pauldy — Chaotic Aerial Affair
Published: 2010-01-09 16:11:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 715; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 4
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Description The Wind runs through the young girl's face, flowing through her long brown hair her clothes and her sturdy metal wings. Behind her are four large aerial machines, screeching through the air at .85 mach.   Heading to the west, to uncertainty. Only the heavens know what fate will the girl and the machines accompanying her will have.

Raisa and the four F-15s with here were up in the air for almost an hour. They've been flying at 32,200 feet above the vast Cathay Sea below them. So far it has been the serene sky and the calm seas below them. Their flight is about to arrive at their patrol points.

Nearing the mission area Raisa turns their eyes and ears on.

"Agila, Radar on"

Glowing light Turquoise waves, shaped like antennas lit beside her Civet ears. Raisa is now actively scanning the sky in front of them, beyond what their eyes could see.

"Agila 2, Radar on"

"Agila 3, Radar on"

"Agila 4, Radar on"

"Agila 5, Radar on"

Their F-15's APG-63 Radar sets are now also scanning the sky in front of them.

"Agila flight, report your contacts please." Raisa commanded

"Agila 2, no contacts on B-scope, scan is clean."

"Agila 3, Clean, no scans"

"Agila 4, Clean"

"Agila 5, Same here"

"Guess this counts like a proficiency flight again." Raisa somehow a bit relieved.

"I concur." Lt. Quirino agreed over the radio.

"Well this is much better. Missiles are expensive you know." Agila 4 added.

"ehh…" Raisa uttered

Suddenly, Raisa felt something, a sharp and acrid feeling. It's not an aircraft or ship radar. It's coming from the sky ahead of them.
It 's a wave of radiating mana, a magic user, an air infantry, it was a Witch.

"What is it Lt. Lijauco?" Lt. Quirino asked

"A Magic User is approach, but it can specify it's range."

"Hey, Hey.. Tsin's Witches? I thought they were used for the defense of Beijing?" Agila 3 commented.

"No, RWR indications either. You sure your Magic circuit's not fooling you Lt. Lijauco?" Agila 5 implied.

"I'm quite sure, there is an Air Infantry in front of us. No way that it's a pilot who had magic power." Raisa said.

Inside Lt. Quirino's cockpit, the Radar Warning Receiver chirped. It was a threat they never encountered before.

"This is Agila 2, I have an unknown type of spike, 12 O'clock." Lt. Quirino telling everyone.

"Agila 3, Also have been spike just now."

"Agila 4, spike here too, what's this, some new kind of J-8?"

"Agila 5, got spike here also"

The Raisa also felt the Radar waves. Then she started to see contacts in front of them.

"Agila 1 BRA 269…. Ehh..? Just as she's about to verify the distance she heard noise from the contacts

"range Lt. Lijauco? Lt. Quirino asked.

"They just jammed my Radar scanning, I can't verify how far they are

"Hey now, how come they became this aggressive?" Agila 3 asked in an annoyed tone.

"We have no choice but to approach them then." Lt. Quirino stated

A few more minutes in, Raisa felt the acrid feeling again, this time it was stronger. Somehow she felt it was already threatening her.
At the same time the Eagle pilots with her confirmed that they were being locked up already.

"Are they trying to play ROE mind games with us? Taking advantage that the Filipian Air Force is basically on weapons tight orders? Agila 3 implied getting more annoyed.

"They must be aggressively defending something. There could be something going on the Scarborough shoal area." Lt. Quirino suggested
A few more seconds, Raisa felt something really threatening and heading towards her at mach 4. She was being bathed in Mana energy.

"Missile Launch 12 O'clock!" She exclaimed. She immediately dived down to the left, perpendicular to the threat's direction while dumping chaff in the air in an attempt to notch the missile.

"Agila 3, Missile launch, 12 O'clock!!"

"Agila 5, Missile, 12 O'clock!"

The F-15s of Agila 3 and 5 also dived down to the right, perpendicular to the threat while dumping chaff

"Agila 4, Missile Launch 12 O'clock" and he also tried to notch the incoming missile.
Somehow, Lt. Quirino was not launched at. In his radar scope, Jamming contacts were displayed. He locked the jamming contacts.

"This is a gamble!  Hope I could somehow also scare some of them! Agila 2 Fox  1!"
He launched an AIM-7 Sparrow in a Home on Jam shot, hoping the missile would track the emitting jammer and hitting the threat.
Meanwhile Raisa was on burners and flew in a Zig-Zag pattern, reversing to the right and back to the left again in attempt to bleed out the speed of the missile chasing her.  By flying perpendicular to the left and then reversing to the right, she forces the missile to fly longer path whilst chasing her, thus forcing it to decelerate more rapidly. It also forces the missile to loose radar lock because of the Doppler Notch. An effect wherein a perpendicular target gives out lesser Doppler-shift, thus breaking the Radar lock.

She felt another missile coming towards her and she continued her evasive action while doing the High speed zig-zags.

"Uuuuunnnhhhh!!!!!"  Raisa was in pain.

Raisa felt the high g-forces every time she reverses her flying direction. The witch felt like she was being pressed hard.


Then somehow, the missiles lose track of her. Maybe they broke lock because of Raisa's Notching or the missiles simply ran out of airspeed.

"Tsk, tsk.. I knew launching R-27ERs at maximum ranges is a bunch of bull." A mysterious girl flying above the Cathay sea implied.

"They've split into smaller clumps."

"Xailong 3, 4 and 5, Go pincer Right, Xaiolong 2 follow me closely"

"Xaiolong 3, Roger"

"Xaiolong 4, Roger"

"Xaiolong 5, Roger"

"Xaiolong 2, affirmative, following you.."

3 sleek aircraft looking like graceful cranes dived down and went to the right. One sleek aircraft together with a girl with metal wings dived down to the right.

Raisa tries to restablish contact with her wingmen.

"Agila flight, everyone still here"

"Agila 4, here"

"Agila 3, still alive"

"Agila 5, I'm still around"

"Agila 2 here, I just launched a Sparrow missile on them, bet it didn't hit but I think
it made them change their tactics."

"Agila 4, reporting contacts, we're now in the burn through range of the Jammers. Two groups
1st group BRA 292, 23 miles, Angels 27. 2nd group BRA 245, 22 miles, Angels 25."

"Ok then Agila 3,4 and 5 engage the right group, Agila 2 follow me through and
we'll be going for the left group." Raisa commanded

"Agila 3, Roger"

"Agila 4, Roger"

"Agila 5, Roger"

"I'm betting were up against new types of fighters. They radar ranges and missiles seem to have a further reach than our Eagles. Previous Tsin Fighters weren't like this." Lt. Quirino implied

"I was thinking the same thing too. There are only a few aircraft that could outrange our weapons. Excluding the Liberion F-14, which fighter could be in front of us?" Raisa asked casually

"Tsins don't have MiG-31s, it was made exclusively for the Orussian VVS. Are we up against Flankers?" Lt. Quirino states.

"Precisely" Raisa said.

"Agila 2, take care of the enemy aircraft, I'll get the their witch."


Raisa concentrated her magical energy on the Air Infantry. She was well within the launch range of her Sparrow missiles. Without any second thoughts she launched her missile

"Agila 1 Fox 1!"

A miniature Sparrow missile swooshed through the air, accelerating beyond the speed of sound.

"Agila 2 Fox 1!"

Lt. Quirino also launched another Sparrow Missile from his F-15.
Raisa felt that she was being launched at again. A missile was trying to intercept her. Knowing that she was guiding a missile to a target, she must watch how she notches, else she might break her lock on her target. She flew in an F-pole, trying to fly perpendicular against the threat while keeping her target at the maximum gimbal limits of her magic radar.

Then she went back to the direction of her target and launched another Sparrow then back to perpendicular attempting to break the threat missile loose..

"Fox 1!"

Another Sparrow Missile was flying off her striker.

"unnnnhhhhh!!!" She was feeling the G-forces of her evasive actions.

This time she can already see the Air Infantry girl she was up against.
This mysterious Air Infantry was able to dodge Raisa's missile by doing the same evasive manuevres, flying perpendicular, back in forth under high Gs.

The missile passed right beside Raisa, only inches her strikers left wing. It then detonated no longer detecting any target.

"Fox 3!" Raisa exclaimed launching her best missile, The AIM-120A Advanced medium range missile.

The major advancement of the AIM-120 over the previous missiles is that the weapon has its own radar. Meaning at a given distance from the target, it could guide itself without further radar support from the launching platform.

The Raisa's missile streaks towards the Infantry girl. Just as it was about to hit, a large glowing crimson arcane circle appeared in front of mysterious witch. The AIM-120 detonated in a large explosion.

"Did I got her?" Raisa says to herself while stopping in mid air.

"heh, Not bad witch!"


"I see you're being reliant on the tech made by the boys for you. Here, you can try out the toys made by my boys too!"

The mysterious witch launches 2 short range missiles
The white missiles approach Raisa and fast
Just hovering in the air, she had no airspeed. No energy to avoid a missile.


Raisa instinctively placed both her hands in front of her. She had activated her Magic Shield. A large glowing blue Arcane Circle appeared in front of Raisa. An explosion followed.

"Your still alive aren't you girl?" the mysterious witch asks.

The smokes recedes, and there was Raisa, looking a bit fatigued.
In front of Raisa was an Air Infantry girl. She had a long black hair in a ponytail. She had a long slender body in a Cheongsam and looks a bit taller than Raisa. Her striker unit was attached directly on her legs, reminiscent of the old Striker units in the 40s. It had two magic engines and had tapered wings that had an oblong like tanks on the wing tips. It's engines had a high pitched whine Raisa had never heard before. It was loaded with long missiles that had large cruciform fins in the front.

"J-J-just who are you?  And is that an Su-27 based Striker" Raisa asks

"Well I'm just a witch like you, though I'm unable to give you my identity. I see your reading your reference materials. Good job guessing what my unit is." The witch smirked.

Suddenly, a call for help over the radio over the Radio.

"This is Agila 3, I can't shake the bandit off my tail!!!"

"What the…. *krsssss* the communication was cut.

"Agila 3?!!"

"Why are you all being this aggressive, I thought Tsin signed the Truce?!"

"Simply put Tsin is big, maybe the people who signed that senseless crap was from the capital."

"Aren't you people disobeying Tsin's high command?!"

"Nah, were just guarding a secret here and we can't let you know about it."

*Krrsss* "Xaiolong Flight,N Core extraction is complete, All units are now tasked to return. By the way, you're also cleared to eliminate all witnesses you encountered."

A radio message was relayed.

Meanwhile Lt. Quirino was able to shot down one of the threat aircraft using an AIM-120.

"These are Flankers are right.. that shape… the RWR database needs to be updated then."

"Geez, this has been chaotic, We need to regroup!"

"Core?.. you mean? Neuroi?!" Raisa asks in an angry tone.

"Maybe? Maybe not.. I told you it was a secret." The Mysterious witch smiled.

"Ok then, Sorry girl but we have to put you in the bottom of the sea."
The Mysterious Witch then launched all her missiles to Raisa. A large Explosion followed..

"Ciao! If only we were at peace I would like to fly and play with you longer…"

"Xaiolong Formation, return to formation!"

The Mysterious witch then went on full burner and egressed to the north.

"Agila 1, do you copy? Agila 1!" Lt. Quirino asks. No answer

"Damn it!"

"Agila flight you still there?" Lt. Quirino asks again over the radio.

"Agila 5, here"

"Agila 4, here, but I'm on Single engine."

"Let's rendezvous on waypoint 4.." Lt. Quirino assuming command

"Roger!" the two other Eagle pilots replied.

Just as the three F-15s were about to reach waypoint 4 they saw a Glowing blue Arcane Circle.

"Raisa!! Alex here, are you all right?"

She didn't replied and instead went on burners flying to the north. She eventually went supersonic, chasing the flight that mauled them.

"She's being reckless again! Agila 5 and 4 return to base, I need to follow her."

"Agila 4, Understood, though I hope if she ever makes it back, she'll only be given Suspension punishment only."

"This is Xaiolong 4 I'm being spiked, 6 O'clock."

"Xaiolong 3, also being spike here."

"Xaiolong 5, spike at my six."

"Xaiolong 4, missile launch, 6 O'clock."

"That girl, she's still around and wants to get it." The mysterious witch girl in cheongsam said

"Alright, we shall play with her."

Xiaolong flight turned back to intercept the chasing threat.
It was Raisa, chasing them.

"Being reckless and all… Alright I help you geez!" Lt. Quirino muttered to himself.
On his radar scope, the bandits had turned back their nose on him. He locked up one of the bandits.

"Agila 2 Fox 1!" A Sparrow missile streaks from his F-15, forcing the Su-27 to take evasive actions.

Raisa was flying at the speed of sound . She knew her first missile missed and Raisa launched another Sparrow. This time it was right within the No Escape range of the missile and hit the Su-27 Flanker.

Although the missile was small, its warhead was packed with concentrated and pressurized Mana making it as potent as the real missile.
Then she went in for another Su-27, she fired her last AIM-120 then followed up with an AIM-9 Sidewinder. The Su-27 frantically deployed Chaff and flare and was able to fool the both missiles.

Knowing that her missiles missed, Raisa climb up vertically above the Su-27 and dived down.

She aimed her M61 gatling gun at the Su-27, while it flounders after desperately evading two missiles.

"This is Xaiolong 3, I'm being spanked here, need help fast!"
The Su-27 tries to bring the battle into turning fight but Raisa wouldn't bite it. She then climbs up again makes out a High Yo-yo manuevre, attacking the Flanker from above. Like an Eagle swooping on her prey, she continued attacking the Flanker until it was placed well within the firing angle of the gun.

The pilot looks up in the sky and saw the silhouette of a young girl with elegant Trapezoid-like wings. A rain of bullets followed and it was the last thing he saw. Raisa had hit the cockpit section of the Flanker and severely damaged the jet.
Without a pilot controlling it, the aircraft ends in smoke and falls down, heading toward the sea below..

Then from the north, tracers of bullets heading towards Raisa.


Raisa immediately activated her Magic Barrier, blocking the bullets..

The mysterious witch has returned and was engaging Raisa in combat.

Raisa started to make it a Two Circle Fight. With the Mysterious Witch's better Turn Rate, she was already on Raisa's tail.

Raisa attempted to drive the fight into a Rolling Scissiors bout, but the Mysterious Witch was able to follow closely.

"Damn!" Raisa then went into a Split S diving to lower altitude.

"This Filipian Witch is good." The Mysterious witch implies

Raisa then went into follow afterburner gaining distance from the Mystery witch.  After being far enough Raisa did a wide and rising 180 degree turn into the Mysterious witch. She fired her Gatling gun on the chasing Mysterious witch.

"ahh!!" The mysterious witch also activated her Magic barrier.

She was about to take a snap gunshot while Raisa was in front of her but, she lost her chance. Raisa was flying with a very high closing speed and swiftly passed throught the mystery witch's left side.

"keh! A real Energy fighter I see!" She implied with a smirk.
Raisa then went vertical again in an attempt to make a swooping high speed approach.

"This is PLAAF control, All units are now asked to egress to Tsin Territory! Multiple contacts from Filipia, approaching fast!"
The Mysterious witch then stopped in Mid Air.

"Not bad Bitch! Knocking down two of our newest fighters and making a direct gun hit on me, forcing me to use my barrier. Hehehe, You've learn a lot Filipian!"
"Air Infantry of 25th Air Regiment, Kong Jun Da Wei Jang, Xiao Lei. It was a pleasure to play with you!"

"I'm afraid We need to part for now, much like the Chinese saying, kill one of their soldiers to instigate the rest of them.  Bye now, for real."

"Wait! Since you've given me your identity, it's customary for me to tell you my name too being a witch and all.." Raisa implied

"Air Infantry of the 7th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Lieutenant Raisa Quirino. Whatever action you plan to do with that Neuroi core we will stop you!"

"I see, I'll be waiting for you Raisa.."
Xaio Lei smiled with a scheming look and flew towards the north.
The Su-27 that survived also followed her.

"Raisa, Are you still there?" Lt. Quirino asks over the Radio.

"Yes Alex.. Though I think I'm stressed out.."

"Raisa! Raisa!" It was Lt. Crissey Fuentes on her striker, behind her were four F/A-18C Hornets.

"You all right! We were worried about you~ We heard your flight was in a furball when we're about to start our training." She came hugging Raisa

"Waahh! We thought you were shot down, We can't afford to lose our Country's only Ace Witch!" Crissey exclaimed worriedly and in tears.

"Hey now.." Raisa then pats Crissey's head.

"Lt. Lijauco, glad to see you're all right." A message was relayed in the radio.


"I heard Agila 3 was lost.. is it correct?"
Raisa was a bit hesitant to answer

"Y-yes ma'm…."

"No…." Crissey shed another tear

"You did violate Patrol rules, I'm choosing whether grounding you and Lt. Quirino or just do heavy labor for a day."

"Heavy labor ma'm" Raisa implied

"Same here too.." Lt. Quirino implied

"Alex.." Raisa was a bit surprised.

"But I'm interested about your report regarding the N Core. Explain it to me during the Debriefing"


"Come on, Alex and Crissey. All flights let's go RTB.."

"Right!" Crissey exclaims.

All of the remaining Filipian Air Forces egress East and returned to Angeles..

"I knew it, the Neuroi are still around but weren't being active… I believe it was a Neuroi Core they're talking about. What does PLAAF want to do with the core?" Raisa thought while on their way home.

Chapter 2: The Chaotic Aerial Affair
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Comments: 9

EliteLenny223 [2017-02-22 13:15:22 +0000 UTC]

Spot on with the story. Goodness... Why didn't I see this? You could have tried a writing gig in Fanfiction. PM me if you want a review. ^_^ You've done well on this.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Boomerang503 [2010-01-23 17:24:26 +0000 UTC]

This is pretty good! It sure gives me some idea of modern striker combat for the CM Air Force.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pauldy In reply to Boomerang503 [2010-01-24 15:20:49 +0000 UTC]

Actually i may had lots of error specially the dogfight aspect.

but anyways, that's how i think it may go considering the characters have beyond visual range capabilities.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

vjptox [2010-01-11 12:55:39 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, I've finished reading the two chapters!

Wow, I gotta say you're so good on bringing the witches story to a real life air combat situation!

Actually I got confused why Raisa suddenly went to rampage after hearing that "core extraction" issue. She sure had a serious problem with neurois..? o_O Oh, and who's Maria in chapter 1? Her mom? Ah...and poor lil' Crissey

Btw, I've found an error: "Air Infantry of the 7th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Lieutenant Raisa Quirino. Whatever action you plan to do with that Neuroi core we will stop you!" -> She's engaged already to Alex?

Please keep this up! I really wonder about how Faina was born though =3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pauldy In reply to vjptox [2010-01-11 13:49:11 +0000 UTC]

Actually I'm unsure myself if ACM they used were correct or even proper..
Frankly, when i play in flight sims like Lock On, I actually suck at the Dogfight Aspect. : I'm a type of player whose reliant on Missiles.
But anyway i feel contented placing some real ACMs in it unlike the Random Immelmans and Split S they did in Strike Witches Anime..

"Lieutenant Raisa Quirino" Sorry for that typo, Maybe i was thinking about Faina while i was typing

About Raisa going on a "Rampage" it was supposed to be changed wherein Colonel Yap orders them to defend themselves instead and if they can, Pursuit Xaio Lei's flight.. BUT my eyes were too stressed and went with the current plot anyway (A case of laziness for others maybe)

This is Maria [link] Well she was a witch in the 40s but was KIA. I named her after Cesar Basa, a Filipino pilot who fought in WWII against Imperial Japan.

But yah, She has an issue with Neuroi. I'm choosing whether she has a sort of connection or empathy with them or that the lost of her parents were caused by Neuroi..

About Crissey, she's kinda crybaby at times..

Wow~ Thanks for reading through, Hope your eyes din stressed out cause mine did

As for these "Light Novel" I dunno but i may no longer continue with it.
I had big dreams for this like including illustrations to accompany the story similar to real Light Novels.. but bummer, impossible for a one-man show
Anyway it was sort of a pilot edition, Just trying it out

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

vjptox In reply to pauldy [2010-01-12 16:55:29 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, actually the way you describe all her maneuvers is already realistic I'm totally blind with all those avionic thingies anyway... +_+

It makes sense though, Raisa went berserk because her parents got killed by neurois or something like that. That's why I thought Maria was her mother back then, hehe A 40's witch like her, probably was an ace too
But what's the true identity of that Tsin girl, really... o.o

Actually writing light novels like this is a nice move to describe your character's universe But just write it if you feel want to More like a "short break" after drawing

Naah, I usually read novels too, it was not a problem. But could you please tell me about how Raisa died later, please? And about the birth of her cute child?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sabekuji-kaneda [2010-01-10 10:57:51 +0000 UTC]

There are a bit errors but overall great story!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pauldy In reply to sabekuji-kaneda [2010-01-10 17:00:54 +0000 UTC]

What particular errors?

Anyway i just tried typing a story to make sense for my character but it feels that it's not worth it..

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sabekuji-kaneda In reply to pauldy [2010-01-11 14:12:30 +0000 UTC]

A bit of grammatical errors~

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