a small part of his fur. "aH!" The cinccino got slightly more hysterical and rolled on the ground to stop the fire, quickly getting up again to run.

Dizzily, he jumped behind a tree to breathe and waited for the dizziness to calm down a bit. He listen- "Aahh," Magnus covered his ears, what noise is that?!

Fires erupted on the field as the flame burst hit somewhere near to the retreating cinccino and exploded, sending shoots of flame in different directions. "You stupid little-" He began, slithering his way over to where the cinccino was (a bit slower than before), but then he heard an odd screeching noise from somewhere in the distance, it's sound causing him to pause. What was that!?

The stench of the smoke now coming from the burning of the grass annoyed the cinccino twice as much now that he had covered his ears... and... the warmth around him increased. The salandit was burning down the whole area with his Flame Burst. The shrieking eventually stopped and he put his hands down. Peeking around the tree he was behind, he couldn't see much because of the smoke and flames eating the grass. Well, at least that scrawny thing wouldn't be able to see him now... He relaxed a little more, but now came the next priority, getting out of here before he'd get trapped by the roaring fire.

He started to run again, trying to not go in the direction of the northern part of Rift City. Now that he thought of it... Moku probably wouldn't get to him even if he escaped the guild members. Magnus' heart sank again, but he pushed away the thought to keep going. It wasn't far now, maybe he could relax somewhere close to the sea before starting his trip back to his place. The thought of his wounds getting time to heal put him more at ease; it wasn't nice at all to run like this.

Soon enough the noise stopped. It had left Farren irritated though and, worse, distracted. He immediately turned his head back in the direction he'd last seen the cinccino. He wasn't there. The salandit let out a hiss of frustration. Not only did his feet hurt, his stomach throb, and now his head ache a bit, he had lost the kid. He wasn't going to let it go here. He might as well finish what was started. He began scuttling slowly across the grass, attentive to any sounds besides the roaring fire.

Cover Page

Team Stovefire
Team Lore

Mission prompt

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