Oath-of-Oaks — SJ APP: Riot

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note: 10/10/23 updated visual ref and updated minor details in written bio 


Name: Gi Flores

Nickname: Gigi, Ri

Age: 16 [S3]

Birthday: April 21, 2002

Astrological Sign: Virgo

Gender: Unsure [They/Them; but any pronoun works]

Sexual Orientation: Unsure

Romantic Orientation: Unsure

Main Universe: Young Justice


    Born Gisele Flores, Gi was thrown in the foster care system at 5 years old and hasn’t lived a stable life since. As a result Gi grew to be a quiet child with behavior issues, their hair-trigger temper only made it harder to find somewhere who wanted to keep them long enough. They weren't a good student when they bothered to present themself and they had little to no aspirations in life besides perhaps aging out of the system. That made the Red Lantern Invasion the hinge that completely turned their world on its head.

    Earth was still picking up the pieces left by the Reach when it was blind sided by the Red Lantern Corps. It’s leader, Atrocitus, started off his own invasion with mass destruction. Between going through betrayal with the Reach and having to experience yet another alien attack, fear turned to anger among Earth’s populace. The people’s rising rage played into Atrocitus’ plan as he sent hundreds of Red Lantern Rings to recruit for his corps as revenge against one of Earth’s Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan. 

    The battle against Atrocitus and his rapidly expanding army brought heroes and willing villains into the frey, ultimately succeeding reverting most feral Reds and driving away the larger bulk of the Corps. Still, Atrocitus managed to take with him a handful of newcomers, one of which included then 13-year-old Gi Flores. 

    At the Red Lantern’s home planet of Ysmault, Gi was snapped back to their senses when forced into the mind-clearing Blood Lake by another human Red Lantern, David Moore. Moore, a former military man and agent of A.R.G.U.S, had strong enough willpower to overcome the Red Ring’s influence on his own and upon seeing a human child among the pack of aliens and monsters, decided to wait for the opportune moment to snatch them and flee back to Earth. He forced them into the Blood Lake of Ysmault and the two deserted the Red Lantern Corps, branding them traitors. With nothing else but each other and the vague hope of returning home, Moore and Gi went on their months journey through space. 

    It was awkward and rocky at the start to say the least, Gi had ingrained trust issues against authority and their difference in backgrounds made them clash more than not. But as their journey went on, they began to forge a strong, familiar bond-- something of which Gi had always yearned for. Moore treated them like a human being rather than a name on a file, tried to get to know them and made the best of their situation. Things were finally looking up and Gi was finally given a true reason to make it back to Earth as Moore promised a safe life with him, they held onto his hope with all they had. Arguably, this might have been what brought Razer, a Blue Lantern, to them. 

    Razer was a friend and former comrade of Hal Jordan. He established communication with him about the two rogue Red Lanterns he found and how they were trying to make it back home to Earth. Razer wouldn’t stick around very long, as he was still on his own mission, but the short time he had with them echoed within Gi. Razer had also once been a Red Lantern, but because of his friends Hal, Kilowog, and Aya-- he had set aside his hate. Razer further fueled the hope of a better life for Gi, despite what they'd gone through. 

    But things come to a screeching halt when on the way to rendezvous with Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Gi and Moore are attacked by the intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo. Lobo had been sent by Atrocitus with a bounty on Moore’s head. They put up a fight, but Moore is brutally killed before Gardner is able to make it to them. As Moore’s ring tried to fly off to find another wearer, Gi instead hid it for themself, unwilling to part with it. Gardner takes them to the Watchtower, where they give up their own ring under the G.L's request. As the League figures out what to do with them, Gi sits and stews in their quarters where the mounting rage and despair ultimately brought them to put on Moore’s ring. Lost and grieving, Gi made a break towards Earth, unknowingly starting the wheels of Fate...


Personality Type: ISFP-T [Adventurer Turbulent] 

Temperament: Melancholy-Choleric 

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Loyal | Empathetic | Introverted | Defiant | Impulsive

Withdrawn, rarely emotive, and often non-verbal, first impressions of Gi leave others unaware what to make of them. They're seen as hollow-- even lacking in personality-- making their shows of brashness and resistance to orders seem wholly unwarranted in comparison. People who know better realize they're a ticking time bomb fueled by not much but whims and emotion. 

They hold a startling amount of anger on her own, but with the nudge of the Red Lantern ring, their temper is nothing short of explosive. A brute more than a planner, Gi is an aggressive combatant. It’s not that they favor violence over diplomacy, but they can easily get carried away in the heat of battle if not kept on track. 

Gi doesn’t favor crowds and hates being the center of attention, but it’s more of a case of social awkwardness than misanthropy. They're far more compassionate than given credit for and when given the opportunity to befriend, Gi is an unconditionally devoted, ride-or-die companion. From being a dedicated teammate to a listening ear, Gi does what they can to show they'd give it all for their friends, even if they might not have the words for it. 

Occupation: Team Member


  • Watching Cartoons 

  • Music Recommendations 

  • Being with Friends

  • Collecting Knick-Knacks


  • Being Forced To Talk

  • Recharging Ring In Front Of Others

  • Judgmental People

  • Studies/School 

Hobbies: Tomfoolery and Shenanigans, Discovering Music Genres, Watching Cartoons, Learning Instruments, Cooking, Baking 

Fears: Never Finding a Home, Losing Loved Ones, Lobo, Atrocitus, the Red Lantern Corps as a Whole

Talents: Making The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Not Even Joking People Fight Over Them, Playing Acoustic Guitar, Staring Contests, Try Not To Laugh Challenges

Bad Habits: Jumps To Aggression, Ignores Orders When It Suits Them, Holds A Grudge, Loyal to A Fault


Height: 5’8

Skin Tone:  Medium Tan, Warm Overtones; Scar on Right Upper Corner of Lip, Notable Eye Bags

Eye Color: Originally Dark Brown; Red-Brown [Powered Down], Glowing Red with Black Sclera [Powered Up] 

Hair Description: Dark Brown; Messy and Frizzy, Meant to Be Curly But Isn’t Taken Care Of; Usually Worn Down, But Occasionally Wears A Ponytail 

Ethnicity: Guatemalan

Nationality: American

Species: Human

Style: Main Outfit Consists of a Black Hoodie, Ripped Worn Jeans, Thrifted Boots and a Brown Leather Jacket Handed Down by Conner Kent. Wears Simple, Thrifted Clothing for the Most Part.


Father: Xavier Palacios [estranged]

Mother: Lucrecia Flores [estranged]

Siblings: Several Unknown Half-Siblings 

Best Friends: Bart “Kid Flash II” Allen, Conner "Superboy" Kent, Shizuka “Oni” Amachi, Forager "Fred Bugg" 

Friends: Garfield "Beast Boy" Logann, Jaime “Blue Beetle III” Reyes, Munch “Yellow Jacket” Martinez, Cassie “Wondergirl” Sandsmark, Tatsuo “Irezumi” Sumioka [Autumnetta ], Jo “Lovetap” Shinoda, Brion "Geo-Force" Markov, Violet "Halo" Harper, Tara "Terra" Markov, Victor "Cyborg" Stone, Harper Rowe

Love Interest: Bart “Kid Flash II” Allen 

Rivals: Tommy and Tuppence Terror, Jinx, Brion "Geo-Force" Markov

Enemies: Lobo, The Red Lantern Corps, The Light, Dr. Helga Jace

Mentors: Guy “Green Lantern” Gardner, David Moore✝ 


Code Name: Riot 

Place of Origin: Los Angeles, California 

Residence: Happy Harbor, Rhode Island; later Hollywood, California 

Affiliations: Red Lantern Corps [formally], H.I.V.E Academy [formally], The Team/The Titans 

Year of Joining Team: 2017



Red Energy Conduit: Having been inducted into the Red Lantern Corps, Gi wields a Red Lantern Power Ring. It allows them to fly, survive in vacuums, manipulate energy, create force fields, and tap into a xenolinguistic database. The Red Lantern Power Ring is powered by rage, which gives it other attributes. 

  • Rage Plasma: A trademark of the Red Lanterns, this rage plasma was forcefully injected into Gi’s system by their ring. It allows them to regurgitate a highly corrosive acidic/napalm substance able to burn through anything, including energy and light constructs. If they're sufficiently enraged, it can ignite into flames.

  • Red Energy Constructs: Not common among Red Lanterns because of their general lack of self-control, but there are a couple ways for them to come to this ability. The most common being consuming the blood of a Red Lantern who already had the ability, as was the case with Gi. It’s a fairly new skill and they still struggle with making cohesive constructs.  

  • Rage Empowerment: Gi can tap into another person’s rage and absorb it, giving themself a power boost. Alternatively, they can infect others with their own rage, giving them an extra boost as well. 

  • Rage Empathy: Gi can tap into a person’s rage and shift through memories tied to it in order to better understand where it comes from

Weaknesses and Limitations 

Uncontrollable Rage: The Red Light Energy is considered one of the strongest in raw power because of it’s slot on the far end of the emotional-light spectrum, but it’s a double-edged sword in that the power holds more dominion on the wielder of the ring rather than the other way around. Rage is a powerful emotion and in Gi’s case, it’s more of a struggle to keep from acting impulsively and they lose their sense of judgement when driven over the edge. 

Hope Influence:
The biggest chink in a Red Lanterns armor comes in the color blue. Blue Lanterns soothe the rage of a Red Lantern because of their Blue Light of Hope, weakening or outright negating a Red Lantern’s attacks. 

Ring Dependability: Gi is still a human underneath the cover of their ring and will revert to such without it. 


Strength: 9/10

Speed: 8/10

Agility: 4/10

Intelligence: 2/10



  • “...”

  • “...” [But With a Thumbs Up]

  • “..." [But With A Shrug]

  • "Wack." [Their 'catchphrase' so to speak. It's readily wormed it's way into the Team's vocab. Often said during times where 'wack' is severely understating the situation] 

Art Gallery: dA Folder 

Song:  Trust Love by Jeff Willliams (ft. Casey Lee Williams)

Food: Chili-Cheese Fries 

Drink: Mountain Dew: Baja Blast 

Color: Red

Animal: Porcupine 

Element: Earth 

Flower: Violet

Gem: Sapphire


  • Gi eventually joins the Team under the codename, Riot, but not before the involvement of H.I.V.E Academy, not that it was their choice

  • Gi is often perceived as androgynous, although they don’t mean to or particularly care

  • Despite their situation, Gi tries their best at living an unassuming life. When they’re not on hero duty, they spend most of their time in front of a T.V screen watching cartoons and has a knack for baking. 

  • Their room is a total mess and filled with random trinkets that have nothing to do with each other. It’s likely because it’s been a long while since they’ve had a room they can call their own and they consider the assortment of posters, collectibles and empty chip bags as marking their territory

  • It is possible for Gi to take off the Red ring, but it’s painful even at the best of times. They'd rather just keep it on out of convenience and they’re against parting with it all together. The times they do take it off are often during a rage frenzy, when they feel they’re unable to control themself

  • Gi is resistant against adults, but is far more open to allow other teens and younger kids to approach them. In fact, they're not at all against making friends and actively tries to, it’s just their current situation and complications makes it a bit of a hurdle.

  • Ironically even though Gi seems to be the type to prefer quiet, Gi likes more extroverted company. Possibly because they’re usually the ones carrying the conversation and they nod along, every once in a while piping in with a deadpan sense of humor. 

  • Contrary to popular belief, Gi does have a sense of humor. While they won't outright laugh, they're known to show amusement through an exhale of their nose and if something's seriously funny they'll snort. However, there seems to be a secret third level available to a very select few: if Gi hides their face and you see a shakiness to their frame, congratulations, you've driven them into hysterics. 

  • Outside of that, they're more reliant on body language to get their point across (ie. thumbs up/down, shrugging, nodding, a punch to the face etc.) Their friend, Bart Allen, is usually their on hand translator. 

  • The black jacket they wear isn’t an actual part of their uniform, they wear it to hide the Red Lantern insignia on their chest. 

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Comments: 6

Si1verwing [2023-10-11 00:32:02 +0000 UTC]

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Syla345 [2021-05-13 01:19:18 +0000 UTC]

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Oath-of-Oaks In reply to Syla345 [2021-05-13 02:17:49 +0000 UTC]

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Syla345 In reply to Oath-of-Oaks [2021-05-13 02:24:11 +0000 UTC]

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dovenoire [2021-05-09 14:23:52 +0000 UTC]

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Oath-of-Oaks In reply to dovenoire [2021-05-09 18:00:12 +0000 UTC]


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