Pastastaar — [FS] Goldenstar - Leader of Windclan

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Published: 2018-02-04 03:58:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 719; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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General "Hello there! I'm Goldenstar, leader of Windclan."

Past names: Goldenkit, Goldenpaw and Goldenheart
Nickname: Goldy, Goldfish, Eggstar, Yolkstar, Eggy, Egg
Name meanings: 

Golden; for his golden markings and shining personality and appearance
Heart; his warrior name, for his courage and love for his family and clan
Star; traditional Leader suffix
Clan: Windclan

Rank: Leader
Age: 37 moons
Gender: Male
Sex: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexual/romantic orientation: Pansexual, panromantic
Relationship status: Single
Mentor: Cliffstriker
Apprentice(s): OPEN
9 lives: Clear judgment of character, forgiveness, faith, hope, humility, trust, patience, love and determination

Appearance"I see why I was called Golden. I'm shiny."

Weight: Average
Breed: Birman and American Shorthair mix

Figure/build: Athletic 
Fur colour: Majorly a white with golden tints, ginger/flame colour point
Eye colour: Orangey-gold
Scars/deformations/disfigurements: None 

Personality"I'll love you to the moon and back, unless you're trying to hurt my clan."


  • Admirable - The tom is an admirable tom due to his popularity within his own clan and for his skill in battle. He seems to have a certain air or aura about him and his presence alone seems to demand others to simply look his way. Does he seek praises? Yes. Goldenstar seeks approval from his clan because he wants to be sure that what he does for them is beneficial in all forms. Even his enemies can see that he is deserving of respect, for his immense care and devotion to his clan alone. The tom won’t necessarily go out of his way just to gain respect and receive gratification but whenever he does receive said things, he cannot help but smile as brightly as the sun. His presence and position demand respect however his personality and cheeky grin bring in friends.
  • Benevolent, Good-natured and friendly - The tom is also incredibly benevolent, good-natured and friendly. If anyone in his clan looks alone, he will go out of his way to make sure that they are okay. If anyone is feeling lonely, he will jump straight into action by shifting to sit beside them to talk their ear off. Once everyone feels welcome then Goldenstar is at peace. The tom is humble to everyone in his clan and anyone that wins his trust and affections, which can be rather hard if you are not in his clan.
  • Do-gooder - The tom is also a do-gooder, unsurprisingly. Goldenstar wants to do what is right even if it sounds unreasonable or if he is interfering with anything. Things will get done, tasks will be completed and duties will be fulfilled and despite how long it may seem for the completion if it's for the greater good or simply the good for his clan he'll do it.
  • Emotional - Goldenstar isn't one to hide his emotions and he expressed them openly. The tom feels a lot; for himself, his clan, his family, loved ones and for those who need it. He has a lot of love in him and will always be willing to share. He would get emotional over anyone's death, even if he did not know them. The tom randomly bawls his eyes out at gestures that he deems as sweet and generous.
  • Hyperactive - Goldenstar is always up to something. The ginger point tom is always on the go, making sure that he is being of use and doing something. He gets excited very easily so it isn't hard to hype him up at all. Just say something cool and inspiring and he's all ears. The tom seems to have more energy then what is normally seen and for many, he seems rather hard to handle as a leader but Windclan seems to have that covered.
  • Overly compassionate - It isn’t hard to gain Goldenstar’s sympathy as he can be incredibly emotional, so sob-stories or well thought out sad backstories get to him a lot. He is overly-compassionate, meaning his concern and sympathy are won over easily which could lead to his downfall sometimes. He is soft and warm-hearted and in ways, that can be seen as weak traits for a leader to have so he tries to hide them whenever he is interacting with other clans and cats. In order to protect his clan, he will squash down his sympathy for the weak in order for his family’s protection and safety.
  • Doggedly loyal - He is incredibly loyal. Doggedly so. Nothing will ever make him betray his clan and never in his life would he ever consider doing so. If one has gained his loyalty, then they have a cat who is more than willing to lay out his life for you. He won’t hesitate from throwing himself into danger in order to save a clanmate because if he dies knowing that his clan is safe, then he is dying peacefully.
  • Overly-trusting - Similarly to being overly-compassionate, Goldenstar can also be overly-trusting. The tom tries not to trust everyone but he trusts his clan with his life and ignores and forgets the fact that even a clanmate can be deceptive and even traitorous. Goldenstar’s trust can be won over easily, simply with someone helping out a member of his clan. If he witnesses that, then he is more than willing to accept.
  • Impulsive - Unsurprisingly, Goldenstar can be incredibly impulsive, his naivety being one of the reasons. He is quick to jump into action, which is why his clan needs to make sure he isn’t jumping head first into battle and dying instantly. The tom likes to think he plans ahead of time, which he always does, however whenever he is angered or tempted, he will rush forward and act out without a thought and in the end, that could lead to his downfall so his clan and friends need to keep in check because of this. It’s a common sight to see him trying to climb the tallest tree in order to fetch something for a curious kit or apprentice.
  • Demanding - Goldenstar is also incredibly demanding and will slam his paw down to get what he and his clan wants. The tom is quick to say what his clan needs and wants and will wait for as long as he needs to until what he wants is granted to him.
  • Territorial - To his territory and clan, he is quite territorial. He is untrusting to those near the borders and is easily angered when he spots anyone on his territory and any possible threats near his clanmates.
  • Forgetful and scatterbrained - Goldenstar is rather forgetful of things and can become quite lost so things need to be repeated to him. However, this only applies to things he deems as not as important. If it comes to his clan, he is not forgetful at all but when it comes to others, he is incredibly so.
  • Overly-emotional - Goldenstar can let his emotions control him at times, and will act impulsively on them. The tom is quick to express his feelings to news, good or bad, and even if he is at a formal event such as a gathering, he will not hide anything despite trying to. It's just in his nature to present how he feels without a thought of how drastic or dramatic they may be.
  • His clan
  • His family
  • His friends
  • His loved ones
  • Starclan
  • Running 
  • Compliments
  • Any threats to his clan
  • Anyone who speaks ill about Windclan and Starclan
  • The dark
  • Liars and deceivers 
  • Losing
  • Being left out
  • The dark
  • Being alone
  • Anyone in Windclan getting hurt
Good habits:
  • Constantly checks to see if everyone is okay
  • Laughs a lot
  • Laughs out loud to whatever he thought in his head
Bad habits:
  • Lying
  • Always pushing others needs before his own

  • Really affectionate
  • Overachiever
  • Class clown
  • Extremely loyal
  • Running around the moor
  • Climbing and jumping
  • Helping his clan members out
  • Basking in compliments and care
Alignment: Lawful good or neutral good
MBTI personality: ESFJ and ESFP
Star sign: Pisces 
Current religious status: A firm believer of Starclan and The Dark Forest. Goldenstar is a devoted follower of Starclan and the Warrior Code. Goldenstar believes that whenever there is a shortage of food or any natural disasters, that Starclan is punishing them for something.

Abilities"Speed is my speciality. I am as fast as lightning."


  • Befriending others
  • Calming others down
  • Tricking others
  • Misdirection
  • Jumping, leaping and flipping
  • Speed
  • Charisma
  • Focus and attention
  • Patience
  • Strategy

Family, Friends & Loved Ones"I love everyone in my clan. Hurt them and I will bite your ears off."

Barktail (chocolate point birman)
Mother(s): Hornetheart (ginger tabby American Shorthair)

  • Leopardclaw (half-brother)

  • Foxstar (deceased)
  • Mapleflower (budding friendship)

Past mate(s):
  • Leafbreeze (cymric cat with a tawny pelt)
  • Quickbite (lavender-grey maine coon)
Mate(s): OPEN


  • Protectiveness 
  • Strength
  • Loyalty and devotion
  • Big cats

  • Cheaters
  • Disrespectful cats
  • Anyone who tries to harm his family, friends and loved ones

Current attractions: None

Past attractions:
  • Leafbreeze
  • Quickbite
Looking for:
 Lasting relationship
✓ Unsure

History"I'm not a tom with an interesting story to tell."Pre-history:
Barktail was a dedicated, hard-working and loyal Windclan warrior. The tom was focused too much on his duties to his clan that he forgot the important matters in life. Those were, of course, family and friends. Working his way to becoming a great warrior, he forgot to focus on what he needed and never established long-lasting relationships and bonds. Despite being told this constantly, he continued with how he was and paid his attention to works hard for his clan rather than being apart of it. 

Hornetheart was a molly who spent all of her time mucking around and causing a ruckus within the clan, with her unnecessary pranks and jokes. She was a favourite among many but many truly did wish she lent her paw to do some hard work for once. The ginger cat was frivolous and sparky, a spitfire who had a lot to say to those who judged her or those she loved. It was hard to tie her down and she didn't want to be at all. She was a free-spirit at heart and wanted to live her life as such.

The two of them, despite being both being warriors in the same clan, did not know each other well or at all. They were both on opposite sides of the spectrum. With one pushing himself into work and hardships whilst the other focused on having fun and making bonds. Their first proper interaction was a big surprise, with many of their clanmates waiting for the mess that would become of the meeting, however ... quite surprisingly, they became friends. Barktail saw what he lacked in Hornetheart and Hornetheart saw what she lacked in Barktail. Hornetheart had the ability to have fun and make bonds that he needed whilst Barktail had the dutiful and hardworking attitude and behaviour that she needed. The two of them began to learn from each other and steadily, they became great friends.

The two were inexperienced, with Barktail not being used to any sort of intimate interactions and Hornetheart not being used to commitments, and found the comfort and familiarity from each other to be tempting enough to become mates and so they did. As surprised as the clan was of their friendship, one can imagine just how shocked they were when they announced they were mates. They were a strange couple but they were happy and content and soon enough, Hornetheart was expecting. 

Goldenkit was born. A son of Barktail and Hornetheart. Goldenkit was named for his golden pointed fur and for the way he seemed to grin brightly after he let out his first yawn. The young tom was a shining star in the lives of Barktail and Hornetheart and they both loved him dearly. The newborn grew quickly, as kits seem to do in their parent's eyes, and as soon as he was able to speak and walk, everyone could see how fast-talking and speedy he was. The tom would always watch the apprentices run around and race whilst he was stuck in the nursery with his paws thumping against the ground in hopes they could take him to the moors that everyone spoke so fondly about.

Goldenkit had befriended most if not all of the other kits that were in the nursery at the same time as he was. The tom was quick to become a best friend to many and to a few, he was looked up to as he would always make up tales and stories of his valiant warrior-self, fighting and protecting Windclan. Like his mother, he was known for loving tricks and jokes and many members of the clan believed that he would take after her more than his father.  

Goldenkit was given Cliffstrike as a mentor. A stoic and agile warrior with a stern demeanour. Goldenpaw, however, was not focused too much on training for now that he was out of the nursery he could actually go into the moor that was the Windclan territory. Sure, he'd seen it from the nursery but now ... he could run around and frolick through the long blades of grass. The tom also made himself a group of friends, consisting of cats that he cherished with all of his heart and also cats who he noticed had similar pelt markings as him. Pointed cats! 

However Cliffstrike had enough of him slacking off from his training and told him that he would not start proper battle training with him unless he knew the warrior code off by heart. The tom took the challenge in stride and soon enough, he listed them off one by one to his mentor before finishing with a pleased smirk. However, Cliffstrike had his own smirk to match for he told him that he needed to be able to enact the code and vows that he knew like the back of his paw. Cliffstrike wanted Goldenpaw to prove to him that he was a true apprentice of Windclan and to show him that he could uphold the code. Goldenpaw didn't think much of it so shrugged it off, believing that it would be easy. But Cliffstrike set out challenges for him that he couldn't look away from and distract himself with his friends. The tom, annoyed with his mentor, decided to do these tasks and as hard as they were, he managed to get through them all. But before he could reach the final task, news came out that his mother and father had split.

Hornetheart was pregnant and with someone else's kits. Goldenpaw, being too young to understand, asked his parents what was wrong and what was going on but when he asked his mother, all he got were saddened and guilty eyes and as he turned to his father, he got the same stoic expression yet it was harsher and colder. The older tom told him everything bluntly. Hornetheart had been sneaking off to meet with a tom, an unknown tom, but one that no one in the clan knew of. Hornetheart tried to convince Barktail that she didn't think anything would become of their meetings and with a rare saddened look, Barktail looked at his mate before cutting all ties with her before walking out of the nursery. 

Goldenpaw was stunned, sitting there as his father left the den and as his mother began to weep. Before she could even speak to him, Goldenpaw looked at his mother with heartbroken eyes and scampered off, with her only being able to reach out towards him before curling into a ball. He couldn't properly register the fact that his parents were falling out of love before this.

Goldenpaw tried to take everything in stride but as he went to Cliffstrike to face his final task, the older tom looked at him with eyes that didn't hold the pity everyone else had but with a strong look before leading him towards a hill in the moors, one that made it possible to see the camp that was nestled into the moor. As he gazed at the clan below them, Goldenpaw quickly let out his emotions and cried. Cliffstrike let him be before he spoke up. He told him that he was like both his mother and his father but he was much more. He had his mother's spirit and his father's loyalty. In him, they would live on together. It was hard realising that his parents wouldn't be together anymore but his mentor told him that he was not alone. His parents were not mates anymore but that didn't make them not his parents. The older tom reminded the apprentice that Windclan was his family and that he would have them until the very end of his life and even in death. Cliffstrike turned to him and asked him what he wanted to be. "A warrior of Windclan," Goldenpaw replied with a sniffle. Cliffstrike nodded and told him that he would need to work hard for it and that he could have fun at the same time. 

"What is Windclan to you, Goldenpaw?"

"Family. My family."

"Then work hard for your family. Cherish and love them. Have fun and enjoy your life as you work hard for their prosperity. For our prosperity. Your trail has finished, your real training begins now."

And with that, Cliffstrike trained his apprentice hard to become the warrior he knew the tom would be. 

Goldenpaw took in Cliffstrike's teachings and as his parents decided to hold a little meeting between the three of them after the birth of Hornetheart's kit, Barktail and Goldenpaw realised that the kit was gone before they could even see it. Hornetheart told them that she gave the kit to the tom she had been with and that she will tell everyone that she had lost the kit before burying him herself. Barktail was angered at the loss of a member of Windclan but he held himself back for it was Hornetheart's choice and he understood how hard it must have been. Goldenpaw was shocked and hurt because he wanted to see the kit, even though he was still tense around his mother. 

After telling the clan, things returned to normal. Hornetheart was back to her warrior duties and out of the nursery. The relationship between Hornetheart and Barktail was non-existent now however they did remain civil and formal when working together. They both truly did love Goldenpaw and reminded him constantly that they would always be his parents, just that they wouldn't be together. Goldenpaw grew to understand that and quickly began talking to his parents like he used to.

Goldenpaw was named Goldenheart and as he turned to the clan, he saw expressions of pride and as he raised his head up high, he gazed up at Starclan before looking at his clan. Goldenheart was known as one of the speediest warriors for he would always be zipping around the moors, running about and mucking around. The tom still remained close with Cliffstrike, who had become a senior warrior and respected him a lot. Now, he could work alongside his parents as equals but likewise, he respected them as well. The tom enjoyed listening to the stories and tales of the elders, something he used to sit and listen to as a kit whenever one would visit the nursery. Listening to them speak about their love for Starclan, he couldn't help but agree. They also spoke of the punishments they were given because of the historic banishment of Skyclan. Goldenheart considered it before realising that they would have been punished for it.

The tom worked hard as a warrior and alongside his friends. He even befriended more, especially the deputy of the clan. He also grew quite close to a beautiful molly named Leafbreeze, a she-cat who frequently challenged him to races and laughed alongside him as he joked. Soon enough, he found himself forming a massive crush on her and would frequently trip over his own tail around her. Leafbreeze simply rolled her eyes at him one day and told him that she knew he liked her and that she liked him too and they eventually became a couple.

Goldenheart continued his life as a warrior, spending as much of his time alongside his friends and family. The tom was hardworking but also had fun a lot due to the pranks and jokes he liked to do. Leafbreeze and his relationship continued for a while before Goldenheart awkwardly told her that he only saw her as a best friend. Taking it lightly and with a bright smile, she understood and they ended their relationship yet remained best friends.

When Foxstar became leader, Goldenheart was incredibly surprised and shocked when he selected him to be the deputy. With wide eyes, he stood before the clan alongside Foxstar before he grinned and smiled, basking in the praises and cheers of his clanmates. The tom gazed at them all and promised to himself that he would protect and serve his clan and leader until the day his paws and legs couldn't work. As deputy, Goldenheart grew closer to Foxstar and enjoyed the leader's friendship dearly and saw him as a role model. Goldenheart liked to be dramatic and regularly called the two of them the ultimate duo. The duo that made the other clans quake in fear. 

The golden tom grew closer to a strong warrior by the name of Quickbite, a large and sturdy tom who had a rather loud mouth and wouldn't think twice about declaring that he was the strongest of the entire clan. Goldenheart took to him quickly, finding himself growing attracted to his qualities and found himself falling, hard. Quickbite was slower to realise his own feelings but as they grew closer and spent more time together, he realised and as Goldenheart confessed his feelings to him, Quickbite was quick to say yes and that he too felt the same way. Goldenheart was absolutely in love with Quickbite and was too naive to realise that he was rushing into things way too quickly and his friends worried that he would hurt himself sooner than he knew it, for Quickbite was a warrior known for ditching commitments. Goldenheart didn't tell anyone but he had his suspicions that Quickbite was sneaking off with another tom from their clan but didn't want to tell anyone for he didn't want them to worry and he didn't want to believe it.

Their worries and Goldenheart's suspicions were proven correct as Goldenheart's world shattered when he found Quickbite with another tom. With a broken heart, he meekly turned away and hid among his friend's pelts whilst others decided to tell Quickbite that the relationship was over for Goldenheart was too broken to do so. The tom was shattered and it showed in his deputy duties and his work. Worried that Foxstar would boot him from the role, he tried to hide his pain and focused solely on his work. Barktail, knowing that Goldenheart was hiding his feelings and hurting himself even more without letting anything out because he did the same thing, quickly pulled his son to the sidelines and spoke to him before telling him that he shouldn't hide what he was feeling because if he did, he wouldn't be able to heal. Goldenheart, never having heard his father speak like this, nodded and did his best. Welcoming the comfort and love of his family and friends, he slowly began to heal and he quickly forgave Quickbite, rather awkwardly but he was comforted by the presences of his friends hiding in the bushes behind him.

After that fiasco was over, Goldenheart returned to being the active and charismatic tom he was and made sure to never hide anything at all.

During a battle between Windclan and Thunderclan, Goldenheart faced another heartbreak in his life as he witnessed a friend die. Foxstar was one of the losses they suffered during that battle. Goldenheart was to become the leader but that didn't cross his mind one bit as they sat through his vigil and as his nose was pressed against the leader's pelt. As he cried, so did the rest of Windclan. Foxstar was a great leader of Windclan, one that led them to victory many times and one that protected and served them as a great and noble leader. Goldenheart, with tears in his eyes, spoke of Foxstar's victories and his undying loyalty for Windclan and he vowed that he would never let Windclan down and that he would be a great leader to them. 

After receiving his 9 lives and becoming Goldenstar, he returned to the clan and declared the next deputy to be Blizzardfur, a tom that he saw as strong and a loyal. 

As of current, Goldenstar serves as the leader of Windclan and continues to love them as a family. The tom constantly keeps Starclan in his thoughts and looks up into the sky, knowing that Foxstar and many other dearly loved Windclan cats were watching over them. 

Goldenstar is unforgiving to Thunderclan for the battle that caused them to lose Foxstar however he is neutral to the other clans.

Misc."Focus on how great my clan is, not on me."

Theme song(s):

Voice: Gavin Mikhail - I Will Wait (cover)

Opinions/thoughts on -
Thunderclan: "."
Shadowclan: "They're growing stronger."
Riverclan: "They're chill. I can dig."

Skyclan: "They have been long gone. Starclan has stopped punishing us."

Starclan: "Our great and noble ancestors who watch over us to this very day. I stand here with the name of star to hold all the traditions and values they have given us."

The Dark Forest: "Only the most evil of cats dwell there."

Links/Other"Thanks for stopping by. Get off my territory."Roleplay example(s):Casual Roleplay Example(s)  

Plot-Building Roleplay Example(s)

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Comments: 19

hoIIis [2018-02-21 16:01:57 +0000 UTC]

 You have gained 20 DD for joining! Welcome to Frigid-Steps!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to hoIIis [2018-02-21 22:05:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ca55tamere [2018-02-21 02:43:05 +0000 UTC]

My leader is will serve you wisely 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to Ca55tamere [2018-02-21 02:46:45 +0000 UTC]

Yes bow down

Also gl Dawnfrost, Goldenstar is a lowkey cheeky brat sometimes 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ca55tamere In reply to Pastastaar [2018-02-21 02:50:10 +0000 UTC]

He'll make his leader respect him and he will respect his leader yo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to Ca55tamere [2018-02-21 02:51:54 +0000 UTC]

I'm liT

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ca55tamere In reply to Pastastaar [2018-02-21 03:06:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

direwolph15 [2018-02-04 17:35:44 +0000 UTC]

my dad

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to direwolph15 [2018-02-04 21:21:19 +0000 UTC]

The coolest dad

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xXMonstaerXx [2018-02-04 16:05:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to xXMonstaerXx [2018-02-04 21:20:52 +0000 UTC]

He ... EGGY

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tettry [2018-02-04 11:56:56 +0000 UTC]

Look at that good boy, I wish I could pet him 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to Tettry [2018-02-04 21:20:34 +0000 UTC]

A blessed egg

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Aleatoiire [2018-02-04 04:17:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to Aleatoiire [2018-02-04 04:18:12 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hoIIis [2018-02-04 04:07:35 +0000 UTC]

breakfast man breakfast man breakfast man breakfa

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to hoIIis [2018-02-04 04:08:42 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Forestcrow [2018-02-04 04:03:36 +0000 UTC]

I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pastastaar In reply to Forestcrow [2018-02-04 04:04:53 +0000 UTC]

EGG BOY LOVES YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0