Pledgling — Paisley Tears, Chapt 3

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Description I awoke from my nightmare, gasping. My throat was hoarse as I tried to breathe, and fumbled around for a glass of water, but there was none. I rolled out of my bunk, panting and I crawled into a fetal position, shaking like a leaf. It was my dream, where my parents refused to drink water, knowing they'd die of dehydration just to get me safely to District 13. I felt tears roll down my face as I tried to banish the thought from my head.

But not before my father whispered, "Don't be afraid," with his last breath.

I shuddered and got up, got dressed, and got my schedule. At least I could look forward to breakfast this morning.

I walked numbly to the kitchen, allowing my arm to be scanned for the code before dry oatmeal was dispensed for my special weight and height and schedule. I walked over to my regular table to find someone already sitting at it. Gale.

I turned away and walked to an empty table, somewhat slamming my tray onto the table and I ate my oatmeal hungrily. I sincerely wished I had more than just a small bowl. As I ate, I stole a glance at Gale, who was turned around and talking to Katniss. Maybe he was going to try to make amends and I just threw that out of the window... Whatever it was, I walked away from it. And I was pretty glad I did.

I dispensed of any waste and hastily left the lunchroom. Last thing I needed was to be reported because Gale asked to be kicked where the-sun-don't-shine again. I made my way to my first class of the day, which was painstakingly boring. Then the rest of the day was a blur until lunch.

It was some kind of stew again with beets for the side. I avoided my table again, not even bothering to check if Gale was there or not.

"Paisley, you hit Gale?" Finnick. He was quickly messing with his rope. I sat there, mesmerized by his speedy fingers before I realized he was talking to me.

"Hm? Oh, yes. I thought that was the whole point of hand-to-hand combat." I ate a spoonful of the non-flavorful soup.

Finnick shook his head. "That's not what I meant."

"He wouldn't give up, Finnick. What was a girl to do? I bet you Katniss thought about it during the Games."

He frowned deeply, particularly at Games. "He hates you."

"Good. Maybe that will mobilize him to be better next time, huh?" I was trying to eat, but the conversation was really keeping me from it.

"I suggest apologizing."

I looked up at Finnick with a skeptical look. "If he really wanted me to say sorry, he'd come over here instead of sending a messenger." I cocked my head. "Why do you care? Gale thinks I'm dust; nothing to be worried about. Why would the Great Finnick Odair care?" His jaw visibly clenched and he walked away.

He was trying to be nice, I thought to myself. I sighed as I walked to the large room for Reflections. I sat by myself—shocker—by the edge of the crowd as the large television displayed a message from the Capitol.

There was Peeta, looking disheveled and ultimately confused. I frowned; the Capitol was a menace. An insect that needed to be squashed. There was a few words before the screen flickered and one of the rebels propo came on. There was a cheer. Beetee got through. If wasn't soon, however, before there was a battle of who was on screen.

And then came Peeta's warning: "Katniss... who do you think this will end? What will be left? No one is safe. Not in the Capitol. Not in the districts. And you... in Thirteen... Dead by morning!"

My eyes widened at the events next. Beetee continued to fight, but there was still moments the Capitol broke through. Then the camera fell.

Peeta's cry.

The blood splattering.

The room went beserk.

Peeta. The possible destruction of Thirteen. I glanced around; no one was looking. I slipped off and ran into my room, hastily packing before the sirens blared. I could have sworn my ears were bleeding, but I continued to pack. I grabbed the anatomy book my parents got for me years ago. I packed the herbs, and finally, a pen hidden in my drawer.

I ran out into the hallway to see, Gale and Prim racing down the hall. I let out a call and Gale turned around, his eyes flickering with annoyance as they continued to run. I ran after them, holding my pack close to me. Everyone had disappeared; the siren only brought me disorientation and I didn't know where to go. Surely, Gale and Prim did. I ran with them until I saw them running to Katniss' room. I frowned deeply, but continued to follow. Gale was furiously stuffing things into a pack. A jacket, a bow, a book… Prim wrapped her arms around a very ugly looking cat.

"We've got to get out," I said.

Gale pretended not to notice my existence. "Prim?" I looked down at the little girl who looked up at me with twinkling eyes.


"We've got to get down to the bunker." She pulled the cat closer.

"I know… But I couldn't leave Buttercup all alone!"

The cat was purring by now, its tail the only thing indicating his annoyance for the loud sirens. Then Gale straightened up, and darted for the door. Prim and I followed.

"I'm Paisley," I panted as we ran for the nearest elevator. Gale pressed a button, but I couldn't tell what.

"You already know my name," Prim said a bit cheerfully. She was unnaturally calm in this situation—I was shivering.

"Yes, you're Katniss' little sister. She bravely took your place in the Games. It was very nice of her."

I could feel Gale's eyes glancing at me. "She had to," he muttered. "Her family means everything to her."

The elevator continued to go down in silence. Before long, though, I couldn't help but lean against the wall. Were we going to make it? I doubted it. But then I looked at Gale. "Is this a drill?"

"No." He spoke briskly, as if he were uncomfortable even opening his mouth around me. I pursed my lips.

"We're in danger."


"Oh, Buttercup, we'll make it!" Prim exclaimed.

Eventually, the elevator opened and we poured out, running for the bunkers. That's when we saw the metal doors and Katniss was screaming.

"We're coming!" Prim shouted.

"Hold the door!" Gale yelled.

"Open the doors!" I shrieked.

Katniss pulled her way through doors that were closing and motioned for us to hurry in. The doors stopped, with barely enough room for us to fit. Prim went first, still holding Buttercup. Then Gale with his pack. And then me. I panted as Katniss came back and grabbed Prim, quickly chatting to check if she was okay. As the guards glanced at her, the doors closed. For good this time.

I let out a huff and looked at the rooms. It seemed that they were set up according to your regular compartment. However, I'm not even close to where their compartments are. I'm completely lost, of where to go, before I see Finnick.

"What are you doing here?"

I smiled weakly, knowing I probably looked sweaty and pale. "I had to get some things. Met up with Gale in the hall. Prim wanted Buttercup. I didn't know where to go." I tried my best to keep the sentences short, since I was pretty out of breath, my heart still racing after what just happened and I shivered.

Finnick shook his head. "Come on, then." I looked up at him as he opened his door and I nodded in thanks before I entered it.

The room was incredibly simple. It consisted of a bunk and a floor, with minor storage space. A paper hung on the wall with the instructions. "Finnick—"

"I'm heading into the line for the packs," he said. I glanced at him and sighed before I sat down on a cot. I was trembling, looking like a little girl who was about to pee her pants. The adrenaline was still pumping through my veins as hard as my heart was pumping in my chest.

After a few minutes, I calmed down and Finnick came back, tossing me a backpack. I took it and opened it to find a flashlight, two sets of the nasty clothing Thirteen's Soldiers wear, a toothbrush, a comb, bedding, and a thin mattress. Finnick had the exact same.

"I'll take top." I said as I pushed the mattress to the top and crawled into it, wrapping the bedding around myself and curled up.


Finnick was interrupted by the sirens stopping—I almost forgot they were on—and Coin's announcements. "Thank you all for an exemplary evacuation. Please remember this is not a drill, since Peeta Mellark, the District 12 victor, has possibly made a televised reference to an attack on 13 tonight."

And that's when the first bomb hit.
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