1. You get to ask any time about your comisions and i shall show ya some progress
2. You ask Refunds if you don't like how's the process so far HOW EVER once the pic it's finish refunds WON'T BE ABLE since the progress it's already done
3. You can ask up to 3 times at day about a comisión's progress how ever spam WON'T HURRY THE WORK this means you can't rush me okay
4. After a (5 weeks - 1 month) of not having your comisions you can clame your points back however THIS TIME CAN BE EXTEDED if i am: Traveling, Incapacitated due to medical issues or Incapacitated due to personal issues
5. you can Deal the prize lower whit a bit of art but only if your art it's spealing and am Relly in the mood to take it
6. I can Drow many things but i won't Drow stuff that is controvertal Especially: hate art, Minor on Uncomfortable situations,hard NSFW art, Violence against other users etc
7. There is also stuff that relly depends on what you want me to drown like: Violence, charathers whit sexy qufits and horror so feel free to NOTE ME OR CHAT ME if you want to talk about that
8. I won't drow chararhers from other users if i the comisión doesn't get approved by them there will me some Exceptional stuff like if it's a birthday comisión for some one else but besies form that it won't be a thing if the two users (the Buyer and the charather Owner) don't agree
9. If the comisión comes whit a Specific term that term will have to be follow OTHERWISE the drowing will be Erased Definitely
10. If you want to publish my art on your galery i have only two rules for that (one): credit me
(Two): you can clame the chararher and idea as yours but if you claim my artwork as yours o will take it down there is no much to say about it
Prices :
Head shot
10 points
Half body
20 points
Full body
x1 (Normal value)
Line art:
x2 (Duplicate value)
x3 (Tripled value)
Flat color:
x4 (Quadruple value)
Shadow details and effects:
x5 (Quintuple value)
Extra charter:
15 extra points
(does not affect the value multiplier)
Fnf charather stile:
35 points /extra points
(Minor value for style alteration)
Pixel art:
10 points /extra points
(minor value due to art price increase and beginnings on pixel art)
Bizarre stile:
20 points /extra points
(The art stile is easy to make)
15 points/ extra points
"Per pic shot"
(This is so not many people can't abuse the comics as a way to have more than one chararher o the pic whit quit need to pay the extra chararhers)
Gacha life chararhers and pics:
15 points per charaher on the pic
Kisakae pics:
20 points per charaher on the pic
Kisakae imports:
30 extra points (pics are not optional whit the imports)
Bases for art:
65 points
(This is Becase many people can use the base after it's uploaded)
If you have any complication whit my art stile of how is the pic is going feel free to talk to be
The traditional prizes from shop will be remove or close relly soon becase they aren't able anymore
Background it's not something you have to pay for ink comisions include that already but you. An as what kind t backgroun you want i will be glad to hear your ideas
Constructive criticism is always welcome
I have DeviantArt so of you want to talk to me about your comisión it will have t be true notes or chat but there is also new grounds if you have an count
Feel free to ask me about it any time