OperationFirehawk — Study Buddies [NSFW]
#belch #belching #burp #burping #rolereversal #nonfatal #willingprey #willingvore #nonfatalvore #willing #anthrocharacter #implieddigestion
Published: 2019-06-16 23:11:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 60974; Favourites: 90; Downloads: 0
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Description [Warning! This story contains vore (?/?, nonfatal, implied digestion), some nudity and sexual content, and one hopefully-not-obvious twist. Enter at your own peril, here be monsters, et cetera et cetera)

Danny never really liked snow. It was cold and it got into every crevice and fold of your clothing, and once it started to melt it left you wet and miserable.


Despite this belief, even he couldn't deny that the scenery outside was striking. The campus grounds of Nigellus University were normally pretty drab and boring, but with the light dusting of delicate white crystals, even the most mundane bench became a work of art.


Though it was his second year at the small university that had graciously accepted him, Danny was still surprised by the people and the places around the campus on occasion. Sometimes those surprises were pleasant, like with the snow, but usually those surprises involved the local rugby team and… Well, let's just say that Daniel was pretty thankful for his natural gifts.


Most of the students on campus were fully or mostly human, considering that those with more animalistic qualities were usually capable of making it into bigger, better schools. That didn't mean that Nigellus didn't have its fair share of savages, most of which were involved in the various sports teams that padded the funds of the small college.


Daniel wasn't really built for sports, despite his features. While most students sported generic canine or feline features, Danny was fortunate enough to share nearly half of his genes with pangolins. He allowed himself a bit of pride at the fact that he possessed thick scales and a broad, flat tail which he could use to protect himself from the unsavory brutes that roamed the football fields and the ice rinks.


Being able to curl into a ball and hide behind a thick layer of scales came in handy more than a few times in his past, given that his pudgy physique and short stature made him an appealing target for a bit of old-fashioned abuse every now and again.


Unfortunately, no amount of scales or hiding would let Daniel avoid his current predicament. There he sat, in his favorite spot in the library watching the snow, awaiting his new "partner" to arrive.


Normally, Danny was able to avoid most of the larger students due to the fact that his passion for entomology wasn't shared amongst the sports fans and other hooligans. However, he couldn't avoid sharing general English classes with them, and he was just unlucky enough to be randomly assigned to work with one of the largest students on campus.


Just as his mind wandered to thoughts of her, a loud slam and a gust of cold air announced the arrival of a new person to the small library. Sure enough, Danny's gaze was met with his new writing buddy: Clarissa Lancaster.


While Danny was comforted by his uniqueness around most students and teachers, Clarissa had a way of robbing him of that special feeling with just a glance. Setting aside the fact that she was one of the few komodo dragons left in the country and one of the few fully anthropomorphic students on campus, her cold stare and massive size were off-putting for even the professors at times. Standing at a massive six feet and five inches tall and clocking in at a sizable 275 lbs, Clarissa was easily in the top ten largest people on campus, which included the massive rhinoceros that Nigellus had for a football coach.


Danny let his gaze linger slightly on the features that he could discern under the massive layers of clothing that Clarissa was wrapped in. Her muzzle jutted out from the mop of sandy brown hair that sat on her head, her eyes mostly obscured by her scruffy bangs. While she generally adopted a hunched posture that made passing through doors and walking through crowds easier, she could rise to her full height at any time and tended to do so often just for the fun of seeing others utterly dumbfounded by the sight of such a massive lizard.


While her sharp claws, serrated teeth, and bulging muscles were altogether striking, what was really scary was the four-foot tail that dragged behind her at all times.


Last year, when she was a second-year student and Danny was a freshman, Clarissa received an unsavory remark from one of the more, ah, scandalous students. While the monitor lizard had received more than her share of insults, something about the jock's comment on her chest pushed her over the edge. All it took was one sharp turn, and that tail whipped through the air, shattering the poor idiot's femur. He spent the next year on the bench because of Clarissa, and he hadn't so much as entered the same room as her since then.


Danny was forced to avert his gaze as Clarissa shrugged off her heavy overcoat, revealing a tight blue tank top underneath that gave everyone an excellent view of her thick arms. Only once that thought crossed his mind did Daniel realise that he'd been staring at her and thinking about her physique for several uninterrupted minutes.


Despite his embarrassment and his better judgement, he raised his hand meekly and waved to Clarissa, who promptly stomped across the room and tossed her bag onto an empty chair. When she sat down silently and pulled her textbook out of her backpack without a word, Daniel squirmed in discomfort.


"H-Hey, Clarissa," the pangolin stammered, "y-you look good. Staying warm, I hope…?"


In response, the komodo scoffed, flashing her teeth at Daniel in the process.


"Cut the pleasantries, dude, we both know what's going on." Clarissa smirked as her partner squirmed again, satisfied that she'd gotten the reaction that she had wanted. "I don't like you, I don't like this assignment, and I really don't fucking like the cold weather. Let's just get this stupid paper done, I've got places to be tonight."


Daniel nodded slightly, clearing his throat. "Y-Yeah, okay. I talked to Ms. Chandler. She's given us permission to stay and study as long as we want; we just have to make sure to lock up when we leave."


"I really don't expect to be here very long, Denny. Besides, the snow is coming down hard, and I'd rather not be stuck in here."


"My n-name is Danny…"


"Whatever. Get started, we need to get this done so I can leave."


"Right, yeah… Places to be and all that…"


"There's a good boy. We were on page 483 or something last time, I think…"


Over the course of the next hour the two began to slowly work through their research paper. Slowly, the other students filed out as the snow began to fall in earnest, eventually leaving the two students alone with the small librarian. Eventually, even she began to make her way home, turning off some of the lights and wishing Clarissa and Daniel luck in their studies.


As time crawled by, Danny's stress levels rose. Nervously, he dug around in his bag and pulled out one of the packets of gummy bears that he kept stashed away for when his stress began to spike. Something about chewing on things managed to keep him somewhat relaxed, which is why his backpack was regularly stocked with an unhealthy amount of food, and most likely why his body was stuck in an eternal state of pudgy softness.


In direct contrast to this, Clarissa progressively became less and less attentive as the pair of students worked, eventually beginning to fall asleep in the middle of her writing. For a while, Danny didn't notice her boredom and fatigue, but when her face slammed into the table with a loud thud, the monitor's state was brought to Daniel's attention.


The pangolin's first thought was, of course, to wake her up and maybe even offer one of his sugary snacks to help keep her going. But, something about the mixture of peacefulness that graced her rugged figure and the utter horror that he felt upon seeing her sharp teeth and firm muscles dissuaded him from doing anything to wake her.


He decided instead to work hard without her, hoping to maybe earn a bit of respect from the stern komodo.


In fairness, Daniel made significant progress on his own over the next few hours, doing his best to find valid sources that supported their thesis and weaving the main points of their project together to try and make a cohesive paper. However, what he neglected to pay attention to was the weather outside.


The snow and ice outside began to build steadily, climbing from one foot to two to three over the course of the night. By the time that Clarissa woke, the white drifts were piled high around the building and packed firmly enough to be formidable to even Clarissa's strength.


"Urgh… how long was I out?" Clarissa groaned, pawing at her eyes and trying to shake off the grogginess.


"An hour or two, nothing bad. I've gotten a lot done though, I think you'll be happy with--"


"An hour or two?! Jesus, Danny, it's nearly 1:00, I'm late as fuck for my next thing!"


Daniel recoiled slightly, shifting as Clarissa feverishly shoved her half of the papers into her bag and bolted for the door. Of course, due to the safety regulation of the building, the exit doors swung outward normally to allow people to exit. The problem was the several feet of packed snow that held said doors shut extremely snugly.


"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Clarissa screamed, throwing her full weight against the door several times and receiving nothing for her efforts other than a large bruise. Angrily, she turned towards Danny and howled at him. "What are you doing just sitting there?! Get over here and help me, dammit!"


Daniel scrambled over to the door, heaving against it with all of his strength just as his companion was doing the same. Despite Danny's much smaller stature, his scaled shoulders provided him some protection from the blunt force trauma that both he and Clarissa were subjecting themselves to.


Eventually, the two gave up on their hopeless attempts at opening the doors, collapsing to the ground and panting heavily.


"Oh, great, just perfect," Clarissa growled, heaving quickly and shaking. "Of all the places and all the people and all the times to get stuck in and with, I get this."


"I-It isn't all bad, Clarissa," Danny spoke. "We could call someone or something, I'm sure that there's somebody out there who could come and dig us out, r-right?"


Clarissa glanced at the pangolin, calming down slightly at his words and digging her phone out of the pocket of her tight jeans. Daniel shook his head slightly as the observation struck him, feeling ashamed at his continual focus on Clarissa's looks.


"Yeah, fat chance," the lizard snarled, tossing her phone across the room. "The storm is blocking the signal, I don't have a single bar. I didn't exactly tell anyone that I was hanging out at the library with all the nerds tonight, either, so no one will be looking for me."


"Okay, okay, stay calm," the pangolin mumbled, "there's gotta be a landline around here or something, right?"


As if some omniscient being were watching the two poor souls and ensuring their misery, the library's power decided to go out right as those words left his lips. Clarissa began to heave loudly, trembling violently as she struggled to keep her anger and panic in check.


"U-uh," Danny gulped slightly as the words left his lips, "maybe… we could, uh… I…"


"Oh, just shut up already, idiot, it's hopeless!" Clarissa stood, her body twitching slightly. "We're stuck here, without food and without power. With how tonight has been going, one of the pipes are going to burst and we won't even be able to use the fucking bathroom."


"Come on, Clarissa, it's not all bad. We've got water, at least, and I've got some snacks in my bag. I think I might have a candle or two as well, i-if you--"


"A candle? Seriously?" Clarissa snapped, staring at him angrily. "Who just keeps candles in their backpack?"


"The aromatherapy junk helps, trust me." Before the monitor could spit out another insult, Danny scrambled to his feet and retrieved his bag. Clarissa stood shakily and lumbered over to where the pangolin was hunched over his backpack, meticulously searching through his stuffed pack.


After a few tense moments, Danny straightened slightly, proudly holding a small lavender-scented candle.


"Never underestimate the usefulness of a candle, my friend." Daniel did his best to give his companion a reassuring grin, but his efforts were once again met with cold indifference.


"Great, now we've got a bit of light and some nice smells. Unless your little matchbook is going to melt through the snow drifts, I don't see how that's going to help us…"


As the pangolin clumsily lit the small stick of purple wax, he noticed Clarissa eye him with a strange look when she thought his gaze was turned. When he looked back at her, the komodo's eyes quickly snapped away.


The two trapped students sat at one of the small tables in their school's library in silence for a while, eyeing each other and the small flame that sat between them. The light was warped slightly by the glass that the wax sat in, casting long and jagged shadows on the walls and bookshelves.


Danny shifted uncomfortably, wanting to break the silence but fearing the lizard's wrath. As his discomfort mounted, he felt his stomach twist slightly, releasing a quiet grumble that caused Clarissa to jump.


"Agh! What the hell was that?!" The dragon hissed, hunching her shoulders slightly and baring her teeth.


"O-oh, uh, sorry," Danny stammered, blushing. "My stomach gets really upset when I'm stressed… I tend to just eat until the nausea goes away, but I didn't want to bother you or make too much noise…"


"You can eat if you want, man. I'm not going to stop you." Danny raised an eyebrow at the dragon's words, but shrugged slightly and dug around in his bag once again.


"You, uh, want anything? I've got chips and gummies and--"


"Got any meat? I didn't really get to dinner because of this stupid essay."


"I might have some jerky or something, hang on."


The moment that the packet of jerky left Danny's pack and fell into Clarissa's hands, it was nearly gone. Her claws and teeth tore open the stiff plastic like it was tissue paper, and the few sticks of dried meat disappeared between her lips and out of sight with only a handful of swallows.


"Yeesh, calm down, you're going to choke." Danny chuckled slightly, but fell silent when Clarissa shot him a glare.


"Don't get too comfortable, runt. Just because we're stuck here together doesn't mean that I suddenly like you or something."


"I…" Danny slouched slightly, caught off-guard. In fact, he had begun to think that he was getting through to her in some way. "Right, right… h-how silly of me…"


Silence again settled on the library, the munching and chewing sounds that came from Danny only magnified by the suffocating quiet.


Slowly, the temperature in the building began to fall as the cheap insulation failed. The library slowly became colder and colder, prompting Clarissa to stumble to the front door and wrap her coat tightly against her skin.


While Daniel was definitely cold, he was far better off than his komodo companion. Her lack of significant body heat meant that her core temperature continued to slowly creep downward as she began to freeze.


The small candle did almost nothing to help the two warm up, and soon their breaths were visible as puffs of white fog that surrounded their heads.


"F-f-fuck, it's cold…" Clarissa stammered. "I c-can't feel my t-tail…"


"This is getting out of h-hand," Daniel agreed. "There's gotta be some w-way to warm up…"


The two looked at each other briefly, each reluctant to state the obvious option. Finally, Clarissa groaned and stood slowly. She dragged her chair around the table and next to Danny's, sitting down heavily and unzipping her coat.


"J-Just get in here, already…" she mumbled, opening her comparatively massive jacket and revealing her tank top once again. Daniel eyed Clarissa's expression warily, trying to gauge if this was some sort of excuse to hurt him. "What the fuck are you w-w-waiting for, dumbass?"


Slowly, Danny shrugged off his own coat and pressed himself against the dragon's firm torso, yelping slightly as she closed the coat around him and wrapped her arms firmly around his body. A hot flush crept up his cheeks as he felt his body pressing against hers, her loud heartbeat and labored breathing only causing him to squirm more.


"G-God, Danny, can y-you stop squirming? You're acting l-l-like a perv…"


"Sorry, I just… you're r-really muscular is all…" For once, his words seemed to draw a genuine laugh out of the komodo, causing him to chuckle nervously.


"Is that r-really what you're going with, Romeo? What a suave p-pickup line…" Her words only caused Danny to redden further, eliciting a wide grin from Clarissa. "You're way t-too easy to pick on, man. It's no w-wonder you get so much sh-shit from everyone."


Daniel pouted slightly, nibbling on another handful of gummies. "I-It's not like I haven't tried to work out or bulk up, y-y'know… I'm just not built for it…"


Clarissa shook her head slightly, leaning back in her chair and pulling Daniel slightly closer inadvertently. "It's not just the workouts, man; it's also about your diet. All that sugar and shit is what's keeping you soft and paunchy."


Daniel shot her a quizzical glance. "Why are you so passionate about sports and stuff, anyway? Aren't most komodo dragons like super lazy or something?"


Clarissa sighed, reaching up to fiddle with her short hair slightly. "Yeah, a lot of us are. They sit around, doing nothing all day but watching garbage television or working dead end jobs. Our metabolism is so slow that sometimes we only need to eat once a month if we're really inactive…"


"Y-You didn't answer my question, Clarissa."


"What? Yeah, I did."


"No, I asked you why you're so passionate about sports."


Clarissa twitched slightly, looking away. "I don't know; they make me happy or something. Why do you care?"


Danny nudged her slightly, earning himself another harsh glare. "I want to know about you. I want to be your friend. Is that so bad?"


Clarissa laughed bitterly. "Friend? I've got enough friends. They're all really awesome and they share my interests and… and stuff."


"Wow, that was very, very convincing." Danny shifted slightly, his hand brushing against his companion's toned midriff. Both students froze slightly, Danny recoiling after a second.


"I-I'm sorry, I didn't--"


"Calm down, squirt, it's no biggie." Clarissa shook her head again, shoving Danny slightly. "You're so touchy, dude. Just relax, I'm not going to bite you unless you're tasty." To punctuate her statement, Clarissa flashed the pangolin a toothy grin, revealing her serrated teeth.


"Oh, yeah, very comforting…" Danny muttered, eliciting another soft chuckle from his partner.


Time passed slowly as Danny and Clarissa huddled together. For a little while, they tried to make do with leaning against each other, but after about half an hour Clarissa decided that the leaning method wasn't getting them anywhere.


Without warning, she scooped Danny up like a puppy and dragged him into her lap, smirking as he turned a deep shade of red upon reaching his new seat.


"What's going on with your face, dude? You look stressed." Clarissa grinned broadly again as Danny squirmed, his discomfort giving the komodo immense satisfaction. "I'll bet this is the first time that you've been this close to another person, eh?"


"N-n-no, I've been this close before… I had a g-girlfriend once…"


"Uh-huh, sure. You, a girlf--" Clarissa's latest taunt stopped dead in her throat when she looked back down and saw the pained expression on Danny's face. "Hey, I-I didn't mean…"


"It's fine, it was a while ago…" The pangolin shook himself slightly, trying to rid himself of the funk that he'd fallen into.


Clarissa groaned softly, tightening her grip and forcing Danny's head to press against her shoulder.


"Don't be like that. I'm sorry that I stepped on your toes, alright? Just… stop making that face, its depressing as hell."


Daniel sniffled slightly, chuckling as he was pressed against the muscular monitor.


"What's so funny, huh?"


"Y-You actually said something nice to me, Clarissa…"


"Yeah, well, don't get used to it…" the komodo muttered, grumbling quietly to herself and loosening her grip.


An almost imperceptible shiver swept through Clarissa's body, one that she clearly tried to suppress. The lizard reached up slightly, scratching at the scales on her neck and clenching her jaw.


"Is… everything okay up there?" Danny queried. Clarissa flinched, glancing slightly at the pangolin and swallowing.


"Yep, yeah, everything is dandy. Peaches and cream and all that." She flashed Daniel a small smile, not even attempting to be covert in her stubborn avoidance of eye contact.


Danny narrowed his eyes slightly, staring intently at Clarissa for a moment before sighing softly and closing his eyes.


He would have let the strange behavior go, if not for the strange convulsion that shook both her and her pangolin companion each time he popped something into his mouth.


The odd twitching occurred for several minutes before Danny wiggled away from Clarissa slightly and stared at her intently.


"Okay, you're acting really weird right now. What's going on?"


"Really, it's nothing, I…" the monitor sighed softly, leaning back. "It's nothing that you would want to know about nor is it something that you'd like to help with. Just forget it, alright?"


Danny frowned slightly, leaning forward and maintaining his consistent stare. "I want to know, and I'll help if I can. I'm serious. Tell me what's going on."


"This isn't like some small thing that I keep a secret because I'm a squeamish little girl, runt. If this gets out, I'll never be able to show my face around here again."


Daniel sighed softly, scratching at his ear and thinking quietly for a moment. "How about I trade you, then?"


"What the fuck are you on about now?"


"I'll tell you one of my secrets if you tell me this big one."


Clarissa laughed harshly, shaking her head vigorously. "What could you possibly be hiding that could compare to something that'll ruin m--"


"I was a competitive ribbon dancer in high school."


Clarissa froze in mid-sentence, her mouth hanging open and her eyes showing several reactions fighting for dominance.


"Com… competitive ribbon dancer?"


"Competitive ribbon dancer," Daniel confirmed.


The monitor blinked slightly, shaking herself and exhaling slowly. "Alright, you got me. It isn't easy to surprise me like that, but that's pretty fucking embarrassing."


Danny shrugged slightly, his flat tail waving behind him. "Eh, my mother forced me into it. I never really liked it or got into it in any way, but people always told me that I was good. Well, they told me that after they were done laughing."


"Jeez, man, I get it." Clarissa sighed, rubbing the back of her neck slightly and pulling the coat tighter around her. "Okay, my turn, I guess..."


Clarissa closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and settling herself slightly before looking up and locking eyes with Danny.


"Don't laugh, okay? I'm 100% serious with this."


"I'm not going to make fun of you, Clarissa, just tell me."


"Okay, okay… I…" She took another deep breath, groaning and shaking herself. "I like it when people eat me, okay?"


Daniel stared at Clarissa's embarrassed expression, confounded. "Uh, I'm not saying that I'm experienced in this or anything, but I'm pretty sure that most women enjoy that…"


"No, you fucking dimwit, eaten. Swallowed, sucked down, slurped up, like literally eaten alive."


"You can't possibly be serious."


"Deathly so, Danny boy."


Danny scratched his head, wrinkling his nose and blinking as he tried to process the information that he'd been given.


"That isn't even, like, physically possible though. How even…?"


"You think I have any fucking idea how it works, you fucking--" Clarissa stopped herself, taking a deep breath. "Look, all I know is that one day this weird mark showed up on my thigh, and since then I've been like seriously addicted to it. The upside is I put on a lot of weight and grew like half a foot when this thing showed up, but the downside is that I get really, really bad withdrawal symptoms if I go too long without… w-without being… yeah." Clarissa blushed slightly, clearly flustered. Daniel's intent stare and contemplative expression wasn't doing anything to assuage her insecurities.


"It's stupid, I know. I sound like a goddamned kook or something, but you've just gotta trust me on this."


Daniel sighed softly, holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender. "Okay, okay, so you've got a magical tattoo that made you all big and strong in exchange for being eaten alive every now and then. I take it that this place that you had to be was an, ah, appointment?"


Clarissa chuckled slightly. "Well, sort of. You seem to know some about komodo dragons, so you're probably aware that the more gluttonous of our ranks tend to just swallow food whole without chewing."


"Oh, don't tell me…"


"I've done it on occasion, but only to people that ask for it," Clarissa added hastily. "And they're totally fine after! I-I don't really get how they just… reappear or whatever, but there's not exactly much consequence to the whole thing."


Daniel shifted slightly, hugging his knees to his chest and wrapping his long tail around his body. "So, if you can just eat other people anyway, why do you prefer being eaten?"


"I… u-uh…" Now it was Clarissa's turn to shift uncomfortably, the dragon clearly heavily embarrassed by the direction of the conversation. "Th-that isn't important right now, I… just… forget it, I'm fine…"


Daniel sighed heavily, curling slightly tighter. His gaze wandered slightly across Clarissa again, taking in her firm features and tantalizing curves. Despite being ridiculously muscular, the komodo still had curves where it counted. Her hips and rear firm and wide while her bust was slightly larger than most. The pangolin's mind raced as he processed what he'd been told, turning the contents of the conversation over in his mind.


"So, n-now you know. That's, like, my darkest secret. Only a couple of people on campus know about this, and one of them likes to extort me into doing a lot of stupid things because of it." She rose up slightly, assuming a defensive posture. "Just because you're aware of this doesn't mean that I'm going to let you push me around, though. If you go and blab about this to anyone, I swear you'll n--"


"I'm not going to tell anyone, okay? Just calm down and let me think for a minute…"


Clarissa's jaw snapped shut suddenly at the pangolin's words, his sudden assertiveness and lack of fear catching her by surprise.


"Where the fuck did that come from? How long have you had a spine, man?"


Daniel shook his head slightly, clearing his throat. "I know I'm pretty meek most of the time, but threats of physical violence don't really scare me. You know by now how tough my hide is, Clarissa. I can't fight you or hurt you, sure, but you aren't going to be able to put a scratch on me unless I let you." The monitor lizard flinched slightly at his words, sneering and crossing her arms.


"Tough guy, I get it. What are you gonna do with this information, then, eh?"


Daniel took a moment to collect his thoughts, breathing slowly and allowing himself to focus. "I want to help you, Clarissa. The fact of the matter is that we're both stuck here for God knows how long, you're freezing slowly, and aside from the fact that it would be a huge help to your mental state, this eating thing sounds like a good way to keep you warm regardless of which end of it you're on."


Clarissa was taken aback by his words, tilting her head in confusion. "I-I don't understand. The few people that I've talked to about this have gotten… upset, or angry, or… I don't know, not whatever it is you're doing. Why are you being so nice to me?"


Danny sighed softly, rubbing his arms slightly in an attempt to generate some heat. "I've been a punching bag for a lot of years, dude. Everyone knows they can't hurt the pangolin's body, so they have at it without thinking about how they're hurting the damn thing's feelings."


Clarissa blinked slightly, sighing back at him. "Danny, I know that you've been kicked around a lot, but that doesn't mean--"


"The bottom line is that I know that stuff can be hard sometimes, and I want to help, okay?" The pangolin shot Clarissa a look that she couldn't describe, some sort of mixture between pain and compassion and frustration. "I want to help you. That's it. I don't expect you to pay me or suck me off behind the bleachers or something, I just…" Daniel closed his eyes slightly, taking a shaky breath. "I just want a friend, okay?"


Clarissa locked eyes with Daniel, seeing him struggle to maintain his composure. Part of her urged her to move forward and comfort him in some way, but the look in his eyes told her that comfort wasn't what he was looking for.


"Alright, man," Clarissa murmured, "if you're really sure about this, then of course I'll be your friend."


"You really mean that…?"


"If that was the only thing that people would have asked of me in the past, my life would have been a lot easier." The komodo's words were accompanied by a reassuring smile, one that managed to lift Danny's spirits somewhat despite all odds.


"Thank you, Clarissa…"


"Hey, hey, don't thank me yet. We still have to figure out how… this is gonna work."


"Well, uh… about that…"


"You don't have to do this, really. I understand if y--"


"No, no, I'm committed to this. I just… I don't really want to be eaten."


"Wait, so you're saying that you'll…?"


Danny nodded slightly. "As long as you're sure that you're… comfortable with me doing this…"


Clarissa chuckled awkwardly, blushing slightly. "Now that you mention it… uh, I, uh… how do I say this…?" The dragon shifted slightly, scratching at one of her ear holes. "Clothes aren't, uh… they don't come back if I'm wearing them when I go in, so…"


"Wait, wait, wait, you want to… Clarissa, it's like twelve degrees here, and--"


"And it'll be over ninety degrees inside of you. I'll be fine, trust me. This isn't my first time doing this in conditions like these." Clarissa chuckled slightly when she saw the pangolin redden. "Just follow my lead, dork, don't make this weirder than it is."


Clarissa leaned forward, grasping Danny's wrist gently and guiding his hand under her shirt and against her stomach. While the rest of her body was covered in the rough, bony scales that weren't exactly pleasant to touch, Clarissa's belly was covered in softer scales that were warm and smooth. Daniel's instincts took over slightly as he felt the dragon's smooth flesh, his other hand finding its way under her tank top to stroke her stomach slowly.


"I know that I'm not the most… palatable, but I've still got a couple of soft spots that you can enjoy along the way…" Clarissa felt a bit more in stride at this point, but Danny was still hesitant. This suited the komodo just fine. "What are you waiting for, idiot? Take the shirt off of me, already…" she murmured.


Daniel clumsily gripped the rough fabric of Clarissa's top, fumbling with it for a few moments before managing to peel it off of her muscular frame. He shuddered slightly as he was met with the sight of her toned stomach and plain black bra. The lizard's smirk grew into a malicious grin as she watched Danny ogle her.


"Get it in gear, dumbass, it's fucking freezing in here," Clarissa growled.


"R-Right, sorry…" While the pangolin tried to unclasp the bra from Clarissa's chest, she was busy running her hands across his chest and stomach, eventually yanking off his long-sleeve shirt and tossing it aside like garbage. When Daniel finally managed to discard his companion's final upper garment, he was met with her impressive bust laid bare in front of him.


The combination of Clarissa groping at Danny's soft paunch and the sight of the komodo's pillowy mounds stirred a wet gurrr-oooooan from the pangolin's midriff. Clarissa purred softly at the needy sound, guiding her hungry companion's trembling hands to the button on her jeans.


"You're starting to get the idea now, Danny," Clarissa teased. "Let's see if we can't keep you on the right track, hm?"


Once Daniel scrambled off of Clarissa's lap, he made short work of her rough jeans, undergarments, and heavy boots. Finally, the komodo dragon's full beauty was laid bare in front of Danny, her rough scales and soft curves illuminated only by the soft light that was emitted from the tiny lavender candle.


Clarissa shivered slightly, crossing her arms both in an attempt to warm up and in an attempt to temptingly press her breasts together.


"W-well, here we are. Let's get this s-show on the road, I'm f-f-freezing my tits off here…"


"H-how do I… do this, exactly?" Danny stammered, his eyes roaming across Clarissa's naked form fervently. His stomach let out another growl that caused the monitor to bite her lip slightly.


"Start with my tail. It'll be easier to go gradually with it, and I'll be able to instruct you through the whole process…"


Nodding slightly, Daniel slowly picked up the end of Clarissa's long tail and inspected it hesitantly. Slowly, he slid the pointed tip of her tail into his mouth, rubbing his tongue against her rough scales slightly. He was surprised by just how good she tasted. The salty flavor of her skin had an almost smoky taste to it, one that caused Danny's mouth to water enough that the komodo's scales became slick and drenched.


Slowly, he slid up Clarissa's tail, blushing heavily and avoiding her piercing gaze. Soon, her tail pressed against the back of his throat, and the pangolin took his first nervous swallow.


Clarissa groaned as Danny's throat gripped her tail, shivering slightly both from the frigid weather and from the feeling of her flesh slowly sliding into the pangolin's esophagus.


"Th-that's it, g --unh!-- g-good boy, nice and slow…"


Daniel's lips slowly crept higher and higher as his throat muscles gently massaged Clarissa and pulled her closer to his surprisingly welcoming belly. Eventually, Danny was confronted with his first major obstacle: Clarissa's feet.


With her guidance and physical assistance tucking her toes in between his lips, he was able to slowly wriggle up the dragon's ankles and continue towards her thighs.


By now, the first of Clarissa's tail had been pressed into the pangolin's stomach, causing both Danny and his meal to squirm slightly at the closeness.


"Ohh, you're not so bad at this, runt…" Clarissa groaned. "Maybe I'll have to come back to you again after all…"


In response, Danny took a more ambitious swallow, pulling a few inches of the lizard's legs into his warm maw with a thick glulk! Clarissa yelped slightly as she lurched downward, biting back another noise as she felt her devourer's lips pass her knees and reach her plump, firm thighs.


At this point, Daniel succumbed to his instincts and began to swallow rhythmically. Each gluck and ulk pulled the muscled lizard further and further into his gullet, and each inch had a slightly different flavor. While her lower half had a salty, smoky taste like bacon or jerky, Clarissa's skin became sweeter and sweeter as he progressed towards her upper half.


Clarissa did her best to maintain control of the situation, mercilessly teasing Danny and struggling to assert herself over the pangolin.


Daniel was sure that he would burst by the time the massive lizard was halfway inside of him. His stomach was filled beyond belief with juicy reptile meat, the inner walls beginning to stretch as he forced Clarissa deeper and deeper into his belly.


When Danny reached his meal's hips, he stopped. Clarissa growled quietly as she felt his throat muscles constrict around her and hold her in place, wriggling angrily in an attempt to force herself deeper.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Did I tell you to stop, you little-- aaah~!"


The once-dominant komodo let out a girlish squeal as Danny's tongue wriggled its way between her legs, his teeth scraping against her firm buttocks simultaneously. She reached forward and gripped the pangolin's hair firmly to steady herself, snarling loudly and struggling to keep her cool.


"You little --ahn!-- you fucking punk, I'm --ohh!-- you're gonna pay for --nngh!" Clarissa struggled to even string a sentence together between her heavy panting and sharp squeals. In a desperate attempt to save face, she tried to threaten Danny in various ways, but her words only convinced him to down her hips with a satisfied glul-LURK!


Clarissa's grip on Daniel's hair only tightened as she sank waist-deep into his wet gullet. Her grasp served to both yank on his hair in an attempt to force herself deeper as well as a way for the reptile to maintain at least a portion of control over her descent.


As Clarissa's breasts squeezed into Danny's mouth with a wet sssslurk, a nasty idea came to him. Doing his best to give an evil grin despite his mouth being full, he gently but firmly sank his teeth into the dragon's chest, eliciting a loud gasp and a sharp "Oh fuck!" from the tortured lizard. At this point, her resolve had been thoroughly eroded by the feeling of the pangolin's stomach walls kneading her lower half and her rump and midriff squeezed tightly by his esophagus. The sharp prick of his teeth on her chest was the final straw for her.


Daniel felt her body go rigid, her grip on his short hair tightening to unbelievable tightness as her entire figure was wracked with violent trembles. Finally, Clarissa went limp in Danny's mouth, releasing his hair and flopping backwards onto the small wooden chair.


A meaty glorp brought Clarissa in up to her neck, where Daniel could get a good taste of the soft flesh on her neck and cheek. The komodo trembled slightly, letting out a loud groan as she entered the final stretch.


"Urgh… y-you're really… really good at this, dude…" Clarissa mumbled, eliciting a muffled chuckle from her devourer. "Well, that's it, then… I'm yours now, dumbass, finish what you started…"


With that final act of defiance, the pangolin gently grasped Clarissa's shaggy hair and pushed her head into his mouth. He spent a fair bit of time suckling on her face and biceps before shoving her down roughly and gulping down her head with a loud ulp. Her thick arms were child's play compared to the rest of the feisty lizard's body, the strong limbs passing over Daniel's lips with nothing more than a wet, satisfied sluuuurp.


The pangolin leaned against the wooden table that he had just been sat at, heaving a hefty sigh and stroking his obscenely bloated gut. Shivering slightly, he reached for Clarissa's large coat, draping it over his massive belly like a blanket and settling into a comfortable position.


"Well, that was--" Daniel was quickly cut off by an unexpected constriction from his excited gut, the clenching muscles pushing up a dense cloud of gas that burst out of his lips with a wet buh-OOOOOOOURP!


"I-I hope you're comfortable in there, Clarissa," Daniel mumbled, "because I like you there a lot…" His words were met with a slight wriggle from his meal, which elicited a satisfied glorp from his filled gut.


For a while, Danny was content with squeezing Clarissa gently with his legs while using his hands to knead and rub the bulges that she made in his skin. The feeling of the komodo's slight twitches sent shockwaves from his belly to his toes, and his filled stomach working overtime generated more than enough heat for both him and his meal to be pleasantly warm despite the harsh chill that surrounded them.


Each bubble of air trapped in his tight tummy was slowly worked out by Clarissa's squirms, the foggy clouds erupting from his lips with various levels of force ranging from small, cute urps to massive, ground-shaking bruh-AAAAAAAAAARPS!


Clarissa was swept up by her intense euphoria, the pangolin's squishy stomach walls rubbing against her firmly and secreting tingling fluids that drove her crazy. The hot, steamy air inside Daniel's stomach was a sharp contrast to the cold exterior air, and once the acids began to rise, Clarissa sank contentedly into the warm liquid.


She was, of course, used to the feeling of slowly asphyxiating inside of a predator's guts by now, so it wasn't unexpected when Danny's thunderous belches slowly began to reduce the space inside of his tummy and Clarissa's head began to spin. Soon, the rhythmic groooowls and the lack of breathable air sent the dragon into unconsciousness.


Eventually, Danny let out a yawn, stretching and shifting to a lying position on the rough carpet. The process of consuming another person was surprisingly exhausting, and the combined forces of the tiny scented candle and the heavy weight on top of him and in his belly quickly sent Daniel into a deep, contented sleep.


Outside, the storm raged on, the snow continuing to fall and blanket the landscape with soft white powder. The snowstorm slowly receded throughout the course of the night, completely indifferent to the trapped students within the small library.

Comments: 16

Titanus90 [2023-11-18 01:01:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

OperationFirehawk In reply to Titanus90 [2023-11-18 01:02:43 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Flocas [2021-03-17 06:40:55 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

thepowerfulmage13 [2020-02-25 05:44:51 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

OperationFirehawk In reply to thepowerfulmage13 [2020-02-25 12:35:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! <3

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

GaarasBloodRose [2019-06-17 06:49:49 +0000 UTC]

This is a really satisfying read. Also I'm hungry now-

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

OperationFirehawk In reply to GaarasBloodRose [2019-06-17 12:56:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for reading! And hopefully you can fox that little craving that I've instilled XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

thicceater [2019-06-17 06:37:14 +0000 UTC]

Excellent story! These two are fantastic! I adore how it could have gone both ways, though I’m glad Clarissa was the one to be churned up. Big, powerful and muscular prey with small and meek preds are my favorite

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

OperationFirehawk In reply to thicceater [2019-06-17 12:55:52 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a bunch! I was really banking on that subversion of expectations, but I wasn't sure if it would mesh well. I'm glad to hear that it went over well~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VOREdotCOM [2019-06-17 02:57:24 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

OperationFirehawk In reply to VOREdotCOM [2019-06-17 03:25:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm very glad you enjoyed <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ashtrainer28 [2019-06-17 01:35:51 +0000 UTC]

Usually i dont read stories so big, but holy crap you did good, man! I've been trying to get into literature for a good long while now, im hoping I can reach the same kind of talents that you have at some point <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

OperationFirehawk In reply to ashtrainer28 [2019-06-17 02:05:32 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for giving my stuff some attention! I'm always looking for critiques and compliments, so your watch means a lot <3

And hey, if you ever need some advice on writing or some other biz, shoot me a note. I'm no expert or anything, but I'd love to help you in any way that I can :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ashtrainer28 In reply to OperationFirehawk [2019-06-17 02:32:02 +0000 UTC]

Well, actually im working on a story right now, i could use some pointers if you could help!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

OperationFirehawk In reply to ashtrainer28 [2019-06-17 03:06:50 +0000 UTC]

More than happy to! Send me a note, and I'll getcha my discord ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rex-The-Lou [2019-06-17 01:28:53 +0000 UTC]

Something about the way you write relationships gives so much more weight to each vore scene you write. Everything in the front two-thirds of the story, from Clarissa's initial animosity to Danny's absolute purity pays off beautifully as you get to the meat of the fic. You make these two seem so real, like I've already got an intimate relationship with them~ 

Just... thank you man. You're a great writer and an even greater friend~ 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0