phantomofdevil โ€” 050412

Published: 2012-05-04 12:10:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 400; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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miilklatte [2012-05-31 03:58:36 +0000 UTC]

LOVE this

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phantomofdevil In reply to miilklatte [2012-05-31 05:36:42 +0000 UTC]

thank you, i haven't been drawing much, but HOPEFULLY as soon as cons are over with, i shall go back to drawing without having to worry about my cosplays and stuff.

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miilklatte In reply to phantomofdevil [2012-05-31 07:20:30 +0000 UTC]

Aww, well I always enjoy both your drawings
and cosplays, but yeah, hopefully you're able to draw more again soon!
I wouldn't know how tedious and time-consuming cosplay work is (not yet anyway) but I can only imagine...
However, I can tell the time you put into your cosplays really pays off,
so either way it's a win-win I suppose. :3

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phantomofdevil In reply to miilklatte [2012-05-31 07:57:39 +0000 UTC]

I seriously cannot wait to draw more, now that school is over and summer vacation is here, XD
this time i dont have to worry about school anymore but only one more convention to go for my summer
then will try to draw lots more!
because Fall, i will try to see if i can get an artist alley table for YaoiCon.
But thank you, and indeed cosplay works takes lots of time consumption! TAT
pretty much lack of sleep all the way till the convention!

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miilklatte In reply to phantomofdevil [2012-06-11 04:47:37 +0000 UTC]

I'm happy you'll be able to draw again! I bet you're having withdrawals haha. xD
Oooh, same here! It's gonna be the first summer I don't have summer school. :3
Can't wait to see! I also hope you can finish some of the sketches I've seen that I don't think you've finished? Ughuu your art is just so beautiful~~
OOOH, that'd be awesome. I have yet to go to YaoiCon; hopefully this year since I have a license now orz.
Eee, but it's totally worth it imo. ; w; I only ever feel like cosplaying once it's so close to the event (ie. now...) so well it doesn't get done OTL.

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phantomofdevil In reply to miilklatte [2012-06-13 20:24:23 +0000 UTC]

definitely huge withdrawls, but one this upcoming con is done, i will try to force myself to draw like crazy or something....haha.
i've so many unfinished sketches, orz. i seriously need to work on all of them. anything plan for your summer?
ah, yes, i might skip have to skip a festival to go to yaoicon, since budgeting is tight! DX
but if you do go, hope to see ya there. will you be cosplaying too?

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miilklatte In reply to phantomofdevil [2012-06-16 07:08:15 +0000 UTC]

Yayy, yeah go all out! I'm sure you'll produce something amazing. :3
UGHHH TELL ME ABOUT IT. = = Me, too... I've had like NO motivation to finish any of them,...
Well, aside from AX, I'm teaching art for primary kids for the next month or so and helping out with the theater portion of Summer Arts so I'll be busy with that.
And you?
Ohh, what festival? :c Will it be your first time at Yaoicon?
Haha, I hope so, too! But definitely Anime Expo.~ No, I probs won't
be cosplaying because I'm a lazy fool who gets the motivation/inspiration to cosplay the last minute. TT______TT I want to, though.
I've actually never cosplayed... ever... Last AX I just wore like a mini kimono thing and that's about as close to dressing up as I've gotten.

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phantomofdevil In reply to miilklatte [2012-07-10 10:35:39 +0000 UTC]

diohseoigvhejisvdivesjue now that all my cosplays for big cons are done with....i can finally draw. i hope i dont loose motivation half way through. i really want to get more drawings done and open up a new art blog for em. =_=
how's the teaching going with the kids for your summer?
i wish i was working. orz. need monies to pay bills.
i'll be going to J-pop Summit Festival. And nope it'll be my second if i do go to Ycon, BUT SADLY AM NOT GOING ANYMORE. >='[ cannot afford it. TAT. lol but haha if you do cosplay, take lots of pics!

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miilklatte In reply to phantomofdevil [2012-07-27 06:35:54 +0000 UTC]

late reply because i had my laptop fixed. :c there goes more money... /sigh
anyways, yayy! i'm really happy you're able to draw again. <3 I'm sure you won't lose motivation~ stick in there!
ah, lemme know if you make a new art blog so i can follow it, k? ^^

done teaching a while back, but it was really fun!
Some of them were...
irritating to say the least but some were adorable and I was working with friends so it went well.
Basically used up like almost all my paycheck by now though orz... need to find a new job. u~u
oooh, have fun! (unless it already passed lol), and awww. D: that really sucks! I'm glad it moved to socal this year so I might actually go at least one day cos I think my friends are as well. Hope it's not too expensive irk... ah but yes, for sure I shall!

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phantomofdevil In reply to miilklatte [2012-07-29 09:11:39 +0000 UTC]

i , sadly, my main pc 's keyboard is broken by my nephew, so it's hard to work digitally.
sucks that i found out they broke my drawing pen for my tablet too.
*devastatedly want to murder people right now*
cant replace them because i've no monies to do so at moment.
kids....annoying and some adorable.
glad to hear it went well though! XD
i need jobs too. =[
jpop summit, not going anymore. cannot afford a day out to go.
ah if you go for a day, take pics! lemme know how it goes...
i want to go so badly, a full table for artist alley is ONLY $50!!!! compare to other cons at $120-200!!!
baaaahhh i live too far and cannot afford to go....

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miilklatte In reply to phantomofdevil [2012-07-30 14:00:42 +0000 UTC]

awwman... that's what happened to mine;
the keyboard stopped working... hope you get it fixed soon!
Maybe you can find a friend who knows how to fix these things.
ugh kids... my last computer was broken by my nephew, too...
it was a mac mini and he stomped all over it and broke the harddrive. = =
luckily that's fixed now but my ex has it and i haven't talked to him at all since we broke up so it's like... so dumb... i want my computer...
Oh, well, there's always traditional work to do!
D: we need to job hunt! and do commissions orz.
oh noo... ( that's too bad... but yeah, obligations come first...
if there's no money there's no leisure...
I will definitely! Hope I do go, I'll hit the beach at the same time since it's in long beach haha.
WTF SERIOUSLY?! $50?! WTF THAT'S SO CHEAP... If only I could produce by then haha yeah right, I'm still learning and slow~ hmm,
but yeah my friend and I are hoping to get a table for AX next year
but it's expensive, indeed...
You're in NorCal or something? D: that sucks...
there is always next year! ^^

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phantomofdevil In reply to miilklatte [2012-08-01 00:29:30 +0000 UTC]

i think its impossible to fix an apple key board.....its so thin and no screws where one can open it up...because i wouldve done it myself......AND WHAS WORST, i found out that they broke my tablet pen! dhgioevdjslvljveefiouediosfjvdljvdlkjbslkdbjhliegggffffuuukkkk. so yea. =_=
you should get your computer??? because its yours???? orz unless you gave it to him.
ahaha, yea i've just gotten back to working traditionally but i've been video gaming as well and distracting myself.
But yes, $50 is cheap for a full table compare to the bigger cons....
though, for me its a CHALLENGE to even sit at the table......and just sit there. haha.
i would love to get a table someday again too...but don't know when or which cons.
oh, if you're getting it with your friend for next yr AX, i'm sure it'll be great!
and yep NorCal. Everything seems to be moving down south......=/
i've doubts for next yr.

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miilklatte In reply to phantomofdevil [2012-08-01 07:48:00 +0000 UTC]

really? that happened to my old apple keyboard as well...
but I never tried getting it fixed so idk...
that's the trouble with apple products. = = they're harder and more expensive to fix/replace parts.
OMG, how did they break that? D: ohgod if my nephew ever did anything to my tablet or the pen I'd go berserk...
Those things are expensive af... your nephew's parents won't replace it?
YES I should. = ___= I don't talk to him anymore tho... but his cousins are my friends so I keep asking them to get it for me next time they see him but they live a bit far too so it's like eh...
Aha, that's good at least! Good to have distractions. :3
It really is... Every year I look at the prices for AX tables and I'm just like... damn...
Aha, have you ever had a table? I've always been curious as to how artists survive just sitting there. o __o
I assume they get their friends to fill in while they go off and enjoy the con? aha.
Aah, I really hope you do get one someday, especially at a con I go to as well. ^^ I'd definitely purchase something from ya.
Ah... well that sucks, maybe it'll move back up south next year. ^^ I'm just happy it's closer to me for once... I've never even been outta socal for any reason aha such a loser.
Hnn, but yeah, I really hope things work out for you soon toshi. :c <3

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phantomofdevil In reply to miilklatte [2012-08-02 05:56:17 +0000 UTC]

i've pretty much express how much i wanted to kill so badly. TAT
but yea man, i want to touch my tablet so badly right now.....my skills has gone rusty.
and indeed its very expensive to replace them
ah.......i would but they dont really care.
so mainly video gaming now too, to keep myself busy and not kill anyone. lol XD
oh, i did once had a table. it can be a challenge and difficult.
but hahaha i remember....my friend who had a table a few tables down from my table for PMX and it hasnt even been 5 minutes , we were dying and texting each other. hahahaha....so much for ADD or something, so i had another friend who wanted to sell her stuff to and sold her stuff on my table with my stuff and took care of my table. BUT i think for ycon, i would have more patience and would actually sit there, it's probably my thing if it was ycon. i think it really depends, for example if you live near the con and experienced the con many times before, youre more willing to sit at your booth instead. now, however if you are from far and only go to the con every other yr or so, one may want to enjoy the con. OR in another case, if you cosplay and would like to get some photoshoots done, you tend to leave the table more often? and have someone look after it for you. thats how i see it if it was me......so yea. haha
i really hope to have another table someday! TAT i really need to start making monies back from my trips.
lol ooohhhhhhh if you get a table next year for ax, which im not sure if im going yet.....but i'll hopefully see you!
and visit norcal someday, here for Fanime or something. its bit smaller than AX but everything is pretty chill.

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miilklatte In reply to phantomofdevil [2012-08-28 04:32:52 +0000 UTC]

(( toshiiiii my replies are always the
most latest things in the entire universe so sorry. :C
I tend to neglect dA a LOT
it's awful cos I have so much crap to post. ))
I hope by now it has been fixed?! (ยดโˆฉ๏ฝ€ใ€‚) ahh
I know that kill feeling... = =
LOLLLLL shoot I don't think I could take it... total major ADD haha
ah but yeah definitely. I've been to AX maybe 4 years now? and I live near so it'd probably be fine for me.
OH but yeah ycon would probably be more fun, especially since I assume
the artists around you would be fujoshi too so easier to talk to them?
I always wondered how cosplay-artist-alley attendees fair at cons. must be toughest on you guys. :c
I hope you do, too! And hopefully at a con I'm able to go to haha. CONS ARE SO EXPENSIVE = = even for locals like me I can't even
YEAH HOPE SO! Though at the rate I'm at right now, probably not. :") Hope my work improves a LOT soon hahaha must work work work.
Nn, I definitely will! norcal is such an unknown for me XD
I need to experience it soon.
And I've heard Fanime is fun, I definitely want to go sometime. ~

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phantomofdevil In reply to miilklatte [2012-09-02 04:43:11 +0000 UTC]

no problem hahaha
hardly active in my DA anymore too.
but nah its not fix, but im trying to work with what i have though.
oooh, and not so far from me, i've been to AX 09, and cont'd going so around 3yrs.
and yeah i think it'll be easier with the surrounding artists, as for cosplaying-artist alley....such a tight schedule...=0!!!
Cons are always expensive, i too can't even afford local cons orz .
i also need to work a lot more too ! need to stop slacking off.
but yea norcal is alright, a lot of stuff usually happened in socal though. do come to fanime too when you have the savings, going from norcal to socal is expensive and vice versa!

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miilklatte In reply to phantomofdevil [2012-09-10 09:23:12 +0000 UTC]

at least i see you're still very active on tumblr!
your blog is one of my absolute faves, so although i have been a tad
inactive lately i check it often * -*
nn that's good that you're working around it~
oooh, we are both AX veterans then!
Eee, must we sell our souls... = A=
i probably won't hit ycon this year, though, now that i think about it
cos the BIGBANG concert is in November and i must save/spend on that * W*
haha yeah socal is pretty eventful. i really like it here;
so much to do!
mmhmm, i definitely shall! > o< perhaps next year when I'm 21 just cos haha~

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phantomofdevil In reply to miilklatte [2012-09-12 05:42:44 +0000 UTC]

haha mostly active on mobile to reblog and stuff whenever i'm bored. lol and thank you.
probably wont go to AX next next yr....cannot afford.
instead will be going Japan Expo next year since its closer here.
but yea BigBang and the whole Kcon is coming up soon for SoCal goers~
seems like it'll be fun.
hahaha and saving it for the big 21 sounds like a fun plan too. XDDD

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miilklatte In reply to phantomofdevil [2012-09-24 05:00:41 +0000 UTC]

ah i see~ your phone must be nice
cos trying to reblog and such on my phone is such a pain.
aww, sucks. ); idk my status on next ax either at this point...
ahhh bigbang concert... wasn't able to get tickets. /crai
yeah! ahaha my friend's planning on going to vegas this december but...
i won't be 21 yet orz. should be fun either way. :3

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kelly7497 [2012-05-04 13:49:44 +0000 UTC]

i like

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phantomofdevil In reply to kelly7497 [2012-05-12 09:53:03 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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