Base by: ElementBases
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Brought back from the brink of death, she has gained a new appreciation for life.
Everyone expected Fluttershy to fall for Discord, especially because she accidentally said that she wanted to marry him.
However, Fluttershy quickly fell out of love with him... her heart belonged to another stallion...
It took a while for Discord to accept it, but he was eventually okay...
Fluttershy was struck deathly ill a few days after her and MacIntosh were married.
Most doctors knew that she wouldn't survive the night.
It was that night that a miracle occurred.
Fluttershy's life was saved by a selfless action.
Back from the hospital, Fluttershy settled into her life of a quiet house wife.
She and Mac have two gorgeous children together, and Fluttershy couldn't be happier.
"I'll never forget what Twilight did for me... After all... sh-she saved my life... I only wish I can repay her somehow..."
Fluttershy has many pets, but her closest companion has to be her loyal rabbit, Angel Bunny
Ever since the fruit bat incident, Fluttershy has had a strong attraction for apples...
Fluttershy is actually a very strong flier, but due to her shy nature, she rarely ever tries to use her strength