OperationFirehawk — Jade's Precious Find Part V [NSFW]
#naga #vore #nagagirl #voredigestion #voresoft #voremultiple
Published: 2019-05-13 16:08:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 5860; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 0
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Description [Warning! This story contains vore (F/Multiple, fatal), digestion, burps, a bit of belly play, a sprinkling of violence, and a scary snake lady. Not everyone's cup of tea.]

"No doubt, he's the one."


Lukas slowly regained consciousness, his head suffused with a dull throbbing pain. The voice that reached his ears was foreign, deeper than Jade's clear voice and spoken with a different accent than her flowery speech. The catboy cracked his eyes open, only to find that he was tied securely to a rock by several yards of filthy rope. Casting his gaze across the small cave he found himself in elicited a flood of dread through his system.


He and Jade were tied up on opposite ends of what was undoubtedly the naga's den, a small cave somewhere deep in the forest. They were higher than the trees, as looking to his right Lukas could clearly see the afternoon sun and the very tops of the green trees below. Snapping his head back, he found himself staring at a small group of six large nagas huddled around a campfire, turned away from him and murmuring amongst each other. Each was a different color, ranging from dark blue to white, but the largest was the angry orange male that Lukas had shot the evening prior.


Not only were they capable of making a fire but, apparently, they were talking to each other. Jade had told him earlier that they were just animals, but all evidence was to the contrary. She couldn't have lied, the catboy thought, Jade would have no reason to lie to me. Maybe she didn't know…?


His thoughts were interrupted as he looked back to Jade. Her bonds were much more secure than his own, the other nagas having used much more rope to secure her upper body tightly to a large rock. Additionally, they had tied several heavy boulders to her tail at irregular intervals across her dark green scales. The ropes that bound Lukas were snug, sure, but Jade's pale skin was already reddened by rope burn in several places and her tail was bent at odd angles from the weight of the rocks.


Before Lukas could make any attempts at wriggling free from his bonds, one of the smaller nagas made eye contact with him. She nudged the orange male with her elbow and turned his attention to the bound catboy. As they parted slightly to stare at Lukas' bound form, the neko caught sight of the tacklebox sat between the small group, still sealed shut. At least they hadn't figured out how to open the crude latch.


The orange naga grinned slightly, sliding forward and leaning close to Lukas' face. The other nagas watched the orange one closely, almost fearfully, as he stared intently at the catboy's delicate features.


"You're not so threatening without your fancy little stick shooter, eh, rat?" The naga grinned when his words caused Lukas to flatten his ears and bare his teeth angrily. "Tell me, what's with the box? It's not very common to find rats scuttling around carrying human garbage with them around here."


In response, Lukas hissed angrily, spraying the naga with spittle and causing the predator to back up slightly.


The naga returned Lukas' gesture with a snarl of his own, backhanding the catboy hard enough for his head to spin. "I know you can understand me, rat. We heard you talking to that bitch earlier while you blundered through our turf. Now, tell me what the box is for."


"What makes you think it's not just something that I like to wear on my head? Go ahead and put it on for me, you can't get any uglier." The naga scoffed slightly, getting close to Lukas' face again.


"Do you think I'm stupid? Do I look like some dumb rat to you?"


"Well, she did tell me that you were all mindless, drooling idiots that couldn't tell the difference between a skinny rock and your own--" This time, the naga punched him in the stomach, causing the rest of Lukas' insult to devolve into an unintelligible wheeze.


"Guess what? She was wrong. I know the box is valuable somehow because I know where she," the naga pointed a finger at Jade, "came from. Your little girlfriend has her mother's stink all over her. If The Leviathan wants that box, then I want the box." The naga smiled again as Lukas' eyes betrayed the truth in his words. "But I'm not entirely convinced that this metal thing won't explode or something if I try to open it. Wouldn't be the first time that something she gave us blew up."


Lukas hesitated slightly, his confidence wavering as he pondered the thought that Jade's scent wasn't her own. He tried his best to hide the moment of hesitation, but the naga's widening grin signalled the neko's failure.


"What makes you think she's been truthful with you, rat? How can you be so sure that she's not just lying to you, manipulating your desires?"


"She has no reason to lie, you overgrown worm, she cares about me." Lukas tried to make himself sound as confident as he could, but even he couldn't deny the doubt that started to creep into his thoughts. Between the weird looks she had been giving him and the way she got when he asked about her family, it was hard to deny that something had been off lately.


Before the naga could formulate a reply, Jade drew attention to herself with a soft groan. She stirred slowly, blinking and shifting slightly.


The other five nagas shifted nervously as Jade stirred, each of them shuffling away from the bound naga as she woke slowly. Even the orange one, despite being clearly larger than Jade and not being tied to several rocks, seemed visibly set on edge when Jade opened her eyes slightly.


"Well, then," the orange naga said, clearing his throat slightly, "now that this one is awake, maybe she'll have an answer for me."


"If you lay one slimy finger on her, I'll--"


"Oh, save the theatrics, rat. Just shut your trap like a good boy and maybe I'll knock you out before one of my friends swallows you." The other nagas perked up slightly at his words, staring intently at Lukas' bound form.


With that, the naga turned fully towards Jade, sliding towards her. Unlike what he did with Lukas, he makes sure to stay at a slight distance from Jade as she looked up at him, careful to maintain his personal space.


"Okay, let's try this again. You, explain, box. Now." For a moment, Jade seemed shocked by her situation, but her face quickly melted into an apathetic stare as she cast a glance around the interior of the cave. When Jade stayed silent, the orange naga twitched slightly, furious.


"You two are really starting to irritate me. One way or another, that stupid box is getting opened and whatever is inside it belongs to us now. Either you tell me what's in it and I'll make sure that my friends give you a swift gurgling, or I open it anyway and we melt you slowly."


A strange, guttural laugh trickled out of Jade's mouth. Her stomachs released a hostile gruuumble as she locked eyes with the larger naga. The sound alone caused all six nagas to backpedal slightly, but the burning hunger in Jade's eyes chilled even Lukas' bones. He had never seen her gaze so cold, so detached from reality. Normally she looked at her prey with an almost hot, burning need that was undeniably infectious for Lukas, but almost all traces of the mannerisms that he adored were absent from Jade's sickening grin.


"Go ahead and try," Jade practically spat out her words, "you'll have to loosen these ropes to get at me. The second that happens, I'm going to introduce you to my insides, and I can assure you that your relationship with them will be intimate."


The orange naga's slight fear turned to seething rage as Jade goaded him. "Is that so? How does this factor into your master plan?" Without warning, the naga darted forward and bit down roughly into Jade's shoulder. Sharp pain immediately flooded from Jade's shoulder into the rest of her body, causing a loud scream to rip up through her lungs and out of her mouth. The other five nagas watched with fervent glee as their alpha struck Jade, pumping a sizable portion of venom into her veins.


Lukas' vision blurred as he felt a huge wave of anger and fear crash over him. Tears flowed freely from his eyes as the catboy strained against his bonds, his screams only drawing mad cackles from the other nagas.


As the alpha drew back from Jade, she felt her muscles tighten and strain as the effects of the venom coursed through her body. Jade panted heavily, struggling to regain her breath as the pain only rose higher and higher. For a moment, her thoughts were blotted out entirely by the feeling that gripped her, the other nagas practically cheering as they watched Jade quickly succumb to the poisoning.


Then… something happened. The deep, fervent hunger that had gripped her for days worked its way through the pain, sharpening slowly and almost washing away the tight feelings that gripped her body. Jade's spine tingled, each hair on her upper body standing on end as the tingling sensation spread from her core outward to her extremities.


She looked up at the orange naga almost confidently, snarling and straining to move her stiffening jaw muscles as she growled softly. "You absolute… idiot. Don't you know what that… that venom could do to me? I knew you were a moron, but now I see that you're a massive--"


The alpha shook with a strange mixture of horror and anger. Again he darted forward, sinking his fangs into Jade's soft skin a second time. Lukas thrashed desperately, pulling hard enough that the ropes binding him dug into his flesh, drawing blood. The other snakes' gazes were drawn briefly to Lukas, the sharp fragrance of his blood distracting them from their alpha's ministrations.


Jade felt the tension in her coils and her muscles skyrocket, the heavy rocks that bound her producing loud scraping sounds as her powerful tail convulsed and writhed. She hissed loudly, partly from the pain and partly from the biting hunger that rose and rose just as high as the feelings the venom produced as it flooded her system.


The orange naga pulled back slightly, not even bothering to make eye contact with Jade as he darted aside and sank his teeth into her a third time, this bite landing on her other shoulder. A mixture of the naga's venom and Jade's blood trickled out of the small wounds in her shoulder, painting thin tracks of reddish orange over her chest and down her stomach.


The tingling that filled Jade's body quickly escalated to a horrible burning sensation that flooded her system, causing her convulsions to redouble as an unbelievably intense pain suffused her. She couldn't even find the energy to scream, her stiffening lungs only able to push out a weak wheeze as her body reacted violently to the venom.


The burning heat somehow began to spread outward, causing the alpha naga to recoil and release a shrill yelp. He backed away from Jade slightly, his tongue and mouth visibly burned. Steam rose from Jade's smooth skin and scales as her body temperature rose. The ropes that held her darkened slightly, smoke trickling up from them as their temperature began to rise just as the naga they were tied to began to burn.


The alpha scrambled backwards slightly, crashing into the other five nagas and allowing them to catch him as he fell onto them. He and the others watched in horror as Jade's skin and scales dried and cracked, her body warping slightly as she began to change. Sickening kracks and klicks erupted from Jade's limbs as her bones and muscles stretched, her body expanding slightly as she gained several inches in height and length. Her skin and scales began to fall off in small flakes, revealing patches of pinkish skin and dark scales on her upper body and sleek black scales along her tail. Her pupils stretched and thinned, the normally round circles slimming down to snakelike slits. Both her white sclera and her green irises changed as well, darkening to an ashen grey.


Jade's jaw stretched wide, unhinging with a sickening pop as her canines elongated into thin, sharp fangs. Pale yellowish fluid dripped steadily from the tips of these fangs, the liquid spraying across the room slightly as Jade panted heavily. The previously short nails that had adorned each of her fingers were replaced with long, talon-like claws and her spine sprouted small spine-like growths that continued down nearly the entire length of her now black tail. Even the smooth, creamy scales on her underbelly darkened slightly, becoming greyish and shiny.


Through the entire transformation, her hair remained nearly untouched. The thick, raven waves took on a slightly more oily appearance, sticking to Jade's scalp slightly as her transformation caused her to sweat profusely.


The nagas and Lukas watched in horror as the beast that used to be Jade shook itself slightly, each of the ropes that bound her snapping like old string as she shivered. The beast shifted her tail slightly, knocking the heavy boulders aside like marbles as she turned towards the six nagas in the corner. The monster's pupils contracted as its gaze settled on the shivering nagas, its tongue lolling out slightly as it stared hungrily at the cowering snakes.


Desperately, one of the smaller nagas darted forward, attempting to launch herself past the beast in front of her and escape out the nearby cave entrance. With unbelievable speed, the creature moved in front of the fleeing naga, causing the snake to crash violently into its firm body. The beast barely flinched at the impact, its limbs moving painfully slowly as it reached down and wrapped its fingers around the naga's throat.


The beast slowly dragged its prey up to eye level, causing the naga to squeal pitifully as she was forced to stare into the creature's cold, grey eyes. The beast's long tongue slipped out over its newly elongated teeth, lathering across the naga's delicate features slowly. For a moment, the monster pondered over its prey's taste, almost seeming to decide whether or not it was a good enough meal.


Lukas watched with a disturbing mixture of terror and pleasure as the beast opened its fanged maw wide and engulfed its meal's head and shoulders as easily as he would have eaten a grape. The creature spent almost no time tasting its meal, choosing instead to hungrily devour the naga with a short series of glulps and glorps that quickly devolved into one long, wet sluuuuuuuurp as the creature sucked the naga's smooth tail into its hungry maw.


After only a few seconds, the monster closed her jaws with a soft klik as the last of the naga disappeared into its hungry gullet, the large snake reduced to nothing more than a writhing bulge that passed quickly through its throat and first stomach. The naga practically slid into its devourer's second stomach, landing in a growing pool of acids and welcomed by a satisfied groooooooan from the beast's deliciously filled gut.


The creature opened its maw wide, letting out a wet buh-OURPH that splattered the group of nagas slightly. The remaining five nagas crouched low, eyeing the wide mouth that used to belong to Jade. The beast licked its lips, patting its bulging tail contentedly and releasing another satisfied burp.


The other nagas flinched as the second burst of gas left the predator they were trapped with, hissing angrily and scrambling over each other in an attempt to put one of their companions between them and the thing that Jade had become. The thing stared at the writhing mass of nagas emotionlessly, its cold stare causing each of the nagas to freeze in place.


Before the creature could come to a decision, the alpha seized what he thought would be his opportunity and lunged at the beast, teeth bared and arms outstretched. Snarling, the monster swatted the creature out of the air, batting the alpha into the cave wall. The orange naga struck the stone with a sickening crunch, the monster's black claws leaving deep wounds on the naga's neck and chest. The alpha let out a sickening gurgle as he lay twitching in a growing pool of his own blood, quickly becoming still.


A heavy silence settled over the cave as the creature turned its cold gaze to the crumpled mess that used to be an orange naga. The beast's grey eyes flicked back and forth between the alpha's body and the remaining nagas. Eventually, the creature slowly dragged its bloated body towards the trembling pile of nagas, its frigid gaze turning the once proud predators into shuddering, whimpering prey.


One by one, inch by inch, gulp by gulp the creature began to stuff its meals into the tight confines of its expectant stomachs. Every time one of the nagas shifted or made a noise as if they were working up the courage to flee, the beast would let out a cautionary snarl or move slightly to block its prey off from their hope of freedom.


All throughout the process, Lukas couldn't tear his eyes away from the gruesome display of gluttony. The catboy was sure that the thing wouldn't be able to make it through the second naga, knowing that Jade's capacity wasn't much more than four normal-sized meals. Each naga was at best two meals long and at worst nearly as long as she was, but once the second naga's bright yellow and brown scales sank into the monster's gullet, Lukas stopped worrying about the creature bursting and started worrying about it filling up before he was noticed.


Before long, Lukas was nearly blinded by the tears that rolled from his eyes. Part of him was alarmed that he wasn't able to watch the beast and prepare for when it approached, but he couldn't deny the relief that flooded him as his gaze was finally torn from the creature's obscenely large bellies and stretched maw.


Each gluck and schlurp brought another hiccup or gasp out of the catboy as he imagined himself meeting the same fate, each explosive bruh-uuuuuurp and wet BREEELCH causing Lukas to flinch and squirm.


Lukas soon devolved into uncontrollable sobs as his emotions overtook him, the cave going completely silent except for the shaky sounds of Lukas' loud crying. Only when he felt a hot gust of air against his cheek did his eyes snap open, revealing that the beast was hovering an inch away from his face. Lukas frantically scanned the creature's eyes and face, searching for any sign or clue that Jade was still within the blood-spattered monster.


The beast's stomachs were bloated beyond belief, each centimeter of the five squirming nagas clearly visible against its stretched skin and taut scales. Despite the massive volume of fresh, wriggling meat that filled every square inch of the monster's tightly packed gut, it still eyed Lukas with a deep, abyssal hunger.


The creature flicked its tongue out, dragging the slimy organ across Lukas' face as it tasted him. The catboy's chest felt tight, any words he might have said getting caught in his dry throat before he could utter them.


The beast's claws cut through Lukas' bonds like they were butter, its powerful limbs lifting Lukas up into the air like a ragdoll. The monster opened its wet maw wide, slowly pulling Lukas towards its tight gullet.


"Jade--" Lukas stammered, interrupted by a hot, wet buuurp. Lukas flinched as a spray of slime splattered his face. The catboy whimpered softly, squirming within the creature's grip and staring into its cavernous throat. "Don't you r-recognize me?"


The creature paused, confused. It closed its maw slightly and reexamined its prey. Lukas trembled, repeating his partner's name again. "J-Jade, please… It's me… It's y-your kitten…"


Slowly, Jade seemed to seep back into her own body. The thick fog and intense burning that had filled her mind and body fell away slightly as she slowly recognized Lukas. She raised a clawed hand slightly, causing Lukas to yelp as the sharp appendages passed his face. Instead of sinking into his flesh, the claws instead glided through his scruffy hair as Jade clumsily felt the catboy's soft hair.


"K… kitten…?" Jade's voice came out warped and muffled, her long teeth and widened mouth causing her voice to take on a slightly garbled and deeper tone. Jade stared at Lukas, her eyes flicking across his features as a confused frown creased her face.


Lukas whimpered softly, trembling in Jade's grasp. The naga blinked several times, the grey color in her eyes slowly shifting back to their normal white and green. Her pupils stayed as thin slits, but Jade was undoubtedly returning to consciousness.


"L-Lukas? Wh --bruh-ourph-- what's happening? Where are we?" Jade gently put Lukas down on the ground, her gaze quickly being drawn from her bloodstained kitten to her new claws then to the bulges and heavy weight in her guts. A horrified look passed over Jade's face, her clawed hand clamping over her mouth as she gagged.


Lukas felt an urge to move forward, to comfort Jade, but her inky black scales and sharp spines caused his legs and arms to freeze. Jade looked back at the catboy, tears filling her eyes as she took in the look of terror on Lukas' face.


One look at the tears streaming down Jade's face was all it took for Lukas to regain control of his limbs, rushing forward and wrapping Jade in a tight embrace. The naga broke down at Lukas' touch, devolving into heavy sobs as she clutched at Lukas' small frame. For a moment, the catboy tried to hold himself together for her, but he quickly succumbed to the wave of relief that flooded through him and joined Jade in her violent weeping.


"Lukas, I… I almost…" Jade struggled to form a coherent sentence through her violent hiccups and thick sobs. She eventually managed to sputter out a feeble "I'm so sorry…" before reburying her face in the neko's soft shoulder.


Lukas took in a shaky breath, slowly calming down as Jade continued to be wracked with sobs. The catboy ran his fingers through Jade's hair gently with one hand, his other gently stroking the naga's back in an attempt to soothe her. Looking down, Lukas noticed that the sharp spines that had erupted from Jade's back had receded and her scales had almost completely regained their dark green hue. The extra scales that had sporadically coated her upper half began to flake off as well, revealing more irritated pink skin beneath.


When his firm, soothing touch failed to break through Jade's heavy sorrow, Lukas slowly withdrew from his naga's tight embrace. For a moment, pain and guilt flashed through Jade's eyes as she was pushed away, but when Lukas' hands found their way to her painfully stuffed belly, she slowly understood.


The naga hesitantly sprawled out onto the cave floor as her catboy began to knead and soothe her distended abdomen, whimpering softly as the adrenaline began to leave her system and she realized just how painful her stomachs felt.


Lukas' slow, skilled work on the bulges and air trapped in his naga's tight tummies worked quickly to calm her down. It was apparent that she was in pain, but it didn't take long for Jade's eyelids to droop as the combined forces of her packed stomachs and intense exercise began to weigh on her. After a few wet bruuuurps and more than a few wet clumps of hair and scales were ejected from Jade's sore maw, the naga released a short yawn and whimpered softly as she felt herself drifting to sleep. Lukas sighed softly as she tried in vain to fight off her fatigue, redoubling his efforts to massage her massive guts as she started to weaken. Only when her eyes were shut fully and her breathing became rhythmic and deep did Lukas collapse onto Jade's still-twitching belly and release a loud groan.


The catboy wanted nothing more than to wake Jade up and wiggle into her arms so the two could hold each other and try to make each other feel better. Yet he knew that Jade would be tormented by horrible feelings and self-loathing over her near-swallowing of Lukas, and he figured that she deserved some real sleep before any nightmares had a chance to set in.


Despite her terrifying display and her nearly eating him, all it took was one look at Jade's soft skin and delicate features and all thoughts of blame or anger melted away. The neko knew full well that whatever it was that had nearly swallowed him wasn't Jade, and he couldn't possibly blame her for whatever had happened. Though he couldn't help but sigh at the knowledge that once Jade woke up, she would adamantly disagree with him. She would most likely blame herself quickly and wholeheartedly, and Lukas was ready to spend a lot of time convincing her otherwise.


Despite the dark fuzzy fatigue that ate at his mind, Lukas returned to his ministrations on Jade's wriggling belly and tail. Under his close supervision, the meals packed tightly within quickly softened and shrank, turning to mush as Jade's potent acids broke down her prey. Only once Lukas was sure that Jade wouldn't feel any pain once she woke did he allow himself to crumple to the ground beside her and pass out with a soft groan.


Unbeknownst to the catboy and naga alike, the two managed to wiggle towards each other sometime during their sleep, wrapping around each other firmly and snuggling against each other securely. Despite the ordeal that they had gone through, their remaining time in the cave was mercifully quiet, and Jade and Lukas were able to get several hours of well-deserved rest.



Comments: 1

Rex-The-Lou [2019-05-14 15:49:47 +0000 UTC]

You do a really good job making the vore suspenseful here. It's been a little while since Lukas has been in genuine peril and you showed it very well here. It's an interesting change to see neither of your characters in control as Jade eats her way out of another dire situation. Really good suspense, really good vore, really good ending. You knew what you were doing here~ 

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