Pichoochoo — LostDistricts - Keiichi

Published: 2014-08-13 06:12:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 1978; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 3
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B a s i c - I n f o

Name: Keiichi Kagome (first, last) 

Age: 28 years old

Gender: Male

Height: (6'0") 

D.O.B: 16th of September

District #: 1

Race: Human

P e r s o n a l i t y  
Optimistic | Caring | Responsible | Articulate | Sensible | Silent | A bit awkward | Snob | Prim and proper | Is good at provoking others | Mama's boi
Optimistic: Not overly optimisitic. But just optimistic enough to be able to encourage someone if they are feeling insecure about something. Keiichi is always there if one needs a motivational speech, whether it be a task that's possible or just completely impossible, he'll try to get you in high spirits. Sometimes it doesn't work though, because sometimes he just says stupid things.

Caring: He cares about the well-being of others, whether or not they're humans. Of course, he's not so merciful with ghouls (unless he had a death wish) but outside of work, he'll just be like a second mother.

Responsible: Keiichi always takes responsibility for his own actions but... sometimes, he also takes responsibility for the actions of others. He does this, often because he feels he is to blame or simply because he doesn't want any arguments to arise. This is a good trait of his, but at the same time it could be a terrible one, depending on the current situation. At the same time, Keiichi takes full responsibility for his work, thus if a superior tells him to carry out a job, he will carry it out - just as he was hired to do. 

Articulate: Even when he's high on coffee, he is surprisingly articulate. He is very fluent in the way he talks, and talks properly as well as formally to others. The only time when he isn't articulate would be when he's just woken up or if he is incredibly flustered or embarrassed. 

Sensible: He's not one to laugh at a dirty joke nor is he one to take innuendos lightly either. It's not like he doesn't understand them or anything - dude, he's 28 years old - he just doesn't find them funny. While he's spent most of his time with his mother, he's become heavily influenced by her views, and her views only. And rude jokes were a no-no.

Silent: At first impressions, Keiichi is very silent and shy, although he attempts to carry a conversation, he's still pretty quiet. He feels that his interests aren't enough to entertain other parties, so he just doesn't talk to save him the trouble of embarrassing himself or the other. 

A bit awkward: Growing up in a conservative 'family', Keiichi doesn't have much to talk about and comes across as very awkward. As a child, no boy really wanted to play with him because he didn't like sports, and girls often teased him for his own interests. So really, he just stayed out of that shit and stayed at home, being home-schooled by his mother. As years passed and he was finally allowed outside, he realized he never really knew how to interact with others - although that habit is sort of gone now. 

Snob: Upon knowing Keiichi just a tad bit more, you'll come to know that he's a snob - especially when he isn't drinking coffee. It's a trait that he, unfortunately, gained from his father, and isn't something that has been able to be changed throughout the years. As he does come from a rich family, he can't help but... look down on others, especially after being bullied as a child, he feels that they deserve it - a thought that he never shares with others. Although his mother did tell him to 'be the better person', he definitely took it in a different manner.

Prim and Proper: As expected, Keiichi is one of the most neatest and tidiest people you will ever meet. He is groomed until not a single hair is out of place and not even a speck of dust is on his vest. He becomes a bit upset when he sees blood or mud on himself or bird crap on his head though, and is something about him that he dislikes. 

Is good at provoking: Despite his appearance and overall personality, he is pretty good at provoking others, although most of the time even he doesn't realize. It's often the way he acts around others that is often enough to have someone angered very easily. 

A bit of a wimp: Okay, let's get this cleared out first. Keiichi knows how to defend himself against enemies, knows how to attack and WILL obey orders, but he can be a bit of a wimp in terms of how he acts in general. In a sense, the way he presents himself and the way he acts - he's a bit of a wimp. 

Mama's Boy: It's honestly not anything he's ashamed of, because you know, what's wrong with loving your mother, huh. 

B i o g r a p h y 
Keiichi was a child who was often doted on, as he grew up safely in District One. At a very young age, he was very diligent and spent hours reading upon any book he could find while his parents were busy at work. His mother worked as a hotel manager and his father was an in District Four's branch - but it was a fact that Keiichi didn't know until he grew up, considering he was still quite young. Day after day, he'd wait inside the confines of his home - just as his parents told him to - while watching the outside from the window. Keiichi was never curious of what lied outside, but it would be nice to leave once in a while. When there was a day that he was allowed outside to play with other children, he didn't enjoy it at all. Boys often rejected him and never wanted to include him in anything for he apparently looked too 'weak' and girls teased him for the exact same reason. So he decided that home was best after all. 

To be honest, he found that the time that he was home alone to be the best moments of his life. His parents would often come back very early in the morning, which was something that Keiichi was just a tad bit grateful for. In the middle of the night, when everything was very quiet, he would sit in front of his window and watch the stars just as he could hear the traffic from below. It was a calming sight and he would watch it forever. 

When he was a teenager, his mother had quit her job and decided to be a stay at home mother, considering she hardly ever spent time with Keiichi. He liked having his mother at home, it made him feel secure. But at the same time, he liked it when his mother wasn't talking to him or when she was asleep, because he was able to sneak a cup of coffee and stay up to watch the sky all night. One day, his mother decided that they should take a walk outside. Keiichi had become so pale, that she realized it wasn't healthy to keep him cooped up inside the home. It was okay to take him outside for just a bit... right?

Upon leaving the house, they took a walk around the park in the afternoon, and Keiichi had great fun - just as teenagers do. His mother kept a keen eye on him, made sure that there were no ghouls lurking around and the like. But there was one thing that she forgot to watch. The time. The sun had set, and soon it was time to go home. In the dark, she held tightly onto Keiichi's hand and headed towards home. But, unfortunately, they were attacked by ghouls. His mother was harmed and so was he, cuts, bruises, great injuries everywhere. Keiichi tried to fend them off as much as he could - with a large branch, but it was good enough - but alas, they wouldn't die. Soon enough, authorities arrived and Keiichi and his mother were safe. 

Their injuries were tended to but the image of ghouls... forever stayed in Keiichi's mind. Night after night, he soon wasn't just watching the stars, he was watching over his mother, making sure she was safe. His mother was more traumatized from the experience than he was, and seeing her space out half of the time and cry for the other half - it was incredibly heartbreaking for Keiichi. It wasn't as though she was only fretting over that one event, she also realized just how much of a terrifying job her husband held - especially while he was in District 4, it must've been way worse. A hatred... well... not a hatred but a desire to annihilate Ghouls had built up inside of him, and soon, he wanted to be what his father was. Well, he wanted to be what he thought his father was and did. Kill ghouls, right? He asked his father on his opinion on him entering the same school he did before becoming an inspector. His father was pretty all for the idea, and Keiichi wanted to be enrolled straight away.

As a student, he was diligent and very serious - never fazed by other students' attitudes. Although he knew he wasn't very strong at most points, he knew that this was something he had to do. He didn't want to see his mother like that any longer. Although, she was against Keiichi being in this matter and that it would've caused her to worry more, Keiichi knew that he would come back safe and sound after he does what he should do... right? The image of death has not once left his mind, but he was staying strong, for his mother. 

When he graduated from highschool, he took up law in university, his former aspirations being a lawyer - and although he now had his eyes set on a different course, he still enjoyed learning about law. He became an Inspector at the age of 22 years old, the same time his father retired. Every ready and confident to hunt some ghouls, Keiichi decided that there was one particular district that he wanted, no... he knew he had to stay in. 

The one district he felt that he was made for.

District #1. Because... you know...it's safer...but no one needs to know that.


Quinque: (Ukaku) Keiichi got this from the very first Ghoul that he ever killed. This weapon shape (decided by his father) was considered more suitable for someone like him, since he is someone who mainly relies on speed rather than power and strength. It's a lightweight and retractable weapon that he is able to wield easily although the damage is not much. 

Rank: [Second Class]

Affiliation: [CCG]

L i k e s / D i s l i k e s
[+] Disney movies
[+] Reading
[+] Sewing
[+] Jogging
[+] Stargazing
[+] Jokes
[+] Talking to others
[+] People in general
[+] Being helpful
[+] Oldies music
[+] Nighttime
[+] Rabbits
[-] Mornings
[-] Going to sleep
[-] Dreaming
[-] Dogs
[-] Medicine
[-] Having coffee taken away from him
[-] Being asked as to why he loves coffee
[-] Drawing
[-] Being idle
[-] Gaining weight : (
[-] Loud places
[-] Loud music
[-] Summer
[-] Straightforward humans/ghouls 

R e l a t i o n s h i p s
Kasumi, Kagome [Mother] 
A very eccentric woman who loves doting on her son. Keiichi is often embarrassed when his mother dotes on him, but deals with it anyway. Despite being quite sad most of the time, she loves making fun of her son whenever the moment arises. 

Sadao, Kagome [Father]
Keiichi's father - whom he really looks up to. Although he hardly sees him, he loves his father very much, just as a child should love their parents. Although they don't get along that well sometimes, considering Keiichi is a great contrast compared to him, they still care for each other. 

T r i v i a
- Becomes a bit more of a snob when he doesn't have his hourly cup of coffee.
- No, but he still passes out if he drinks too much anyway.
- He has several reasons for why he likes coffee - it helps you stay awake, his mother makes it for his father a lot and he ends up drinking it sometimes, it tastes nice with a lot of sugar/without sugar, nice to drink during cold weather
- Keiichi lives seperately from his parents - come on he's not THAT much of a loser HHAAHAH
- Nah, he's just a loser
- He understands that most of the time people look at him as someone without a backbone and sometimes uses that knowledge to an advantage.

RP SAMPLE: "do u lyk coffee gtfo if u dont jfc i cant even can u just go home i cant look at ur face"




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Comments: 2

syusaki [2014-08-23 06:46:56 +0000 UTC]

Wow I absolutely love the hilt of his weapon also SAME DISTRICT AS AYAKA ALRIGHT WATCH HER STEAL HIS COFFEE!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kirinichu [2014-08-17 22:31:11 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0