Her bio isn't done yet, but here she is~
With her super extra name and her giant eyebrows
Name: Spring Azure Mage Caballeron
Parents: Fluttershy and Dr. Caballeron
Species: Earth Pony/ Female
Build: Tall, athletic
Features: Tailfeathers, shoulder feathers, big eyebrows lol
Special Talent: Biological Archeology
Cutiemark: T-Rex (or dragon?) Skull w/gems
Occupation: Conservationist, works with parents, student at Twilight’s friendship school
Nickname(s): Spring, Azure, Mage, Sam
Personality/Background: TBA (adventurous)
Relationships: TBA
-Inherited bat pony traits from Fluttershy (I'll post a species sheet on vampire ponies vs bat ponies soon)
-Lives with her parents and Discord’s family in Fluttershy’s sanctuary
-More TBA
More to come~
Please don't trace<3