Nyther-oh — EBC: Canary

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originally posted 17 december 2020


Name: Canary
Formally: Calix
Nicknames: ??
- for all intents and purposes his name is Canary, he's only referred to as Calix at formal events and when he's in trouble

Age: 0 years, 0 months
As of 12/12/20
Birthday: December 16, 41 BC (2020)

Gender: Male

Species: Clouded Leopard x Caracal x Serval

Rank: Cub


Dominant: cloudy rosettes, "racoon" eye markings, long ears, two toned nose 

Recessive: long tail, pink eyes, leg stripes

Carrier: blue eyes, silver coloration, leucism, serval markings, ear tufts, green eyes, short ears, short tail, melanism


Passive: Canary spends a lot of his time concerned about things, but he won't try to fix the things he's concerned about. It's easy for him to get caught up in the antics of his siblings despite not exactly wanting to be a part of it. He's not one to stand up for himself and can very easily find himself being walked all over by more assertive and vocal cats. He has a hard time speaking out or taking action for himself. 

Gentle Natured: Much like his father, Canary is a bit of a pacifist and doesn't seek out wrestling or fighting and it will even stress him out to an extent when his siblings do wrestle or play fight. Partially he's concerned one of them might get hurt, but MOSTLY he's worried that it's going to lead to them hating each other or they seem like they don't like each other when they do it. He's not a natrual born fighter by any means and will probably struggle with offensive training when it comes time for it. 

Upright: Canary has a strong sense of morals which he sticks to as much as he possibly can. This very much includes the beliefs and thoughts laid out by the Ministry. The belief is very important to him and central to his family and life. He is very aware of the consequences of bad karma and quietly prides himself as being a good and nice cat. It's hard to say however if he does this out of genuine kindness or fear of the consequences Devroop might impose upon him and his family.

Open: Never one to hide or repress his emotions, Canary is like an open book. Nothing about him is a mystery. He almost always says whats on his mind without prompting, even when it it's something bad. He's very expressive and emotive with big eyes and big ears as well so his current mood could be surmised at a glance. He's a simple cat I doubt anyone will ever find themselves attempting to untangle the deep web of his motives. 

Honest: Canary thinks that lying is a very very bad thing to do. He has an incredible amount of difficulty keeping secrets and practically can't lie. Lying is never his first instinct it's only something he'd do if someone made him feel like he absolutely had to. Even then he may try to lie but he's so abysmal at it that it's easy to tell. That and he will probably crack under even the slightest amout of pressure. 

Attentive: Canary is as polite and courteous as he can possibly muster even at his young age. He spends a great deal of time watching those around him and is surprisingly keyed in to the happenings of Shadow Empire camp even if he's too young and naieve to really interperet the meanings behind those things. He can't tell you that cat A has a crush on cat B but he can tell you that he sees cat A looking at cat B an awful lot. 

Anxious: Most of Canary's day is spent worying about various things. Much like his mother he tends to overthink. What are his siblings doing? Where are they? Does Devroop like him? Is he going to be a good apprentice? A good gladiator?? Should he eat mouse today or rabbit? If he eats a canary will he die because he's named Canary? If there's nothing actully worrisome going on he will FIND something to worry about, rest assured. He tends to be vocal about his concerns as well, he isn't one to worry in silence.  


The little yellow member of the newest arrivals to Shadow Empire. Calix was one of five siblings much anticipated and hoped for by his parents Asrai and Basri! 

Additional Info:

- has asthma and tends to get a bit sick in the winter like Basri
- stutters on letters, D, H, ?
- Devroop = "Roopy"
- long white whiskers like his papa 
- big appetite like his mom


Mother: Asrai ( Zephyreu-s )
Status: Alive (Shadow)
EBC - Asrai, the Phantom Blitz

Father: Basri ( Zincwolf )
Status: Alive (Shadow)
Basri, Sentinel of Devotion


 - Peony "Puffin" ( Zincwolf  )
Status: Alive (Shadow)

 - Kingsley "Kiwi" ( Zephyreu-s )
Status: Alive (Shadow)

 - Pimiento "Parrot" ( FeatheredSeclude )
Status: Alive (Shadow)

 - Qrow "Crow" ( kibafan1232 )
Status: Alive (Shadow)

Adoptive Family:


- Amor "Lovebird" ( Lunet12  )
Status: Alive (Shadow)
Amor the Lovebird

- Borya "Toucan" ( frights-and-nights )
Status: Alive (Shadow)
Borya the Mischevious Soulsearcher

Extended Family:

Grandmother(M): Aiode
Status: deceased

Grandfather(M): Vitto
Status: deceased 

Uncle(M): Robin ( TheNorthStar2014 )
Status: Alive (Shadow)
EBC: Robin, the Creeping Shadow

Aunt(M): Arcana ( ChibiCreates )
Status: Alive (Shadow)

Aunt(M): Harriet ( Zincwolf )
Status: Alive
Harriet the Quicksilver Bandit

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