Just a small pic, given the idea that Inner Agent 3's on the workshop....
... oh come on everyone's going to do a them vs agent 3 pic so no don't expect that from me, especially when it's not relevant to my story.
This is shortly after Arie escaped though.
When Arie escaped, her news eventually, slowly broke through the underground, messages she'd left to warn future generations of Octolings about the evils surrounding Octavio and the rest of them, hoping, eventually, someone would see it and listen.
Many Octolings didn't believe her when she was in the underground though, she feared she was alone until she unknowingly managed to convince Rezzie, which started a chain reaction over time, which only got exacerbated by the Squid Sisters's Calamari Inkantation when Arie and some of the others watched Agent 3 defeat Octavio because of it.
The song had spread and Violette, beforehand, was a loyal soldier. She didn't think twice about what Arie said before, she dismissed her like all the other Octolings. But over time, after she left, Vio began to see the signs that Octavio, and her fellow superiors, were nothing more than big fat liars, that there was no paradise to be found while living in the dark.
Vio began to believe her, or at least, her messages, and hence she travelled to Octavio's stocks, finding out the truth there, days before she would also leave for the surface.
Hence here she is. The few days after this would be her preparing to leave.
Yes this is relevant to my story and will be in the appropriate folder.
This would've taken place during whatever correlates to May 2016. As it's a few days before she escaped during that month.