OtaPotato — HPM: Matilda the Gastly

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Published: 2015-06-12 01:18:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 1486; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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EDIT: Oct 19, 2015: Updated her app pic to her new outfit!


 Name: Matilda Charlie Dahl

 Age: 18 19

 Gender: Female

 Height: 4’10”

 Bodystyle: Skinny

 Birthday: November 23rd, 1996


 Sexuality: Pansexual/Panromantic


 Relationship Status: Single

 Home Island: Amusement Archipelago


 Pokemon: Gastly


 Ability: Levitate




Dream Eater [TM]

Thunderbolt [TM]



    Matilda is a patient, peaceful, people pleaser. She is a girl who is afraid of disappointing or angering people, as doing those things isn't expected of the "mature" twin. This usually has her doing things she doesn't want to and keeping her wants to herself. She also has a hard time with having attention on herself, moreso now than ever, and will go quiet and sort of "pull in" to herself until everyones attention is averted. As she gets more relaxed and trusting around you, she'll start opening up more about her wants too. The more open she is, the more she trusts you.

    Once you get to know her and have her open up to you, you may find that looks can deceive. Matilda, while a peaceful people pleaser, has other sides. She’s a dirty minded girl and a prankster to boot, but she usually keeps things like this to herself unless she can call you a friend. A fan of crude jokes and bad puns, Matilda enjoys everything she feels she shouldn’t. On the other side, she has a love of innocent things as well, and is weak to anything she deems cute. Of course, her sense of cute doesn't always match up with everyone else's...

    However, once you are close enough or she's stressed out enough, you will also see a more sad and angry side of her too. Her anger is more of a "wet" one, with tears and yelling. Once it's all over, she's embarrassed and will apologize and try to distance herself from the victim of these incidents, fearing she disappointed or angered them. Not much will set her off, like when she has too much attention on herself from everyone, but since she keeps her wants and anger bottled up, it's only a matter of time before this happens.


    Born as the younger twin, Matilda had a somewhat odd life from day one. Her parents had separated and started dating new people a few months before she and Sophie were even born, going on to even marry their new significant others. The twin’s childhood was just like many other families where both parents lived nearby: spend a week at moms, spend a week at dads. Matilda and Sophie were a bit of a handful though when it came to riding in the car, so both sets of parents always distracted them with stories. Sometimes they were audio books for kids, and other times they were stories the adults made up. And it was here Matilda's love for tales began. When she was old enough to start reading, it was a skill that developed quickly in the little gastly. She devoured any and all books that she could find in her home or the library. While this was something all her parents were proud of, it did lead to Matilda learning about certain things a little early in life thanks to finding things like some of her mom and step-mom's pregnancy books.

    The twins very rarely left each other’s sides during this time. Wherever one went, the other followed. If one joined a club, the other would be in it as well. And while Sophie and Matilda were as different as day and night, they were as close as sisters could be. However, around their middle school years, they did begin to pull apart from each other due to the move. Their mother had gotten a promotion and was transferred to a new branch in the Kalos region and just couldn't refuse. This left Matilda and Sophie with the problem of their odd family being split up. No more walks over to their Dad's to play with their baby brother, no more holidays together, no random sleepovers, no nothing anymore. While Sophie started acting out and trying to get their mom to stop this stupid idea, Matilda went along with it as she was the more 'mature' twin and didn't want to disappoint her families. She put on a strong face when she was out, but she also began to pull away from everyone, including Sophie. Matilda wished she could lash out too, but everyone expected her to be compliant. Usually in stressful situations, Matilda turned to her books, but they couldn't help either. But just before she left for Kalos, her Dad and Step-Mom gave her and Sophie some gifts, and one of Matilda's was a journal and the idea to write her thoughts and stories down whenever she felt she needed to. And thus, on that long trip to the Kalos region, Matilda began to write her thoughts, her feelings, and a story that would plant the seeds for her future.

    Of course her first story was horrible, but it helped pull her out of her sad state and start to become happy again. And the even better part was that Sophie started to have a hand in it too, and the girls became close once more. Over the next few years, while the girls did write together, Sophie preferred song lyrics while Matilda told her tales of far off magical lands. They would work together and help the other grow in skill, and not just with writing either. Thanks to Sophie's prodding and dreams about being a star, Matilda joined her Cleffa twin in various musical activities. The ones Matilda preferred above all else were the vocal lessons and the ukulele lessons, which were both ideas of Sophie's that Matilda loved. Of course, these things weren't a part of her dreams, but they did help give Matilda the inspiration she needed for a special project of hers that would change her young life.

    During her freshman year of high school, she had been working on a private story that had everything a lot of her books seemed to never have. It was just supposed to be for her eyes alone, but Sophie had accidentally found the nearly finished version when borrowing Matilda's laptop on evening. It captivated the Cleffa and whenever she got the chance, she would read more and more of it. On the night she finished her sister's secret story, Sophie rushed it to their Mom and Step-Dad, telling them to read it and not tell Matilda. It wasn't until the middle of their sophomore year of high school that Matilda found out her family had read what was supposed to be for her eyes only, and this was due to a friend of their step-dad's wanting to talk to the gastly girl about publishing it. At first, Matilda was shocked and angry at her household, but excited over the idea of someone actually wanting to publish it. With mom and step-dad's help, Matilda managed to get her book published and in stores by the end of their junior year, and things were looking great! The book was a decent success, and in her small town, she was recognized as a local and growing star. However, like any level of popularity, there are problems that come with being known. The kids at school would try to be her friend, thinking she was rich now, and hoping that she would give them things...and that's when they even talked to her at all. Outside of the students who really just didn't care, many others were jealous and sought out to make her life a living hell.

    At first, Matilda could handle it, since she had always been a target for bullying growing up, but this was ridiculous. It didn't help that she stopped speaking to anyone who was outside of her small group of friends, her family, and her teachers, it just gave the jealous kids more fuel for the flames. It also didn't help that she was being pressured to write a sequel to her story by friends, family, and the company too. Every time she visited her dad, her aunts and uncles, and even all their friends, she always got questions about a sequel, what else she was writing, how much she was making, so on and so forth. Due to not wanting to disappoint everyone, Matilda tried her hardest to write a decent sequel to her book by the end her junior year. But between school and her problems, Matilda was out of ideas and in a scramble to come up with any, began cutting out things like friendships and homework in an attempt to write. It soon became a real problem by mid-senior year when her grades dropped from A's and B's to all D's with the treats of not being able to graduate. While her family was angry and disappointed at her new attitude towards her grades at such a crucial time, Matilda's stress grew and grew. Much like her middle school years, the gastly pulled away from everyone and even stopped going to school all together, just hiding away from the world and lashing out at everyone who she felt got too close. Sophie was the only one who could really talk to her sister without a fight starting, which resulted in Matilda telling her everything. Sure Matilda knew Sophie was going to tell their parents, but she needed to talk to someone and Sophie was the safest person. It became apparent to the parents that Matilda had been under so much stress and had been hiding so much from them, like the bullying. Her parents contacted the school about the bullying and how Matilda could graduate with her class, and thankfully there had at least been a solution to the second problem. Alas, the school had no "official" records of the bullying, so they couldn't help there, so Sophie and her group of friends stepped up to help Matilda's friends to protect her from their schoolmates. Even the company that published her first book's workers backed down after a visit from all four of Matilda's parents, saying they can wait for a sequel.

    All this should have made Matilda feel better, but it just made her feel worse. She didn't want her and Sophie's friends to be her 'guardians' and she felt like she wasn't supposed to be tutored, as that was something she thought she was supposed to be better than. The suggestion for professional counselling to help Matilda came from their dad just before graduation, and maybe even some time away from her home in Kalos. Of course the idea of counselling was something Matilda was against at first, but she soon warmed up to it and the move. Maybe living with her dad, step-mom, and younger half-brothers could help, but Matilda felt weird about leaving everyone behind. Sophie jumped up with the idea of moving with her, since she could already tell Matilda would be lonely, and Sophie knew she wasn't ready to move away from her twin just yet. Either way, they now had a set plan. The twins would move in with their dad's family at their new home on the Raccolto Island Chain and work at the bookstore while Matilda started to recover from the painful year of hers. Hopefully everything will turn around for Matilda on her new island home.


-Singing. She joined Sophia with vocal lessons for a few years, so she knows how to keep a tune.
-Playing the ukulele. Both girls were allowed to learn to play instruments as well, Matilda chose this. She’s nothing special, but it’s a fun thing     to do in her spare time.
-Flexibility. She’s just naturally like this, and at times will try to freak out people with this skill. 
-Levitating. She actually floats everywhere, and doesn’t really touch the ground. For her, it’s actually more natural than walking.

 Fun facts:

-Psychic is mostly for carrying books around the shop more easily, or just to carry things without her hands. Battle-wise, all she can do is pick up things and toss them. 

-Matilda actually spends most of her time in her pajamas, but will put on actual clothes when she has to. 

-Sugar is what Matilda runs on, from snacks to meals. Easiest way to her heart is through her stomach. 

-She knows her parents named her and Sophie after Roald Dahl characters due to sharing the same last name and being born on the day he died. They also agree their parents have a bad taste in names. They feel worse for their little brother, Sal. 



 Job: Business Owner Worker

 Shop Name:

Dahl the Books You Want

 Stock Type:

Basic: A small room filled with Used or New Books crammed on mismatched bookshelves.

Medium: The bookshelves are now matching, there is a pair of chairs and a small table in-between them for people to read at, and the store is a bit bigger. Hey, it seems they’re selling Magazines now.

Large: Besides Used or New Books, the store seems to be selling Audio Book CDs and the small backroom has gotten a pair of Vending Machines. Please don’t get the books dirty with food or drink.

Extra Large: Oh look, they offer Deliveries now along with Book Merchandise. The reading room in the back seems to have gotten comfier with plush chairs for all ages, newer tables, and even a fire place! It looks like they even take special orders for books they don’t stock now too.

Luxury: Everything in the store except for the Used Books is all brand new! And right next to the reading room is a small Café where you can get small pastries and all types of drinks, mostly coffee and tea related ones.




Cat Race: Espurr 
Cat’s name: James
Cat’s gender: Male

Cat’s Personality: James is as creepy looking as espurr come, but is a total sweetie with a penchant for softly head butting people when he wants anything. This cat also seems to recognize how people find how “creepy” his species is, and may actively try to freak people out. When this happens, he will follow you everywhere, get up close and personal, and stare for as long as he wants. He decides when the staring game is over, and due to this, he is usually kept on a leash when out and about. He also does this as a sign of affection. Oddly enough, this kitty is good with the kiddies. 

Cat's History: Originally found in an egg near their bookstore, James is the second newest member of the Dahl family. Before the twins moved in, James would only stay in the house, going as far as the backyard fence if he went anywhere. Now, since Matilda and Sophie have arrived, he is traversing the islands via Matilda's head and is seeing just how big his home is too. 

Cat’s Moveset:




Protect [TM]

Cat’s Ability: Keen Eye


                                                                                                        NPCs and Related Docs:

-Dad, Step Mom, and James "Jamie" Oswald Dahl [Youngest Half Brother]

-Salvador "Sal" Lee Dahl [Younger Half Brother]                                                             

-Sophie Danny Dahl [Twin Sister]

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