"The volatic xlitchontioner" is the fourteen movie produced by Fun-X Entertainment and is the sequel to the bloody voices of the island where the trainer managed to escape onto a another island with their pokemon yet encounters its "protector" a volcanic monstrosity of pure rage and hunger. Vocaldros is a american spikeoff xlitchontioner/worldrat/coalossal hybrid that was accidentally created by a group of scientists when they tried to make a protector for the island they took residence on and ended horrifically with all the scientists killed by being burned alive and turned into ash. It is a overly destructive and volatile monster with a overwhelming rage and insatiable hunger to eat anything it sees, being fearlessly bold in nature due to its hardened spiky body and molten blood runs through its "veins" as its torso is basically a giant furnace that can heat up at around 4,000 degrees and the prey swallowed alive are immediately set ablaze while being cooked alive. It is also very hot-tempered and independent with a twistedly sadistic sense of humor. It prefers to mark its territory with scorched marks and destroyed uprooted trees, ruthlessly incinerating those who invade its land and often leaves the scorched remains as a warning to "stay off its land or you'll messing with hell". Vocaldros' most prominent ability is to spew out hot magma from out its back and onto targets that can deal serious damage and is more powerful than it appears, often walking very slowly in order to lull into a false sense of security and can catch up to a speeding automobile .
Vocaldros, the bloody voices of the island and FunX Entertainment belongs to me
Sonic belongs to Sega
Pokemon belongs to gamefreak and Nintendo
Desna region, fakemon * xlitchontioners * belongs to drn1234