Piccadillydally — CICERO // DIRPG

Published: 2018-07-31 06:28:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 459; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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s t a t u s!
health: 100%
stamina: 2 | speed: 4 | strength: 1 | stealth: 3

h e r d!





b i o!

name: cicero

origin: plains

preferred terrain: marshlands and mountains, usually somewhere in between.

breed: andalusian (100%)
father: titus (deceased)
mother: aveline (alive)
adoptive mother: celeste (alive)

older half-brother: seneca (unknown)
younger half-sister: ursula (alive)
age: 6 ½ years

height/build: 15.3hh / slender

color: self gold champagne splash white (minimal)
eye color: blue
markings: irregular star, snip over nostrils, white-tipped ears, sock w/ heel (fl), stocking (rl), sock (fr), stocking (rl)
scars/accessories: jagged scars on right flank

genetics: AA / ee / ZZ / nCh / nSpl

[ imaginative ] [ liar ] [ naive ] [ cautious ] [ arrogant ] [ ruthless ] [ compassionate ]

coming soon.

h i s t o r y!

 0 - 1 YEAR OLD: Cicero is born into the circus life. His father was the star jousting stallion and his mother, Aveline, was a performer used in everything from vaulting to comedy acts. He was born later than expected and smaller than any foal in the stable. The circus was nearly ready for the on-season by the time he arrived and trainers were forced to leave him and his mother behind at the barn.

Initially his mother saw him as a disgrace. He was her first foal. A failure. One that wasn’t expected to survive and was a stain on a bloodline of strong, dominating stallions. He was weak compared to other colts and days after his birth his mother tried to kill him. Staff separated them and he was bottlefed until a suitable broodmare, one who’d lost her own foal, was able to take him in.

Celeste became his new mother and she would tell him stories of wild horses with tangled manes, noble stallions who carried silver-armored knights and of men who hunted beautiful unicorns. They were only fables she’d overheard herself, but Cicero was desperate to believe that he could be part of that fantasy world. That instead of a runty foal he was something special. Aveline squashed those silly notions whenever she could and chided Celeste for allowing him to believe such things. Realistically there was nothing magical in their history, but Cicero still couldn’t help but pretend.

He is separated from Celeste at weaning time, but is given the company of his half-brother and the other colts instead. He still misses her dearly.

Cicero met his father, Tiberius, for the first time when he was a year old. Seeing the great stallion decked out in his jousting garb filled Cicero with a pride he’d never known. Tiberius too, seemed glad to have another son, especially one who never grew bored of him regaling tales of his travels.

  2 - 3 YEARS OLD: Cicero begins training, though he's not yet ready to carry a rider. He learns to perform alongside the other colts.

He hits a growth spurt and his gangly frame is pushed into more difficult stunts. Along with the pas de deux and simple dressage moves, he can perform the pesade and levade, though not reliably enough to go on tour. He remains at the stable for another year to strengthen his skills.

  4 - 5 YEARS OLD: Tiberius is killed on tour in a freak accident. He falters during practice with new riders. A lance is lowered too early and shatters just above his lung, ripping through an artery. He bleeds out and is buried on some distant shore.

Cicero is initially sheltered from the knowledge of his father’s death, but eventually learns of it through the rumors at the stable. He’s devastated but tries to pry the details of it from his half-brother who was there when it happened. Together they mourn the loss of their father.

Cicero is trained to accept a rider and enters an expedited training regime that encourages him to learn “airs above the ground” as well as more advanced dressage moves. It becomes tougher as they near the on-season again and he is finally allowed to go on tour for the first time, performing alongside his half-brother and older peers.

  6 YEARS OLD: Cicero has become a reliable performer and has grown into an elegant, intelligent stallion. He is quickly becoming one of the jewels of the equestrian act and is allowed on more tours, even joining in some offseason shows. Celeste tells him he’s as beautiful as any faerie horse and even his mother begrudgingly admits that she too, is proud of the stallion he’s become. Cicero wishes his father could see him now.

The circus goes on a world tour, boarding their exotic animals, prized horses, and human actors onto massive ships and noisy trains to visit distant lands. Cicero finds all of this very exciting, he’s never seen anything outside of his country.

After a performance on the Divine Isles, the show is cut short. Hurricane season is fast approaching and the managers want to get everyone home before the weather becomes too rough, but they have waited too long. An early season hurricane builds offshore. Terrified, everyone is loaded up on a train that speeds away to their waiting ship, desperate to evacuate before it makes landfall.

They never make it home.

The hurricane strikes as they descend the mountain. It derails the speeding train, throwing the engine aside and yanking several stock cars into the river below. Animals and humans are thrown from their housing and many are dashed on the rocks. The few who survived must now fight the tide and struggle to shore, but the hurricane was doing everything it could to pull them out to sea. Even in the pouring rain and howling wind, a fire manages to take hold. Created by a mass of broken oil lamps and fed by the warm gusts and excess coal, it moves with a frightening speed through the train and swallows anyone left trapped inside.

Cicero is among the lucky ones who were thrown during the initial derailment. The train bucked and his belly scraped against the floorboards, he landed hard against the door with the other horses crashing into him. Their combined weight rips the door off and they tumble to the river below, Cicero’s flank catches on chunks of wood and metal on the way down and it rips into him. It’s a blessing in disguise, tilting him into a better diving position as he falls.

In a panic he begins following the bodies that float downstream, believing them to be alive as he calls out to them as they’re starting to be swept out to sea. To his horror he realizes they’re not and starts fighting, surging against the tide and finding purchase against something he prays is a rock. Cicero bolts for shore, running back to the mountains.

He shelters in an abandoned mining cave and when the storm finally starts to move on, he emerges to seek out survivors. He desperately looks for his half-brother, but among broken bodies, twisted metal, and smoldering embers, Seneca is nowhere to be found. Cicero believes himself to be one of the few survivors, if not the only one who made it out alive.

Cicero makes it back to the cave to wait out the second round of storms, lost in a world where he doesn’t belong.

c r e d i t!
dirpg characters&places: x | background: x | references used: x

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