Pigletor — BotS | Florastar

Published: 2013-03-29 18:12:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 2408; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 3
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Floravoice is now Florastar <3 She's also gained some fancy new art and scars! 

WARNING: Floravoice's history contains themes that may upset some people

General Information

Name: Florakit Florapaw Floravoice Florastar

Name Breakdown:

Flora - She was given the prefix of 'Flora' for three main reasons. The first, she was born in the most luscious new-leaf the Clans have ever seen. The second for her brightly coloured pelt. And the third, she was named after her grandmother, Purpleflora.

Star - The suffix given to leaders once they have received their 9 lives.

Gender: She-Cat / Female

Age: 52 Moons

Breed: Oriental Shorthair X Exotic Shorthair X Siamese X Bengal X Scottish Fold

Clan: NightClan

Rank: Leader/Queen


Fur Length: Short

Fur Texture: Fine and Smooth

Fur Colour: Cream and orange shaded she-cat, with orange patches

Eye Colour: Sky Blue

Nose & Pawpad Colour: Peach

Body Type: Tall, Skinny, Lean

Genes and Traits

Dominant: Ginger Fur Colour , Minimal Calico Pattern, Oriental Face Shape, Rounded Ears, Long Legs, Lion-like tail tip, Sky Blue Eyes

Recessive: Pearl Grey Fur Colour, Spotted Tabby Pattern, Lavender Eyes

Carrier: Dark Grey Fur Colour, Dusty Brown Fur Colour, Snaggle Tooth

Voice and Scent

Voice: Lana Del Ray

Scent: Vanilla and Jasmine


[Soft Spoken] True to her name, Floravoice is very careful with her words. She never wants to upset anyone, regardless of who they are. She speaks very quietly due to her shy nature.

[Gentle] Floravoice is always careful with not only her words, but her physicality too, especially around those younger and smaller than her. She is always careful with her unusual tail as it can be quite heavy.

[Nervous] This blue-eyed beauty is nervous in certain situations. When meeting new cats or around someone who makes her uncomfortable she is incredibly shy. Of course once you get to know her she is much more open.

[Insecure] Due to her family abandoning her, Floravoice believes no one will ever truly love her, and the second she grows close to someone they will let her down. It's not a trust issue, she just believes she is an easily hurtable cat.
Ever since gaining the rank of deputy, cats comment how she seems to glow lately, growing a bit more confident each day! Floravoice is now less afraid to talk to others and stand up for herself, she also believes that she is feeling less insecure is due to a certain tomcat.

[Intelligant] Because she is so shy and quiet, not many cats know that Floravoice is very smart. When hunting she always takes into account the wind and calculates her position and speed to each different prey. She also uses this intelligence in battle.

[Selfless] Floravoice's best and at the same time, worst trait is her selfless nature. Because she is so selfless she will often put others needs before her own, and in doing so sometimes neglecting her own health. But of course as long as her clan mates and loved ones are happy, she will insist she is.

[Calm & Collected] Being named deputy has had a big impact of the beautiful she-cat. She isn't as afraid to talk to other Clan's as she was, and can stand up for herself more now. But she does so in a well-mannered way. She will always be polite to her enemies.

Likes: Hot Weather, Kits, Family

Dislikes: Fighting, Arguments, Sickness

Fears/Phobias: Spiders

Other: Arrogant Toms make her uncomfortable, She has a huge desire to become a mother

Relations, Sexual Information, and Family

Past: Softgold [Missing, Kitty-Pet]
Current: N/A

Past: Shadedpaw [Shadedwing, Died during a Border fight]
Current: Cloudedpaw

Father: Desertwalker [Missing]
Mother: Pantherspot [Deceased, Killed by Death berries]

Brothers: Feralsnarl [Missing]
Sisters: N/A

Past: N/A
Current: Chillstar [SleetClan, TurkFish ]

Sons: Eaglepaw [SleetClan, PastelKuki ], Snarlpaw [NightClan, Floral-Fire ], Goldpaw [Killed by a mountain lion], Littlepaw [SleetClan, Sparrow-puff ]
Daughters: Shypaw [NightClan, TurkFish ]

Sexual Orientation: Straight / Heterosexual

Looking For:

[Appearance Wise] Darker coloured toms with bright coloured eyes.

[Personality Wise] Romantic and gentlemanly toms, someone confidant who can help her out of her shell, a good listener.

[Relationship Wise]
[ ] A Quick Fling
[X] A Lasting Relationship
[ ] Doesn't Know

Currently Attracted To: Chillstar

Other Information

Theme Songs:

Gravity of Love - Enigma Her relationship with Chillstar


[The First Time] Floravoice was born to two NightClan warriors - Desertwalker and Pantherspot - along with her twin brother, then Feralkit. Florakit and Feralkit did everything together, the only difference between the two twins was Feralkit's slightly darker coloration and piercing amber eyes.
Florakit had everything a young Clan she-kit could ask for, a loving mother, a protective father, and a rambunctious brother. And on top of that she had a wonderful grandmother, Purpleflora, Pantherspot's mother. Purpleflora spoiled the young kits, always holding a special place for the pretty Florakit.
[Paws Don't Fail Me Now] Florakit and Feralkit soon reached their sixth moon, and they became Florapaw and Feralpaw. Florapaw wanted Purpleflora to be her mentor, but her grandmother had recently retired to the elders den, so it was not possible. Florapaw was apprenticed to Purpleflora's younger sister, Softgold. Softgold had only recently become a warrior, and was still fairly excitable. Florapaw loved her mentor but found her a little too childish sometimes, so she went to Purpleflora to receive private training from her.
Feralpaw was apprenticed to a senior warrior of NightClan, Eaglesun. He was respected among the Clans, but more out of fear than pride.
Florapaw soon noticed a change in her brother. The once happy-go-lucky kit was turning into a fierce and dark warrior. The late night conversations they had together stopped, the secrets shared were no more. Feralpaw was turning into a clone of Eaglesun.
[The Colours of Leaf-Fall] Florapaw reached the end of her training a moon or two after Feralpaw had become Feralsnarl, and she was given the name of Floravoice. Thrilled of course, she rushed to tell her brother the good news - he was out hunting with Eaglesun. As she rounded the corner, she came face to face with her brother and his old mentor staring down at the body of a young she-cat - a she-cat Floravoice knew very well. Keeping herself hidden, she noticed the sticky red solution that covered the two tom's paws that matched the patches over the dead cat's body. Choking back her tears, she ran back to camp, she heard Feralsnarl's voice calling her name, but she continued to run, tears streaming down her face.
As soon as she arrived back at camp, she went straight to Purpleflora to tell her everything she saw. Purpleflora told her, it wasn't the first time Eaglesun had killed spitefully, and now Feralsnarl was fooling in his paw prints. Horrified by the truth, the grandmother and granddaughter went into the camp clearing to discover a Clan meeting had been called. The dead she-cat had been found, and it was confirmed that Eaglesun and Feralsnarl had indeed murdered her. Their father refused to believe that his son - his pride and joy could do such a thing, whilst their mother was eerily silent. That night, a search party was sent out to warn the other Clans of the mudurous twosome, and another to track them down.
[Everytime We Lie Awake] Eaglesun and Feralsnarl were still missing after a moon of intensive searching. Desertwalker had gone missing too, to find his son and to believe his own lies that his son wasn't a heartless murderer. Pantherspot had distanced herself from everyone, her mother and daughter included.
One night Floravoice was lying awake in the warriors den unable to sleep, when she heard to cats arguing from outside. Curious, the young cat went to investigate. She heard the voices coming from behind the camp walls, crawling through the bushes she made herself a hiding spot where she could see the two cats clearly. One was her grandmother, the other her mother.
Floravoice couldn't believe it, her mother and grandmother never argued! Whilst pondering this she noticed 3 little red dots by her mother's paws. She knew what they were, and she recognised the matching red juice around her mother's maw.
She watched her mother's dark grey body convulse and then collapse in front of her. Her mother had killed herself out of depression for her missing mate and son.
[I Was An Angel] After the loss of her mother, Floravoice began to depend on Purpleflora even more, hardly ever leaving her side. It was a terrible leaf-bare, compared to the wonderful spring she was born in, and Purpleflora caught greencough. Everyone saw it coming, the she-cat was old and weak, but Floravoice refusing to believe her grandmother was on her last legs. Purpleflora died a few sunrises later.

More to be added as she is roleplayed...

Relationships & Thoughts


Good Friend
Best Friend


Shadowstar | | "I...I don't know if its because he's the leader...but...he makes me kind of nervous...I'm always worried I'll say the wrong thing around him! And he's, well, handsome...but every she-cat thinks that...he'd never notice me...
Lately...I feel like I'm just a toy for him...yes he made me deputy which I will always be truly grateful for...I just think maybe...he had other intentions..."

Moonless-sky | | "She's a very sweet she-cat, I hope we can get to know each other better"

Duskmist | | "Duskmist is a great friend! Our race was fun, even though I won! I have fun with him"

Icenose | | "She's our medicine cat, and a truly gifted one! All she did was pull a thorn from my pad, but she's amazing! I look forward to getting to know her more!

Inkpaw | | "We had a meaningful conversation about family. I'm glad she felt she could talk to me, I'll do anything to help her!


Chillwhisker | | "We're now mates, I know it'll be hard being in different clans, but we'll be ok...right? We have love, and that's all that matters."


Vixenfur | | "She seemed...ok...We didn't talk much, I just apologised for ruining her hunt, which of course I'm still sorry for."

Amberstar | | "As much as she scares me, I do respect her, and...pity her in a way. It must be hard being leader"

Mate: Open
Plots: Open
Note RP's: Open
Skype RP's: Ask Me
Chat RP's: Ask Me

Drawings & Literature:
By Me:
By Others: -

RP Examples:

[Using Littlestar, The-Six-Clans ]
A small ginger tom cat walked slowly through the lands of MistClan. His home, his territory, the land that he protected. He looked across the lake and breathed a sigh of relief as he watched fish leap out of the water joyfully, without a care in the world. The sight was a nice one, but also a common one. The fish in the lake were always plentiful, but it was still a good sight to see that his clan was always fed. He made his way down to the shore and slowly went into a crawling hunting crouch. New life was teaming around the banks of the lake. Baby fish played with each other in the shallows, their mother watching close by. He let his raised paw fall back to the sandy shore, thinking about his mate and the life she was carrying inside her. She was like the mother fish, he would never let anything happen to one of his kits, so why should he take away one of this fish's babies. He gave a slight chuckle, who knew? He would be feeling sorry for a fish.

[Using Beetlefire, OfStarsAndClans ]
A harsh wind blew through the forest of aspen trees. A dark tortoiseshell tomcat looked around wildly as he heard his name being called out in an eerie echo.
"Beetlefire!" There it was again! The same blood-curdling scream that faded into the night. Beetlefire ran as fast as his legs could carry him until he reached the scream's location. The sight that welcomed him, repulsed the young warrior. A murky brown she-cat with white, glowing orbs, and blood dripping from her mouth reached out for him, whispering his name and the word 'Help'. Beetlefire ran away from his former love, horrified by her now dead state.
The tom woke up in a hot and sticky sweat. That same dream had been bothering him for moons on end now. The dark brown and ginger felt his cheek fur grow wetter and wetter as he thought about Mudpaw, his old apprentice and love. If only he had stopped her from going on the pat morning border patrol.

[Using Pebblefrost and Brookpatch, :WarriorsValleyStream: ]
Pebblefrost ran with her brother until they were at a safe distant from the battle that their old home was now engulfed in. Their family was dead. Rockstar. Waterblossom. Diamondstream. They were all dead. They were the only two left.
Pebbleforst turned to her brother, "Brookpatch, I know this is hard" She said as she watched dark tears stream down her small brother's face, "But we have no choice, this is the only way we can survive" The speckled she-cat laid her tail on her short brother's shoulder. StarClan, he looked so much like their now late mother.
Brookpatch simply nodded. The ability to make words, now gone. He turned and walked away from the raging battle. "I can't look at it anymore" He murmured as he turned.
Pebblefrost sighed as she followed him away from the murderous scene.

Character, Pelt Referance Art (c) Floral-Fire
Rest of Artwork (c) :devRising-foxes:
Beat-of-the-Stars (c) Sparrow-puff
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Comments: 43

TurkFish [2014-03-19 22:03:54 +0000 UTC]

As soon as we finish our current rp...once I get the chance to reply to your post (I'm so sorry I'm slow I'm a butt...I think it's my post anyhow?) We should rp Chillstar confessing about Goldpaw's death ;x;

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Pigletor In reply to TurkFish [2014-03-21 16:17:03 +0000 UTC]

Yes that sounds good, Flora's going to be devastated ;u;

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FaIIenShadows [2013-12-31 11:58:46 +0000 UTC]

Welcome Florastar! 

Littlesun and Badgerstorm: 

*Both dip heads* Welcome our new leader!

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proCHRISTinator [2013-12-31 05:23:01 +0000 UTC]

nvm actually  sorry to bother! 

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proCHRISTinator [2013-12-31 05:22:03 +0000 UTC]

Hi, I'm sorry if this comment is a bother, but I just had a question about Florastar~

I'm submitting an application to BotS for NightClan of my apprentice, Mistypaw (cute little thing with light gray fur and big teal eyes), and I noticed that Florastar has a kit (Snarlpaw is his name, I believe). Anyway, Mistypaw was abandoned by her parents from another Clan (unknown who), and I'd like it if a NightClan queen would have been willing to nurse her until she could be weaned off of milk. Snarlpaw and Mistypaw are around the same age, so I figured maybe Florastar wouldn't have minded being the queen who nursed Mistykit...? I know it's a lot to ask but please consider

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TurkFish [2013-06-26 04:21:51 +0000 UTC]

I'm dyin' that little description of Chillwhisker Cx

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Pigletor In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-26 09:19:34 +0000 UTC]

Just saw the one for Floravoice on Chill's app! I squealed!

So we should probably talk about whether these two are going to become mates or not and whether they'll be having kits or not.
Since it'd be a cross-clan relationship we need to make sure we have permission from Shadowstar and Talonstar before all of this happens ^^

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TurkFish In reply to Pigletor [2013-06-26 19:23:29 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I was going to suggest the same thing x'D
I really like these two together, so..personally I wouldn't mind them being mates.
So if you're okay with it, we can go ahead and ask them about it Cx
Also I want them to have kits eventually, and I think if they do, I might try to move Chillwhisker to Nightclan to care for them vuv

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Pigletor In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-27 09:29:33 +0000 UTC]

Ok I will note the group ^^ I'll also submit a few more of our RP's cause they'll want proof haha!
I like that idea! I want Floravoice to be deputy for a bit longer before she has kits, around 40 moons I'd say ^^

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TurkFish In reply to Pigletor [2013-06-27 09:36:44 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I totally understand that xD We can wait however long you'd like C:

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xXSlytherinLeoXx [2013-06-25 23:46:13 +0000 UTC]

we need to role play Ink and flora <3

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Pigletor In reply to xXSlytherinLeoXx [2013-06-26 00:13:02 +0000 UTC]

We doooo! Wanna shoot me a note? :3

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xXSlytherinLeoXx In reply to Pigletor [2013-06-26 00:17:52 +0000 UTC]

can you shoot me the note XD i have to go eat and then i will be back <3

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Pigletor In reply to xXSlytherinLeoXx [2013-06-26 09:27:19 +0000 UTC]

Sent :3

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Kittysprite [2013-04-06 20:48:02 +0000 UTC]

Hey Little <3 Would you like to RP with Flora and Thunder? c:

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Pigletor In reply to Kittysprite [2013-04-06 21:24:52 +0000 UTC]

Sure :3 just shoot me a note when you're ready :3

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Kittysprite In reply to Pigletor [2013-04-06 21:47:31 +0000 UTC]


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bozones [2013-03-30 20:35:07 +0000 UTC]

Q-Q she's beautiful! Imma make a male to join NightClan If you know where I'm going haha it'll be a challenge if i get accepted Lol > XD

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Pigletor In reply to bozones [2013-03-30 21:22:14 +0000 UTC]

Flora's incredibly insecure! It'll take a lot before she'll trust anyone! XD

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bozones In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-31 02:56:42 +0000 UTC]

I'll get there

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Sparrow-puff [2013-03-29 20:48:39 +0000 UTC]

You have been accepted ^3^ You just need to finish the personality but I'm sure that'll be done soon :3

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Pigletor In reply to Sparrow-puff [2013-03-29 20:53:25 +0000 UTC]

Working on it now ^^

Would you like to RP her and Shadowstar? :3

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Sparrow-puff In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-29 20:58:56 +0000 UTC]

Sure C:

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Pigletor In reply to Sparrow-puff [2013-03-29 21:01:47 +0000 UTC]

I'll send you a note now

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Sparrow-puff In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-29 21:02:53 +0000 UTC]

Awesome C:

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MlSTY [2013-03-29 18:46:04 +0000 UTC]

ohhh she is so pretty x3

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Pigletor In reply to MlSTY [2013-03-29 18:48:37 +0000 UTC]

I know

I can't wait to start RPing her when/if I'm accepted into the group

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MlSTY In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-29 21:22:50 +0000 UTC]

She does definitely look like a little lion cat x3

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Pigletor In reply to MlSTY [2013-03-29 21:33:51 +0000 UTC]

I do love that tail x3 I was thinking of naming her something to do with Lion or Lioness maybe I'll name one of her kits that, if she ever has them that is! XD

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MlSTY In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-29 21:47:16 +0000 UTC]


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RiseoftheStorm [2013-03-29 18:39:26 +0000 UTC]

Hey, I have a warrior in NightClan if you would like to roleplay sometime. By the way, impressive work all in all. Very creative.

[Moonless-sky – [link]

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Pigletor In reply to RiseoftheStorm [2013-03-29 18:42:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you I wasn't sure if it was too much or not

I was reading her application earlier! I'd love to RP with you, once/if I'm accepted into the group

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RiseoftheStorm In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-29 18:55:21 +0000 UTC]

Well, if all else fails, put more, heh.

That sounds brilliant. When you're accepted, and I have no doubt that you will with all the effort you put into your application, I would suggest note role-play, as I don't seem to be available when everyone else is.

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Pigletor In reply to RiseoftheStorm [2013-03-29 18:58:25 +0000 UTC]

Notes and Skype is how I roleplay anyway since I can't get chat on my iPad

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RiseoftheStorm In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-29 19:14:05 +0000 UTC]

Works for me.

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Pigletor In reply to RiseoftheStorm [2013-03-29 20:44:48 +0000 UTC]

I've been accepted!

Want to RP?

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RiseoftheStorm In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-29 21:03:23 +0000 UTC]

Of course. Would you like to start? (Having a bit of writer's block at the moment.) Just note it to me, I'm not permitted to use Skype unless I am talking to relatives.

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PantherDaPsycho [2013-03-29 18:31:30 +0000 UTC]

You used my name again :'D

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Pigletor In reply to PantherDaPsycho [2013-03-29 18:33:31 +0000 UTC]

I know! I just love how creative your names are! I tried lots of names for her, but none of them compared to Floravoice <3

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PantherDaPsycho In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-29 18:34:25 +0000 UTC]

Hehe~ ^W^ If you ever need names for designs just note me :3

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Pigletor In reply to PantherDaPsycho [2013-03-29 18:36:01 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you :'D I hope you join this group! It needs a psycho cat ;D haha!

I can come up with loads of names, it's just finding designs that fit them xD

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PantherDaPsycho In reply to Pigletor [2013-03-29 18:45:55 +0000 UTC]

Not all my cats are psycho! XD

I love how I can come up with names for other people's cats but not my own x3

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Pigletor In reply to PantherDaPsycho [2013-03-29 18:49:11 +0000 UTC]

Psycho cats are awesome though teehee!

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