PaigeyD93 — ItaSakuThings Made Of Nightmares: Part 11 Horr/Fam
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As much as Itachi hated Saito Takahashi he had to admit the guy had a horrible past. From what Sasuke managed to gather it seemed Saito was heavily abused in every way. Verbal, physical, emotional and lastly sexually abused. He grew up in an orphanage the majority of his childhood and teen years before leaving the day he turned eighteen. After finding and contacting three of his past foster siblings it was clear where his immense protectiveness toward children, mainly Kaito and Akira, came from.


"Wow, so this was his house?" Inochi asked looking around; her eyes wide.

"Yes, it was." Itachi answered "My wife and I were wondering what Saito was like when he was younger, you were one of his foster siblings correct?" He asked bringing the woman's attention back to them.

She nodded. "Yes I was. I was eight years old, he was about fifteen or so." She said a sad look taking over her features. "May I ask why you want this personal information about him?"

"Well you're from the area so I'm sure you know about what happened to him correct?" Sakura asked from her spot on the couch beside Itachi. Inochi took a sip of the tea Sakura had poured for her before answering with a sigh

"I heard he killed himself. I also heard he was responsible for the kidnapping and deaths of all those missing couples." Her sad expression deepened when Itachi confirmed that what she said was true. "I had a hard time believing that when I first heard. " She admitted looking up at the couple in front of her "All the couples I mean. Killing himself; well I can't say as that part was unexpected."

Itachi frowned "Why do you say that?" he asked curiously.

"Why are you so curious about him? He's dead what would you possibly do with this information?"

"We had a rather interesting series of events involving Saito when we moved in here. To be frank; he haunted this house. All the spirits of his victims were also trapped here." Sakura answered gently. She went on to explain the possession, extraction and eventual banishment of his spirit to Inochi; who sat there silently while soaking in this new information.

"I'm shocked." Inochi said once Sakura finished "The man you are describing is evil, he is totally different from the man I once knew." She said placing her empty cup of tea on the table.

"What kind of man was he when you were kids?" Itachi asked hoping she would indulge them with the information now. A small smile graced Inochi's features as she thought back to thirty years before.

"He was kind." She answered after a moment "A very good big brother to us all. There were six of us including him. He was the oldest. Our foster parents were horrible people. Sure they fed us and kept us clothed and alive; but by doing that they figured we owed them something in return for their 'kindness' as they put it. If it wasn't for Saito we would have all had a more horrible upbringing than we did."

"What happened to him?" Sakura asked inching forward as she became more engrossed in the story.

"He took everything for us. Every unjust punishment and beating. Basically he took all the abuse our foster parents could dish out just so we wouldn't have to go through it." She paused tears welling in her eyes slightly. "He was our savior. I just find it so difficult to accept the monster he grew up to be. He was not that kind of person when we were young. I looked up to him, he was our protector, our loving older brother." She paused a dark look coming over her face "Now that I'm older I fully understand what he went through for us. No one knew what happened behind closed doors but I can guess now. It sickens me to think he went through all that and never complained once. He never had anyone to turn to. I don't blame him for disappearing the moment he turned eighteen."

"I was ten years old when I was adopted. Although I was happy to finally get out of that place I knew I would miss my siblings; him even more than the others." She paused "I know now the ultimate sacrifice he made for me and everyone else too." She shook her head as if clearing it before wiping the small amount of tears that had managed to squeeze their way out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry if talking about this upsets you." Itachi said quietly "Thank you for letting us get a glimpse into his past, we appreciate it."

She shook her head "No thank you. It feels nice to talk about it, I haven't spoken a word of it my whole life. Not even to my husband." She said laughing humorlessly. "I doubt it will make a difference to you or his other victims but he wasn't always a horrible man." She finished with a small smile.

*End of flashback*

Sasuke had been able to scrape up some of Saito's hospital reports which Itachi was looking at right now as he sat at the desk in his office. Sakura stood slightly behind him reading over his shoulder.

"How did you manage to get all this information?" She asked raising a small pink brow at him when he glanced up at her. He shrugged

"We have our ways." He said vaguely; making Sakura roll her eyes.

"How Itachi?" she asked crossing her arms loosely across her chest "This is confidential information that legally you shouldn't be able to see…"

"Sasuke got our father involved and apparently the Uchiha family has a lot of people in our debt. So favors were called in, plain and simple."

"Uhu…damn Uchiha's." she grumbled before taking her leave from the office. Itachi watched her go with a fond smile on his face. He was so happy she was back.

It had been almost two weeks since the entire incident and so far nothing had happened, the house was peacefully quiet and lacked any supernatural occurrences. Itachi often wondered if, when they banished Saito, the other spirits were able to leave and pass on. He hadn't heard anything from them so he could only guess that they had. With a sigh he placed the photocopied records into his filing cabinet and stood before leaving the office.

He found Sakura in the kitchen stirring soup that was simmering on the stove. She turned when she felt him behind her.

"So on a scale of one to ten how grossed out are you over the fact that you slept with me while Saito was possessing me?" She asked suddenly; looking quite curious.

Itachi grimaced "I was actually trying to forget about that…" he said trailing off hoping she would take the hint and drop it. This was Sakura though; of course it wouldn't be that easy.

"Just answer the question." She insisted.

Itachi rolled his eyes "I'd say about a nine." He answered

"Only a nine?" she asked quirking an eyebrow "I thought it would be a solid ten."

"Well it's not like it wasn't your body. You were still there, feeling everything. You just couldn't control your movements. Yes I'm totally freaked out about it and if I could go back in time I wouldn't do it again. What's done is done though and sitting here complaining about it isn't going to do anything, so I'm trying to forget it." Sakura nodded silently telling him she understood and dropped it. She moved closer to him and stood up on her tip toes laying a soft kiss on his lips. Smiling against his lips she moved to his jawline kissing along it until she reached his left ear.

"Do you want to make new memories? I'm sure that would make you forget the old." She whispered softly her breath tickling his skin. He shivered slightly when he felt her teeth graze the lobe of his ear and grinned. He quickly picked her up forcing her to immediately wrap her legs around his waist. She looked down at his grinning face.

"I would love nothing more, my blossom." He said brushing his nose softly against hers before turning the stove off and making his way upstairs to make those new memories.


4 ½ months later

Sakura watched as Itachi held their sleeping son in his arms before carefully placing him in his crib for the night. He was getting so big. He still had his chubby cheeks and baby rolls but he was one healthy little boy. His soft black hair was getting slightly longer and his green eyes were as vibrant as ever. Sakura came to stand beside her husband as they looked at Kaito sleeping peacefully while wrapped tightly in his baby blanket. He's turning five months old in three days.

They couldn't believe how fast the time had gone by. Before they know it he will be walking and talking. Itachi wrapped an arm around Sakura's shoulders and with a sigh she nuzzled closer into his side

"I wish he would stay little forever." Sakura whispered sadly. Itachi tightened his grip
on her shoulders nodding

"I know, me too." He pulled her closer before laying a kiss to the side of her head "Come on, let's go to bed." He suggested. Sakura nodded leaning over the side of the crib and running a finger softly down the side of Kaito's face.

Both parents left the room and made their way down the hallway to their own bedroom. After they both were in bed and had gotten comfortable; Sakura rolled onto her side and propped her head up using her hand as she looked at Itachi.

"Do you want any more kids?" She asked.

"Um…" Itachi hummed taken aback by the random question "Yes I figured we would have more kids at some point. Why is Kaito not enough to keep you busy anymore?" he asked with a laugh. He saw her nod in the darkness

"Yes he is. I just kind of want more kids." She paused as if thinking over what she wanted to say "In a little while though." She clarified "Maybe when Kaito gets to be a couple years old."

Itachi hummed in agreement "I want another boy." He confessed with a laugh.

"Oh? Why not a girl?"

"I'd be too protective if we had a girl. The poor thing would have no social life." He said honestly

Sakura laughed "We both know I wouldn't let you smother her. She would be fine. I for one want at least one girl. Maybe she would even get my pink hair." She said laughing softly before moving closer to her husband and laying her head lightly on his bare chest. It warmed her cheek instantly. A low chuckle rumbled against her cheek

"Goodnight, Sakura."

"Mmm, night." She mumbled as the sound of Itachi's heartbeat lulled her to sleep.


Itachi could feel the fog of sleep slowly melt away as he woke up. He could hear a crackling sound coming from beside his head where the baby monitor sat. He looked toward it and heard Kaito whimpering softly. He was about to get up when he heard a soft voice comforting him. Itachi smiled, Sakura beat him to it. With a sigh he rolled over only to come face to face with a sleeping Sakura. His eyes widened when his tired brain put two and two together. Who was speaking to Kaito if Sakura was sleeping right next to him.

"Shhh, calm down." Itachi heard the voice whisper again and without a thought shot out of bed. The jolt caused Sakura to wake and immediately follow her panicked husband out of the room in confusion.

'This can't be happening!' Itachi thought to himself. He thought this was over, they had gone almost five months without incident what was going on now!?

He was frantic as he entered Kaito's room. What he saw next made him stop dead in his tracks.

"Itachi what are you-omph!" Sakura started before running right into his back; surprised at his sudden stop. She peaked around his tall form and gasped. Kaito's room was full of people; well not people but spirits. Specifically the spirits of Saito's victims. They stood mostly huddled around the sides of Kaito's crib others were off the side slightly. Itachi and Sakura couldn't miss little Akira standing by her mother's side with a brilliant smile on her face.

Sakura moved around to Itachi's side to get a better look. Itachi couldn't believe that smile. He had never had the pleasure of seeing her smile like that; she always looked miserable and sad. She ran over to Itachi and Sakura jumping up and down in front of them shouting thank you over and over. Sakura and Itachi were shocked they were able to hear her so clearly.

"Thank you for what?" Itachi found himself asking, still shocked at what he was witnessing

"For setting us free." A woman answered from somewhere in the room. After that it was like everyone started talking at once

"We have come to say goodbye, and to thank you for getting rid of him."

"We are forever in your debt. Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

"We cannot thank you enough." Itachi couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face at how happy everyone looked.

"Does this mean you can all move on?" Sakura asked quietly

"Yes!" Akira cried happily that big smile still on her face as she looked up at Sakura

"How come it took you guys so long to move on then?" Itachi asked

"We had to wait till every last bit of Saito's energy was gone. It took longer than expected." One of the men admitted. "But nothing is keeping us here now. We must go." He finished before grabbing onto the girl beside him. They both slowly disappeared with a little wave. Then one by one each couple did the same saying there last thank you before vanishing. The last couple in the room was Akira's parents and the little girl herself.

Akira hugged Itachi's leg. Even though he couldn't feel a thing the warmth in his heart caused by the gesture alone was something he would never forget. He barely noticed the tears flowing out of Sakura's green eyes as Mei called her daughter back over to them.

"We really can't thank you two enough. You saved us." She said happily

"You're welcome!" Sakura sniffled. With one last smile from the three of them they too vanished; leaving Sakura, Itachi and Kaito alone in the room. The silence stretched on for a little while before Itachi's voice pierced it

"Wow that was very heartwarming." He admitted pulling Sakura to his side. She sniffled again

"I know. I've never felt so happy. We really did a good thing for them." She whispered. Itachi pulled her over toward the crib and looked down at their son who giggled when he saw both of his parents. His little arms were held up in the air and Sakura laughed picking him up and holding him to her chest. Itachi hugged her then; sandwiching Kaito in between them.

After everything they went through and whether they had more kids or not; Itachi was perfectly happy with the way things were now, he had his little family right here, safe and happy.
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