My intention here was to create the coat of arms of my micronation which has already existed for several years. There's a long story behind it but here's the NationState micronation link:…
1912, Leipzig, capital of the Principality of Saxe-Leipzig. This city, adorned with remarkable artistic relics from a great history, exudes the scent of a refined old Europe that has nothing to do with Berlin's "Nouveau-Riche" arrogance. The Habsburg-Saxe-Leipzig family in Leipzig may well assert their right to dispute the Empire at the Hohenzollern in Berlin, and Princess Viktoria is very famous in Saxe. Her presence protect her people from the Prussian's tradition, as she was ferociously mistrustful toward them, but her character and status do not endanger the Kaiser.
The Principality of Saxe-Leipzig is a environmentally stunning nation, ruled by Viktoria I von Habsburg-Sachsen-Leipzig with an iron fist, and remarkable for its museums and concert halls and national health service. In their personal lives, citizens are relatively unoppressed; it remains to be seen whether this is because the government genuinely cares about its people.
The large government juggles the competing demands of Education, Environment, and Healthcare. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Leipzig. The average income tax rate is 45.7%, but much higher for the wealthy. The Saxe-Leipzigian economy is quite specialized and led by the Beef-Based Agriculture industry, with major contributions from Tourism, Trout Farming, and Furniture Restoration. Average income is 48,106 Goldmark und Österreichisch Kroner, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.1 times as much as the poorest.
Crime is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare.