Posting my „Two Mights” side by side because of @atrix.atr #DadMightContest || These two are not yet DADMights but they are currently DADDYMights and they are protecting our fragile hearts ||
To be honest there was more under that fanart than I told you last time. I’m not feeling well recently (not only physically but mentally) and drawing those two pieces was really helpfull to me. On this occasion I wanted to remind you that IT’S OK TO HAVE A BAD DAY and take a break. And If one day break is not enough then take another. The thing is to be honest with yourself. If you are feeling bad too often and you are overhelmed with your own powerless then maybe it’s time for looking for some help, because mental illnes it’s also a serious thing and doctors are here to help us ❤
More of my works -> LINK