phyrexianrevoker — Tfished Escape

#furry #tf #transformation #transfur #transfurmation #phyrexianrevoker #tftish
Published: 2020-12-29 17:57:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 54772; Favourites: 252; Downloads: 33
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    Clothes on the ground…

    Curtains closed…

    A dim lit bedroom…

    A pair kissing and cuddling over the sheets...

    The sound of a car parking nearby…

    The atmosphere shatters...

    Clint jumps from the bed, completely naked and almost twists his ankle.

    — Jenna, you said your dad wouldn’t come back home until monday! — his voice was filled with despair as he ran to the window and peeked down. His girlfriend’s giant father was getting out of the car carrying lots of luggage.

    — He was supposed to come back next week! — she grabbed her cellphone to look for recent messages — Oh no…

    — “Oh no” what? — said Clint, collecting his clothes from the ground in a hurry.

    — My battery is dead — Jenna covered her mouth — He must’ve called me dozens of times!

    — Let’s just… fix this mess first! — he put on his shirt with the university logo and began to button it up, shaking his hands — Should I hide in the closet or under the bed?

    — It won’t work — she gulped then also started to hunt for her clothes — My dad is super protective… As soon as he comes in and smells this lewd stench of sweat in my bedroom he’s gonna look everywhere.

    Clint sniffed the air and realized he was doomed…

    — Should I jump down the window? — his hands didn’t stop shaking… it was almost impossible to close the last buttons of his shirt.

    — This is the second floor — Jenna put on her bra and panties, without realizing the latter was inside out — You’ll break your legs.

    The front door, on the first floor, opened…

    — C’mon Jenna! — Clint gave up on his buttons and wrapped his tie around the neck loosely — Your dad is gonna kill me!

    — Damn it! — she pulled her pants, jumping and almost tripping — I have a plan!

    — You do? — Clit helt a belt in one hand and searched for his pants with the other.

    — Where is your phone? — she put on her shirt, then circled around the bedroom looking for the device.

    — It’s on top of the nightstand… wait… why do you need it?

    — No time to explain! — she tossed him the phone — Unlock it and open the store.

    — What the hell, Jenna! — he started sweating — My life on the line here!

    — Trust me! Please!

    Clint missed his password two times because of his shaking fingers, then finally unlocked the phone and handed it back to Jenna.

    — Why do you need it?

    — Lock the door! — she grabbed the phone and started typing as fast as she cold.

    Clint ran towards the door, pantless and desperate. He could hear the man downstairs bringing all the luggage inside. He didn’t have much time left. Soon he would have to risk breaking his legs, which was better than getting “figuratively killed” by her father.

    — Damn this slow internet — said Jenna.

    — I can’t believe it! — he stared at her — What are you doing? What kind of app could save me?

    — Just trust me, please — she stared back at him with a confident look — I got it!

    Clint still couldn’t find his pants. Drops of sweat were running down his face. His breathing was heavy and his heartbeats reverberated on every bone and muscle.

    “Where are my freaking pants?”

    Then he saw it. Jenna was wearing his jeans.

    — Hey! You have my pants!

    — That explains why they felt so loose — she glanced down — Anyways, you don’t need them.

    — If you want me to die, just tell me…

    — I already told you to trust me — she gave him an annoyed look.

    From the first floor came a loud rough voice:

    — Hi Jenna! I’m back, darling! 

    — I’m just finishing something! — she yelled back — I’ll go downstairs in a minute!

    Clint approached the window and examined the distance to the garden. If he was careful, maybe there was a way to land safely, but if her father saw him jump, that monster would probably chase after him like a jaguar...

    — Done! — she said, looking at the cellphone — Sorry for this, Clint…

    — Sorry for what? — he raised an eyebrow.

    — For this — she bit her lips and pressed the screen — I swear I couldn’t think of anything else, but this will do.

    Clint looked at her, then back to the garden, then to the bedroom’s door, wondering what was his girlfriend’s big plan…


    As he heard the sound of heavy footsteps going up the stairs, panic took over him. He was ready to jump, but then he saw his wallet lying on the floor in the middle of the room, with all his documents.

    — Damn it!

    Clint had a simple plan: Get his wallet and jump through the window.

    He grabbed his wallet.

    Part one complete.

    He ran towards the window and… fell on his knees after two steps.

    Clint felt a bit silly for tripping in such a stupid way, but he shook his head and got up again… then he fell on his knees again after a single step.

    “What the hell is going on with me?”

    A strong hand knocked on the door:

    — Hello Jenna, my girl! Are you coming out? I missed you!

    — Wait a moment, dad!

    “I’m dead!”, he thought.

    Clint tried to get up again, but he simply couldn’t. His legs didn’t work like they were supposed to. They were still there and he could still move them, but the movement was all wrong, as if his nerves had been rewired and his joints were relocated. He felt like one of those dumb victims in an horror movie who can’t run when the assassin is approaching.

    He tried one last time, using his hands for propulsion, Clint stood up quickly, almost jumping. However his balance was compromised and his legs kept shaking, causing his body to tilt as he helplessly tried to maintain an upright posture spreading his arms to the sides, but it didn’t work. He fell on his knees once again, unable to simply stand.

    — Relax, Clint — she whispered.

    — Relax? — he almost shouted back, in disbelief.

    — Stop making all this noise and stand still.

    “She wants me to die… What have I done to deserve this?”.

    Another knocking on the door, more violent than before:

    — C’mon, Jenna! Open the door!

    — Give me a minute, dad!

    Clint looked to his legs for the first time, trying to understand what was the problem. He had to cover his mouth to contain the scream. His legs were bent and broken in many places, yet he didn’t feel any pain. Regardless of how messed up it was, his joints still worked and he could move them. That was when he realized his legs were not broken, they merely had reshaped… But how?

    — What is happening to me? — Clint poked his legs, part of him thinking that everything was a dream. They were very similar to animal legs.

    — I’m sorry, Clint — she kneeled in front of him — I had no other options.

    She turned the cellphone to him.

    The screen had a big heart with fox ears and a long tail. Below that logo was the name “TFtish - closed beta”. The rest of the screen was a setup menu in pastel colors with some configurations already chosen:

    Race: Dog.

    Type: Feral.

    Texture: Furry.

    Gender: No changes

    Mind: No changes

    Tf speed: Fast

    There was also a progress bar with the words:

    Conversion 25%

    Clint gasped. He had no idea such a thing was possible. How in the world an app like that existed in the first place! For an instant, he questioned the very universe he was living in, fact and fiction merging together, but when the knocking on the door turned into a violent slamming, his mind returned to the present moment.

    — Open the door, Jenna! I know you are with someone in there! I saw the marks of shoes in our doorstep! Who’s the bastard in there! I’m not an idiot! If you’ve touched my daughter, I’m gonna kill you!

    — Stop it, dad! — she screamed — I’m alone! You’re paranoid!

    — You have thirty seconds to open the door, or I’ll break in!

    Clint’s body temperature began to rise, but he wasn’t sweating anymore. His body was completely dry, yet it felt like being inside an oven. His head got dizzier with each passing second and he was about to collapse.

    He reached for his head as he tried to massage it, but his fingers didn’t feel like fingers. Soft cushion-like nubs pressed against his head. Clint immediately looked to his palms and bit his lips, at this point feeling equally hopeless and scared.

    His fingers were smaller and rounder, each of them ending in a paw pad the same color as his skin. A tickling sensation soon covered his hands as fur began to spread over them until they turned into complete paws. The fur continued to spread down his arms.

    — This is your plan? — he said — Turn me into a d-d-d-d-nnngh…

    His sentence was cut short when the skin on his tailbone stretched out, causing his spine to elongate with lots of popping sounds, which forced him to curl by instinct and tense all his muscles, such was the discomfort of that change.

    — My dad loves dogs… He would never harm you… It’s the perfect disguise.

    — I-I-I w-w-would’ve ra-rath-ther j-jump th-the w-wi…

    His tail continued to grow, one vertebrae at a time, each followed by a “pop” similar to those he would hear when stretching his fingers. Each segment of naked tail was quickly covered by fur that puffed out and gave it more volume, tickling his thighs and his ass. The longer his tail became, the more it curved between his legs, like a scared puppy.

    — Twenty seconds, Jenna! — another punch on the door — If i break in, you’re the one who’ll have to fix it!

    — Leave me alone, dad! I said I’m coming!

    Clint looked down to his tail, brushing his paws along the whole extension of it, trying his hardest to accept what was happening to him. The fur was already covering his ass, going for the belly and the legs, meanwhile his arms were already covered and the fur spread to his shoulders. He scratched himself, trying to alleviate it.

    The more furry his body became, the higher his temperature rose. Clint was burning, as if wearing a sweater on a summer day. His vision was getting darker.

    — I think… I’m about… to faint… So hot… in here...

    — You’re a dog, silly… breathe through your mouth.

    “You’re a dog”

    That sentence struck him down to the core.

    “You’re a dog”

    He opened his mouth and put his tongue out, breathing like a dog, some drool hanging out of his lips. It was deeply refreshing and the heat seemed to slowly go away.

    — Arf arf arf arf arf...

    “You’re a dog”

    His ears elongated down, brushing against his cheeks, like sad puppy ears.

    The fur climbed up his neck and quickly enveloped his mouth, pushing his jaw outwards and moving his nose closer to his lips. The facial bones elongated into a snout and his teeth became sharper. His tongue grew even longer and drool started dripping nonstop.

    Jenna looked at him and smiled, as if he was some cute pet.

    “You’re a dog”

    Clint was stripped of all his dignity. Humiliated to the core. Turned into a dog against his will. He looked down at himself: the paws, the muzzle, the fur, the tail, the legs. He was an anthropomorphic dog, yet his body continued to change, hunching his back and forcing him to stand on all fours, quickly reaching the end of his metamorphosis.

    — Ten seconds!

    Jenna easily turned Clint on his belly and took off his shirt and his tie. At this point, the guy was almost a complete dog. His torso was still going through the last changes and his arms and legs were still adjusting to be the same length. She tossed his clothes into the wardrobe

    — Hide in the closet — she whispered — I’m going dad! Don’t break in!

    Clint shambled towards the closet, dragging his ever changing body across the carpet, moving more like a lizard than a dog, unable to stand properly on his fours. He hid behind lots of hanging pants, still keeping his tail curled between the legs and panting nonstop to avoid overheating.

    Jenna shut the closet silently and then unlocked the door a few moments before her dad broke in.

    — Hi dad!

    — Where is he? — he gently pushed her daughter to the side and started looking around the room. He sniffed the air a few times and his face turned red with anger.

    Clint watched everything from the tiny space between the closet doors.

    — There is no boy here, dad!

    — There won’t be once I’m done with him — he looked under the bed, then behind the curtains around the window — Where are you, bastard! Show yourself now and I promise I won’t break ALL your bones.

    The man was huge. He looked like a mix of lumberjack and heavy weight fighter. The only thing he and Jenna had in common were the color of their eyes and hair, thankfully, because her dad was a monster.

    — Dad! Stop! This is too much!

    He ignored her and opened the wardrobe, sticking his muscular arms inside to check if someone was hiding amidst the clothes. He took Clint’s wrinkled uniform out and inspected it. Luckily, boys and girls had the same uniform where they studied.

    — You should take more care with your uniform, sugar cube — he said in a calm voice, then folded it neatly and placed it back on the wardrobe — Now, back to the hunt...

    Clint held his breath, his temperature rising. The giant stopped in front of the closet and opened the door without ceremony. The first thing he did was push the pants to the sides, revealing Clint in his fully dog-like form, cowering and trembling, whimpering and curled into a tight ball of fur, ready for the slaughter.

    The man’s face suddenly relaxed and changed into a kind hearted smile. His closed fists opened up and he approached his hand slowly towards Clint’s face.

    — Hello, friend… I didn’t want to scare you.

    Clint looked at the giant hand in front of him and did what any friendly dog would do in that situation. He sniffed it a few times then licked it gently, trying his best to impersonate a dog, swallowing his pride and letting all that shame take over him so he could survive.

    The man picked up the dog with both hands and held Clint in his arms, showing a care that didn’t fit his colossal body. In fact, that man looked like a giant! He was almost four meters tall!



    He was big, but not that big…

    The whole world seemed giant…

    Clint had shrinked in size!

    He was as small as a beagle.

    The man brushed his sausage fingers against Clint’s furry back, caressing him and finally allowing the guy to relax. The plan apparently worked.

    — Why were you hiding a dog from me, Jenna?

    — Because one of my friends traveled and asked me to take care of her dog for a week — she faced away, faking embarrassment — I thought you would stay away for a few more days, so I didn’t want to ask for permission… I’m sorry… I should’ve told you!

    — No problem, sweetheart — he smiled and continued to pet Clint’s back — But you are responsible for him, okay? Take him for walks, give him at least one bath, collect his…

    — Don’t worry dad, he’s trained — she said — He won’t do it inside the house.

    Clint wanted to bury his face in a hole after hearing that.

    — Alright — the man slowly returned Clint to the floor, more carefully than a mother handling her firstborn — But you should probably give him a bath today… your bedroom reeks… I even thought it was something else…

    — Will do, dad — No matter her acting, Jenna couldn’t contain her blush and had to bite her lips not to laugh — Will do….

    Her father gave the dog one last pat on the head and said:

    — Welcome, little friend. We are glad to have you — then he turned to her daughter and pressed his thumbs in embarrassment — Sorry for the yelling, Jenna… I was worried some boy was taking advantage of you again…

    — It’s okay, dad…

    He left the room and closed the door.

    Clint walked a bit on his new form, finding his balance, moving without tripping. His panic was already gone and the furry tail moved calmly. He experimented with his new “controls” for a while, trying to understand how each part of his body moved.

    — Phew! — said Jenna — That was close.

    — That was actually a good plan — he said, relieved that he could still talk, although his voice sounded cartoony because of his smaller size — When is that “friend” of yours “coming” back to “take” me? — he changed his tone a bit on those three words.

    — Next week… I already told you…

    — Jenna… C’mon — a soft growl escaped his throat — One week? You can’t keep me like this for one week, regardless of how cute I may look. Just pretend to go visit your friend later today and change me back.

    — The duration isn’t exactly in my control… Sorry…

    — What do you mean?

    She showed him cellphone:

    Transformation ends in: 3 days, 11 hours, 48 minutes and 35 seconds

     Buy DELUXE version now to unlock:

    * Extra textures.

    * 100+ species to transform into.

    * Partial transformation (eg. just tail and ears)

    * Full mental changes.

    * Very slow TF speed.

    * Instant TF speed.

    * Un-morph Button.

    * And much more!

    — Unmorph button? — Clint said, slowly — What the hell is this app! Am I gonna be a dog for three days? What about my classes next week?

    — I’m sorry… but that was the only thing I could think of to save you from my dad.

    — Okay… okay — he sighed, dropping his ears even more and releasing a whimper — Can we just purchase this deluxe version so I can change back today? How much is it?

    Jenna showed him the screen again.

    Clint’s fur puffed out like a cushion of spikes.

    — Holy cow! This is a robbery!

    — The price increases if you are in the middle of a free transformation — she chuckled — Kind of an aggressive sales strategy.

    — How do you even know this much?

    — I have it in my phone — she blushed.

    — Why?

    — Remember that orange cat that sometimes visits you during the night, tapping in your window a few times, then going inside and keeping you company until you sleep, then it disappears on the next day?

    — Don’t tell me…

    — I wanted to spend more time with you… but it’s so hard with my dad always on the watch. He won’t ever approve anyone I choose as boyfriend...

    — You visited me as a cat all those times?

    — Yeah…

    — Okay — his tail started to wag — Come closer.

    Jenna kneeled in front of him, then Clint stood up on his hind legs, held himself against her breast and licked her face.

    — H-hey — she chuckled — That tickles.

    — I guess I owe you then.

    — Owe me what?

    — I’ll make sure to use these four days well.

    — How? — she raised an eyebrow.

    — Open the door, Jenna.

    She obeyed, with a puzzled look on her face.

    — What are you planning?

    — I’ll get to know your dad and make sure he likes me when I knock on your front door next week and tell him I love his daughter.

    — That 's crazy…

    — More crazy than being turned into a dog?

    Clint wagged his tail and ran downstairs, barking and pouncing. The father’s voice came loud from the first floor:

    — Hello, buddy! Wanna help me paint these train miniatures?

    — Woof Woof!

    — Sure you do!

    Jenna blushed and sat on her bed.

    “Clint is such a nice guy”, she thought.

    Later that night, after her dad went to sleep, Jenna and Clint entered her bedroom and she locked the door.

    — Nice acting, Clint. I almost believed it myself.

    — Woof.

    — You can stop acting now…

    — Woof woof — his tail wagged happily.

    — Clint? — her heart started to race.

    — Woof woof — the puppy looked at her with big bright eyes.

    — A-are you there?

    — Just messing with ya…

    — Idiot…

    — harf harf — his tail continued to wag as he barked and laughed at the same time.

    — You’ve been so nice today, given the circumstances… You are one of a kind.

    — A girl's best friend — he raised his snout — Besides, it’s only fair after you’ve cat-visited me all those times.

    — I guess you deserve some reward.

    — Do you have dog treats hidden in here?

    — You’re funny — she giggled.

    — What do you have for me?

    — Close your eyes.

    — Okie dokie.

    Clint obeyed, but his sensitive nose and sharp dog ears allowed him to track Jenna in real time as she walked to her bed…

    The springs creaked a bit under her weight, making a sound so low no human ear could listen to...

    The sound of clothes against skin, then falling on the floor… She was undressing…

    A light tapping of fingers against a cellphone screen…

    Wood against plastic when she placed the cellphone on the nightstand again…

    A light moaning coming from Jenna… Almost unnoticeable…

    The springs on the bed creaked louder as she moved…

    The smell of fur…

    Heavy breathing…

    The cracking of bones...

    He couldn’t take it anymore!

    Clint opened his eyes!

    Jenna was on top of her bed with both eyes closed…

    She was on her fours, chin hard pressed against the sheets as a tiny muzzle pushed outwards making her grit her teeth. Her hind legs were stretched, raising her furry butt that ended in a long beautiful serpent-like tail arching and moving on its own. Her ears were sharp and she had whiskers growing on her cheeks. Her orange fur was illuminated by the pale moon. Jenna was turning into the cat that visited him every night.

    — Wow — a gasp escaped him…

    — I said don’t look — she blushed and hid her face with a hand that quickly turned into a paw.

    — You saw me change — he jumped on the bed and licked her tiny snout.

    — Screw you, nya! — her body stiffened as the last changes overwhelmed her and Jenna’s body was reduced to a fifth of her original size, becoming almost the size as Clint.

    He snuggled his snout against hers and their moist noses touched.

    Jenna purred and rubbed the whole extension of her body, from head to tail, against Clint’s neck, like a cat begging for attention.

    — You are one weird girl…

    — Is that a problem?

    — No — he licked her face — I love you.

    — Thanks for being here for me…

    — If your dad doesn’t like me, I’ll keep visiting you as a dog until you move out.

    Jenna stared at him, her human side blushing, but her feline features didn’t show it.

    — That was, strangely, the most romantic thing someone has ever said to me…

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Comments: 26

ChaseGreenHorn [2021-02-12 13:20:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phyrexianrevoker In reply to ChaseGreenHorn [2021-02-12 18:03:00 +0000 UTC]

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ChaseGreenHorn In reply to phyrexianrevoker [2021-02-12 22:34:26 +0000 UTC]

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phyrexianrevoker In reply to ChaseGreenHorn [2021-02-12 23:10:50 +0000 UTC]

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Cracked19 [2021-01-02 19:27:57 +0000 UTC]

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phyrexianrevoker In reply to Cracked19 [2021-01-03 21:19:55 +0000 UTC]

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Cracked19 In reply to phyrexianrevoker [2021-01-04 04:52:13 +0000 UTC]

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phyrexianrevoker In reply to Cracked19 [2021-01-05 12:25:15 +0000 UTC]

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Cracked19 In reply to phyrexianrevoker [2021-01-05 15:51:01 +0000 UTC]

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sarathepet [2020-12-30 22:05:00 +0000 UTC]

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phyrexianrevoker In reply to sarathepet [2020-12-30 22:25:05 +0000 UTC]

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sarathepet In reply to phyrexianrevoker [2020-12-30 22:27:43 +0000 UTC]

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phyrexianrevoker In reply to sarathepet [2020-12-30 22:38:42 +0000 UTC]

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sarathepet In reply to phyrexianrevoker [2020-12-30 22:41:50 +0000 UTC]

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phyrexianrevoker In reply to sarathepet [2020-12-31 00:44:19 +0000 UTC]

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sarathepet In reply to phyrexianrevoker [2020-12-31 07:50:28 +0000 UTC]

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GlitchyTPM [2020-12-29 20:17:04 +0000 UTC]

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phyrexianrevoker In reply to GlitchyTPM [2020-12-29 21:05:08 +0000 UTC]

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GlitchyTPM In reply to phyrexianrevoker [2020-12-29 22:44:16 +0000 UTC]

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phyrexianrevoker In reply to GlitchyTPM [2020-12-29 23:26:41 +0000 UTC]

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GlitchyTPM In reply to phyrexianrevoker [2020-12-30 06:11:41 +0000 UTC]

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phyrexianrevoker In reply to GlitchyTPM [2020-12-30 11:51:18 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FlareoraKitten [2020-12-29 18:29:02 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

phyrexianrevoker In reply to FlareoraKitten [2020-12-29 18:32:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FlareoraKitten In reply to phyrexianrevoker [2020-12-29 18:33:52 +0000 UTC]

I would try to ask my friends but some of them have turned into creatures that can’t really talk... i dunno when they’ll change back even if they DID have a code >.>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phyrexianrevoker In reply to FlareoraKitten [2020-12-29 18:35:12 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0