You know how it goes: You join a tabletop campaign, or you fire up a new RPG and you decide you want to make one of your OCs with it and play as them. Then as you go through it, you have to come up with a big, elaborate alternate backstory to justify it all...
Or maybe instead one of your friends decides to do a concept for how your characters would operate in their setting.
Or hell, maybe you're just bored and want to figure out how to fit them into a setting from a piece of media you like, because you need daydream-fuel.
One way or another, it's actually a lot of fun. Makes you think about the character, how they fit into their world, what their story hooks are, how to make them work under different guidelines. Oftentimes, you'll come up with a fun new angle that you can use in actual canon!
So, just for funsies, here's a collection of the various AUs Ryla has gotten involved in.