Palettepainter101 — The things we do for friends

Published: 2018-03-30 22:32:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 2286; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 4
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Description The clouds above the town were thicker then burnt porridge, and about as appealing. Rain fell in sheets, and a howling gale rushed through the small little town of Ebott village, looking for unhooked shutters to batter about.

It was only a very determined, or stupid person, who would venture out in such awful weather.


Stella stepped into the front door of the small apartment her and her friends owned and was greeted with groaning. She paused, dripping on the welcome mat, after a moment more groaning followed, louder this time, no body could miss it.

She rolled her eyes, before taking a moment to gently squeeze to water from her morning golden hair and then place her small shopping bag at her feet, then turning to hang her soddened raincoat on the hook opposite the door. After that, she grabbed the towel from the small side table that sat alongside a small cup of keys.

Picking it up she wiped her hair vigorously to dry herself. Her coat had protected the majority of her fur, but her fringe had been plastered to her forehead as was the fur on the tip of her tail, and the lower half of her legs were splattered with mud.

The groaning came a third time, even louder and even more melodramatic.

"I hear you, I hear you!!"

She muttered, picking up the shopping bag and wrapping the towel into a loose turban round her hair as she walked into the apartments living room

"So, are you dead yet??"

A sniffle came from under the bundle on the couch "Im dyiiiing.."

"Your not dying." Stella said bluntly

"I am." The bundle said back in a sulky tone "I can't breathe, my chest hurts when I cough, when I speak it sounds like I've drowned in cheese graters!! I'll never be able to consume food again, I'll suffocate from my own mucus!!" The words came out muffled, owing to the layers of blankets and pillows, but the nasally quality was clear to hear.

Stella rolled her eyes and then sighed "Cookie you have a cold, not the Black Death."

The bundle shuffled and Cookie's face popes out, fur messy and eyes red and puffy looking. She glared at her weakly while sniffling, though Stella noted that she didn't look as washed out as this morning. Her tanned fur was still untamed and unbrushed from two nights of tossing and rolling on the couch, her eyes were red and puffy and her nose was red and snotty looking.

"You're heartless."

"I'm the one going out and buying you soup" she lightly lifted the shopping bag and shook it gently "I wouldn't call that heartless."

"Well, since I got sick coming with you to that live show a few days ago, the least you could do was not let me die of pneumonia."

Stella sighed, she had invited Cookie to come with her to a live fashion show out of town, but she had warned her to listen for the weather forecast "You were the one who decided not to bring a raincoat as we walked home in a rainstorm- a scheduled rainstorm may I add - This was all your doing."

Cookies face scrunched up into a pout "Some friend you are." She flopped back onto the couch, groaning and holding a paw dramatically to her forehead "Im in agony!!"

"No you're not." Stella reached into her canvas shopping back, it was damp but thankfully had kept the groceries inside from being rain-drenched. "Stay here, I'm gonna go fix you up something warm."

"Not like I'm gonna go anywhere." Cookie laughed lightly at her own small humour, but stopped when a sharp pain shot through her head and she groaned, again.

Stella entered the kitchen, small yet equally humble as she placed her canvas bag near the radiator to dry. Kneeling down she retreated the contents and began to place them neatly upon the side: 1 bag of fresh apples, a huge bag of different flavoured crisps, some cola (requested by Coal) 2 cans of tinned carrot soup, a small white bag from the chemist and some other small necessities.

"Okay, let's get this meal done.." Stella opened one of the draws in the side and rummaged through the tools and cutlery, before quickly finding the tin opener and lightly bashing the draw closed with her hip.

Although she didn't see herself as the motherly kind of person, she did have a soft spot for her friends when they were ill, Cookie more then the Amber and Coal, who rarely got sick. Cookie herself never usually got sick either, thanks to how much time she had spent splashing in muddy puddles and rolling around in the grass as a child.

But, when she DID come down with some kind of bug, she would act too frantic for her own good. As shown just a few seconds ago when Stella was walking into the lounge..

And to top it all off she was a fussy eater in times like this!! Whenever she was hungry, she would struggle to get her to eat anything, and even if she did eat something her body would only then refuse it and regurgitate it out of its system!!

Thank god she had remembered to order the medicine on her way back from shopping. Ah, medicine. Another hurdle Stella would have to think carefully to overcome.

She couldn't really blame Cookie for not liking medicine, it wasn't an enjoyable experience for her taking it either. The horrid taste that lingered in your mouth and how it would take what felt like hours for the medicine to work it's magic of healing.

Though over time Stella had found a useful little trick that helped overcome this common problem.

"Now lets see, where did Amber say it was??" Stella opened one of the top cupboards that was filled with cardboard boxes of breakfast cereals and other dried foods, not that cupboard clearly.

She moved onto the next one, this time it was filled with many different glass jars and bottled sauces: tomato sauce, mayonnaise, English mustard (yuck) and spicy hot sauce (Coal's favourite.)

She hummed and her ear cocked to the left.

Where had Amber put it?? She had seen her with it this morning at breakfast and she had also seen her put it back into its rightful cupboard...or, she was sure she had put it back in the cupboard.

Why was it she couldn't remember where it was??

"Come on where is it?! Amber had this morning!!-AHH!! There it is!!"

Stella grabbed a glass jar from the cupboard that was hiding right at the back, she smiled at the label: Fresh bee honey. Preferring other spreads like raspberry jam and marmalade Stella wasn't overly found of honey, it helped the medicine go down and made it somewhat bearable though.

Smiling again and popping open the jar she peered down-....into the empty jar that didn't have even enough for a teaspoon of honey!!

Stella sighed "great..."

"Hey Stella?? You okay in there??" Her patients voice was slightly scratchy "You've been in there for a while..."

"O-Oh!!" Stella quickly turned round and leaned forward to poke her head into the lounge, forcing a wide smile "Yes yes!! Of course dear, um, it'll be ready in a minute!!" Stella quickly whipped back round into the kitchen, nervously sweating.

Rushing and attempting to not drop anything Stella sloppily poured the carrot soup into a chain bowl and then pushed it into the microwave. Then she quickly turned to the fridge and grabbed the carton of orange juice and a glass cup, while also grabbing the medicine, two tablets and a spoon.

"Ready!!" Stella held the bowl with oven mits as she placed it onto the tray, then throwing the oven mits near the stove she picked up the tray and walked into the lounge.

"Carrot soup??" She even sounded hungry as she looked at the vibrantly coloured soup on the tray "Yep, just the way you like it!!" Stella paused "....but first.."

She reached for the medicine tablets and the glass cup of orange juice, smiling encouragingly as she handed them towards Cookie. As much as she detested medicine she found taking tablets a lot more easier, since you couldn't taste anything.

"Okay...thanks again Stella, you really didn't have to do this for me..."

Stella waved a paw at her "Nonsense, for you I'd do it any-day!!" She felt her cheeks heating mildly at the friendly response, as she quickly swallowed down the pills with a gulp of juice.

"Gah!! So gross!! It's icky!!" She pretended to gag and make an icky face, earning a chuckle from Stella as she..picked up a bottle of medicine.

"On no!! No Nono!!" Cookie pulled the blankets back over her "I'm not taking that medicine Stella!! It takes like swamp moss and sewer water!!" She made a displeased noise from under the blankets.

"One, you don't know what sewer water or swamp moss tastes like" she stated blankly "Secondly, this'll make you feel better!!"

"No it won't!!" She yelled back "Last time I had some of that poison I nearly chocked!! I could have died!!" Going back to being melodramatic Stella gave a drowsy groan, head hanging forward slightly.

"Please Cookie, just take the medicine!!" She sounded desperate as she sat herself on the end of the couch and probed at the bundle "I won't and you can't make me!!"

"Pleeeaaaseeee!!! Stella flopped on top of the blankets and began to whine like a child begging for a candy from their mother, sadly, she only got a series of groans and moans as response.

She let out another sigh and wished that she had the comfort of some desk to rest her head into, sadly she didn't. Of all the times she needed to have a jar of honey to help with the medicine, it had to be the one day in which the jar was empty!!

Oh why didn't she think to check the jar before she had left this morning?!

Stupid cat.

"Please Cookie..." her tone was quite and this time, Cookie slowly peeked her head out from under the blankets, only now getting a really good look at Stella. Her eyes were blinking slowly and she had only now just noticed the two bags under her eyes that were slowly starting to become more visible.

Groaning and biting her lip, Cookie looked at the glass bottle of medicine Stella held weakly in her paw. She knew for a fact that without honey, which was her usual satisfier to kill out the horrid after taste, it would taste more gruesome.

For a moment, Cookie was sourly tempted to say no and dive back under her blankets to hide, but there was something about the way Stella's eyes look so down right exhausted and the bags under her eyes that made her heart drop in her chest.

.....she sighed, and stiffly sat upwards.

"....Fine.." Stella instantly brightened and she quickly unscrewed the lid from the medicine, poring the gloppy looking liquid onto the spoon, it wobbled for a moment and Cookie was able to hold back the majority of her gag.

Shivering, she opened her mouth and clapped her eyes shut, waiting for her fate to be sealed and for the horrid substance to be placed into her waiting mouth.

Wanting it over with as quickly as her Stella quickly placed the medicine in her mouth and Cookie swallowed in one large, swift gulp...only then to cough and sputter and swipe at her soup, holding the bowl to her mouth and chugging it down.

Stella bit back a chuckle "Surely it wasn't that bad."

"It tasted like poison!!" The bunny said half way through a mouthful of soup "What in the world do people put in that stuff?! You would think that doctors would learn to make these things a little less grody, but no they've only made them worse!!"

She gaged again, and suddenly she felt light headed. She wobbled and swayed like a sober drunk on her seat on the couch. "Easy there..." Stella placed both paws on her best friends shoulders gently, holding her steady.

"Ugggghhh....I feel like my head is splitting open..."

Stella chuckled this time as she carefully laid Cookie down on the couch, propping up the pillows and softly drawing a blanket over her "You just rest, you need it.." Once she was sure Cookie was comfortable, and after quickly taking her temperature by placing a paw to her forehead, she went to take the tray from the table and walk to the kitchen-

"You should two you know.." Cookie said quietly as a small sick smile came to her lips, she blinked slowly and unhurriedly turned to look in her direction, ears flopping "You look tired, I don't want you to overwork yourself.."

Stella returned the smile, but only a small smile as she barely able to keep back a yawn "It's fine Cookie really, I don't mind.." she walked into the kitchen and disposed of the remaining juice down the sink and stacked the bowl and cup on the side "Its what friends do, I'll rest when you rest!!"

Although she tried her attempts were futile and the sick brown bunny failed to look reassured. As Stella walked back into the room she feebly sat upwards against the pillows "Please.." she blinked at her "Just..stay with me.."

Stella paused and stopped by the couch to look down at Cookie "Im not saying you have to sleep, just watch over me!! What if I have another coughing fit and need a glass of water??"

Stella was sure that she had definitely left a glass of water on the coffee table for her but a quick glance towards it confirmed that the glass was dryly empty, she must have drank it when she was out.

...Stella shook her head with a small smile "Okay, okay..."

She walked over and got herself comfy in the arm chair, grabbing the knitted blanket that rested in the basket at the side and draping it round her. "But only for a while, I still have stuff to do you know.."

Cookie nodded and then yawned, snuggling back down into the feathery cushions and pulling the blanket closer to her. She sniffled lightly and turned onto her side.

"Goodnight Stella.."she yawned again "Thanks..for....everything.." at her silence Stella suddenly began to panic, but settled again when she caught the sniffled snoring of her best friend.

She smiled again, looking down at her with soft eyes before leaning back into the chair, getting comfy and reaching for a magazine, maybe she could stay for a..little while longer.



The apartment door opened on silent hinges and a skeleton stepped in, he momentarily stopped the adjust his jet black hair that had three different streaks of colour running through it.

"Stella??" Zack spoke quickly as he gently placed his feet on the floorboards, silent as a mouse so as to not disturb Stella and his sick assistant. Any other boss would have made their PA stay on at work no matter what the bug, flu, cold, sickness, didn't matter when or which one.

But Zack had learnt to be generous (thanks to his farther) and had offered his assistant all the time she needed to get better.

He had finished his work at least 20 minutes ago and had decided to make one last final check up on Cookie before returning back home to finish on his latest song piece.

"Hello??" He called out again, a little louder this time.

"Stella?? Are you her-....hehe, well look at that." Stella sat in the arm chair in the lounge, sleeping soundly as her sick friend was laying down on the couch, also sleeping.

Zack stood their silently as he took a moment to see how relaxed both the girls looked, he could understand both their positions, he had been sick a lot as a child and had to help his uncle with helping his little cousin after she got the tummy bug

Not an enjoyable experience he would admit.

He chuckled again quietly, placing the get well soon card and the bouquet of flowers on the coffee table before tip toeing towards the door.

"Sleep well you two..."
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Comments: 2

Funsetfive [2018-03-30 23:25:12 +0000 UTC]

You said it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

itshauntedtoon [2018-03-30 22:59:57 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0