OperationFirehawk — Jade's Precious Find Part II [NSFW]
Published: 2019-04-03 14:44:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 4628; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 0
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Description [Warning! This story contains Vore (F/F, Fatal), burping/belching, weight gain, and some other fetishy themes. Not everyone's cup of tea.]

Lukas woke the next day to the gentle sounds of the river and the soft morning sunlight streaming through the trees, tracing patterns on the ground. He tried to move slightly, a brief pang of fear shooting through him as he realized he couldn't. A low grumble and quiet whimper in his ear reminded him why he was immobile, and he relaxed slightly.

Luckily, Jade's coils had loosened just enough for Lukas to wriggle free from her warm clutches. He finally managed to sit up, stretching his stiff muscles and yawning deeply. He looked back to his companion, his gaze sweeping over her form slowly.

There was still a slight bulge in her tail, though it was very small and it was obvious that whatever was in there was long gone. Her first stomach, however, was still larger than a watermelon, and from the quiet groans and growls that emanated from it, Lukas guessed it had worked nonstop all night and was still going. He glanced at her hips and chest, observing that her assets were noticeably larger. Despite her being unconscious, Lukas couldn't help but blush slightly and avert his gaze.

His own stomach grumbled quietly, and only then did Lukas realize that it had been several days since he'd eaten anything. Looking to the river, he saw the pile of fishing gear that Jade's third course had left behind. Sighing softly, he looked to his gnarled ankle.

The skin and flesh had finally begun to knit back together, his ability to heal faster than the average human coming in handy. Still, the wound produced a dull throb each time his heart pulsed, and putting weight on it was still a major no-go. Glancing back at Jade, he noted that Jade's wound had already healed, leaving a prominent scar.

Lukas's stomach growled loudly again, returning his focus to the fishing equipment. It was a bit of a challenge, but he managed to crawl his way to the tackle boxes and begin to examine them. He had no idea how to work any of the gear, but rifling through one of the tackle boxes he found several spools of fishing line and many brightly coloured lures that he was more than capable of utilizing.

By the time he’d caught a good few salmon from the river, discarded the rotten one on the bank, and gathered enough fuel to start a small fire, Jade was beginning to stir from her slumber.

Lukas spit roasted one of the larger fish, holding it over his small flame. Jade rose up from her lying position, stretching and groaning. She winced slightly at a sharp prick on her scalp, and realized her long hair was horribly tangled and full of twigs and brambles. Jade sighed mournfully, anticipating she'd soon have to cut it short. She looked down, probing her newly expanded breasts and bloated abdomen. As she fondled her squishy belly, a deep groan emanated from the depths of her form. Suddenly, a loud, wet “burp” erupted from her, the rounded dome of her stomach shrinking considerably. Jade heard Lukas chuckle behind her and blushed slightly, turning and nodding to him.

Still chuckling, he continued to turn the fish over his fire, gesturing to the small pile of raw salmon that he had collected. Jade quickly shook her head, patting her swollen gut and letting out a small urp. Lukas shrugged, examining his cooked fish intently. Deeming it done, he waved it in the air a couple of times and promptly dug his sharp teeth into the meat, roughly ripping chunks from the bone and swallowing without chewing. Jade blushed slightly at his intensity, turning away and observing their surroundings.

She was surprised at how sheltered the clearing they found themselves in was. The trees and foliage surrounding the clearing were thick and coarse, many of them containing sharp thorns. Above, the trees provided a decent enough canopy that any aerial predators large enough to consider Jade prey would never be able to make it through the thick web of branches. She was impressed that Lukas had found such a prime spot, and even briefly considered an extended stay before she laid her eyes on Lukas's ankle.

Before, the bones were only mildly broken. But his stunt the night before had clearly misaligned his ankle, and his quick healing was causing his foot to be locked in the crooked position. He'd probably be able to walk, but he'd most likely never be able to make it above a light jog without help.

This made Jade very, very worried. She frowned deeply, crossing her arms as she consulted her options. They could try to fix it themselves, but it would be painful and would likely involve them breaking it again to try to get it to heal straight. They could try to find a nice human who would be willing to put their advanced technology to work on surgically restructuring his bones.

Jade almost laughed aloud at the mere idea of that ever working.

That only left one option. They'd have to go to a sorcerer to fix his bones with magic. And there was only one sorceress that Jade knew that could pull something like that off: her mother.

Setting aside her smaller sisters most likely wanting to snack on Lukas and her larger sisters wanting to snack on her, there was no guarantee her mother would even help them. They hadn't exactly parted on the best terms, and Jade was always far, far from being her mother's favorite child. Appealing to her mother's generosity and empathy had the same chance of success as going to the humans for help.

On the other hand, if they could offer something of interest to her mother, she just be willing to barter…

That's an idea that we might be able to pull off, Jade thought. But what exactly could someone like her possibly offer to a powerful, predatory naga sorceress?

Jade was interrupted by Lukas lightly touching her shoulder. She glanced at him, noticing that the concern on his face was evident. Judging by her expression, he had assumed that she'd been experiencing more intestinal distress, but she did her best to try to reassure him that that wasn't the case. As she tried to brush him off gently, the thought of how she was going to communicate her plan to Lukas was going to be another speed bump on their journey.

As Lukas was putting out the fire and trying to wrap the remainder of the cooked fish in some leaves, Jade's eyes settled on the discarded firearm. Their attackers hadn't managed to operate the device, so she assumed that the fuel or whatever it used was probably still intact. On top of that, she remembered a moment from her youth where her mother warned her to never stray too close to the human settlements, as whatever their weapons were made of was incredibly resistant to their nature-fed magic.

Another idea clicked into place in Jade's head.

Jade slid quickly over to Lukas as he was finishing his packing, tying the fish around his torso with several strands of the fishing line braided into a crude rope. She gesticulated wildly, doing her best to try to communicate with him. She gestured to the hunk of metal she planned to take with them, eliciting several worried looks from Lukas.

Jade groaned, frustrated beyond belief. Lukas was clearly concerned, a mixture of his confusion and worry showing on his face. He didn't really understand what she was trying to tell him, but the cat knew she was trying to communicate something complex. Jade weighed her options. She could try to continue this silly game and just hope that Lukas would get the toughest gist of an idea of what she was trying to communicate. On the other hand, she could try the connection spell again, but the simple spell could only really allow her to convey simple concepts. Sure, she could try to cast a more advanced form of the connection spell, but it could easily kill her or send her into a coma. Though, with both of her stomachs overfilled and her body well rested, maybe she could pull it off. If she did, though, she would need to eat something immediately.

Jade switched tactics, making several gestures to her mouth and bloated belly, as well as trying to trace some vague symbols to get her idea of casting spells across. Lukas watched her movements intently, nodding slowly as she finished her rapid movements.

Lukas tried to stand, but his ankle brought him down again. He groaned, clutching the sore wound. Jade thought for a moment, turning and gesturing to her back. Lukas smiled slightly, hobbling over and wrapping his arms around her neck gently. She gripped his legs tightly, practically wearing him like a backpack. Lukas did his best to express his gratitude for the somewhat more dignified method of transportation.

Jade approached the edge of the clearing, tasting the air thoroughly as she carefully avoided the sharp brambles. Lukas likewise sat high on her back, his ears perked and twitching slightly at the softest sound. After a few moments of searching, Lukas tapped her gently and nodded in a direction away from their clearing. Jade nodded, bending low to the ground and slinking through the brush quietly. Soon, Jade caught the scent of what Lukas had heard: soft fur, tender meat, pungent fear. They'd found a rabbit.

Upon approaching their quarry, they observed that the scent was actually coming from a lapine girl, who was distracted by a particularly juicy cluster of berries. The sun was nearing its apex in the sky, and the light streaming through the trees made her easy to spot. Her naked form was surprisingly plump, her rear and breasts swollen and round. Patches of fur covered her stomach, thighs, feet, head and shoulders, but the rest was bare skin. Jade’s stomach grumbled slightly at the sight of the juicy morsel, despite being full. She felt Lukas's excitement as well, in more ways than one. Jade placed Lukas onto the ground gently, settling into her hunting crouch.

The bunny girl's long, fluffy ears twitched in a similar way to Lukas's, sensitive to the smallest sounds around her. Unfortunately for her, Jade was an experienced stealth hunter, more than capable of getting comfortably close to her tender prey. Despite being somewhat weighed down by her new additions, Jade was still able to work up a surprising burst of speed as she darted from the brush, seizing the poor bunny in her coils. The bunny let out a surprised squeak, horrified at the sight of the massive predator wrapping around her. Before she knew it, Jade had a tight grip on her body and easily restricted her air flow. Within seconds the rabbit was out cold, and the pair of hunters proudly dragged their live catch through the trees and returned to their secluded clearing.

Jade wrapped her body around her newest meal, just in case she regained consciousness while she was performing the complicated process of casting the dangerous spell. She beckoned for Lukas to come closer, beginning to trace the sigil as she had so many times. This time, however, she continued to retrace the sigil, over and over, feeling the energy slowly build. Before she released the spell, she realised that due to the nature of the more potent communication spell, she would have to do something sort of awkward in order for it to be pulled off.

Lukas leaned closer, bowing his head slightly in anticipation of the contact. What he didn't expect was for Jade to tilt his head back upward with her fingertips and lean closer to him. Just as he began to blush slightly at the closeness, Jade released the spell, closing the distance and pressing her supple lips against his.

The spell took effect immediately, energy coursing from their brains through their lips and back, forming a strong conduit. Lukas yelped slightly, feeling the electric touch of Jade’s pillowy lips against his own. He unconsciously pressed closer, rubbing his hand gently against her stomach. What he didn't expect was to feel her abdomen and tail rapidly thinning, her stomach rapidly flattening and her hips thinning as the spell practically melted the fat off of her.

The contact lasted for what felt like hours, but finally Jade pulled away. Almost immediately, her stomachs emitted a deep, loud growl. Jade unceremoniously turned to her fluffy morsel, her mouth watering at the sight.

Jade entered a trance, seeming to ignore Lukas entirely as he stared at her, hypnotised. Jade rubbed her human stomach against the bunny’s soft fur and supple skin, moaning softly as she felt her meal's plump assets. She raised the rabbit up gently, burying her nose into the girl's hair and inhaling deeply. The sweet, tender scent of her skin was driving Jade insane, she needed to have this girl inside of her. Jade used her coils to raise the bunny above her head, nibbling gently on her soft ears. Jade waited purposefully until her nibbling roused the bunny, preferring her prey aware and squirming. The bunny looked around somewhat groggily, quickly panicking as she took stock of the situation. Dangling above Jade's wet maw, the rabbit girl didn't have much choice but to squeal and hope someone heard her.

The pitiful noise only roused Jade's hunger further as she slowly lowered the rabbit downward. Her stomach growled loudly beneath the waiting meal, anxious to get its fill. The first thing to enter was those long, fluffy ears. The flavor of her fur and flesh crashed over Jade's senses, and she couldn't help but moan loudly as she suckled on the rabbit teasingly. Before long, Jade lowered the juicy morsel down further, parting her lips and letting the bunny's dainty head slip between her teeth. Jade lathered the rabbit's face almost lovingly, relishing the sweet treat they'd stumbled across. The bunny girl felt and heard her own ears enter her devourer’s throat with a wet gulp, and she knew that it was practically over.

Another wet swallow sent the bunny’s head and shoulders into her throat, her plump breasts squeezing their way into Jade’s mouth. She felt the bunny's head pop into her stomach, her prey's wriggling only forcing her down Jade's throat faster. She spent some time lathering the soft mounds with her foot-long tongue, causing the girl inside her throat to squirm deliciously. With a meaty gluck the girl sank to her waist. Jade spent a little time on her tender stomach, probing the bunny's round buttocks and exposed nethers.

The rabbit girl's shapely legs hung almost comically from Jade's lips, kicking feebly. She stroked the bunny's soft thighs, gently nibbling on her meal's juicy rear and reveling in the soft texture and flowery flavor. Jade used her strong throat muscles to suck the tasty appendages in, slurping down the sweet, fuzzy legs and feet with almost a single gulp. Jade traced her meat's path down her gullet with her fingertips, feeling the lapine girl squirm all the way down.

Finally, the sweet meat fully entered Jade's distended first stomach. Jade sighed contentedly, rubbing her swollen belly and relishing in the bunny girl's feeble kicks and squirms. Her stomach had begun to work vigorously, loud gurgles and groans streaming from the fleshy orb almost constantly. The bunny girl continued her efforts to cry out, but all that escaped Jade's gut was a wet, thick burp. Jade licked her lips slowly, slapping her belly and releasing another loud, satisfied belch.

Only then did she remember the presence of her companion. She turned to him slightly, expecting the sight of her large, squirming belly to scare or discomfort him. To Jade's surprise, she was met with quite the opposite.

Lukas was perched a couple feet away, sitting upright stiffly. His face was a deep shade of red, his ears were as ramrod straight as his posture, and his hands were clasped together firmly in his lap.

At first, Jade was sure she'd scared him. It was only when she realized that Lukas's gaze was fixed intently on her squirming gut and he seemed to not be able to look away did she get a slightly different idea. Jade turned fully towards him, shifting to a comfortable sort of seated position, her distended tummy resting on her coils. She patted her stomach lightly, beckoning Lukas closer.

Blushing deeply, Lukas shuffled forward, clearly trying to retain a bit of dignity. He settled next to Jade slowly, laying his palms on her wriggling belly almost reverently. He rubbed and stroked the taut skin gently, yet seemed to be almost restricting himself. Jade cleared her throat softly, and when he glanced up at her she smiled slightly and made an encouraging gesture.

After a little extra goading from Jade, Lukas lowered his guard slightly more, lowering his head and gently nuzzling Jade's stomach. Jade moaned softly, the combination of the thrashing meat inside her and Lukas's gentle caresses producing one of the most heavenly feelings Jade had ever experienced. Lukas snuggled against her firmly, pressing a short burp out of her swollen stomach.

It didn't take long for Lukas's inhibitions to be completely discarded. He stroked and rubbed across Jade's belly slowly, nuzzling her skin and marveling at the feeling of the bunny girl slowly being gurgled into mush. He paid particular attention to the bulges that his companion's squirming meal made, rubbing them and pressing into them gently. Jade reached downwards, running her fingers through his soft hair and scratching behind his ears gently.

Over the course of the afternoon, the combined effort of Jade's stomach and Lukas's ministrations caused the squirming meal to shrink slowly, her belly rounding and becoming more squishy and pliable. Lukas moved as if in a trance, going as far as to gently kiss the center of her bloated abdomen. Jade blushed, surprised.

Lukas pulled away slightly, gazing upward from his position pressed against her torso. Jade chuckled softly, ruffling his hair fondly. He returned the gesture, pressing his head into her hand and closing his eyes. Soft purring rumbled up from Lukas's body, eliciting a quiet giggle from his companion. Jade glanced at the sky, slightly shocked that so much time had passed without her noticing. She sighed softly, cupping Lukas's chin and holding his gaze briefly. She again nodded to the discarded weapon lying by the bank, and he nodded decisively. Seems that not only had her message been received, but Lukas appeared to be in agreement that something needed to be done and her family was their best shot. Jade pointed at the sky, gesturing to the clearing and the growing shadows. Lukas glanced around briefly, shrugging slightly and nodding.

Though neither of them had much trouble in the dark, they decided that the clearing was safe enough that they should get another night of good sleep. Jade had put a lot of distance between her and her mother, and the journey was going to take the better part of a month. By herself, Jade could probably make the trip in about half of the time, but it would be a terrible idea to move at top speed while she was carrying Lukas.

Despite not doing much all day, Jade felt exhausted. Communicating that single complicated idea with Lukas took a lot out of her, even with two full stomachs helping. Jade shifted slightly, moving the mushy remains of her tasty meal into her second stomach so it would last longer. Lukas blushed slightly as he felt her powerful abdominal muscles drain her food from one stomach to the next.

Without warning, Jade wrapped her arms around Lukas and pulled him to the ground, coiling around him and shuffling around until they were both in a comfortable snuggle. Lukas yelped slightly at the movement, smiling meekly and bashfully resting his head against her chest. With her belly full of juicy rabbit and her body warmed by the setting sun and her timid companion, Jade quickly fell into a deep slumber.

Lukas, on the other hand, was having trouble. The only thing he'd done all day was help catch the rabbit that was currently thick soup, and he was basically a passenger during that. Sure, he'd done some fishing as well, but that didn't take much effort for him. With a sigh, he realized he'd be wide awake for some time. Glancing at Jade's slightly loose coils and the tangled, bramble-filled mess that was her long hair, an idea presented itself to him.

The sun rose once again, gently rousing Jade from her refreshing sleep. She was startled momentarily when she didn't feel Lukas wrapped up in her coils, but she was even more surprised to find her head in Lukas's lap. He had somehow wriggled free from her grasp and proceeded to fall asleep in a sitting position. Jade sat up slowly, careful not to disturb the sleeping catboy. Her third surprise in almost as many minutes is that her hair no longer felt like a painful, gnarled ball. Looking over her shoulder, her eyes widened as they settled on her dark waves. Not only had Lukas seemingly spent the entirety of the night painstakingly picking twigs and thorns out of her hair, as evidenced by the large pile of miscellaneous junk next to them, but he had also somehow found the energy to weave her nearly waist-length hair into a simple yet firm braid. On top of that, he had managed to do all of this without her so much as stirring once.

Jade's eyes flickered back to Lukas's sleeping form. She thought back briefly to their first meeting, still somewhat baffled that they had managed to end up where they were now. She didn't hold her gaze on him long, however, not wanting him to catch her staring again.

Her attentions turned once again to the weapon lying in the dirt. Cautiously, Jade approached the device, treating it like she would a cornered rat. She gingerly picked it up from the ground, holding it delicately between finger and thumb.

It was heavier and more solid than she had expected, and it was not in the cleanest condition. But overall, it seemed to be fine. The problem Jade was having was how they were going to transport it. She was sure neither her or Lukas would want to carry it, and looking down at her slightly swollen tail, she reasoned that the holster her snack had been using was, well, unsalvageable.

Resolving to deal with the issue later, Jade replaced the device where it had been laying. Glancing once again at Lukas's shoulders slowly rising and falling as he slumbered, she decided that he looked too peaceful to disturb. Casting her gaze across her own body, she slithered her way to the edge of the creek. Steeling herself slightly, she slid her body forward into the ice cold water. The frigid liquid splashed against her tail, quickly stealing away any lingering warmth left by Lukas and the sun. Jade shuddered violently, harshly scrubbing her scales and skin with her hands as she tried to get out of the water as quickly as possible. After a few minutes she fled from the freezing water, soaked and trembling. Yet, despite her brush with hypothermia, she managed to wash a large amount of the dirt and blood away, leaving her skin and scales clean. Her dark green scales caught the rays of the morning sun, causing them to glitter brightly.

Satisfied with her work, she found the nearest large stone with decent sun coverage and draped her body across it, allowing the heat to soak into her flesh.

Lukas stirred from his slumber as the morning breeze shifted the canopy, allowing a ray of sunlight to slip through the leaves and shine into his eyes. He groaned as he regained consciousness, rubbing his sore neck and back. Realizing Jade was no longer in his lap, he scanned the clearing briefly before discovering her and her large stone. Laying his eyes upon the freshly cleaned naga, scales glittering as steam slowly rose from her form, Lukas thought for a moment that he surely was still dreaming. Shaking his head slightly and rubbing his eyes, he found that the image was still there when he looked again. He even went so far as to crawl to the creek and splash his face with water just to make sure that what he was seeing was real. Lukas was rewarded with sopping wet hair and surefire evidence that it was indeed actually something that his eyes were seeing.

Hearing Lukas's splashing, she opened one eye lazily and greeted Lukas with a sluggish wave. Lukas waved back slightly, still slightly dazed by the sight. Feeling much warmer and cleaner, Jade slid off of the rock and approached Lukas slowly. She grasped her braided hair gently, gesturing to the braid and the small strand of fishing line tied delicately to hold it in place. Lukas blushed deeply, shrugging slightly and averting his gaze. Jade simply rolled her eyes, shook her head and pulled Lukas into a tight hug. Using her massive tail to rise above him slightly, she rested her chin against his head. Lukas wrapped his arms around her slowly, marveling at the warmth and softness of her skin.

Before long, Jade pulled away slightly, gesturing upward and to the discarded gun. The message was clear: they were burning daylight.

Jade briefly tried to convey her thoughts on transporting the gun, gesturing to it and the cooked fish slung over Lukas's shoulder. He thought for a minute, his ears flicking back and forth slightly as he thought. Suddenly, his ears perked upright as he smiled, gesturing to the rusty pair of tackle boxes. Jade nodded slightly, sliding over to the one Lukas had opened and dumping its contents into the mud. Weighing the heavy metal box skeptically, Jade reasoned that it was going to be interesting trying to carry the box, the gun, Lukas, and his road snacks. Sighing softly, Jade stretched her limbs in preparation of the impending workout she'd be getting.

Scooping up the gun once again and cradling it gently, Jade placed it into the bottom of the tackle box while Lukas rummaged through the second tackle box for anything useful. He deemed most of it junk, as he would be hard pressed to fish on their journey. Though, he did find a simple hunting knife complete with a leather sheath that sported a belt loop. The crude blade was still decently sharp, and Lukas quickly attached the sheath to his belt before turning back to Jade. She glanced quizzically at his new toy, but disregarded it quickly.

Tackle box in tow, Jade slid back to Lukas, turning her back and leaning down slightly. Lukas perched upon her back again, wrapping his arms around her neck and leaning against her warm back. Jade struggled to straighten with the additional weight, realizing that she should probably work on strengthening her upper half. Yet, the powerful muscles in her tail managed the full weight of her cargo and passenger once she gained her balance. With morale high and a destination set, the unlikely duo plunged into the shadowy jungle.

As they passed through the trees, Jade making sure to stoop low whenever a branch threatened to scratch or whack either of them, Lukas thought back to the information Jade had relayed the day before. She had a surprisingly good grasp of the land, despite not really claiming any of the surrounding territory as her own. Jade had warned him that the closer they got to her mother's realm, the higher the danger would climb. She conveyed almost nothing about her mother, but Lukas got the idea that the less he knew about her, the better.

Aside from that, she briefly mentioned three of her siblings. Two of Jade's sisters, Erika and Suzanne, were going to be particularly dangerous. Aside from their size, each of them easily being two yards longer than Jade at least, there was one other little problem.

The twins absolutely loathed Jade. They had never really explained why, but the two had made it their personal duties to cause Jade as much pain and anguish as possible. To compound the issue, her mother took a very “survival of the fittest approach” with her children. She would never intervene or stop them, believing that her offspring fending for themselves would strengthen them and weed out the meek and cowardly. These two combined factors were a large part of why Jade left when she did.

She also mentioned the one child that was exempt from that single rule. Her only son, Kurt. He was the only one of Jade’s siblings that her mother considered worthy and capable enough to be taught her magical and alchemical secrets. Jade seemed to have a close relationship with her brother, despite him seeming to have some objections about the morality of his family's choice of diet. Lukas gathered that Kurt wasn't exactly the predatory type, which might explain why Jade placed such a heavy emphasis on him being exempt from the “anything goes” policy.

Besides her family, they had only two other major hurdles. Between them was a massive lake that they could either go around and waste days or go through and risk a slow, painful death. Then after that, there was a small patch of territory inhabited by a particularly hostile group of nagas. Jade had shared a brief portion of her interaction with them, and it didn't seem pleasant.

Despite the danger ahead of them and the worry that gnawed at Lukas, he couldn't help feeling optimistic. He really hoped that his ankle could be fixed, though he doubted it would ever be the same as it was. But if Jade was confident that it could be fixed, so was he.

Jade was feeling much more worried. Going back to her family after everything she had done to escape and avoid going back seemed like suicide. Yet, it was the only option she could think of to fix the little catboy that she had saved for reasons she still didn't fully understand. Her stomach was not helping her calm down, and its quiet grumbles and moans signalled that her last meal wasn't going to last much longer. Lukas’s keen hearing easily picked up on the sounds, but he chose not to react in order to not embarrass Jade further.

Regardless of what was ahead, two things were obvious: they would have to be extremely careful at all times, and they would have to find more prey soon.
Comments: 1

Rex-The-Lou [2019-04-03 18:37:30 +0000 UTC]

Of all the things I loved about this story, I think one of my favorite parts is the ending~ You do a really, really great job setting up what's to come and I love the slightly-opposing viewpoints you set up between your two main characters~ 

👍: 1 ⏩: 0