piratequeenbon — Journey Through the Darkwoods Chapter 2
Published: 2014-02-11 17:26:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 124; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description 2: Show me the Answers

Time was moving in some sort of fashion, for when I awoke, it was darker outside, and cold. I shivered, and saw that Juniper was awake and opening the tent flap.
“Oh good, you’re awake, I was just going to smack you to get you up but now you saved me the trouble.” she grinned at me, baring sharp teeth; I sat up quickly head reeling, and followed her out. Gasping, I did a double take on the area around me. Trees that were black and gnarled stood everywhere. Rot was over taking this land with fungus and mushrooms growing on the stalks of the twisted hallow trees. The earth was hard and rocky with decaying leaves covering most of it. Shadows played along the foliage; as though creatures of unknown origins watched and waited for an opportunity to attack. No sun light shown in the sky, it was over cast with a thick miasma of decay in the air making me sneeze.
“Where are we?” my voice was a quiver, as I stared at the demented place.
“Oh this is the Darkwoods, I’m going to get you started on you’re little…test. Now I need you to sit down, yea like that.” I sat down, cross legged with reluctance, as Juniper sat in front of me. She placed her hands against my head. They radiated heat through me; she was mumbling something in the strange language she had used earlier. A golden light seeped through her fingers and glistened across my skin, my eyes widened as things took on a new light. Everything had a pulsating color, mostly dark in this place, but I could see it, a thin fuzzy line around everything!
“Oh my…wow…” I whispered as I looked around, Juniper smiled again, and stood up swiftly.
“Now, we need to test this, point at that tree there, summon the energy around you and destroy It.” obeying her, I stared at the tree than wondered how I could make it work with just pointing at it. Slowly something inside of me tugged at the energy around it, it exploded in a huge thing of sparks. It made the darkness hide away, but as soon as it diminished it crept back over us. The energy went back in to whatever hiding place it had taken inside of me, and laid there. From the tightness now burning in my chest, my guess was on there.
“Good…okay good luck!” Juniper said and started to saunter off, my mind raced, she was leaving me? Jumping up I grabbed hold of her, she glared at me.
“I thought I told you this was your test…oh wait…did I not explain the rules?” I shook my head, hoping she would continue. “You get three days…to get out of here, use your new skills and whatever knowledge you have…and good luck!” before I could scream at her for more direction on this ‘test’ she was gone. I fell forward, and sat upon my knees, despair slowly washed over me. Sniffing back tears my mind reeled around. I was stuck how could I get out of a place like this. There was no map or key like in books or movies, no champion to lead me out. A sob escaped me, biting my lip I held them back. No, no more feeling sad for myself and hoping someone would save me. I stood up, and clenched my fists tightly.
“I can do this….” I whispered, something near me shifted in the woods, my instincts took over and I ran. Demons, she had said, demons live in this place, how on Earth was I supposed to fight creatures like that! My legs took me far, at least I thought I was far, but soon I realized I was still in a place that looked like a rotten forest. How am I going to get out? I thought to myself, as I sat down by one of the demented trees. Breathing heavily I watched the wilderness around me, nothing was out there, not that I could see anyway. Leaning my head on my knees, I sighed. Trying to gather my thoughts, melancholy was soon playing with my mind once more.
“Just great…I liked my quite little life…but no….” I chocked out a hoarse laugh, but soon my mind was awake again, as something crashed through the brush near me. Sitting up, I stared, as an overly large black wolf walked out of the trees. It paused and stared back at me. No wolf on Earth had ever been that big, not even an American Timber wolf, which I had only seen in pictures. The wolf tilted its head at me, but then continued on, as though it didn’t pay much attention too me. Leaning back against the tree, which groaned and protested too my weight. I let out a slow breath as my heart raced, the creature wasn’t interested in me…but it didn’t look like a demon. Could demons take any shape they chose? So many questions were unanswered. Rubbing my temples and trying to concentrate I almost wanted to curse to the heavens for how little information I had, but what would cause attention to myself. Couldn’t Juniper have given me better details on this place?
“Maybe a book?” I thought out loud.
“Who needs a book?” a voice echoed, it was definitely a male voice, with a thick accent on it; it sounded like my own actually, but with a very different dialect. Such a dialect I had never heard before actually and my job I had been around most of Great Britain. Leaning farther back on the tree, I squinted in to the dark foliage around me. Could this voice me a friend, no, Juniper had said bad things lived here. How could something nice live here?
“Who’s there!?” I shouted, the voice laughed, I quickly stood up, and concentrated on the strange power that Juniper had shown me. My chest started to tighten once more before the voice started to speak once more.
“Hey now chica, I am not gonna hurt ya. I’ll come out slowly, okay?” the voice told me, he then appeared, he was taller then I and well built, he wore dark clothing with a frayed black jacket over it. Rumpled sneakers were adorned on his feet as well. His hair was shaggy and dark blonde, whilst his eyes were bright and green, one of them held a scar above his eyebrow, but his eyes held knowledge and fire that I had never seen before. He smiled almost a mocking smile. But there was something else about them; he was searching the area around me as he also looked at me. Darting back and forth, as though he were wild…but the idea of this wildness left when he opened his mouth again.
“Hey, you’re A LOT better lookin’ then the last girl who came through here.” his smile got bigger as the look of disgust grew upon my face. Just great, I find another human in this horrible world and he’s a letch!
“That’s not very nice, and if you’re not a nice person, then I’ll just get out of here myself.” I quickly turned and walked away, there were no clear paths in this forest, so I just choose a direction away from the strange man. How dare he make comments like that about some random female he had seen before me. What had he meant another girl before me anyway?
“Hey, don’t be angry! I don’t get many visitors who are mostly human. I’m sorry I swear it!” he called, as he ran up and caught hold of my arm. Quickly I turned around and hit my knee forward, striking him between the legs. That is what happens when you live alone, you get good reflects and don’t think about what might happen. He quickly doubled over and let out many curses which turned in to a growl. For a split second I wanted to step back from him, he sounded like an animal. Chocking back that noise, he shook his head and looked up at me. “Okay…I deserved that...ouch, wow girl you’re pretty strong for such a little thing.” he said, as he got back up. I glared at him, he seemed like he had meant the apology earlier, but I still didn’t know if I could trust this odd fellow with my life in a place like this.
“Stop calling me girl…or chica! I have a name, its Keara.” I said, crossing my arms in front of me. He smiled, and stretched up a little bit, showing me that physically, he was much bigger then me. Which isn’t hard to do, I was small, only around five three on a good day.
“Nice too know, I’m Fang, if you would like the help, I can get you out of here, and in your little three day limit.” his smile broadened, as amazement danced over my features. This random man, whom called himself Fang, could help me get out of here? He knew of the three day limit. Maybe he could also help me actually get home and away from this cursed place!
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