OaklerSkies — France x Reader Haircut For Frenchie

Published: 2014-07-11 04:05:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 5667; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 0
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Description ~OaklerSkies~


"Alright, zhis meeting has officially started! Rollcall! _______!"

You raised your hand, shouting, "Here!"


"Kesesese, ja I'm here, bruder!"




"Ohayo, Doitsu-san."


"Don't fucking yell at me, bastard!"


"Hola, amigo~"



"What, you have Cheerios, dude?"

"AMERICA SHUT UP! I know you're here now.. Russia and China!"

"Privyet, Germany, da~.."




"France!" Germany yelled, looking around the room for said man. You looked up and noticed that the blonde French man wasn't in his official seat, which was odd. He's usually very punctual, and never missed a meeting. "Does anyone know vhere France iz?" Ludwig asked loudly.

The nations shook their heads, muttering "no's". England crossed his arms and scoffed, "Who cares where that frog is. That bloody wanker.."

Romano rolled his eyes, laying his arms on the table with his head resting on them. "He's probably having a fucking gay ass orgy of some kind, who the hell cares? Ugh."

"Oh but Lovi, you're being a hypocrite since last night you and me were-"

"SHUT UP!!!"

The countries and nations blinked, and gave Antonio that kind of look that said, "Way too much information, bro".

"Umm.." You hummed. "I have his number. Should I try calling him now?"

Germany shook his head, saying in a stern voice, "Nein. It's too much trouble. He's probably just sick or somezhing. But it's still no excuse to be missing zhese meetings!!"

"Oh bruder." The Prussian leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head and boot-clad feet on the large wooden table. "You're vay too uptight, like seriously. Calm jour tits."

"Excuse me, bruder, but last time I checked, I vas running zhis meeting, not jou. Anyvays, continuing on with zhe meeting! I have prepared-...."

You started zoning out as the uptight man leading the meeting babbled on about boring things. You looked out the window that was a few feet away from your seat, your mind drifting to somewhere else.

'I wonder where Francis is..' You said to yourself in your mind. 'He never just disappears like that. Well... For meetings he doesn't.'

You and the blue-eyed man were neighboring countries, and got along fairly well. You were acquainted, although you couldn't say you were friends because he was usually busy with fighting with England, running from Germany, going to bars, and insulting almost every country there was. So, you didn't get to speak to him that much.

But still, you couldn't help but wonder where he was.
You shrugged. You'll just call him after the meeting's over.

~~~~~ Timeskip brought to you by Prussia taking his shirt off, revealing his chiseled chest and six pack ~~~~~

I'm sorry, but you have reached Francis Bonnefoy's voicemail. Please leave a message after the beep.


"Hey, France.." You said into the phone. "It's _______. Um.. The meeting is over, and everyone was wondering where you were. Me included. Uhh... So just, call me back, okay? Alright, hope to see you soon. Bye." You clicked the button on your phone and ended the message, sliding the device into your pocket. Oh God, what if you sounded weird in the message? You sighed. You needed to stop worrying about everything so much.

You looked around from your place just outside of the building where the meetings took place. Most of the countries had already left, since they had wanted to leave as soon as possible, and it was only a few that were left. One of them being you.

All of a sudden, you felt an arm go around your waist and pull you back against a slim but hard chest. "Hallo there, frau. Jou're looking extra good today~" A familiar Prussian voice said in your ear.

"G-Gilbert..!" You stuttered, blushing as you tried to escape his grasp. "Stop this, it's weird!"

"Vhat do jou mean, frau? Zhis isn't vierd. I mean.. By jour reaction, it isn't." He spoke and began softly blowing into your ear, sending shivers up and down your spine.

"W-Why are you doing this all of a sudden..! Are you drunk?"

"Zhis early in zhe day, _______? Nah. Alzhough, you could come to my bar tonight." It was true, the white-haired man owned his very own bar, which happened to be very popular and successful.


"Vhy not?" He asked. You shook your head.

"Maybe.. If you let me go." You finally replied.

"Hmm.. Fiiiiine." Reluctantly, he let go of you and you turned around to face him. "So.. _______. Vill jou come?"

"I dunno.. What's in it for me?"

"I vill have a surprised for jou zhere."

"What kind of surprise?"

"Jou ask to many questions."

You rolled your eyes. "Fine, fine."

"Okay, awesome!" He grinned. "Get zhere by 9! Just tell zhe bouncer who you are, and he'll let jou in. Wear somezhing sexy, frau. But truth be told, anyzhing jou wear, jou make look good."

You rolled your eyes at his constant flirting once more. "Yeah, yeah. Alright, I'll see you later then." You said as you began walking away from him.

"Bye, sexy frau~!" He called out to you.

"Shut up!"

~~~~~ Timeskip brought to you by Romano and Spain doing it while Romano moans, "Ohh Toni, harder!" over and over again ~~~~~

You looked at yourself in the mirror nervously. "Is it too much.." You asked yourself.

You had decided on a black and red dress that went to mid-thigh and hugged every curve of your body tightly, with long black sleeves. You adjusted the bust part of the dress, trying to make it appropriate and not slutty-looking.

(The dress ----> wheretoget.it/link/473553 )

As you fixed your hair, still trying to get ready, your phone rang. Walking over to your bed, where your phone sat, you picked it up and pressed the green button, putting it up to your ear.

You: Hello?
Gilbert: Hey sexy frau.
You: Oh, it's you.
Gilbert: Zhat hurts, jou know.
You: *Laughs slightly* Sorry, just joking.. So what'd you want?
Gilbert: Are you ready yet?

You sat down on the satin sheets of your mattress, grabbing the black heels you had picked out.

You: Almost. I'm putting my shoes on and I'll be on my way. I should be there in around 20 minutes or so.
Gilbert: Alright. By zhe way, vhat are jou wearing?
You: Why do you need to know, Gil~?
Gilbert: Umm.. So I can find you easily. Ja.
You: *Rolls eyes* Uh huh.. Just wearing a black and red dress. Nothing special.
Gilbert: Care for details?
You: Hell no! I'll see you in a bit, PERV.
Gilbert: Kesesese~ Bye, frau!

You shook your head as you heard him hang up, and slipped on your heels. Putting your phone in your purse, you made sure you had everything and headed out. You REALLY hoped Gilbert wasn't going to do anything.. Weird or sexual to you.

~~~~~ ANOTHER timeskip brought to you by.. nothing. ~~~~~

You blinked in shock as you saw the amount of people that were in line to get into the club. "Wow.." You muttered to yourself, climbing out of the car. "Do I just.. walk by everyone?"

Deciding to go 'yolo', you pushed yourself through the crowd and stood in front of the bouncer. Damn, he was tall. And buff. "U-Umm.." You laughed nervously as he looked down at you through his black shades. Even though it was night already.

"Name?" He said in a gruff voice.

"_______ _______."

Quickly recognizing the name, he opens the door and lets you in. Giving him a quick thanks, you made your way in, and he shut the door behind you.

The lights were off, though the amount of neon strobe lights, glow-sticks, and lights around the bar made your eye-sight a bit better. You searched for anyone you knew, particularly Gilbert, only to find a bunch of dressed up ravers dancing all around you. You groaned mentally. This was gonna be tough.

Deciding to chill for a bit, you made your way over to the bar, trying to avoid getting groped by unknown and perverted strangers. Looking for an empty seat, you finally found one next to a man that seemed to be on his own, an a woman who was flirting with the bartender, and having no luck. You sat down and put your purse on the bar, making sure to keep it in sight.

You looked up at the bartender, and he asked you what you would like to drink. "Umm.. I've never really been here, so I don't know what you have." You scratched your head in thought. "What would you recommend."

The red-headed man behind the bar tilted his head, thinking for a moment. "Hmm.. Well, lass, I'd recommend a good ol' fashioned beer, but I don' think a lil lady like you should drink tha' kind o' stuff. I'll get ya wine."

"Thank you."

"No problem, lass." The man walked away momentarily and you sat there in silence. Boy, this was really awkward. You began searching around the room once more for the red-eyed Prussian, but once again, you had no luck.

You sighed and turned back to face the bar.

"Ahh, so you're alone, too, tonight." You heard the man beside you say. You nodded, not taking your eyes off the bartender who was making your drink in boredom.

"I'm friends with the owner, and he invited me here for some odd reason. Can't find him, though."

"Really? Friends with zhe owner, you must be really lucky."

You shrugged. "I guess.. I just don't like being here all that much."

"Why not?"

"I'm here alone.. I don't know anyone."

"Zhat's not true."

"How would you know?" You questioned.

"Because you're talking to moi."

You tore your gaze away from the bartender to finally lay eyes up close on the man beside you. "But I don't know-...." Your mouth hung open slightly, your eyes widening immensely. Your mind could barely register what you just saw. "You.."

He smiled softly, his familiar blue eyes gazing into yours. "Bonjour, ma chérie."





"Francis!?" You exclaimed, and the French man chuckled.

"It's good to see you, _______. You look lovely tonight." He complimented, causing a light magenta hue to appear on your cheeks. You looked down in embarrassment for a moment, before raising your gaze on the man once more.

"Y-You look so different..!"

He held his head in his hand, his elbow resting on the surface of the bar. He smiled sadly at you before saying, "Oui.. Unfortunately.. I had a bad haircut yesterday."

You couldn't help but stare at his new hairstyle. His long, luscious hair that he held so dear to him, was all gone. It was now short and choppy, framing his face. It was so.. unusual. Different.

"Are you mad?" You asked him. He sighed, his free hand's fingers twirling around the edge of his wine glass.

"Only a little.. I asked to give it a bit more volume, and layer it.. But.. They just cut it all off. Luckily though," He smiled a little and laughed. "Zhey didn't make me pay. And I get free 'air dye and conditioner from that place for a month now."

You gave him a half-hearted grin, and shrugged. The ginger-haired bartender finally arrived with your drink, placing it in front of you and walking away after you thanked him. "Is this why you didn't come to the meeting today? Because you were embarrassed?"

He nodded, not tearing his gaze away from you as you took a sip of your red wine. "You figure things out quickly, no?"

"Yeah, sure.. I'm guessing you got my voicemail?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I didn't pick up. I was just....."



"Awww.." You put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a soft smile. "It's okay, Francis. It's not that bad, really. It looks good, honest."

His eyes sparkled as he heard you say those words. "Tu le penses vraiment? (You really think so?)" You nodded. "Merci, _______... Zhat really means a lot to me." Before you knew it, Francis had pulled you into his lap, his strong arms wrapping around you, keeping you close to him. "_______... I'll be honest.. I know Gilbert told you to come here because he had a surprise for you.. And I'm your surprise." He grinned sheepishly. "So.. Surprise..?"

"Well, this is a damn good present, then." You laughed.

"I told zhem about what happened, and I didn't want anyone else to know. But.. I also told them somezhing else.." He looked away, and you saw something you thought you'd never see.

France. Blushed.

"Uh..?" Was all you could muster to say.

"Zhe truth is, I like you.. Je vous aime vraiment (I really like you). I 'ave for a while now.. But, zhis is sad to say since I am zhe country of amour.. I was scared to tell you. I didn't want you to reject me. And I thought, since I look like.. zhis now.. You definitely wouldn't.." He was quiet for a few moments before continuing. "Well.. now you know... What do you.. think."

"I uhm.." You tried to think of something to say back. Your cheeks were practically on fire now, they felt like they were burning. You always did find the French man attractive, but you weren't sure if you knew him well enough to feel that way about him. Then a thought crept into your mind.. 'Does it matter.' He's sweet, charming, handsome, nice, gentle, even helped your country out a few times here and there.

"I-I know we don't know each other zhat well.. But... I can't stop how I feel about you. I... would like to give it a shot, if you want to, of course. You don't have to say yes, I understand because you still don't know me that much, I just wanted to let you- Mmf." You put a finger to his lips, smiling at him. He piped down and you removed your finger and moved closer to him. "_-_______..?"

Before he could ask what you were doing, you pressed your lips to his slightly scruffy cheek, kissing it. Quickly pulling away, you said, "My answer is yes, Francis."


"Oh, Dios mío, me dijo que sí!!" You heard a voice not too far away yell. You both looked over and saw Toni, Romano, and Gilbert walking up, all of them grinning. Except for Romano, of course.

"Thank Gott it vorked." Gilbert said, hands clasped behind his neck. "Jou have no idea how hard it vas to keep quiet about it until now."

"You're all too fucking lovey-dovey, it's sickening." The Italian grumbled, standing closely beside Antonio.

"U-Uhh.. What?" You stuttered.

Francis sat up, still keeping you in his lap. "I wanted a way to tell you, and Gilbert helped me."

"I'm not zhat good at this love kind of stuff, so if it seems sucky, don't complain." Was all Gil said before laughing as he walked away to go party.

"I helped, too!" Antonio yelled over the music. Romano rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Oui, you did. Merci, mon ami. I appreciate it."

The green-eyed man smiled VERY widely as he laughed. "That's more like it, now~! Romano, come dance with me! Let's leave the love birds to talk~" Grabbing the Southern Italian's hand, causing Romano to blush, he quickly retreated into the crowd of dancing people.

"It's not zhat great, I know.." Francis scratched the back of his head. "But.. At least you don't think I look weird, and you said yes. So in the end, it's a happy ending, oui?"

You nodded, laying your head on his chest as he took another sip of wine. "Yeah.. It is."

Extended ending:


"Oui, my love?"

"What exactly did Toni do to help?"

"... Truth be told, nozhing."


Extended EXTENDED ending:

"You know you're gonna have to go back to the meetings after this, even with the haircut, right?"

"*Sigh*... Sadly. The Black Sheep of Europe is gonna give moi hell."

"Don't say that.. Look at his eyebrows."

"OHONHONHON, my love, you're so mean!~ <3"

"I'm just saying!"

This story makes no sense. (Haircuts having nothing to with confessions!)
Basically, France had a crush on you and when he got a bad haircut, he thought you were gonna think he looked weird or ugly. So he told his buddies all about it and they came up with a plan to confess to you, without the other annoying countries seeing his hair. In the end, it's all happy n shizz.
Insecurity issues, like seriously.

((It's a shitty story, it sounded good in my head but now it's just.. eh. Fuck it.))
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Comments: 7

shadamyilove [2018-05-22 04:44:21 +0000 UTC]

Is it me or is he more hot with that hair cut.

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

SeraphinaRiddle In reply to shadamyilove [2020-10-27 05:40:51 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Meowmeow156 [2015-10-04 05:53:47 +0000 UTC]

Iggy's Eyebrows...
They're catipillars that will crawl off his face and eat you in your sleep

👍: 1 ⏩: 2

EvanJellyBean In reply to Meowmeow156 [2016-10-12 01:46:49 +0000 UTC]

did you know that England is haveing a butterfly population decrease? It's because he keeps using the caterpillars as eyebrows  

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

PacifyWhore In reply to Meowmeow156 [2016-07-26 16:09:53 +0000 UTC]

O-Oh, is that s-so...

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

anime-lover310 [2015-07-21 12:50:57 +0000 UTC]

DUDE!! No way this was "shitty" or anything bad!!!! Stop putting your story and your awesome self down like that!
No rly man, this was really awesome, one of the best stories I've read (no joke).... because it was something new and of course, it interested me...... How do I put this.... (*brain suddenly decides to work*) oh! :3 this one is original, bot like the other stories which are sometimes too cliché and... like that
Plus, quick question: did u actually think, like properly for this or was it a random idea and you were like "hell yeah imma write this" ?? :3 :3
Because, although I dont write, I get those random idead and they end up being awesome (according to me, at least), so i was just curious sorry this is a bit too long (congrats if u made it here)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

forevergotenandbra [2014-07-11 14:32:08 +0000 UTC]

I for one think your story is very good! All the characterizations were spot on and I loved the concept. You shouldn't look down on your own work because others will look down on it too just because you said it's bad. But, in truth it's really good! I did the same thing when I first starting publishing my fanfics. Just be confident!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0