pica-ae β€” CSS Tricks: Fonts and Text Basics
Published: 2013-11-02 19:13:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 31282; Favourites: 205; Downloads: 0
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Description body div#devskin7405315 * { background:transparent; border:none; box-shadow:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; -webkit-box-shadow:none; box-sizing:border-box; -moz-box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; margin:0; padding:0; } /* ------------------------------ GENERAL ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .gr1 { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr2 { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr3 { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .tri { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 h2 img { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 a { color:#98ab0a; text-decoration:none; transition:color 0.5s; -moz-transition:color 0.5s; -webkit-transition:color 0.5s; -ms-transition:color 0.5s; -o-transition:color 0.5s; } body div#devskin7405315 a:hover { color:#b4cc00; text-decoration:underline; } body div#devskin7405315 h1, body div#devskin7405315 h2, body div#devskin7405315 h3, body div#devskin7405315 h4, body div#devskin7405315 h5, body div#devskin7405315 h6 { font-family:Georgia, serif; color:#414d4c; letter-spacing:0px; font-weight:bold; } body div#devskin7405315 .text ::selection { background:#f2d649; } body div#devskin7405315 .text ::-moz-selection { background:#f2d649; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-box { } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-genericbox { border:none; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; position:static; background:url(https://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq231/pica-ae/img_background.jpg) #f2f2f2; margin:10px 0px; padding:0px; font-family:Verdana; font-size:13px; line-height:20px; color:#333333; text-shadow:#ffffff 0px 1px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .divider { background:#cccccc; display:block; height:1px; } /* ------------------------------ GR-TOP ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top { border:none; position:static; background:#4a5d4e url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22307794/css/CR/gr-top_trans.png') center; color:#FFFFFF; margin:0px!important; padding:0px!important; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top .gr { border:none; background:transparent; margin:0px!important; padding:40px 20px!important; margin:auto!important; max-width:680px; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top h2, body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top h2 a { background:url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22307794/dA/profile/TriCSS.png') no-repeat top left; color:#98ab0a; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 1px 0px; font-weight:normal; font-size:32px; letter-spacing:0.1px; padding-top:90px; transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -moz-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -webkit-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -ms-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -o-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top h2 a:hover { color:#b4cc00; text-decoration:none; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 2px 1px; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top .timestamp { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-top span { border:none; background:transparent; margin:0px!important; padding:0px!important; } /* ------------------------------ GR-BODY ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .gr-body { position:static; border:none; background:transparent; margin:0px; padding:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .gr-body .gr { position:static; border:none; background:transparent; margin:0px!important; padding:0px!important; } /* ------------------------------ TEXT ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .text { background:transparent; padding:20px; margin:auto; max-width:680px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text p { display:inline; } body div#devskin7405315 .text h1 { display:block; margin:0px!important; padding:0px; font-size:24px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text h2 { font-size:21px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text h3 { font-size:18px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text h4 { font-size:16px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text ol { list-style-type:decimal; margin:10px 20px; padding:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text ul { list-style-image:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/img_li.gif'); margin:10px 20px; padding:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text li { margin:5px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text hr { background:url(https://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq231/pica-ae/img_sidebar_hr.gif) repeat-x left; margin:0px; padding:0px; border:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .text em { } body div#devskin7405315 .text strong { color:#4a5d4e; font-size:150%; } body div#devskin7405315 .text .bu { font-size:11px; max-width:70%; margin:0 auto; } body div#devskin7405315 .shadow-holder { background:white; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; margin:5px; padding:0px; vertical-align:middle; transition:background 0.5s ease; -moz-transition:background 0.5s ease; -webkit-transition:background 0.5s ease; -ms-transition:background 0.5s ease; -o-transition:background 0.5s ease; } body div#devskin7405315 .shadow-holder .mild .thumb img { padding:0px; vertical-align:middle; transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -moz-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -webkit-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -ms-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -o-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; } body div#devskin7405315 .shadow-holder:hover { background:#f2f2f2; } body div#devskin7405315 .shadow-holder .mild .thumb img:hover { } /* ------------------------------ BOTTOM ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .bottom { background:#4a5d4e; margin:0px; padding:20px; } body div#devskin7405315 .bottom a { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; text-shadow:#37413e 0px -1px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .bottom a:hover { color:#798e7f; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 1px 0px; text-decoration:none; } /* ------------------------------ FOOTER ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .footer { background:#e5e5e5; line-height:30px; margin:0px; padding:20px; text-shadow:none; text-align:center; } body div#devskin7405315 .footer h1 { } body div#devskin7405315 .footer a { background:#98ab0a; color:#FFFFFF; font-weight:normal; margin:2px 0; padding:0px 10px; display:inline-block; height:30px; line-height:30px; transition:background 1s ease; -moz-transition:background 1s ease; -webkit-transition:background 1s ease; -ms-transition:background 1s ease; -o-transition:background 1s ease; } body div#devskin7405315 .footer a:hover { background:#FFFFFF; color:#98ab0a; } body div#devskin7405315 .suggestion { background:#ffffff; color:#333333; font-size:14px; padding:20px; } body div#devskin7405315 .suggestion h3 { text-align:center; } /* ------------------------------ DEVIATIONS ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 a.embedded-deviation { transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -moz-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -webkit-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -ms-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -o-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; } body div#devskin7405315 a.embedded-deviation:hover { } body div#devskin7405315 a.embedded-deviation .iframe .deviantart .bubbleview .journal-wrapper .journal-wrapper2 , body div#devskin7405315 journal .journalcontrol .negate-box-margin .gr-box .gr-top { display:none; } /* ------------------------------ COLUMNS ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .columns { display:inline-block; width:100%; height:100%; } body div#devskin7405315 .columns p, body div#devskin7405315 .columns .half { width:50%; display:block; float:left; padding-right:10px; } body div#devskin7405315 .left-half { height:300px; width:40%; float:left; padding-right:10px; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half { width:50%; text-align:right; float:right; display:block; } body div#devskin7405315 .specs { background:#e5e5e5; padding:10px; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder { background:#f2f2f2; border:none; border-radius:10px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; margin:0; padding:0; vertical-align:middle; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder .shadow { } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder .shadow a.thumb.lit { height:240px; width:320px; border-radius:10px 10px 0 0; -moz-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0; -webkit-border-radius:10px 10px 0 0; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder .shadow a.thumb.lit img { display:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder a.thumb.lit .wrap q { } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder a.thumb.lit .wrap q { font-size:13px; line-height:20px; margin:0; padding:20px; position:absolute; right:0; left:0; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder a.thumb.lit .wrap q strong { display:block; background:#4a5d4e; color:#98ab0a; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 1px 0px; font-weight:normal; font-size:16px; margin:-20px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:20px; transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -moz-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -webkit-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -ms-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; -o-transition:color 0.5s, box-shadow 0.5s; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder:hover { background:#FFFFFF; } body div#devskin7405315 .right-half .shadow-holder:hover a.thumb.lit .wrap q strong { color:#b4cc00; text-shadow:#37413e 0px 2px 1px; } /* ------------------------------ BUTTONS ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .button a { background:#98ab0a url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/icon-journal.png') center no-repeat; background-position:10px; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; color:#ffffff; font-weight:normal; font-size:16px; padding:10px 12px 10px 36px; text-shadow:#6b7807 0px -1px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .button a:hover { background:#a5b90f url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/icon-journal-hover.png') center left no-repeat; background-position:10px; color:#6b7807; text-shadow:#b6c54d 0px 1px 0px; } /* ------------------------------ BOXES ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .tip, body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small { background:#f7e37c; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; color:#404040; font-family:'Inconsolata', monospace; font-size:14px; padding:20px 20px 20px 50px; text-shadow:#fbf1be 0px 1px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip b { margin-left:-30px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip strong { color:#404040; font-size:14px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip i, body div#devskin7405315 .tip em { font-style:normal; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip i { color:#e5004d; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip em { color:#1717e5; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip u { background:#1717e5; color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration:none; padding:0 2px; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small { box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:1px 1px 1px #b2b2b2; display:inline-block; font-size:12px; margin-left:8px; padding:2px 4px; position:relative; top:-2px; float:right; text-align:right; z-index:10; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small::before { content:' '; border-top:solid 8px transparent; border-bottom:solid 8px transparent; border-right:solid 8px #f7e37c; position:absolute; left:-8px; top:4px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small i { opacity:0; filter:alpha(opacity=0); _zoom:1; transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -moz-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -webkit-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -ms-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; -o-transition:opacity 0.5s ease; display:block; float:left; position:absolute; background:#f7e37c; font-size:0; right:-20px; bottom:0px; left:-900px; top:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .tip-small:hover i { opacity:0.5; filter:alpha(opacity=50); _zoom:1; } body div#devskin7405315 .attention { background:#4a5d4e; color:#FFFFFF; border-radius:3px; -moz-border-radius:3px; -webkit-border-radius:3px; border-radius:3px; -moz-border-radius:3px; -webkit-border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; padding:20px; text-shadow:#000000 0px -1px 0px; font-size:14px; } body div#devskin7405315 .attention a:hover { color:#FFFFFF; } /* ------------------------------ PRO AND CONS ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .procon { display:inline!important; } body div#devskin7405315 .pro, body div#devskin7405315 .con { display:inline; float:left; width:50%; } body div#devskin7405315 .text .procon .pro ul { list-style-image:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/img_li_plus.gif'); margin:10px 20px; padding:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text .procon .con ul { list-style-image:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/img_li_minus.gif'); margin:10px 20px; padding:0px; } /* ------------------------------ MOBILE ------------------------------ */ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { body div#devskin7405315 .footer a { margin:4px 0; display:block; } } /* ------------------------------ CODE EXAMPLES ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote { margin:0px; padding:24px 20px 15px 20px; color:#333333; font-family:monospace; font-size:12px; border:none; background:url(https://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq231/pica-ae/img_blockquote.gif) #ffffff; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; text-shadow:none; position:relative; overflow:hidden; } body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote span { color:#1717e5; } body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote p { margin:0px; padding:0px 20px; } body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote p span { color:#e5004d; } body div#devskin7405315 .text blockquote i { color:#338033; font-style:normal; } body div#devskin7405315 .images { text-align:center; } body div#devskin7405315 .images img { box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; margin:5px; } /* ------------------------------ CODE EXAMPLE BOXES ------------------------------ */ body div#devskin7405315 .da-box { border:1px solid #a6b3a6; background:#dae4d9; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; padding:20px; font-family:Verdana; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h1, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h2, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h3, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h4, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h5, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h6 { font-family:Verdana; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h1 { font-size:24px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h2 { font-size:18px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h3 { font-size:14px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h4 { font-size:12px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h5 { font-size:10px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box h6 { font-size:8px; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box ul, body div#devskin7405315 .da-box ol { list-style-image:none; list-style-position:outside; margin:0 20px; padding:0; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box p { display:block; margin:10px 0; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box blockquote { margin:1em 0 1em 1em; padding:0.6em; border-left:5px solid #aaa; background:transparent; box-shadow:none; -moz-box-shadow:none; -webkit-box-shadow:none; font-family:Verdana; } body div#devskin7405315 .da-box a { color:#337287; font-weight:normal; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .custom-box { margin:auto; max-width:400px!important; background:#664d80; color:#ffffff; padding:20px; text-shadow:none; } /* -- Background Images -- */ body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany1, body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany2, body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany3 { padding:20px; margin:0 40px; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany1 { background-image:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/372031.png'); } body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany2 { background-color:#bde6d8; background-image:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/372031.png'); background-position:center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-attachment:scroll; } body div#devskin7405315 .tiffany3 { background:#bde6d8 url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/372031.png') center no-repeat scroll; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice { display:inline-block; margin:20px 0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice1, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice2, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice3, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice4, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice5, body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice6 { background:#3d5266; padding:20px; margin:0 40px 0 0; text-shadow:none; color:#ffffff; float:left; max-width:45%; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice1 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/busy_image.png') top; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice2 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/busy_pattern.png') top; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice3 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/hardedge_gradient.png') top no-repeat #3d5266; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice4 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/texture_image.png') top no-repeat #3d5266; } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice5 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/subtle_pattern.png'); } body div#devskin7405315 .imagepractice6 { background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/softedge_gradient.png') top no-repeat #3d5266; } body div#devskin7405315 .welcome { background:#EFE7E1 url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/welcome.png') no-repeat; background-position:center 20px; max-width:400px; margin:auto; padding:90px 20px 20px 20px; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .hlimage { background:#EFE7E1; max-width:400px; margin:auto; padding:20px; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .hlimage h1 { color:#332115; background:url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/hlimage.png') center left no-repeat; font-family:'Alegreya', Georgia, Serif; padding:0 0 0 30px; } /* -- Fonts -- */ body div#devskin7405315 .websafefonts { background:deepskyblue url('https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22307794/css/tricks/websafefonts.jpg') no-repeat; box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -moz-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 1px 4px #b2b2b2; color:#ffffff; font-size:20px; line-height:30px; padding:20px 20px 20px 50%; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-arial { font-family:Arial; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-arial-black { font-family:Arial Black; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-courier-new { font-family:Courier New; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-georgia { font-family:Georgia; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-impact { font-family:Impact; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-lucida-grande { font-family:Lucida Grande; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-tahoma { font-family:Tahoma; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-times-new-roman { font-family:Times New Roman; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-trebuchet-ms { font-family:Trebucht MS; } body div#devskin7405315 .font-verdana { font-family:Verdana; } body div#devskin7405315 .fonthierarchy1 { font-family:'Rufina', Georgia, Serif; font-size:18px; padding:10px 0; } body div#devskin7405315 .fonthierarchy2 { font-family:Georgia, Serif; font-size:18px; padding:10px 0; } body div#devskin7405315 .fonthierarchy3 { font-family:Serif; font-size:18px; padding:10px 0; } body div#devskin7405315 .fonthierarchy4 { font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:18px; padding:10px 0; } body div#devskin7405315 .sans-serif { font-family:sans-serif; font-size:18px; } body div#devskin7405315 .serif { font-family:serif; font-size:18px; } body div#devskin7405315 .fantasy { font-family:fantasy; font-size:18px; } body div#devskin7405315 .cursive { font-family:cursive; font-size:18px; } body div#devskin7405315 .monospace { font-family:monospace; 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margin-bottom:10px; } body div#devskin7405315 .thumb-styled .shadow-holder:hover .shadow a.thumb.lit .wrap q strong:first-child { background:steelblue; } /* -- Issues with sta.sh writer and preview -- */ body div#devskin7405315 .title-issue, body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved { background:white; margin:0 40px; padding-bottom:1px; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-issue .text, body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved .text { margin:40px; padding:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-issue .title { margin:0; padding:0; position:relative; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-issue .title::before { display:block; content:'80px'; color:blue; border-bottom:1px solid; width:80px; text-shadow:none; position:absolute; top:40px; text-align:center; opacity:0.1; filter:alpha(opacity=10); _zoom:1; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-issue .title:hover::before { opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); _zoom:1; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-issue .title h2, body div#devskin7405315 .title-issue .title h2 a { background:url('https://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/044/4/c/swirl_pattern_edit_by_pica_ae-d8ht7p7.png'); color:teal; font-family:'Abril Fatface', cursive; font-size:24px; margin:0; padding:40px!important; text-shadow:dimgrey 0px 1px 0px; text-transform:uppercase; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-issue .title h2 a:hover { color:royalblue; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved .title h2 { background:url('https://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/044/4/c/swirl_pattern_edit_by_pica_ae-d8ht7p7.png'); padding:40px!important; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved .title h2, body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved .title h2 a { color:teal; font-family:'Abril Fatface', cursive; font-size:24px; text-shadow:dimgrey 0px 1px 0px; text-transform:uppercase; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved .title h2 a:hover { color:royalblue; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved .title { position:relative; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved .title::before { display:block; content:'40px'; color:blue; border-bottom:1px solid; width:40px; text-shadow:none; position:absolute; top:40px; text-align:center; opacity:0.1; filter:alpha(opacity=10); _zoom:1; } body div#devskin7405315 .title-solved .title:hover::before { opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); _zoom:1; } /* -- what is CSS and HTML anyway? -- */ body div#devskin7405315 .basics1, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 { background:ivory; font-family:Roboto, Sans-serif; font-size:13px; margin:0; padding:20px; line-height:15px!important; text-shadow:none; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics1 h1, body div#devskin7405315 .basics1 h3, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 h1, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 h3 { color:crimson; font-family:Roboto, Sans-serif; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics h1 { font-size:24px; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics1 p, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 p { color:dimgrey; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics1 h3, body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 h3 { color:limegreen; font-size:18px; margin-top:15px; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 .box { background:grey; margin-top:20px; padding:20px; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 .box h3 { color:deepskyblue; margin-top:0px; } body div#devskin7405315 .basics2 .box p { color:white; }

Today I want to talk about fonts in journal skins You probably saw this one coming And maybe you also saw coming that this will be a rather long tutorial There is just a lot to say about this! Actually this will only be the first one about fonts and text. This one will cover the basics of working with fonts.

I will start by talking a bit about web-safe fonts and the concept behind a fallback hierarchy. Further down you'll find a selection of properties that can be styled with examples and explanations.

So, let's go!

The standard web safe fonts
A font is defined as web safe when it is installen on a great number of user's computers. They are also called system fonts, and can vary depending on your PC. Fonts on a Mac OS are not necessarily the same as fonts on a Windows OS.

Here's is a little example: on the left side is an image, an image created in PS on the right side. If both sides look the same, or at least very similar, it means they are installed on your and my system. It is worth mentioning that each browser renders fonts differently, too. I am using Chrome on a Mac, if you use Firefox on Windows, the fonts may look different, even if they are the same. This is due to difference in rendering, f.e. I think browser fonts are not using anti-aliasing on Windows by default.Β 


Arial Black

Courier New



Lucida Grande


Times New Roman

Trebuchet MS


But don't fret, you're not limited to those!
Almost two years ago deviantART integrated Google Webfonts into journal skins. This means that you can use fonts from their directory in your journal skin. (It is limited to journals, and text deviations, only at the moment.)

Since there are constantly new fonts added the this directory, not every font will be available on dA immediately. You just have to test it. A lot. Sometimes.

Fallback Hierarchy
If you use a font that may not be available for a user, it is important to add a "fallback hierarchy" to your code. You offer alternative fonts in case one of them is not available. It usually starts with the font you want, a websafe font and the classification of said font.

.gr-box {

font-family: 'Rufina', Georgia, Serif;


If you apply this CSS to your code, the font you want everything to be set in is Rufina, from google webfonts . If for some reason a user cannot view Rufina, he will see the text in Georgia, a very websafe font. If Georgia fails as well, the text will be presented in an "undefined" Serif font.
With no fallbacks set (aka defining only Rufina as the font-family) you will have text displayed in some other font. Which one? You can never really know. In the example below it happens to be Times New Roman. Even tho I can't be sure, at least it is Times New Roman for me

This is Rufina, our font of choice.

The first fallback is Georgia.

And the last fallback is an "undefined" Serif font.

Setting a hierarchy for font-families in CSS helps you to display your design as close as possible to the perfect scenario. You can already see in the example, how the size of the fonts appear different, even though they are all set to the same size of 18px.
By selecting fallback fonts that are a) web safe and b) similar to your font of choice, you can make sure that your design looks good, no matter what fonts the user has installed or available.

A "perfect" example of a fallback font is Arial for Helvetica. Arial was specially comissioned by Microsoft as a replacement for Helvetica which was used on Macintosh systems. The corresponding letters of each font have (roughly) the same height and width, thus not causing a change in how wide or tall a piece of text flows.

Copy texts in Helvetica and Arial, the line breaks appear at the same spots and the text always flows to the same length.

Here Tahoma is used on the right column, you can clearly see how different the lines break and how much bigger Tahoma's letters are compared to Helvetica.

When selecting fallback fonts, stay in the same classification and try to find a font that runs as wide as your first choice.

CSS font-families
As mentioned earlier, the last font-family in your font stack/hierarchy should always be the 'undefined' family (or classification). There are 5 of those in CSS, the only problem is that you may never know what font it is actually going to be. Sans-serif usually is Arial and Serif Times New Roman; Monospace ist most likely Courier; Fantasy on my system seems to be Papyrus






Using non web-safe fonts?
If you want to use a font that is not websafe for items in your CSS, the only real safe way to display them is to use images. You'd need a .GIF or .PNG of your texts and you'd have to insert them into your journal.
This means if you make a typo, you have to replace the image. If you don't like the color, you have to replace the images. Others cannot mark and copy your text, especially frustrating with links.

It gets even worse when you want to create an installable journal skin for others to use. They may not have the font or a program to edit the image of the text with.
The only exception to this may be a link list which contains general elements like "gallery", "blog", "twitter" or "contact" which can be used by anyone. Or the "Comments" link at the bottom of a journal.

Each image also adds to the loading time of the journal, as images load slower than web-safe fonts.

Generally inserting text as images should be avoided at all costs!

Font & Text Properties
I will not explain all properties that can be defined in CSS. Some due to the fact that they are not yet supported on dA others because their usage is seldom and/or unhelpful. Or I will explain them in another tutorial (I am looking at you, shadows. I would prefer to talk about them in general and not only font related at some future tutorial ^^)

Font Properties
Font properties define the look of your text by taking information from the basic font/typeface file; they can change the style and weight of your font and require this information to be contained in the font file. F.e. if your font only comes in one style and does not contain italic or bold, the font-style and font-weight properties may not work or display wrong.

An example of how to write the CSS for font properties:

.gr-box {

font-family: 'Rufina', Georgia, Serif;

font-size: 18px;

font-style: italic;

font-variant: small-caps;

font-weight: bold;


The properties explained:

As explained before, this defines the typeface/font of your element. If you want to use a font that is not "web-safe" or which name consists of more than one word, you need to use '. . .' to make the font name readable. The fallback hierarchy is seperated with commas.

You can define font-size in px, em or %; or use values from xx-small to xx-large. Em is a relative value depending on the parent element, px is an absolute value.

This property let's you change your font from normal to italic or oblique, depending on what value is avaiable in the typeface.

Let's you change the font from normal to bold. Another option to apply values is to use steps hundreds between 100 to 900, where 400 resembles normal and 700 resembles bold.

This makes text display in either normal letters or small-caps.
A lot of font files do not contain small-caps, so it may be wise not to use this. I have seen this very often in use, because the author did not know about the text-transform value.

Text Properties
Text Properties do not require any information form the font file. They apply no matter what is contained in the file. The exception being fonts that only contain one case (upper- or lowercase), but those are usually less applicable and seldomly used.

An example of how to write the CSS for text properties:

.gr-box {

text-align: right;

text-decoration: underline;

text-transform: uppercase;


The properties explained:

This varies between the default left, to center and right.

This property let's you underline text.

This let's you define the transformation of letters from the default mix (normal) to either force all letters to be uppercase or lowercase.
capitalize forces the first letter of each word to be uppercase; this is especially common in titles of books/movies and headlines in editorial designs such as newspapers.

Other Properties
Two more properties related to text and fonts are color and line-height:

.gr-box {

color: #000000;

letter-spacing: 0.1px;

line-height: 20px;


Color requires HEX values in this format: #cc0055 . You can also use CSS Color Names .

This can be added in px or em and increases the space between single letters. It can also be a negative value.

You can define line-height, the same as font-size, in px, em or %. Traditionally it should be between 120 - 150% of the font-size.

Here is where I try to create an example that contains most of the properties mentioned before. I used the font Josefin Sans because it contains 10 styles, from thin to bold and italics. Every element uses the same font, only with different property settings.

If a property is not mentioned, it will either be the default value (normal) or the value of the parent element; f.e. the headlines h1 and h2 will both be white, because this value is defined in the parent box.

.box {

color: #ffffff ;

font-family: 'Josefin Sans', Century Gothic, Arial Sans-serif;

font-size: 16px;

font-weight: 400;

line-height: 25px;


.box h1 {

font-size: 24px;

font-style: italic;

font-weight: 100;

letter-spacing: 5px;

text-align: right;

text-transform: capitalize;


.box h2 {

font-size: 18px;

font-weight: 700;

letter-spacing: -1px;

text-decoration: underline;

text-transform: uppercase;


The CSS for .box defines the font-family of the whole element as Josefina Sans, with the fallback fonts Century Gothic and Arial, font-size to 16 px, the line-height of 25 px, the font-weight of 400 or "Normal" and the colors as white.

If we want a contained element to have those features, we do not have to rewrite them for that class! We only write down those properties that we want to be different from the parent element.

The first headline h1 will be bigger than the copy text (24 px), it will be in the italic version, a lighter weight (100 or "Thin"), the spacing between letters will be increased to 5 px, it will be right aligned and in the first letter of each word will be a capital letter.

The second headline h2 is smaller than the first headline, but bigger than the copy (18 px), it will be bolder (700 or "Bold"), with an decreased letter-spacing, underlined and in all caps.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Using CSS to turn text into capitals is much more practical than writing text with caps lock. If you work for a client and they change their minds about text that was written with caps lock, you will have to retype the whole text. But if you do that with CSS, you only have to take out that property once and you're done.
Uppercase should mostly be used for headlines or titles, long texts become very hard to read written in all caps. If something has more than 3 lines, it should probably not be in capitals.

I recommend not using the underlined property, if you are not using it on links. People are so used to underlined texts being links, they will try to click it. I know, I try everytime! I usually use this property to remove the underlining from links, and replace with a different styling.

Be careful with letter-spacing, too little or too much space between letters can make the text harder to read.


  • Make sure the fonts you used in your design actually show up on other people's browsers.
  • Provide a fallback hierarchy, in case a user cannot see a font.
  • Go for fonts with many styles (light, thin, condensed, bold, black, expanded, italic, oblique, bold italic etc.) and use those styles to create variety.
  • Keep it readable! Pay special attention to font-size, letter-spacing and line-height.
  • Avoid duplication in CSS. If you have set a property once for a parent element, you do not have to write it for each element again.
  • Learn the vocabulary or bookmark this CSS reference sheet !

Happy creating

Have a suggestion?
Let me know in a comment or a note. I'd love to hear what you want to know and learn. With your input and suggestions this series can continue and grow.

Previous CSS Tricks
Limiting .text width Responsive dA? Background Images Article Layout Fonts and Text Basics Lists ::before and ::after Journal Breakdown Deviations in Journals

Related content
Comments: 51

CalamityWinter In reply to ??? [2018-12-09 09:12:38 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

AlexisReitcher [2018-08-09 16:10:01 +0000 UTC]

text-decoration:Β underline; is not working...

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

ColorfulHoovedNights [2018-04-10 16:35:30 +0000 UTC]

Is there a way you can force h1/h2/h3/h4 to not be bold?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

kakarotcakes [2016-10-18 21:03:18 +0000 UTC]

None of the google fonts are working for my journal skin?Β 
I'm using the css tagΒ font-family:Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Solarxolverite-Arpg In reply to kakarotcakes [2017-08-09 09:08:43 +0000 UTC]

Did you change all?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

PeacefulTurmoil [2016-06-23 22:58:08 +0000 UTC]

I tried to upload my journal skin to Deviantart, but it doesn't seem to work. It is saying the following...
This deviation is incomplete
It will become installable when all the CSS file's relevant images have been attached:

How do I fix that? Here is a link to the journal skin if that helps.Β Sunrise Mountains

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to PeacefulTurmoil [2016-06-23 23:03:12 +0000 UTC]

That message usually appears when you haven't uploaded the images for a skin yet.Β 
There should be a button and some "empty" elements somewhere on the left side of the page (I haven't uploaded a skin in a while, so it may have moved). I can't see that button, it's only visible to the owner of the deviation.
As soon as all images are uploaded, there should be some green check marks to indicate it worked.Β 

The .png or .jpg files need to be named exactly like in the CSS or it won't work.Β 

I hope that helps

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

PeacefulTurmoil In reply to pica-ae [2016-06-24 19:13:29 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! It did!Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to PeacefulTurmoil [2016-06-24 19:13:51 +0000 UTC]

Excellent Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

PeacefulTurmoil In reply to pica-ae [2016-06-24 19:14:09 +0000 UTC]

thanks a bunch!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

epelito [2016-06-10 10:55:41 +0000 UTC]

hi, i have a question. so when trying to format custom profile widgets obviously you're unable to edit any cssΒ file, but imΒ just wondering what is the .css file they use for custom widgets so im able to find out all the different classes (such as "gr-box" from your tutorial) i can use in the widget

i had a look in the .html but there is like 10 links to different stylesheets and im not sure which one would be the one meant for custom widget use

unless there isntΒ actually one devoted to that ?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to epelito [2016-06-10 11:30:41 +0000 UTC]

You can actually use CSS in custom widgets, if you use a workaround. On my profile I created "journals" that are posted as art (usually DA related) and those I added as featured deviations widgets on my profile.
People usually refer to that as a "Profile Directory".Β 

You should check out CustomizeYourProfile , they should have all the answers in one way or another.
I learned most of profile customization in that group Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

epelito In reply to pica-ae [2016-06-11 01:04:49 +0000 UTC]

oooo true, thanks for the help!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to epelito [2016-06-11 09:02:09 +0000 UTC]

I am just not as good at explaining these things
The people in that group on the other hand know what they are doing.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Shelilla [2015-07-16 18:50:00 +0000 UTC]

May I include some of the information here (with credit, of course) in a font tutorial I'm making?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to Shelilla [2015-07-17 15:10:05 +0000 UTC]

Sure, that is not a problem

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelilla In reply to pica-ae [2015-07-17 18:07:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Your tutorial is super helpful, btw

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to Shelilla [2015-07-29 10:17:00 +0000 UTC]

I am glad to hear that! Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Shelilla In reply to pica-ae [2015-07-29 17:22:39 +0000 UTC]


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to Shelilla [2015-07-30 20:11:51 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

RogueMudblood [2015-03-16 13:42:02 +0000 UTC]

This was incrediblyΒ helpful - thank you so much!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to RogueMudblood [2015-04-07 08:10:25 +0000 UTC]

I am glad it was helpful Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

BrigadierBenchpress [2015-03-15 22:54:11 +0000 UTC]

That's great! But, is it possible to work it into Stash Writer? If it is, can you please explain how? Thanks!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 2

RogueMudblood In reply to BrigadierBenchpress [2015-03-16 13:41:02 +0000 UTC]

You can also change the font in sta.sh writer using html code.
< font face="algerian">This is only a test
will result in Algerian font being used. I have only been able to get this to work so far with commonly installed fonts. It has not been working with the Google Fonts .

(Do remember to take out the spaces in the font tags, or it won't work.)
You don't have to switch to HTML mode to use that - it works in the RTE (I tested it.)

This way, you can actually format parts of your story (if you're posting a story) in different ways. So if you have one character writing a letter to another, you can use "brush script mt" where "algerian" is. Just remember the closing font tag at the end of the letter section, or your readers might not be happy with you.

(This does also work for the < font size=#> code as well.)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BrigadierBenchpress In reply to RogueMudblood [2015-03-17 10:00:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I didn't know you could use HTML coding on Sta.sh writer. Thank you very much!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RogueMudblood In reply to BrigadierBenchpress [2015-03-17 13:03:58 +0000 UTC]

Some, yes. You'll want to muck about with it a bit to make sure it displays the way you want, so I'd definitely recommend that preview button.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BrigadierBenchpress In reply to RogueMudblood [2015-04-24 06:57:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you again!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RogueMudblood In reply to BrigadierBenchpress [2015-04-24 16:57:46 +0000 UTC]

You're definitely welcome.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BrigadierBenchpress In reply to RogueMudblood [2015-04-25 01:44:59 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

pica-ae In reply to BrigadierBenchpress [2015-03-16 09:10:00 +0000 UTC]

Yes, you can use all this in stash writer by applying a journal skin with whatever styling you prefer Β 
If you are new to journal skins, this tutorial may help youΒ CSS Tricks: Journal break-down , there are also links to other tutorials in the description that may help you.Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BrigadierBenchpress In reply to pica-ae [2015-03-16 09:12:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to BrigadierBenchpress [2015-03-16 12:36:27 +0000 UTC]

No problem Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BrigadierBenchpress In reply to pica-ae [2015-03-17 09:55:06 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

TopHat-Queen [2015-01-24 02:24:50 +0000 UTC]

You are a saint

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to TopHat-Queen [2015-02-01 11:21:05 +0000 UTC]

I wouldn't go that far I'm just glad I can be helpful Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

miontre [2013-12-13 20:19:34 +0000 UTC]

I use Ubuntu and don't ever see any of the supposed web-safe fonts.

Nice article

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to miontre [2013-12-13 21:56:36 +0000 UTC]

not even Arial? (but yeah, that's a font commissioned by Microsoft, so I wouldn't be surprised if not) What fonts do you have then?

Thank you Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

miontre In reply to pica-ae [2013-12-13 23:14:45 +0000 UTC]

No not even that! I have default fonts for serif, sans-serif, and monospace. They're actually pretty good replacements, and most people wouldn't notice the difference. I actually like some of them better than their "websafe" equivalents. The strange thing is, Ubuntu comes with hundreds (okay, not hundreds, but a lot) of default fonts. Most of them are serif, some are sans-serif, and a few are monospace; but they look almost all the same to me. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a lot of them unless you actually sat down and examined them closely.

I've also installed a few fonts from Google Webfonts.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to miontre [2013-12-19 08:20:26 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah, I have a lot of "the same" fonts on Mac, too. Some of them, I think, are Chinese or other Asian languages, but also contain a "basic" Latin Alphabet used to preview them. So the Latin part doesn't really matter and they make it look "the same".

I love google webfonts I used to download all the shit from dafont, but that phase is luckily over Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

miontre In reply to pica-ae [2013-12-20 07:13:48 +0000 UTC]

Google Webfonts is great!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to miontre [2013-12-20 12:26:27 +0000 UTC]

I was so excited when I learned dA had them implemented Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

cality [2013-11-11 17:26:28 +0000 UTC]

This is so useful, thanks for providing this tutorial!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to cality [2013-11-11 20:57:40 +0000 UTC]

I am glad you like it Thank you Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

cality In reply to pica-ae [2013-11-13 21:00:38 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

TehAngelsCry [2013-11-05 20:40:44 +0000 UTC]

Hey there!

Your tutorial has been featured in my weekly blog: Tutorial Tuesday #24!

I'd love if you could come take a look and offer your support to your fellow tutorial writers

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to TehAngelsCry [2013-11-06 14:05:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Ikue [2013-11-04 12:25:28 +0000 UTC]

Magnificent. Brava.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to Ikue [2013-11-04 16:08:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

SimplySilent [2013-11-02 20:28:53 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful tutorial! Loving the journal skin as well.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

pica-ae In reply to SimplySilent [2013-11-02 22:22:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you I am glad you like it Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0