OshiMoon — Soul Eater Wonderland Ch.3
Published: 2009-08-13 22:53:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 2173; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 7
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Description Soul Eater
Crona’s Bedtime Stories:
Chapter three


Vision returned as Maka opened her eyes. It was cloudy and Maka was no longer outside of the gothic mansion or spider-ruled forest. Her eyes fell to her lap, as she sat on a long, red carpet over thick green grass. She was in a garden, bush walls surrounded her. The red carpet disappeared into darkness between the thick, bush walls behind her and her hands were bound behind her back. Maka slid her gaze across the wall on her right, a small, red rose tree was by the wall and someone stood beside her—Soul, the White Rabbit. He stood up straight, his hands pulled behind his back and he stared ahead, not glancing at her.

She felt a pained twinge in her gut. Maka followed his gaze. Farther down the carpet was a brown, wooden throne chair with golden designs and a heart formed at the top. Black metal stands stood alongside it and a small white table was set up by its left. Maka’s eyes widened.

Sitting on the throne was a woman wearing a black dress with short sleeves and a pulled down hood. The dress had a thin netting over the lower half with a large heart design in the center, the upper half was also black but tight and she was barefoot. A blonde braid hung against her chest and the rest of her short blonde hair slightly curled at the ends. A golden crown was planted atop her head and her narrow, yellow, slit eyes stared at Maka with a pleased smile.

“Looks like our little prisoner is awake,” Queen Medusa noted playfully.

Those eyes…Maka recognized with a shudder. Medusa had been there when Maka was first taken into Kishin City. She put the snake around her neck.

Medusa was laid out on the chair; her legs dangled over the chair arm, her back leaned against the other arm with her hand under her chin. Soul’s gaze wavered from Medusa, but he kept his eyes away from Maka.

“Well, I see that Death the Kid is free, and I’m surprised that someone could make it that far. However, thanks to my sources,” she made a small gesture to Soul, “I have sent someone to arrest the Tea Gatherers, but I shall tighten security in Kishin City, as well. The Grim Reaper shall not be revived and my rule shall continue. I have my spies to thank for this.”

A bit of the area by Soul’s right darkened, and the grass turned into black and red tile with black darkness serving as walls. The Demon appeared on this little area and also faced the Queen. He and Soul both bowed with one of their hands over their chests and the other behind them.

“At your service, Your Majesty,” they said in unison. The Demon spoke in a more pleased voice while Soul sounded unconvincing. Maka looked at Soul and saw him gritting his teeth and he stared at the ground with burning red eyes.

Medusa nodded, satisfied, and looked back at Maka.

“Now, since you plotted against me, freed the imprisoned, Grim Reaper’s son and planned to poison me, the penalty is death,” she stated and waved her finger. The snake around Maka’s throat slithered across her neck. Maka stiffened, and Soul tensed. However, Medusa lowered her finger and the snake stopped. She sighed and put a hand to her cheek, “But, I’ve gotten bored of killing my subjects in such a manner. Perhaps, I can do something else…like making you a personal servant to my child, Patrician Crona.”

There was a smaller dark brown, wooden throne chair with a small, red heart carved on the top and it was surrounded by a small, brown booth with red roses decorated on it. A slim figure sat on the chair wearing a black suit with a black jacket with white cuffs, red buttons, a white undershirt with a small red heart, black pants and black boots. The Patrician had a gold crown on top of messy pink hair, and the person’s large, tired black eyes stared uncomfortably at the ground. The Patrician glanced at Maka then looked away, tightly hugging a stuffed doll.

“I don’t know how to deal with girls,” the royal child murmured. Medusa lightly smiled and leaned to the Patrician.

“That’s why I’ll make her your servant and if you don’t like her, you can always get rid of her,” Medusa whispered comfortingly. Crona looked back at the ground, hugging the bear closer and nodded, chin rubbing against the bear’s head. Medusa leaned back in her chair and motioned her hand commandingly, “Free, take the girl to Crona’s room.”

Maka didn’t realize that Free and Spirit were on either side on Medusa and Crona. Free moved and picked up Maka from behind with both of his large hands. He easily lifted her off the ground. Maka struggled to break free from his grasp with no prevail. He walked towards a black, metal door that was on the left that lead to dark stairs below. Maka panicked and looked back at Soul, lowered his head and his eyes were veiled by his bangs. Free and Maka went through the door, and it slammed shut behind them.

Now that Maka was gone, the only place that Soul stared at was the empty spot next to him, where Maka had sat. Before she was taken away. Because of him.

Soul barely heard Medusa talk.

“Ah, now that that’s over with, let’s move on to the next matter,” she placed her elbows on the armrests and settled her chin on her intertwined fingers, “I can understand why you didn’t stop the girl until you did, but the lost delivery of tea at the Singing Forest will not be tolerated without consequences.”

Soul looked up at Medusa. His red eyes swirled with a powerful rage. He snorted and turned away with his arms crossed.

“It’s not like it matters if the delivery was lost. You already have more tea than you can drink,” Soul argued. Spirit shot Soul a worried look, and Crona stiffened with a panicked face. Medusa frowned.

“Soul, I advise you not to use such a tone with your queen or—” she began.

“Or what?” Soul cut her off and spread out his arms angrily, “you’ll punish me? Give me the death sentence? Yeah, right! You wouldn’t kill your little ‘spy’ because I’m the only thing that’ll keep you from being attacked by a rebellion!”

“Understand this! I may not be able to kill you but I can make you miserable. I’ll double your deliveries, increase the amount you have to carry and cut the deadlines in half. So, the more you’re late, the more work you get,” she threatened and leaned forward.

“So what! I’ve would’ve been delivering this stupid tea for my entire life, anyways!” Soul yelled and took a step forward.

“Silence!” Medusa yelled. Her eyes were large, yellow slits and she was hissing in anger. Soul froze and unable to speak. Medusa continued to hiss and clawed at the arm rests, “Report to the music room and wait until I call you again.”

Soul clenched his fist, his body trembling with fury. Then his shoulders sagged and he lowered his head.

“Yes…Your Majesty,” he replied through gritted teeth and stomped over to the metal door. Medusa leaned back in her throne chair and her hisses subsided.


Free walked around the tall, dark halls with Maka still in his clutches. She was tired and sore from Free’s strong grip. We’ve been walking around for hours and going in circles, Maka sighed in her head. I hope I’m not lost with this guy.

He stopped at an intersection with a blank face. His eyebrow twitched in annoyance. Free also realized that they’ve been aimlessly walking around. He lifted his head and sniffed the air. He caught a familiar scent and looked over at a cracked open door on their right.

“Ah, there it is,” he said aloud. Maka frowned in tired amazement. Could anyone be this dull? She wondered. Free set her down outside of the door and pushed it open. He untied her and called out, “here’s Your Majesty’s servant.”

He pushed Maka in and she stumbled inside with Free shutting the door behind her. The floor was soft, white carpet, the walls were pale pink and white with no outline. A soft bed with dark pink covers was on her right and there was a pile of stuffed animals by it. This doesn’t seem like the room of an evil Queen’s child, Maka thought.

“You’re my new servant, right?” a quiet, uncomfortable voice called out on her left. Maka looked over and saw a small white table in the center of the room with a white tea pot, two tea cups, two small plates and a cup of sugar cubs. Crona sat at one end, facing her. A strange black stuffed doll sat in the corner, staring with button-eyes. The Patrician slowly glanced at Maka and remained uneasy, mumbling, “I’m Crona.”

This doesn’t seem like the behavior of an evil Queen’s child either, Maka noted. Hope flickered in her heart.

Maka gave a small curtsy, “Hello, Your Majesty. I’m Maka.”

Crona looked away and slightly blushed, “I don’t know how to deal with girls. That’s why Mother made you my servant, so I could learn how to deal with girls and how to deal with a servant for when I take up the throne…but I don’t know how to rule a kingdom. You’re supposed to help me learn how to deal with things. If I can’t handle having you around and you can’t help me, Mother said I could feed you to Ragnarok.”

Crona motioned to the black, large, four-legged stuffed doll with a round, black head, a white X across its face, white eyes with black X’s and a large mouth with white teeth. Maka could swear the doll grinned at her. She shivered and glanced back at Crona. The Patrician looked down at the tea set.

“Whenever we have tea, I never know what to say to the person serving it,” Crona explained and shifted uncomfortably. Maka nodded and slowly walked over to the table. She carefully sat down across from Crona. Maka pondered for a moment and spoke up.

“Okay, how’s about we pretend that I’m one of the people serving tea. If you can’t figure out what to say, I’ll mouth it to you,” Maka suggested. Crona hesitantly nodded. Maka cleared her throat clasped her hands, “Good afternoon, Your Majesty. Would you care for some tea?”

“…um…” Crona stared, clueless.

Maka smiled and mouthed, “Yes, please.”

Crona nodded and repeated, “Um, y-yes, please. I-If you don‘t mind.”

“Oh, not at all, Your Majesty,” Maka grabbed the tea cup and felt that it was full of fresh, warm tea. She poured it in one of the cups and set it in front of Crona. The Patrician looked down at it and then up at Maka. She nodded.

Crona tried to pick up the cup from the handle but with a very weak grip. The cup was tipping over, on the verge of spilling. Crona quickly sat the cup back down. Maka put a hand to her chin and tried to figure out what to do. This reminded her of when she and Soul were drinking tea as they rode with Tsubaki and Black Star and Soul had managed to keep his tea from spilling in the moving cart. Crona’s grip isn’t very strong, and it would be hard to hold the warm cup with both hands but what about the small plates the cups were set on? She decided to try it.

“Patrician Crona? If I may suggest something,” Maka spoke up. Crona watched patiently. Maka poured tea in the other cup and picked up the plate with the cup on it. She held the plate with one hand to lift the cup up to her mouth and she gripped the handle with her other hand. Maka raised the cup to her lips and took a sip. She set the cup down and looked back at Crona. The Patrician tried to copy Maka. The plate still shook, but the cup did manage to reach Crona’s mouth. Warm tea pleasantly slid down Crona’s throat. The Patrician set the cup back down and sighed happily.

“This…tastes really good,” Crona said, looking back at Maka. She smiled.

“Well, it’s the Tea Harvesters that make the tea,” she replied.

“Perhaps I should thank them,” Crona murmured. Maka lowered her head sadly.

“I’m afraid that Her Majesty is arresting them,” she replied. Crona glanced at Maka’s sad face and looked away.

“Oh…” Crona set down the cup but still hung onto it.

Maka glanced at the Patrician and remembered she was still supposed to help Crona learn what to say to the ones serving tea. She smiled and picked up the cup of sugar.

“Your Majesty,” she called out. Crona quickly looked back at her and she held out the sugar, “Would you like some sugar with your tea? It shall sweeten the taste.”

“Um…” Crona looked at the tea and then pleadingly at Maka. However, she continued to smile and didn’t say anything. Crona looked back at the tea and hesitantly held it out, “Y-yes?”

Maka nodded and dropped a couple of sugar cubes in the tea. She stirred it with a small spoon for Crona and the Patrician carefully drank the tea. Crona smiled in content. Maka saw and smiled as well. After a minute, Crona expressed surprised at being able to make a decision without Queen Medusa’s involvement. Maka giggled and glanced at Ragnarok. The doll wasn’t grinning and looked very annoyed. Maka felt proud and she and Crona continued to sip their tea.

A few minutes later, Crona set down an empty cup and looked at the ground.

“I think Mother wants me to rule the kingdom the way she does but…I don’t really want to rule a kingdom,” Crona admitted.

“Was is it you want to do?”

Crona was quiet for a moment. Afterwards, the Patrician answered, “I don’t know…I’ve always just done what Mother tells me to do. But—” Crona glanced at the plushy and then whispered to Maka, “—don’t tell anyone, but I’m afraid that I might die because of Mother’s plans.”

Maka became concerned. She whispered back, “What do you mean?”

Crona answered, “She tried to use Black Blood to help her keep a close watch on her subjects. Mother tried it on me but it nearly killed me and Ragnarok, so she put him in a plushy and all the Black Blood was taken out of me. But it worked on the White Rabbit and Little Demon. Now, they are Mother’s best spies.”

“Why them?” Maka asked, feeling a twinge of bitterness. She was still hurt by the betrayal but trying not to take it out on Crona.

“The White Rabbit was always crafty. Maybe too much, so making him a spy keeps him in line. Little Demon is useful because he un-exists,” Crona explained.

“You mean he’s non-existent?”

Crona’s head shook, “Dreams don’t exist. Real things do exist. Little Demon is from Un-land, where things un-exist, being awake and asleep. Things from Un-land normally can’t be in Wonderland, but the Black Blood lets him briefly appear and he is tied to Soul.”

I guess un-existing means it exists even when someone is awake and not dreaming but it doesn’t totally exist like reality, Maka reasoned.

Crona fidgeted and murmured, “Little Demon can see things and do things we can’t because he un-exists. Sometimes, I wonder if Mother would still think I’m useful if I wasn’t her child.”

Maka looked down solemnly for a moment, remembering how Soul couldn’t even bear to watch as the Demon grabbed her. The girl murmured, “You’re more than a pawn.”


Maka met Crona’s eyes and insisted, “You’re not just a tool for Queen Medusa. You’re a person—with a soul and your own feelings and dreams! Don’t forget that!”

The sudden tone different intimidated Crona. The Patrician froze defensively, aside from very slight, panicked nods. Maka realized this, and her look softened. She reached over the table, which Crona flinched at, and Maka gently placed her hands over Crona’s. The Patrician wasn’t sure what to do. Maka said softly, “What I’m trying to say is…you’re valuable and your life is precious. I don’t believe that anyone can take that away from you. Not even your mother. But I think it’s also important to have the courage to live life, and I think you have that courage in you.”

The Patrician wasn’t sure how to respond, but felt warm without knowing why. Crona gave small smile but looked away and blushed. As a distraction, Crona took off the crown and fiddled with the hair underneath. However, the hairs stuck up no matter what. Crona tried to fix it but the hair kept sticking back up. Crona’s hand dropped slowly. The Patrician slowly looked back at Maka. Crona’s fingers started to fiddle, and Crona hesitantly looked back at her, “Um…Maka…”

“Yes, Crona?” she wondered.

Crona looked back at the ground, fingers still twiddling.

“Um, could you…help me brush my hair?” Crona slowly asked and looked back innocently at Maka. The girl’s eyes lit up, and she smiled warmly.

“Of course,” she answered.

Crona relaxed a little and smiled too.

“Um, there’s a brush in the drawer that’s in the closet,” Crona pointed at the door. Maka nodded and got up. As she walked over to the door, Crona got up and sat on the bed. Maka opened the door to a small closet of dull-colored coats, a few boots, and some shelves of pants and socks. It was surprisingly mundane to Maka. A drawer was in the corner on her right and she opened it. There were a few hair clips, some needles and thread and a wooden brush. Maka picked up the brush and started to walk over to Crona, who had set down the crown on the bed. I’m glad I'm not being treated like a servant, Maka thought. I think it’s better with us as friends. Maka sat beside Crona and ran the brush through Crona’s hair. There were a few quiet minutes with only the hush of the brush. Maka slid her fingers through the Patrician’s now, soft, pink hair. It curled like Queen Medusa, but was not as long.

Finally, Maka set the brush down and Crona yawned. The Patrician laid down, and Maka smiled. Maka put the brush back in the closet. She then sat back at the table and poured some more tea for herself, as she listened to Crona’s soft breathing. However, an animal-like squeaking broke the peaceful moment and Crona woke with a start.

“Wh-what’s that?” Crona panicked, arms wrapped around the knees. Maka scanned the room for the source of the noise and stopped at a decorated air vent between Ragnarok and the closet. Crona hugged a pillow and looked over at the black plushy to stop the noise, “R-Ragnarok…”

Maka got up and started towards the vent, “I’ll get it, Your Majesty.”

Crona watched her go and hugged the pillow tighter. Maka knelt in front of the vent and peered into it. She could make out a white, mouse on the other side of the vent making the squeaking.

“Mizune? Wait…” Maka noticed it didn’t have a snake around it like Mizune does but the mouse explained with its squeaks that she was one of Mizune’s sisters. She and the other Mizunes were going to help the one trapped by Medusa and free Eruka, too. Mizune asked Maka how she already knew Mizune, was she a slave, too? Maka whispered the answer, “Yes, I was also captured by Medusa.”

Mizune offered to help her escape. Maka paused. At first, she realized how much she was enjoying Crona’s company, which was followed by guilt upon remembering her original goal. Her mixed feelings about Soul started to rise, but Maka pushed them aside She finally answered, “I’m trying to free the Grim Reaper. I can’t go, yet. I’ve also been assigned as Patrician Crona’s servant. I need to figure out a way to find the Reaper’s son, Death the Kid.”

Mizune nodded. The mouse added that, as she and the other Mizune Sisters were going through the sewers, where they would sneak Eruka and Mizune outside to freedom, they passed by a boy with white lines on one side of his head, yellow eyes and there were two girls wearing top hats with him. Maka smiled. Death the Kid, Liz and Patty did manage to escape.

“Please find them and lead them here,” Maka whispered.

The mouse agreed.

“Good luck,” Maka said. Mizune nodded and left. Maka stood up and glanced over her shoulder at Crona, “it was only a mouse.”

Crona stiffened, “A m-mouse?”

“Don’t worry, it left,” Crona relaxed and Maka walked back towards the table. Crona set the pillow down and joined Maka at the table. Maka picked up the tea pot as Crona sat down, “would you like some tea, Your Majesty?”

Crona nodded, raising a cup. They both quietly sipped tea for a few minutes when Crona looked down at the ground and began shifting around.

“Um…M-Maka?” Crona called out. Maka looked up.

“Yes, Crona?” the girl kindly wondered.

“There’s, um…another thing I don’t know what to do…” Crona began. The Patirican looked back at Maka innocently, “it’s, um, how to dance. Whenever we have a celebration, and it’s a ball, I never know what to do.”

Maka nodded happily, “Okay, I think I might be able to help you. Is there any music we can dance to?”

Crona’s head shook but then paused, remembering something.

“Well…there’s a piano in the music room. It’s pretty much the White Rabbit’s room but he never sleeps there because he always making deliveries, but, um, he does know how to play,” Crona answered.

For a moment, the girl didn’t respond and stared at her own, fiddling thumbs.

Maka got up. She gently grabbed Crona’s wrist and pulled the Patrician up.

“Okay, why don’t we go?” Maka said, not looking at Crona.

“U-um, o-okay,” Crona stuttered.

They went out of the door and Maka looked on either side of the tall, dark hall. Crona pointed to the right, “I-it’s the room at the end of the hall.”

Their steps clattered down the dark hallway. Crona felt nervous and confused, not sure what Maka was feeling. After the feeling of not knowing seemed unbearable, Crona asked, “M-Maka? A-are you, um, feeling o-okay?”

Maka paused suddenly. Crona’s gullet dropped. The girl looked back and smiled, “I’m feeling just fine.”


Soul sat in a small black room with two, large, black doors. Dark red curtains were on the back wall across from the door and black candle stands stood unlit in front of them. A black piano was in the center of the room and Soul sat in front of it with his arms crossed. He glared at the white keys and was still frustrated with his argument with the Queen.

There was a chance that Wonderland could have been free. There was a chance when Maka freed Kid but I ruined it. I want to be free but this demon, this spy, is a part of me and we’re tied together by the black blood. I can’t do anything. I’m one of Medusa’s servants, her eyes and ears, and can’t ever be free, Soul thought. He growled. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to stand—

His ears twitched. There were footsteps outside of the door. Is it those Guard Dogs? No. Their steps are lighter. Way lighter. Girls? Like who?

There was a light knock on the door.

“Excuse me,” a familiar voice called. Soul’s ears rose and his eyes widened. The door opened and Maka appeared. Soul looked at her in surprise. Her face was unsettlingly blank. He opened his mouth, as if to talk, but he had no idea what to say. Maka walked in holding someone’s wrist and Crona followed her. Soul cautiously relaxed. He glanced between them. Crona looked nervous as usual, but then Maka smiled at the Patrician. Crona’s uneasiness fell slowly to shy excitement. However, Maka dropped the smile when she looked at Soul. Instead, she coolly regarded him. Soul felt his heart sink. However, he put on his own cool mask and stood to bow in greeting.

“Hello, Patrician Crona” he paused and added, “Hello, Maka.”

Maka returned the bow, “Hello, White Rabbit.”

The words cut Soul.

Maka then looked to Crona, asking, “Would you like to ask him why we’re here?”

“Oh! U-um,” Crona’s eyes dropped, and the Patrician’s fingers began twiddling. Crona’s eyes flittered around, though kept returning to Soul’s face, and the question stumbled from the Patrician’s lips, “W-we, I mean, Maka and I, um—”

Soul crossed his arms and started, “Do you want me to pla—”

Maka shushed Soul. This surprised the rabbit. Crona also paused, but Maka beckoned for the Patrician to continue.

Crona gulped and finished, “W-would you play songs f-for us? I, uh, asked Maka to teach me h-how to dance. If you don’t mind.”

The Patrician looked to Maka, who smiled encouragingly. Soul stared thoughtfully at them for a moment. Maka stared back, though her look was not as cold.

Soul turned, facing the piano and said, “Alright. I’ll play for you guys.”

As Soul was sitting down, Maka spoke up, “I didn’t know that you played.”

The rabbit’s hands hovered over the keys. He lowered them and looked at her.

She stared and continued, “You never mentioned playing piano.”

Slowly, Soul pulled his gaze away. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. He looked at his feet and said, “…It’s not something that I like doing. I have to do it—I’m told to, but it’s not something that I choose to do.” He looked at her and added, “And I don’t want any more people to suffer because of it.”

Maka’s eyes widened. Crona was very confused. The Patrician was about to ask if playing music was a bad idea, but Maka spoke up, smiling and twirling her pigtail, “Maybe you could use it to help people instead.”

Soul opened his mouth to combat this, but his words caught in his throat. He leaned back, realizing that he never considered the possibility before. His red eyes searched the piano, turning Maka’s words over in his mind. Finally, his lips spread apart into a grin, revealing his rows of sharp teeth. He looked at Maka and responded, “I’ll start by playing something for you. A simple song for beginners.”

Maka smiled and gently pulled Crona to the center of the room. Then they faced each other.

“You know even how to dance, Maka?” Soul asked, raising his hands over the keys.

“A little of waltz,” she glanced at Crona and added to the Patrician, “though, it’s enough to teach to others.” Maka then called to Soul, “Do you?”

“Of course I do.”

“Maybe you could help teach us how to dance too.”

Soul scoffed in amusement and said, “Dumb girl. If I do, then who's going to play the music?”

Maka made no argument to this. She instructed Crona about movement and hand positioning. Soul began to play.

The music was simple and light. Maka closed her eyes for moment. She imagined strolling down a path in the leaf-less forest. The forest wasn’t thick and she could see the blue sky above her with the sun behind her. It looked like it was an autumn. It was comfortable. Maybe it was fall and all the colored leaves were swept away by the cooling wind. Maka reopened her eyes and held out her hands.

“Okay, now take my hands…” Crona carefully took Maka’s hands. The girl looked up at Crona, finishing, “and follow my lead.”

Slowly, Maka took a step forward and took another step to align her feet, and then she back to where she started. Crona followed, stepping back when Maka stepped forward. They went right and back, left and back then backwards and back. They continued this pattern as Soul played. He looked over his shoulder and smiled. Crona looked down at their feet and gradually felt more relaxed. She glanced at Maka and caught her gaze. Crona eyes went to Maka and froze. Maka smiled warmly and Crona slowly smiled. They continued dancing for a few minutes when Soul’s song slowly came to a stop. Crona and Maka stopped as well and let go of each other’s hands. Crona looked at the ground.

“That was…fun…” The Patrician answered, glancing up bashfully. Maka smiled and held her hands behind her back.

“I’m glad. You did great,” she complemented. Crona looked away and blushed.

“Ah…th-thank you,” Crona murmured. Soul quietly chuckled to himself. His eyes slid back at the piano top, and a grinning silhouette of the Demon appeared. Soul’s smile faded. He angrily gripped the edge of the piano. After a moment, his grip slackened, and Soul flatly looked back at Crona.

“Hey, Your Majesty, don’t you think it’s time you head back to your room?” he asked as nonchalantly as he could.

Crona was surprised but nodded in agreement. Soul got up, and Maka watched quizzically as Crona walked with him. He opened the door and held it open for Crona. The Patrician walked out, and Soul looked back at Maka. He motioned for her to come, and she smiled. She motioned for him to go on ahead, not wanting Crona alone in the hall. Soul shrugged, smiling despite himself, and started out of the door. Maka headed for the door as well. As Soul stepped out, the door started to shut behind him. Soul and Maka both stiffened. He turned heel, and Maka broke into a run. However, when both touched the door to keep it open, it was already locked shut.

Soul slammed his fist against the door and yelled, “Maka!”

Maka grabbed the door handle, but it wouldn’t budge. She quickly pulled out her key and was about to put it in the lock.

“That was fast,” the Demon purred. Maka turned to the Demon standing between the curtains at the end of the room. The candles were lit, though the room was darker around the edges, with red-and-black checkered tiles filling the space in-between. The Demon tilted his head questioningly and continued to smile, “You’re already heading back?”

Maka gripped the key tightly and turned to the Demon bravely, “Of course.”

“This is all a dream, you know,” he pointed out confidently and directed her to the black doorway, “Why work so hard? Why not leave? One mistake and you’ll be stuck here. This dream will become a nightmare. Why not go before it’s too late?”

Maka grinned and turned back to the door, “Since it’s a dream, I might as well have it end as a good dream.”

She inserted the key in the lock and turned it.
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Comments: 3

E-Belle [2010-04-06 21:16:01 +0000 UTC]

I really like your idea of Chrona's bedtime stories, where the SE characters do a parody of an old, popular story. And I was wondering if you would mind if I did my own version with The Wizard of Oz. If you want, I won't post it online. But I would like to post it, so can I?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Pinkbakon14 [2010-03-20 04:11:26 +0000 UTC]

reply~You so welcome oh and I did! And honestly I can't see eneything wrong(or it just me^^) to me it's perfic ( misspeled Kid would be proud! do you say there's a seqeul to Alice in W?! That's cool! I'll have to read it too! And pwees write it! I'd wov too! Oh I'm going to try and post a fan fic too about DTK just too let u know^^ ( wow this was long

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

OshiMoon In reply to Pinkbakon14 [2010-03-21 17:02:50 +0000 UTC]

I'll be sure to get to work, and correct the spelling mistakes that are thankfully unnoticable

👍: 0 ⏩: 0