OkamiGirl-Jess — Angels Fall First: Chapter 13 [NSFW]

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Description Angels Fall First

"Christine's Diary"

Dear diary,
We are now in December, with lots of snow on the ground. Things have improved immensely since last I wrote. Andrew has completely healed from the accident. The medicine Erik used worked perfectly. While Andrew was healing Erik never left his side. Some nights I found him sleeping in a chair beside Andrew's bed. There were days when I would try to visit and Erik would be there talking freely to him about their past. The tension that once claimed them now seemed completely gone. They are happier as if a weight was lifted from their shoulders.

It was nice to see them working together when they rebuilt the stables. At one point I saw Erik and Andrew laugh when they collaborated in a prank on poor Nadir; for he wasn't laughing when somehow a bucket of water poured from the rafters soaking him instantly. It was certainly a funny sight. Now the horses have a lovely sturdy home just in time for the deep freeze.

I wondered in the beginning what happened or was said to change their behavior so quickly. I suspected oddly enough at first that it had something to do with a child's teddy bear. It had mysteriously appeared after Andrews's accident and since then I have seen it go back and forth repeatedly between them. (Especially now as a joke; out of nowhere at any giving time it would appear on either's bed in plain sight.) I first saw it the night after Andrews's injury. I had come to check on him during the night and saw him clutching it as if his life had depended on it. I wondered where it came from for I never saw any of the children with it. I now know that bear (Erik's bear) had come from a happier time in their childhood.

I had seen it again another time while I was alone with Andrew watching him sleep. At some point Andrew stirred and the bear tumbled to the floor. I carefully picked it up and examined it closely. The bear was indeed very old still in fairly good condition; given the patchwork throughout the years. I couldn't resist the urge to hold the bear close to my face feeling the softness it still held against my cheek. I closed my eyes while a smile played on my lips as I inhaled and smelled the scent of both Andrew and Erik that lingered on it. In that moment I'd imagined them as children. When I re-opened my eyes I saw Erik by the door grinning. He walked up to me tilting his head slightly breathing in deeply as he too took in the scent of that bear. I smiled at his reaction and he in return clasp my chin gently bringing it upward studying me for a brief moment before his lips came on mine softly. It was then he told me the story how Andrew won the bear at a fair long ago then secretly gave it to Erik as a present. That particular bear would go back and forth through times of need between them.

I felt so happy that Erik shared that part of his life with me, that moment of happiness he had back then. Entrusting me of that knowledge that I felt not even Nadir knew about. Trusting ME! It's a wonderful feeling. I must go now for dinner will begin shortly. I promise to write again soon.


Dear diary,
Because of an unusual circumstance I have started playing the piano. It feels great mind you to be playing again. Father taught me a little before he died. It was quiet funny on how it all began...

Christine paused at her desk tapping her quill lightly on her chin thinking back to the event...

It all started when I decided to help out with the laundry; Erik's laundry. I opened the door to his room and saw his clothes scattered all over. Laughing slightly at the sight I started to pick up some of his items tossing them in the laundry basket.
I turned my head and stopped suddenly at the sight of the piano out in the open with music sheets covering the keys. Before the piano was always tucked away collecting mounds of dust because Nadir feared the children might destroy it accidentally. But now it was out in plain sight all for Erik's use.
I hadn't realized he had started playing again.

Crossing the room to the piano I curiously glanced at the music scores on top only to see that this was one of Erik's works; a childhood song he had taught me long ago. I felt stunned; looking around the piano seeing more of Erik's past creations. Tears of happiness filled my eyes. .

'They weren't all lost in the fire' I cried feeling overjoyed at this discovery.
I found myself brushing one hand lightly across the keys taking in feeling of the grand piano imagining Erik once again playing his sweet music.
I plucked out a couple notes from my childhood song thinking 'what a lovely sound'.
As the notes picked up I found myself humming feeling happy as it filled my senses. It was just as I remembered; feeling like that child, that student again.
Then to my surprise... door swung open causing me to jump. The music sheets I held tumbled to the floor.

Erik stood by the door looking stunned. He wore no shirt, holding it in his hand. Right away I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. He was probably coming back to his room to replace it, having dirtied it from working on the new stables. He must have heard the piano thinking it might have been the children misbehaving.

Panic set in immediately I felt myself drop to the floor picking up what I could of the scattered music. I quickly placed the sheets back on the piano and hesitantly glanced up to Erik who remained still, watching me closely.

Feeling utterly embarrassed I grabbed for my laundry basket and darted to the door in hopes of escaping; hide somewhere to hang my head in shame.

His hand came up quickly blocking my access to the door. My heart pounded as I prayed I did not anger him. He always took his music seriously and always stressed to me in the past to NEVER go through his things. As the saying goes 'Curiosity killed the cat' and in that moment I felt like that 'stupid cat'.

"Play it again..." I heard him say. My eyes locked on his feeling confused.
He quickly shut the door and plucked the basked out from my hands then gently pulled me towards the piano... "Play it ...again."
Shock crossed my face. 'He wants me to play?' I told myself.

Before I knew what was happening I was seated on the piano bench with my hands resting lightly upon the keys. My hands trembled; feeling nervous for I had never played in front of him before. Him being a perfectionist a musical genius I feared he would surely hear a sour note and cringe.

I didn't start off very confident but hearing the song again I relaxed. It was still a very complex song to play and I was very rusty. As soon as I finished he commanded me to play again, bringing back the teacher student feeling. I did as he instructed with a slight smile enjoying this feeling.

Suddenly his hands were over mine as I played; guiding them.
"If you place your hands this way... the notes will flow" he whispered in my ear hovering over me from behind.

I sucked in a breath as I felt his upon my skin. I tried very hard to keep my focus but it was difficult with him being so close. I fumbled a little when Erik inhaled deeply smelling my hair. I swore I heard him chuckle at the way I was reacting.
At one point I stopped playing completely as he trailed kisses up my neck. He made a clicking sound with his mouth scolding me "I never told you to stop!" he warned. "Again!" he commanded.

It took all my inner strength to keep playing fighting whatever that was stirring inside of me. He was not playing fair. But then it occurred to me... 'Was this my punishment for going through his things?' If it was then I gladly accepted it.
I remembered taking deep breaths trying to calm myself but that only seemed to urge him on further.
As I played his hands slowly slid down my arms to my sides then curled tightly around my waist as he nipped at my ear.
A strange noise erupted from my throat as the feeling consumed me. This was definitely 'sweet' torture and I wasn't sure how much more of it I could endure.

My hands were practically shaking as I finished the last of the notes. By now he was sitting astride on the bench inches away from me. With one hand he tilted my head to the side meeting my mouth with his. He playfully nipped and sucked at my bottom lip causing me to groan. Quickly I turned towards him practically seated on him not braking contact pulling myself closer to him, wrapping my hands around his head slightly tugging at his hair. I felt him gasp at my sudden confidence. In return his tongue invaded mine intensely and his hands slid down to my backside pulling me closer to him; feeling him tense up against me. I sucked in a sharp breath feeling his body reacting to mine. My head spinning intoxicated even. I shifted to get physically closer if possible. But my sudden movement caused us to go off balance and we both tumbled off the bench. Somehow Erik managed to turn his body quickly taking in the full impact as we hit the floor.
The impact seemed to jolt us back to our senses...

"I believe ... this concludes your lesson for today Ms Daae" he whispered smiling up to me; tucking away a lock of hair behind my ear...

Christine took steadied breaths as she set her quill back in its holder; placing her cool hands on either side of her face. She glanced up at her reflection in her nightstand mirror still seeing the blush on her cheeks; remembering what she had just written. Gaining some of her composure back she picked up her quill once again to finish before she retired for the night...

Of course Erik was a gentleman afterwards, helping me to my feet even though part of me deeply wished he continued... his 'lesson.'
But in reality my next lesson after that ... the 'real lesson' was nothing like the last. Erik was strict keeping a slight distance this time. He had assumed the teacher role as he made me practice endless scales on the piano. As much as I wanted that 'extra' attention, I just felt happy being his pupil again.
... Christine...


Christine woke with the feeling that she was not alone as she felt something stir in her bed. She carefully peeled back the covers revealing little Kayla sound asleep beside her.
Christine smiled.

'She must have had a bad dream again' she told herself.
She felt comfort knowing that Kayla always came to her for everything. She was the cutest little thing. She had gotten attached to her from the first day they met. She loved her and hoped that maybe one day when she was ready that she would adopt her. She loved all the children here but had the biggest connection with Kayla. She could see herself being her mother. More so these day now that things were better and that she and Erik were growing closer. She even dreamed of their family one day and Kayla being part of it... 'One day' she said to herself.

Christine laid her head back down; starring back at the little face admiring how her hair spilled out on her pillow. She absentmindedly tucked a fallen strand of hair back behind Kayla's ear with her hand.
At her touch Kayla stirred and her eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning sunshine" Christine greeted her.
Kayla returned the smile and cuddled closer to her. They both giggled together as a loud growling sound erupted from Kayla's stomach.
"I think it's time to rise and eat something sweetie... what do you think?" she asked her. Smiling Kayla nodded in agreement.
"Good... let's go greet the world ... shall we?." Christine said taking Kayla's hand leading her out of the room.

Kayla lightly bounced with each step as she descended down the stairs with Christine. Kayla was the first to land and run in the kitchen. As soon as Christine's foot hit the landing Rebecca came suddenly greeting her. Taking her arm she let Christine away from the kitchen to the dining hall; Kayla joining right behind them.
"Well my dears you must be hungry... I will go fetch something for you both to eat."
"Wait!" I said stopping her.
"Where are the others?" I asked her once I realized we were the only ones here. We all usually ate together around this time in the morning or waited till everyone rose from bed. It was one of the very 'few' rules Nadir enforced stating "We live together as a family... then we eat together as one."
'But where was everyone?' I thought.

"Now don't you worry... everyone's just decided to eat earlier and since you two were sleeping so nicely we couldn't bear to wake you... now eat"
Rebecca replied quickly placing plates of food down before them and left the room as fast as she had entered it before Christine had any chance of questioning her.
Christine sat for a moment contemplating Rebecca's actions until she felt Kayla tugging on her arm.

"Eat... Eat" she said as she stuffed more food in her mouth.
"Oh! Kayla! Be careful or you will choke! Please you must learn not to over stuff your mouth with food ... Chew slowly." Christine said reaching for Kayla's milk for her to swallow down some food, forgetting all about Rebecca.
As Christine took her last bite of food Rebecca swept in again to take their plates.
"Ah good you've finished... Now Kayla how about you show Christine that pretty drawing you did yesterday... it was beautiful.

"Oh... I can't wait to see it sweetie ... but first let's help Rebecca in the kitchen since she made us a nice breakfast then I will see your drawing alright? ... Now let's..."
"Oh nonsense Christine..." Rebecca interrupted. "Things are under control in the kitchen... go on and have fun" she replied again quickly leaving them but dropping a fork in the process.

Always wanting to help Christine picked up the fork and headed into the kitchen.
"Sorry... you dropped this in the hall...I" she trailed off as she saw so much baked goods on the counter top. She saw Rebecca trying to put icing on what appeared to be a cake.

"Christine!" Rebecca jumped when she saw Christine was standing there. She tried desperately to cover the cake.
"Did you do all this?" Christine asked looking around.
"Why didn't you ask for help... I wouldn't have minded?"
"Ah.. That's alright my dear... you do so much around here as it is... plus this was nothing I enjoy baking it relaxes" she replied calmly.
"So what is the occasion?... I don't recall it being any of the children's birthday?" she asked thinking to herself trying to remember an event she missed.
At first Rebecca just studied Christine's expression. As if waiting for something to happen. But she realized that Christine really had no recollection about this day.
"Well Umm... It's Erik's birthday." Rebecca said quickly.

Christine blinked... 'Erik's birthday?' she said to herself. He was always a very private man and he never talked about the past or about himself. Christine felt happy that she learned something more about him. But why hadn't Rebecca or the others told her sooner. She didn't even have a gift for him. 'Everyone should have a gift for their birthday.' She told herself.

Suddenly both women heard Nadir and Andrew's voice enter the house. Before Rebecca could react Christine ran straight to them.
"I wish you both would have told me sooner about Erik... I feel silly that I have nothing for him" she whispered to them afraid Erik was near.
They both froze looking confused.

"Erik? What about Erik?" Nadir asked wondering what this was about.
Christine quickly looked around making sure he was nowhere to be seen remembering how he was always the 'eyes and ears' back at the Opera house. She leaned in closer.
"You know... that it's Erik's Birthday! Why didn't you tell me?"
Both men stood mouths slight gaped open trying to process this information.
"W-what?" Andrew stuttered
"My dear..." Nadir started explaining. "I think you are clearly mistak..."
"Oh yes!..." Rebecca piped up rushing in between the two men secretly stepping on Nadir's foot and giving him a stern look silencing him.
"Like I said Christine dear, it's Erik's birthday... I hadn't realized before that you did not know this... I should not have assumed you knew"
She then walked Christine over to Andrew.
"Now Andrew... go with Christine to town so she can get a lovely gift for him" she finish practically pushing them both out the door.
"But... he just came from outside! Surely I can't expect him to..."
"Oh ... it will be fine, Christine!" Rebecca hummed.
"He won't mind at all... In fact he'd be delighted to take you... won't you Andrew?"
"Oh yes...for sure!" He replied quickly feeling Rebecca's eyes penetrate his back.
"See!" she chirped. "He's happy too... now go take your time have fun... see you later!" she finish then headed back to the kitchen.

As Andrew lead Christine out the door he looked back to Nadir shrugging his shoulders up; shaking his head not sure what he got himself into.
Nadir stood for a moment near the door taking in the scene that just transpired. He then slowly made his way in the kitchen greeting his wife.
"That was interesting my dear!"

Rebecca sighed turning toward him.
"I'm sorry love... I had to think of something to keep her out... And Erik came to mind."
"You mean she REALLY doesn't know?" he asked slightly stunned.
Rebecca smiled "She doesn't remember anything!
"Well..." he chuckled."I will go meet Erik and the Giry's in town and inform them." he said kissing his wife on the cheek.
"What about Andrew and Christine?" she asked.
"Erik will know how to hide with the others if need be... and I am sure Andrew will find some way to distract her for a few hours to prepare things."
Rebecca nodded in his response as she began to stir a huge pot on the oven.
"Will you manage alright here?" he asked her looking around the kitchen.
"Oh yes ... Sarah will be back shortly with the children. She will lend me a hand."
He then planted a kiss on her lips, then chuckled once more... "Good... Let the fun begin."
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Comments: 5

TheImpossibleWriter [2015-01-03 17:59:19 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is a really amazing story
Full of romance and adventure
I truly hope you will write more soon

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Disgaeagirl565 [2013-10-07 02:41:49 +0000 UTC]

I must read more!!! This is one of the most adorable phanfics I've ever read!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Eriklover12345 [2013-01-28 04:19:46 +0000 UTC]

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY good things come to those who wait and this was certainly worth the wait.....so hmmmm I am geussing it is Christine's birthday? Yes? hahaha can't wait for next chapter! And it better not take as long to write XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

OkamiGirl-Jess In reply to Eriklover12345 [2013-01-29 02:22:56 +0000 UTC]

Yay!!! I am glad to be back! I should be around more. Sorry for the loooonnng delay. I had no internet for about a year (I've read lots of books lol). I sometimes used my friends computer but it wasn't the same. I now signed on to Acanac internet so i should be up and running by 2wks!

Also... I have tons of ideas for my story up my sleeves hehehe...

Thank you so much for your support i am so happy that you still are reading the story!!

You rock!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Eriklover12345 In reply to OkamiGirl-Jess [2013-01-30 02:54:00 +0000 UTC]

d'aaaw thanks! I knew you had to continue its just that good! It was my first phan phic I evar read so I must stay faithful ^^ And YAAAAAAAAAY I hope new chapters will come more sooner than later....which they will I trust XD Good luck writing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0