Pink-Lady03 β€” Sally: 10 years later

Published: 2008-02-19 01:03:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 933; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 7
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Description Ah, it feels good to do something Sonic-related again. It's been a while. I think this is also, by far, one of my best drawings of Sally ever. I guess that class really is paying off...

Anyway, this is my rendition of how Sally looks in my good friend Chaotic-7's new fic/series. I don't know why, but after reading his first chapter I just got this great mental image of how Sally would look and I just had to draw it (even if it's not quite what he was envision as he wrote it).

Normally I don't like Sally (or Bunnie for that matter) with long hair, but in his fic he noted that she look like her mother and though I haven't seen a whole lot of Alica in the ARCHIE comics I recall her having long hair, and I rememberd that Sally in the "25 years later" stories has very long hair, so I decided to try and have it be somewhere inbetween her SatAM length and her until-very-recently-ARCHIE length.

It's pretty dirty and not quite finished yet, but I'll finish it up once I transfer it to my College drawing pad. I'm going to force myself to add some color, too, since I feel like I didn't spend enough time on it, even for a "Free Draw".

Sally is (C) .... good question.... SEGA/Sonic Team(?), DiC, ARCHIE Comics and all other respective owns I may have forgotten.
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Comments: 175

Pink-Lady03 In reply to ??? [2010-07-19 12:09:19 +0000 UTC]

I actually thought you had

But thanks and it's great to hear from you again

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-07-20 02:32:17 +0000 UTC]

So did I. hm.

Yeah, sorry about the long abscence. I was just in the middle of going through some serious issues at work. We had another company lay off so they had to let go of like... 14 or 16 people. So needless to say I was a little freaked, seeing as I've only been there for 5 and a 1/2 years and you got people who've been there for like 10 years+. But thankfully I wasn't one of them, I guess it was because I was so differsifal in so many areas that I've became something like a swiss army knife at that place.
So yeah, I still have a job (phew)

And I guess the other reason was it took me so long to reply...(and this is going to sound like a totaly stupid reason.) Remember when I asked you on who you'd think would make a good Iron Man in the Sonicverse? Well here's my choices (okay bad taste forming in mouth now ugghh)..... Chris and Danny.

Okay before you decide on wether or not you want to beat me with a spoon... or a 2x4...or a baseball bat full of nails, hear me out.

These are my reasons for Chris.
1.They're both stinkin' rich
2.They're both engineers (we kinda learn that towards the end of the first and the beginning of the seccond seasons
3.Tony Stark starts off as a bit of a doushe, but manages to redeem himself where as Chris Thorndyke is well... a total doushe!
4.They both seem to have parental issues (reference taken from Iron Man 2 where Tony is going through some of his dad's old doccuments).

Okay now on to Danny (cross-referenced to James Rhodes a.k.a. Rhoddy a.k.a. War Machine)

1. Other than both being black I guess the only other connection between the two have is that their both best freinds to a multi-billionare.

Now when I get down to it,it's not ENTIRELY Chris's fault that he's an emo-repressed cry-baby. It's 4Kids and the original writers of the series that made him that way 4Kids just came and made it worse!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-07-20 12:05:58 +0000 UTC]

Maybe you did and something just happened when DevArt did an upgrade or something? I guess it's not really a big deal, though.

As for Chris as Ironman.... well, when you put it that way I guess it does kind of fit; even more so if you think of it in the terms of the couple brief glimpses we see of Chris as an adult. You're absolutely right about what 4Kid$ (dollar sign intended) did to him, though. I have downloaded/watched a handful of my favorite episodes in Japanese with subtitles and he's almost tolerable in the original and does seem to outgrow his "doushey-ness" when he's older. It's kind of like what they did with Winx Club, you should see the Italian (real) version. It's actually more like a real magical girl anime because you can actually take the characters more seriously on top of the fact that the music blows ours out of the water. (I'm officially obsessed with the Italian Enchantix transformation song) I also found out there is a whole season that never made it here (for whatever reason) with a new girl named Roxy.

And Danny, well, that just made me laugh because I didn't even think of that but I could totally see them doing that just because he is black

But I also hope you realize that I'd never resort to beating you with a spoon, a 2x4 or a bat.... I'd use an arsenal of extremely feminine, pink wands!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-07-21 03:15:59 +0000 UTC]

Feminine.pink.wands...Okay now that is a disturbing thought!

Anyway, I'm glad to see that you're posting up art again, I guess that means I gotta get off my lazy ass and finish up Chapter 4. I swear I'll be glad once that monkey's off my back (no referance to Monkey Khan).

But on another note I was talking with another friend of mine here on DA about a month ago (I just left her another message last night about the topic). Well I guess she had read Kragock's Word and she told me how much it made her laugh her ass off. (Which I thought was good because that was my intention for the reader). So I told her that I had planned on doing another Sonic/ICP spin-off (kinda like how I mentioned that a few years back but never did because I wasn't motivated) But instead of just doing one I thought why not make it a compilation (like if it was an album) for this years Halloween. It wouldn't be all on one page or anything they would be on separate postings, considereing various songs will be "performed" by varrious horror-core "recording artists, such as

The Chaotic Clown Posse (parody of The Insane Clown Posse)- Ray and Mighty.

Dimintid (parody of Twiztid)-Vector and Espio

Backwoodz (parody of Boondox)- Banjo (because I figured since he was in that racing game with Sonic that makes him afilliated...and because sometimes I just have too much time on my hands.)

Nock+Turnus (Parody of Dark Lotus)- Ray, Mighty, Vector, Espio, Knux (ya dead homie) and Charmy (stage name:S.B.K.- Somebody Killa)

As well as special appearances featuring the Babylon Kings (parody of the Kottonmouth Kings)and many more!

I'm thinking of calling this little departure into insanity Hellawicked '10 (in tribute to ICP's Hallowicked compilations)

But this does not in any way mean that I'm quitting Cold Justice, I just thought it something fun to do for this October.

Anyway let me know what you think of the line-up.


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-07-21 12:32:46 +0000 UTC]

Ugh, Monkey Kahn... you should have heard the shriek I would have let out had I not been in public the last time I took a peek at an ARCHIE comic and noticed that he was supposedly with Sally. Good thing I flipped through it, though, because in the end it looked like it was all a trick to get some information out of him and Sally is now actually (finally) back together with Sonic as she should be.

As for my recent explosion of art, it's felt great to be able to draw again! I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm on the verge of reaching a new "plateau" in my "skill level" again. It's just a little too bad that it's pretty much all been just simple headshots, but the point has been to (a) get something down and (b) try drawing some other characters I like but haven't drawn before.

And your parodies... well, they sound fun but I can't really say much because I don't really follow "popular" music, I'm just sort of able to appreciate any and all music. (With the exception of most rap/hip-hop... just a little too derogatory for me and more curseing then I care for..)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-02 23:33:41 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I can deffinatley see an improvement in your style. And sorry for dropping off again I've just been in the middle of finally getting my car fixed after these past couple of months.

As for my halloween project, well I guess the same principals could apply to that of Kraggock's word. If you feel that it might not be your thing then you can stray away if you want I won't mind. Though there will be a few songs that I think might catch your intrest (i.e. a certain red female fox that gets taken down a peg or too) And I will try to tone it down as much as I can though I can't garentee much, because I want them to be true to the songs as much as possible.

And I will agree that while I support SonxSal I will say that I find it fair for characters to branch out to find other love intrests, I also found it kinda've odd
for Sally and Ken (as that's his real name) to be paired up with. I mean, it just seemed like it was kinda've rushed into ya know?
....Wait if Monkey Khan is Ken then where the heck is Ryu (okay that was a lame Street Fighter refference)


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-03 12:22:10 +0000 UTC]

Well, thanks for the kind words even if it's all been really simply head-shots, it's felt good to be able to draw on a regular basis and it doesn't seem like this little art rush will be stopping soon. I hope your car repairs are going well, though. With that kind of thing it always seems like once it starts it's just one small thing after another.

It's not that I don't think I would like it, it's just that I don't know a whole lot about the bands because I don't really follow what's popular in music. I just sort of have an apreciation for alomost all music. I'm certianly willing to give it a chance.

And the reason Sally and Kahn may have seemed rushed is because, like I said, it was all just sort of to get him to spill some sort of information anyway. And I also try to be open about pairings/relationships, especially if it's cannon and not just some lame recolored fan-character that's just an attempt at sticking it's creator into the story because they "love" a certian character, (I mean, come on, in the beginning who would have seen Vegita and Bulma coming? ) but still... there IS a line...Usagi and Seiya (from Sailor Moon) is another place where I feel the line must be drawn, but that's a whole seperate story.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-13 00:06:27 +0000 UTC]

Hey Sailor sorry for the disapearing act. My router decided to crap itself earlier so we had to bypass it straight to the cable modem, which of course is connected to my other computer...that my brother is almost on...every day. That and work has just been sapping me dry these past couple weeks. but I got myself a new router now so there won't be anymore connetcion problems.

Anyway . I can't say that I follow any popular trends in music either (though I guess I can say that my tastes in music generally range from rock to metal to grunge to industrial and so forth) But about my halloween project, as you may have figured out that most of the songs in the compilation are horror based (that's what halloween is all about right) I think eac song is going to follow some kind of trend pertaining to halloween in general, everything from trick or treating to the slasher thriller movies that they show on tv (with comedic undertones of course, think something along the lines of Scary Movie). But don't worry I'll give you a head's up if I feel that if one of them is a little too upalling for you . But some I might highly recommend your input because I'll be putting a lot of heart into this project. I'm thinking maybe a song per week or maybe two? I dunno I just need something to help me get out of this writer's rut that I'm in. I think alot of has to do with fear it's self, like I'll be sitting down ready to type and then I just freeze up. It's like I get worried that I might screw up on a character or something. I dunno. I can't seem to think right now 'cause I'm so tired. Sorry if I ended up on a rant.


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-15 20:25:40 +0000 UTC]

Aah, that sucks. But I'm glad you've gotten it all sorted out for now. And even if it is a little draining, you should be glad that you're working I get to start an hour earlier next week which isn't exactly the second shift I was hoping for, but it's a start.

As for your project, it sounds like a lot of fun and I can tell that you want to (and are going to ) put heart in it when the time comes. I look forward to seeing what you come up with, but it's kind of funny you would come up with such an idea because I actually had a small idea for an "SU Halloween Concert" drawing myself. Maybe we'll end up giving each other that extra little push needed to do the work? (Though, I intend to do mine a little close TO the actual day.) But a song a week sounds fairly realistic considering I've been able to do one quick drawing every day, but the important thing is that you have fun with it, so if it turns out you can't promise me you won't beat yourself up about it.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-15 23:52:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I figure I'd try to do a song from each "artist" though a few of them will be from the Chaotic Clownz themselves
Anyway,I just uploaded a song just now, I know this is probabbly kinda sudden, but let me know what you think?


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-16 12:25:15 +0000 UTC]

For some reason, I don't seem to be seeing it You'd have thought that I'd get a message saying you submitted something new... is it the Snively one? Or is that older?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-16 22:57:54 +0000 UTC]

It's the Snively one. I think you might like the role that everyone plays in it, though it wiil seem somewhat random, I did it more for a laugh than anything else.

Kraggoc's Word is the other one I told you about and told you to "read at your own risk" though I think I tried to tone that one down as best I could, you could still read that one too if you want.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-17 12:29:34 +0000 UTC]

Well, I can't say I espcially care for some of the language and violence, but I do say it's somewhat aproprate in that Snively is getting what's coming to him.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-17 23:54:13 +0000 UTC]

Yeah my mom didn't particularly care for it much either. I hope you weren't TOO offended by it, I was kinda hoping you'd get a kick to see Snively get his come uppin's.

But language barrier aside, when you mentioned the violence, I guess I shoulda've been more descriptive about it. You see when I was writing this I was thinking in the terrms of the Tex Avery (Tom and Jerry) and Jhon Richeck (Ren & Stimpy) cartoons. You know where the character gets clocked upside the head and the next thing you see is a long pointy lump sticking out of his noggin while they see stars spinning around their heads.

Though you gotta admit that you could only imagine the look on Antoine's face when he pulled out that bat. (I was thinking back to that one episode from Satam where he's getting "tortured" by the escargo.)

Antoine: Zis iz ze best Christmas evar!!

Rotor: But Antoine, it's August... Christmas isn't for another four months.

Antoine: Don't ruin eet for me! I am, how you say? In ze moment of the living.

Rotor: You mean living in the moment?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-18 12:08:45 +0000 UTC]

Ok, I understand now. But then, by today's standards the old classic cartoons were pretty violent anyway, I guess especially when it's writen out like that, which is why you're pretty hard pressed to find a good 'ol Looy Tunes/ Merry Molodies or the like ANYWHERE.

I could have sworn Tom and Jerry was Hannah Barberra, though; Not Tex Avery... Tex Avery was Droopy and that wolf he would always annoy the crap out of and Red-hot Riding Hood and such. Or did they end up working together on some? I've caught some Tom and Jerry early morning on Sundays on Cartoon Network when I have to be on the Stationary bike, but I can' quite remember all of the credits...

Gotta love the "margarine" bit from SatAM, though

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-20 02:56:21 +0000 UTC]

Droopy! Man, I always get those cartoons mixed up. (probably due to the similar animation style) And you were right T&J was Hannah Barberra. Still you gotta love the classics.

But, overall what did you think of my little introduction of Snively Kintobar? I figured that just about everyone in the Sonicverse had a bone to pick with the little turd, not to mention an arm, a leg and an organ.

I don't know if I mentioned this before but I had a lot of fun writting that segmant. Especailly Elias, for some reason when I was writing him in I was thinking of the movie American Pshycho and well the rest of it just kinda've kicke off from there.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-20 11:59:18 +0000 UTC]

Well, I think it was all still MGM back then so it doesn't suprise me that the animation style would look similar. But yes, you can't deny the classics. Too bad the new generation will never really know.

But a funny thing- I heard some company picked up a handfull of episodes of some modern take on Looney Tunes that features Bugs and Daffy as "odd-couple" roommates in some Cul-de-zac and some of the other characters as their neighbors. (Looney Tunes meets Ed, Edd 'n Eddy?) I guess I'd be willing to give it a chance, it's bound to be better then that "Lunatics Unleashed" thing they tried but probably still nothing like the original.

As for Snively, like I Said, the idea of him getting his just desserts works, but I wouldn't say that every Sonic fan has a bone to pick with him. He actually happens to have a very loyal fan-base from what I've seen.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-20 19:12:44 +0000 UTC]

So is that like a new series that's coming out then? Yeah that would be kinda interesting. And you also make a good statement on Lunatics Unleashed too. It's a shame really when I first heard of that show I had such high hopes for it 'til I watched a few episodes. I mean, I understand that it's a kids cartoon and all, but I thought that not only were the episode plots were lacking story structure, but the character's "powers" didn't quite seem to match up either. It was like they had originally had those powers reserved for other characters, but instead just decided to use it as excess in hopes of making the characters they already had "cooler".

But for the Snively thing, I wasn't trying to dis his fans (and I know that's not what you're saying either.) I just thought it would be funny if most of the Sonic cast all got together gave him his just deserts. DEATH BY SWIRRLY!

Maybe I'm just overzealous

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-21 01:02:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but I don't know how it's going to work now that 4Shame has assimilated poor WB. (I weep for the DBZ fans now that DBZ Kai is on there. Still don't see how it'll work when they won't allow a blow to the face....) but I totally agree about Lunatics. I was actually kind of excited at the unique prospect of seeing Bugs and the like portrayed as having super powers, even more so since they were including Lola (or "Lexi"), but then it just kind of turned into a half-baked attempt at giving them an "extreme" makeover, like you said.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-21 19:24:52 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure it'll probably end up being on Cartoon Network...I hope.
I don't think that 4$hame would go as far as tampering with DBZ Kai, seeing as the same series is on Nicktoons. But I find it kinda've funny I've seen the entire original DBZ series in it's entirety and from what I've seen from DBZ Kai...it's just pretty much the same thing. I guess they decided if they put the Kai at the end no one would noticed. I'm not saying that DBZ is a bad series, far from it. I just fail to see the point in adding something to the name in hopes to get people to watch it. Though I guess it makes sense if you have a younger audience whose never heard of or seen it before.

Speaking of cartoons (i'm watching Invader Zim right now) I guess there coming out with a new series on Nictoons featuring the Skechers superheroes I think there calling it Z...something. I don't know, as corny and cheesball as it sounds I'd probably scope it out just to see what it's like. The animation looks good (kinda like that of Wolverine and the X-men).
But that Looney Tunes cartoon sounds cool too.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-22 12:52:52 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, yeah. I didn't even think of that considering that Lunatics was on WB, but you're right. Cartoon Network could certianly work considering they showed that "Bah! Humduck!" movie wihout batting an eyelash... Let's hope for that.

As for DBZ Kai, the difference is actually that it IS the original, but they've just compressed the story a bit by dropping some fillers and such. I think they may have touched up the animation in a few places and are now usuing some of the true Japanese names for the attacks and such (Didn't quite catch what he said, but Krillin's "Destruct-o Disk" was different) but consider it a re-release for the aniversary.

I've seen the ads for the Sketchers thing you're talking about. I can't imagine it becoming a whole series from the looks of it, but I kind of agree that I might just have to take a peek out of morbin curiosity.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-24 22:51:19 +0000 UTC]

Sorry I wasn't around the past couple days I was caught up in the middle of some good ol' fashioned retro gameing. On top of that I was able to go see the two movies I was really looking foward to. First I went by myself to go see Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (which I thought was epicly awesome. Due to the fact that it made so many refereances to so many old school 8-bit classics. I felt like I was reliving my childhood all over again.)

Then the next day me, my brother and a buddy of ours all went to see the Expendables. Which I also thought was awesome because it made so many respectatble nods to so many action flicks from the '80's and '90's. So yeah, I thought that movie was awesome as well!

And I swear your gonna call me an uber-geek for saying this, but as I left the theatre I saw one of those large card-board cutouts adertising the movie and as I saw it I got to thinking in my brain...again (scarry I know). Anyway, as I saw the cardboard poster cut out..thing I was imagining about some of gaming's greatest icons and puting them in that same get up... a group of world class mercenaries. So basically I thought of Mario, Sonic, Jak, Fox, Sly, (from the Sly Cooper games) Crash, Knuckles, Ratchet (from Ratchet and Clank) and Link. I know it all seems kinda random...but after seeing Scott Pilgrim and then seeing the Expendables the next day just seemed to just merge into my mind, that or it could be a sign that I need to seek professional help haha

I'm such a geek! But you know what? I'm proud to admit it!


πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-25 12:12:12 +0000 UTC]

I recognise Sly and Ratchet but when you say "Jack" you are reffering to Jack and Daxter, correct?

But no, I don't think you're an uber-geek because I am just as bad. An idea that just crossed my mind the other day was "Mamuro Chiba (Tuxedo Mask) vs. The World" I just need to figure out who all the 'seven evil boyfriends' would be for Usagi (Sailor Moon). Definately Seiya and Daimond... Fiore could work...maybe Melvin... I gotta get my hands on some subtitled sets of the series and refrech my memory.

I'm jelous you got to see the movie, though! Me and my boyfriend still gotta see that one of these days. I just don't know when because out State Fair is now and you can't go there without dropping a pretty good wad of cash (especially when you consider there is an Anime booth in the merchandise mart.)

It's also kind of funny that you would mention Link, though because I tried my hand at drawing him the other day but no matter what I just could not get the eyes right. They either came out looking too angry/evil or too feminine so eventually I just gave up and it turned into Zelda

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-25 22:35:56 +0000 UTC]

NO WAY!! I was just imagining Tails as Scott Pilgrim a few days ago! Though I'd totally like to see your variation of the League of Evil Exes. Were you planing on doing like a poster art tribute were you have all the characters together? Or were you planning on doing a pic reperesenting each evil ex?

And yeah, I was refering to Jack from Jack and Daxter, but when you mentioned Link's eyes, I'd like to see how you draw Link. Because when you really get down to it, there is no real right or wrong way to get his expression right. Because if you get a good look at his face, he doesn't seem like a real happy go-lucky guy to begin with, also combine that with the variant alter ego "Dark Link" it only makes sense that if you drew his eyes he would look ticked off about something. You also mentioned that he seemed a bit too femiinine, well another thing you also gotta consider is that he is Hyrulian after all so it would only be natrual if his facial structure seemed a bit feminine. But from the sounds of it, it seems like if refrenced his eyes and his mouth it should...probably... help with making him look a little bit more... "manly". Though like I said before HE IS Hyrulian so you only have so much to work with in the first place... unless you drew him with a Chuck Norris beard on his face, but that would genraly defeat the purpose. So I hoped that helped without sounding too pushy.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-26 12:15:49 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I was thinking just one big poster to represent the whole thing. and I actually just remembered another guy I could use for one of the evil Exes, there was a blond guy Usagi was friends with and kind of liked before she and Mamuro were really together and he worked at the arcade. I beleive they called him "Andrew" in the dub, but I'll have to look up his real name. So that's 5 down and two to go...

And I know there is no real "right" or "wrong" when it comes to drawing character but you still don't want a male character looking like a girl or overly 'cutesy' (especially when they are supposed to be a "Hero of Legend") if they aren't meant to. I suppose I could take another crack at it some time but I still have some other characters I want to try first and maybe even some good 'ol Disney stuff. I was thinking of trying to draw Winnie the Pooh in case I ever needed to make a card for my mom by hand (she loves Pooh )

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-26 22:45:19 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I was just thinking about that all day today at work since you brought it up yesterday. I do remember watching a few episodes when it was on toonami way back in the day. Both Darian and Serena both seemed to spend quite a bit of time at the local arcade. (In which case would make even more sense for a spin-off, seeing as the movie was heavily inspired by video games )

Were you also going to include the band mates as well? Because if my meomory serves me right I think one of the sailor scouts (I think it was Mars) was dating a guitar player. In the movie (not trying to spoil anything here, but I think they showed some of them in the trailers) Scott was the bass player and you'd have his other buddies: Stills: vocals and rythim and Kim the drummer as well as their back-up bass player (when Scott would be away) young Neil. But originally it was a three person band, Sex Bomb-omb (kinda like those little bomb guys from the Mario games) was the name of that band.

So in this case you'd have Darian on bass, Mars's boyfreind on vocals and rythim guitar and one of the other female characters on drums. (Sorry, it's just this idea of yours just sounds way too cool NOT to geek out over).
I even downloaded the game for my PS3. Anyway have you considered using some of the male villians as some of the evil exes? Or did you mention a couple already in their original text? Because if I can remmber I think there was one guy with white hair who I think would be a shoe in for the third evil ex: Todd the Vegan Pshychic (he had mental powers... sorry. I'm still tyring my best not to spoil the movie for you. )
But yeah I can't wait to see what you come up with! As for your Link problem, like I said before just take your time with it, I mean nobody gets it right on the first couple of tries anyway, but I think that's pretty cool that you'd make a card for your mom with her favorite animated character on it. It kinda makes me jealous... 'cause you know... I can't draw all that well.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2010-08-27 12:53:04 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yeah! Chad (Rei/Mars' boyfriend) was part of a band! Or I know he at least wanted to be. I had forgotten about him because i was focusing more on Usagi and Mamuro.

I wasn't really thinking of including this band, though, because I didn't even know they existed until you brought it up but now that you mention it, I do remember seeing something in one of the trailers. But Chad would work there, which would make Mars the other female (since she actually did sing a little in the series, although Minako/Venus wanted to be an idol)

But yes, I did have a few villans as the evil exes, Fiore was (kind of) the villan from the R Movie and Daimond is the guy with the white hair you were referring to, and this Todd sounds like a perfect match because he DID have mental powers. I actually was trying to think of some of the other villans, but then, none of the other ones I can think of were really romantically interested in Usagi... unless you count Fish Eye (who they turned into a girl for the dub...if you see the SuperS season, you'd know why..) though it would be a bit of a stretch.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2010-08-27 18:50:06 +0000 UTC]

Well if you need any help on learning about the original exes feel free to ask. It might help you figure out who to use next.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Chaotic-7 [2008-04-07 00:56:38 +0000 UTC]

I'm just excited about what you'll think of what I got down so far. Anyways glad to have you back. At first I wasn't sure if I wasn't going to have it uploaded seeing as I kinda ran into the same snag as with the first chapter, but I endured.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-08 01:01:24 +0000 UTC]

Heh, thanks. I had fun, but it's kind of nice to be back in my own bed.

Anyway, I tried reading your preview but have hit a small problem.... For some reason, when I "displayed it anyway" the little menu poped up where you can add the deviation to your favorites and stuff and I can't get it to close and it's blocking part of the text.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-08 02:55:32 +0000 UTC]

Huh. Well that's weird. I don't know what to tell ya except that I' sorry to hear that. I was having a bit of snag when I was updating it but I managed to get it uplaoded eventuallly. But yeah My best guess is that the site had a glitch seeing as it had been doing some maintenance a couple days ago. I'd just keep trying at it because someone else had read it and had no problems waht so ever. Not trying to sound like I'm accusin' you or anything just saying that if you keep trying at it something's bound to happen. Anyways, HTHFYS^_^.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-09 01:15:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I'm not giving up just yet, I just thought you'd like to know why I didn't get a chance to read it yet. If all else fails I should be able to select the text behind the box and just copy and paste it into word, but I don't want to try that JUST yet.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-09 03:29:51 +0000 UTC]

That's good to hear. I don't want you to feel like you're missing out. Anyways I noticed it that you put it in your favorites. Needless to say I'm utterly flatterd. So does that mean you were able to read it or is it just anther glitch? Anyways HTHFYS.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-10 00:08:51 +0000 UTC]

Uh... sorry, that was a mistake, I was clicking around in the box to see if I could get it to close and I clickedin the field that the Favorite button was in. Not that I'm not enjoying your series, it's just why fave the preview when the whole thing is coming and should be even better, you know?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-10 00:19:45 +0000 UTC]

Ah too true, but what I really meant to ask was were you able to read it finally?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-11 01:12:40 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I finally got to read it last night. I ended up having to copy and paste it into Word (like I didn't want to) to see the covered text because that window still won't close. Maybe it's because you have the mature filter on that it won't close and my screen resolution is what is causing it to be in the way?

In any case, you definitely were more... graphic with this chapter. Not that it's too much of a shock; I knew you were eventually going to be seeing as you’re going for a more mature feel. You could have taken it just a little easier on the cursing, but then, I guess that's just how people tend to talk in those kind of situations.... I remember you were also concerned about fillers, and let me just say, I didn't really see any problem.

Anyway, what you have down so far is good; Mike has definitely earned some respect for going out of his way to help out that girl. It's kind of funny, though, this chapter kind of reminds me of an episode of... have you ever seen "Courage the Cowardly Dog"? It's reminds me of the episode "The Mask".

Quick question, though: Do you role play at all? If you don’t you certainly could with the way you write. I ask because I’m just itching for a good Sonic-based (Or Sailor Moon for that matter, but I wouldn’t ask you to do that.) role play, none of my friends I used to Role Play with are on any more…

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-11 21:32:42 +0000 UTC]

Seen it? Heck I'm watching Courage right now^_^. Anyways sorry for the late post (I know you don't mind, but it's just my nature to applogize) and I'm glad that Wolfwood's starting to rub you the right way. As for the Mask episode I think that's one of my favorite eppisodes^^. As far as role playing goes, I've heard of it I think they call it a MUCK or somethin' to that effect. I'd like to try it one of these days, but I just don't think I'd have the time to do it this time around seeing as I'm starting to work over-time (that's 6 days a week mon.-sat.) that and Cold Justice is already starting to take off (sort of ^^). Anyway I'm sorry if I disapointed you, I just don't want you to think that I'm simply blowin' you off with the whole RP thing. Though sometimes I like to dress up like the Punisher once in a while and walk around public hahahah ^^. Anyways HTHFYS. Also once again great job on the coloring of that last pic.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-12 00:26:29 +0000 UTC]

Haha! The Mask is one of my favorites, too, but number one would still have to either be the one with "Freaky Fred" (the guy who was naughty), "Little Muriel" or the one with the haunted mattress that was a parody of "The Exorcist". I'm glad it's still on occasionally, though, I'd kill to see some of the other "original" Cartoon Cartoons again like Dexter and Powerpuff Girls.

As far as Role Playing goes, don't worry about it. I just thought I'd ask because, like I said, I'm just in the mood and I think you would be a really good Sonic, regardless if you wanted to be anyone else. If you don't think you have the time, then that's ok since it does take some time/energy like a fic if you're serious about it and not just doing simple one-line script-format replies, which I would hope we wouldn't because the people that do role play like that are usually the kind of people with poorly thought out fan-characters, if you catch my drift. Anyway, maybe we still can sometime we're both a little freer.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-12 01:34:11 +0000 UTC]

One can onl hope hehe.^^ Anyways I'm gonna try to finish up the rest of the seccond chapter sometime this week. That's assuming that I have the energy after work. Lately I've just been flat out burnt since the preveiw. Who knew writng took up so much energy. Anyways I'm gonna take a breather this Sunday. As I said before I've been workin' 6 days a week since last week, oh well money's always nice^^.HTHFYS

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-12 22:26:17 +0000 UTC]

Glad to hear it, can't wait to see how the rest of the chapter turns out. ^^ And like I said, don't feel bad if you don't get around to finishing the second chapter this week, you've at least gotten the preview up and that'll tide people over for a while and it's perfectly understandable if you take a while seeing as you've been working as much as you have. It's also good that you're working because, like you said, money is always good (especially now with things being the way they are.)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-13 01:06:59 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I'm deffinatly going to be taking it easy tomorrow. Anyways I know this is COMPLETLY off topic, but I just felt like bringing it up. Anyway I was watching an episode of Metalcolypse on demand and then my warped noodle got to thinking (I know scary right^^) and I just realized that some of the characters of the sereis reminded me of certain anime characters. I don't know if you've ever seen the show but if you like metal music (like me) it's deffinatly worth checking out. As for the characters here it goes Naraku from Inuyasha as Nathan Explosion the lead singer and front man for the group DEATHKLOK. Deidara from Naruto shipuuden as Skwisgar Sgwigelf, the lead guitartist and the worlds most fastest guitar player.Koga from Inuyasha as Toki Wartooth the back up guitarist and the worlds seccond most fastest guitarist. Zatarobi from Bleach as Pickles the drummer and that one evil blacksmith guy from Inuyasha as William Murderface murderface murderface as well as Maes Hughes from FMA as their lawer who also appears quite often in the eppisodes. I know I'm a freekin' geek you can laugh if you want it's okay. I think it's what I was intending for anyway.^__^HTHFYS.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-13 22:31:18 +0000 UTC]

Hmm... I've heard of Metalcolypse, but have never really sat down and watched a whole episode, mostly because I go to bed at 10 anyway (and wake up at 5:10 because my freaking bus has to come at 6:10 and I need time in the morning to both get ready physically and mentaly for the day) so I'm asleep by the time it's usually on, so I can't really relate. And to be perfectly honest, from the bit and pieces I've seen it doesn't really seem like my kind of thing... sorry.

Glad to hear you decided to take it easy today, though, it sounds like you could use a bit of a break from how much you've been working.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-13 23:20:39 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, my back's still kinda killin' me from yesterday. Right after work I had to go to my mom's hose to get a couch, bring it to my apartment, lunk it up a flight of stairs with my brother, FIGHT LIKE HELL JUST TO GET THE DAMN THING INSIDE, and then we had tosted subs for dinner.^^ As for Metalcolypse it's no big deal I just tought I'd bring that up for humerous reasons, but yeah it's not for everybody. Anyways I'm probably going to try to pick up where I left off on chapter 2 tomorrow, maybe if I try hard enough I'll have the rest finished by the end of the day.HTHFYS.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-15 00:24:40 +0000 UTC]

Well, I'm sorry to hear about your back, I know that's never fun. But I'm glad to hear you're going to try to get some work done with your series. No pressure in getting it done, but I hope you're at least able to make some progress.

I've actually been working on a handful of fics myself lately. I think I've mentioned a few of them before, but I decided to start a couple more, just so I don't forget about them. I probably won't ever get around to uploading them here, though. I get the feeling I have a tenancy to ramble on pretty badly in an attempt to make my writing not look 'childish'.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-15 00:34:49 +0000 UTC]

Hey no prob. As for my back, I'll live it's not like I threw it out or anything it just tends to feel a little stiff every now and then. Anyways I'm glad you still havent lost your creative touch. Anyways I do't want to sound like I'm rubbing it in or anything, but my other "watcher just sent me a note after he read the preview stating that "it was wicked". I don't know but after hearing that kinda made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside........Okay I'm gonna shut up now.^^HTHFYS.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-16 00:49:20 +0000 UTC]

Still, I just can't help but cringe everytime someone is having back problems because it's such a touchy yet vital area. It might also have to do with the fact that back problems seem to run in my family a little. (Or, my dad and grandpa at least.) But I'll be quite about it, I guess, if you're sure it's fine.

Anyway, you should feel good when you recieve a nice mote/comment like that. ^^ You deserve it with all the time and effort you're putting into this series. And you weren't rubbing it in at all, so no worries there.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-16 04:14:17 +0000 UTC]

Cool. I just don't wanna let it go all to my head and let myself become some kind of self pompous jackass. Because without his or her fans to support the writer or artist for that matter, then there is no real purpose in creating art (meaning lit.,art,ect.) Anyways I'm sorry to say that I wasn't able to make any progress yesterday or today like I had planned. I'm not quitting though it's just that it's kinda hard to write when you have an older sibbling who likes to hide the computer and send you out on errands that he can do himself, but wont only because he's too lazy and chicken$h!t to ever leave the house (don't ask me why I think it stems from an early childhood trauma or somethin'.Anyway enough about him. You don't have to worry about my back either, it might get a little stiff from waking up in the morning but I'm a lot tougher than that to keep me at bay. I've broken my foot, been mauld by a dog, burnt, stabbed and jabbed, electicuted....oh and had my appendix rupture during sugery. Not trying to make myself sound invinceble or tying to impress you or anything like that I'm just giving off the list by comaparison. Wow I guess I've rambled on long enough. HTHFYS.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-17 01:03:27 +0000 UTC]

Oh, no, you haven't "let it go to your head" at all. Truth be told, I haven't really met anyone around here who has and honestly, I think it's just kind of in most 'real' artists nature to be at least somewhat humble. We are our own worst critics, after all. It's kind of funny, I had a friend who I'd role play with and we'd almost 'fight' over how much better the other was. (Meaning she'd say I was good, but I'd counter that she was better for such and such reasons.)

Sorry to hear that you wern't ab;e to make any progress, though. But as I've said before, don't worry too much about since you were at least able to get the preview up.

As for your back, I don't think it's a matter of being 'though', if this is unprovoked but still annual in any kind of way you might seriously want to consider having it looked at. I guess in this case it was since you were doing heavy lifting the day before, but you made it sound like it just happens on it's own sometimes which is not good.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Chaotic-7 In reply to Pink-Lady03 [2008-04-17 03:31:21 +0000 UTC]

Well I have had my back "pop" out on me once before, but it was just a minor sprain but it did creep me out a little. But what I really meant to say was that my back pains are more of the equiulivent of like when you wake up in the mornin' and it just feels like your whole bodys' stiff. I just don't want to make you worry is all, if I feel like i'm about to split in two then I'll get myself checked out. Who knows mabey I'll get a new BRAIN outta the deal hahahah kidding. But yeah I wouldn't worry too much about it. Anyways I'll be having a 3 day weekend coming up (I'm taking monday off) so hopefully HOPEFULLY I'll have the rest of the chapter up by then.HTHFYS

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Pink-Lady03 In reply to Chaotic-7 [2008-04-18 00:40:53 +0000 UTC]

Alright, I won't worry about it then. I guess I probably shouldn't have anyway since you'd didn't really mention that it was all that bad but like I said, I just can't help but worry a little when it comes to people's backs because if you happen to royally screw something up in your back it's often long, hard and painful to treat, if it even CAN be treated.

Glad to hear you're going to take another stab at making some progress in your series over the weekend. I wish I could take a three-day weekend; I sure could use one... I've been stuffing, sealing and labeling envelopes all day yesterday and today at work... not especially strenuous, but when you've got 1,900 to do you can see how it can get a bit tedious... not to mention the fact that my hands are simply RAW from rubbing again so many envelopes.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

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