poijn23 — Chapter 3: first contact
#adventure #aventura #demon #fantasy #fiction #magic #romance #another_dimension
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Lalo told the strange girl in front of him.

- You really do not know anything, eh.

Alice whispered to herself.

- Did you say something?

Lalo asked him.

-No, I did not say anything.

Alicia told her a little nervous to the disconcerted Lalo.

-HE-em, Well, on the subject of my clothes, it's the work clothes of my kind.

- Work clothes? Your kind? What do you mean, you're a girl?

- yeessss ..?

-I mean, you're a human, no matter how strange or provocative you look.

The clothes Alice wore consisted of what looked like the top of a bikini with the bottom covering half the torso, as if it were a sports bra, and a skirt that reached only halfway up the thigh.

-Well, as I told you, it is the dress that my species occupies when it comes to the land, you see I am a demon of dreams.

-Sure and I'm the queen of the forest fairies.

-You do not believe me, right.

-What made you think? It was my sarcasm, or my confused dog face.

-Sarcasm helped a lot, but, I tell you the truth, I'm a dream demon, is not my word enough?

-Not at all, because the demons do not exist, so you would not mind telling me the truth.

-Ummm, oh, I know, maybe with this believe me.

At that moment Alicia unfolded her wings and tail, which she kept hidden.

-WOOOH, nice trick, with what fabric you made them, they look so real.


Alicia said, a little enraged by how Lalo reacted to his wings

-I admit that not everyone carries wings and tails, but that does not rule out that you could manufacture them using cloth and springs.


-You do not need to pout, you will not convince me, let me touch them, otherwise I will not believe you.

-Ehh, but ..., but ..., touch the wings of a dream demon, They are somewhat sensitive.


-Okay, just the outside and make it quick.

Alicia walked shakily towards Lalo who was lying on her bed, once near her bed, she extended her left wing until the point was within reach of Lalo.

Lalo, seeing Alicia's nervous gesture, lifted her right hand and moved it slowly toward Alicia's wing, did not want to make her feel uncomfortable, treated her as if trying to pet a puppy that is shaking from fear in a corner , And ridiculous as the comparison turns out, could not be more accurate.

-WOOOW, I was wrong, they are not made of cloth it's leather, and it's surprisingly soft to the touch, it looks like they take care of it daily with creams.

As Lalo slowly and gently moved his hand through Alice's wing, she turned quickly to the opposite side where Lalo looked, so she would not see that it was beginning to blush, after all, to stroke the wings and tail of a dream demon Is equivalent to stroking behind the ear and neck respectively.

"Hurry up, you're killing me"

Alicia thought as she struggled not to contract her wing.

-I'm not going to deny that they are well-made wings, but not by wearing leather means that they are rea ...


Shout Lalo, surprising Alicia.

-What ... what ... what was that? Are you okay? Why did you scream?

-ehhhh, ..., a, ..., a ...., e, ..., a, ..., I, is that, I felt a heartbeat under your wing leather.

Lalo said as he continued in shock and tried to regain his composure.

- Well my wings and tail are like another extremity of my body, as is my arm or my leg, if I cut it would start to bleed, so, it is normal that you can feel my heart beating through it.


Lalo said in an exalted tone, almost shouting, and almost instantaneously after Alicia finished speaking.

-Of course it is not normal, your "wings" are not supposed to bleed, they are false!

-It is so difficult to accept that I am a dream demon and my wings are real.

-But if you really are a dream demon, that means there are other demons.

-OF COURSE, my best friends are an undead and a vampire. Do not they have stories about us?"

- Yes, but they are that, STORIES, nothing more than that, stories, legends, myths, in other words, NOT IMAGINARY CREATURES!

-But I'm talking to you and you feel my heartbeat in my wing, do you still think I do not exist?"

-Well, it is true that denying your existence has become somewhat impossible, but not necessarily must exist, all this including you may be a simple dream, I just got sick and the medicine could easily have knocked me out without me noticing , The only strange thing is that I dream about you.

-So now I'm a dream.

-You went from not existing to that I considered you a dream, also makes it simpler for me to accept this strange and nothing normal scenario.

-As you like, for me it's fine, still, you're taking it better than I expected, you just screamed when you felt my heart, but otherwise, your attitude has not changed much, To say nothing.

-I was the one who asked you to touch your wing, I knew that, although it was supposed to be impossible, I could not ignore the possibility that you would tell me the truth, so it would not make sense that I went crazy or it affected me so much to discover that You told me the truth


Alicia could not help but sigh.

She was disappointed by Lalo's reaction to the revelation that she was a demon, she was no doubt expecting a great reaction, she had even prepared herself in case she reacted violently or you saw her calm him down because he panicked.

-I'm sorry for disappointing you.

Lalo said as he looked directly at Alicia and made a face of surprise and disappointment, since Lalo thought that the sigh that Alicia had let go was one of disappointment.

-AH, NO, I, well ...

-To a more important point, why are you in my room ?, Are you coming to make a contract with me ?.

-WHAT! , NOOOO !, of course not !.

Alice was very nervous and embarrassed.



- THAT MAKES YOU SO GRACEFUL !.Your reaction, I never thought a succubus would be embarrassed to talk about making a contract with a human, is very revealing.


-Do not get me wrong, I mean, it's interesting that regardless of whether you're a succubus, you can be conservative, it hurts you to talk openly about having sex.

-Of course, my species has nothing to do with who I am.

-I imagined it, but I hope you understand that I only have the legends and rumors that circulate around my world to know about your species and in all of them they always treat the succubi like demons that invade the dreams of the people to steal their vital force through Of sex, or agreeing on a contract, which is basically the same thing.Then if you do not come to make a contract or the other, to which you owe the honor of your visit.

-I came personally to thank you for me and my family.

-And what am I thankful for?

-For saving my younger brother.

-Your little brother?


- You mean the child who saves from drowning not long ago, is he your brother?

-Yes and yes.

-But I'm sure that was in the afternoon.

-Was it afternoon here?

-What I want to refer to is that it WAS WHEN I WAS AWAKE.

-You still thought you were in a dream.

-YESSS, as I might have thought you were real, but you know what that means to me, YOU JUST FINDED ME THAT THERE ARE DEMONS.

-So strange to you? And in fact all the mythological creatures that tell their legends, exist, from the small gnomes, until the monstrous abyssal dragons.

-What, but ... then ..., ahhh, anyway, you know forget it, and you just came to thank me?

-No, i'm come to reward you, too.

-Reward me? What are you going to give me?

-I wish, I will grant you anything that is within my magical abilities and you should not underestimate them, I am one of the best wizards of my kingdom, I can even make the most complex of transmutations, convert a common metal into gold or simple sand In diamond.

-Anything I ask, really.

Lalo said as he stared at Alicia.


Alicia cried out completely blushing, crossing her arms to cover herself.


-I know that, but the first thing you thought about was besides that, the beautiful reaction of shame and blushing, I did not expect it at all.


-But I did not insinuate anything, your only thinking about it.


Alicia said, still flushed.



-Nothing, eh?, I do not want anything.

-Are you SURE ?, I can give you more wealth than generations could spend, or create a potion to love that special person, do not really have a desire that you want to satisfy ?.

- No, not really, as is my current life I am happy, also you have just revealed the answer to one of the great mysteries of the world, I just can not think what else to ask.

"Are you serious? Do not you really want anything? What a strange human"

Alicia thought as she saw Lalo and in his eyes it was denoted that he did not believe her.

"I guess this is goodbye."

Lalo told Alicia, as calm as when they began their conversation.

-No, I refuse to leave until I give you a wish, I can not allow a member of my family to be saved and the savior is not given an adequate reward, would not be worthy as a successor.

-In what century are we? In the fifteenth century, do not save your brother to get something in return, you do not need to give me a reward.

-Leave that attitude to another, I can not believe you have no desire, everyone without exception has something to be desired.

-Well, in my case, no, I do not really have anything I want, and you, what is it?

-W-What are you talking about?

-You said that everyone has a desire, I ask you what is yours.

-Because you think I have one, I'm the one who offers to meet one of you, I am the one who offers you to fulfill one of your own, why do you think that I have not already fulfilled mine?

-For the same reason you do not believe me when I say I do not want anything.

-Well, no matter what I want, as I said I will not leave until you ask for your desire


-You are very foolish, if you want to pay me so much, that's fine, I'll ask for something.

-Well, that's what you want.

-I wish, that you fulfill one of your desires.


Alicia desperately tried not to blush and stay calm, after all she did not expect him to ask for that kind of wish.

- Since it means so much for you to fulfill one of my desires, I did not want to waste it, I thought that you could occupy it better than I, and since you did not dictate the terms of the desire, because I'll give it to you, you are free to give you what you want.

-And I see, t-thank you.

"You must be joking, what is he? To give me such a reward, one that many would kill, is it really possible that he does not want anything, certainly a very rare human."

Alicia thought as she tried to hide so Lalo did not see that she was completely blushing, from her earlier comment.

-I guess now it's really goodbye ...



-Are you okay?

-Yeah, yeah, it's just a cold, it's normal, assuming you swim in a cold river recently.

-As I said, thank you very much for saving my brother.

Alicia said completely distressed

-JAJA, I did not say it that way, I'll be fine for the day after tomorrow.

-Are you sure? You do not want me to cure your cold.

-Yes, I'll be fine, I appreciate your offer, but you paid me, you do not have to.

-If you say so, I suppose I'll go back to the underworld, it was a pleasure to meet you.

-Hey, wait.


-The underworld, is it hell ?, or is it like another world apart?

-It's another world apart, hell is where we all go when we die, while the underworld is where demons like me live, it's like our earth.

-I get it.

-Something else?

-YES, Feel free to visit me whenever you want, but the next time you come I make you a bunch of questions that I hope you answer, after all you showed me that demons exist.

-You mean it? Would not you mind if I visited you from time to time?

- if not the opposite, I would like you to visit me.

-Well, I may take you to the floor, but I will also ask you questions about your world, but, until then, good night.


Just after parting, Alice opened the portal back to the underworld, but instead of appearing in the portal of the kingdom of the dream demons, appeared in the portal room of the kingdom of the undead.

Alicia ran away, went straight to a particular room, with all her might pushed the door and screamed.




-I'm fine Julia, nothing has happened.


Julia screamed as she ran to hug her best friend, who had returned from her first trip to the human world.

-Sorry, it was not my intention.

Alice said as she hugged Julia.

After a few seconds, they both went to sit down, Julia went to sit on her bed, while Alice took the chair that was in front of the dressing table in Julia's room.

-And, how was it, is that really what your brother said?

-Do not...

-I already imagined it, do not feel bad Alicia, remember we can not trust humans.

Julia said when she interrupted Alicia.

-I do not mean that, I mean, it was not like my brother said, but it was ... better.

-What did you say at the end?

- which was better than what my brother told me.

-Alicia, if you do not speak louder, I will not understand what you say to me.


-Please Alice, tell me, what happened to you?

-I told you, nothing happened to me.


-i-is that ....

-You do not trust me to tell me.

-What I said was that ..., hmm ..., mmm ... it was ... it was ..., better than-expected.


-What do you mean, Alice?

Julia asked, completely bewildered.

-Well that was better than I expected, not only was my brother described to me, it was very nice to talk to him.

Alicia was saying as she tried to avoid seeing Julia directly, because she was sorry to say such things.


Julia shouted, it was obvious she was desperate to know what he meant.

-Well then, although it was the first time I spoke to him, as I might say, I felt as if I were talking to a childhood friend, I felt comfortable talking to him.

-What, you're joking, and if it was a trap, to capture you or worse to kill you.

-I do not think he could do anything like that.

-How can you say that, you barely knew him, no, you do not even know him, you only talked to him for a little while, how you can trust him so quickly.

-I did not feel any hostility from him, to be honest, I did not feel anything about him,, Not even a little lust towards me, I only felt a little when she first saw me, but the lust I felt was because she thought I was a pretty girl, nothing more, as succubus I feel a little sad and offended.

At this, Julia had no choice but to calm down, and prepare herself for what Alicia could tell her.

[Sniiiiiiiif ...., ufff]

-So he really did not know that the demons existed? And if so, how he reacted when he saw that you were a demon of the dream.

-It was also a disappointment, although I did not know the existence of the demons, when I told him what it was, he was only surprised, I did not believe, it was so for a while, until finally he accepted what I said and nothing else Accepted as if it were nothing.

-It would certainly be a strange reaction, you might consider him a rare human.

-But that's not all ...


-I-I offered to fulfill a wish ...


-He did not ask me for anything of that

Alicia shouted at Julia, completely blushing.


-Why did he ask me the reason for my visit and make it clear that it was not to make any contract.

-That's why you thought I was not going to ask you for that, you're naive.

-I'm not naive, I did not know, I did it without thinking.

-Like many of the things you've done, and then you complain about your brother saying he's reckless.

-Well, I ask you to give it to him.



-Yes, nothing, but as I insisted at the end he ended up asking me for something.

-Then why do you say I do not ask you for anything?

-Because what I wanted was not for him, but for me.

-What did you ask for?

-He did not ask for anything, he gave me his wish.

-Undoubtedly, it's the weirdest human I've ever heard.

-It could be said that you were lucky that he was the one who saved your brother, it was certainly a good experience for you, even if you do not see him again.

-W- Well, to say that I will not see it again is perhaps an exaggerated pooooooco.

-You say it as if you think to return ...



-Yeeeeeees, he gave me his wish, so I wanted to occupy him to return, and to be able to talk to him longer, I have a lot of questions I want to ask him.

- BUT YOU SAY, or if you want to know if he answered your questions, no, you do not even know if he accepted that you visit again, he may be a very strange human but not for that, he agreed to live with a demon of the dream as if It was nothing.


-EMMM ..

-What is it, Alice? Do you really think you can go with him and live with him? You must be joking.

-In fact...


-I-Is that when I was saying goodbye to him he told me that I could visit him whenever I wanted ...


-YOU ARE BEING TO BE HAPPY, and because you have to hurry so fast, you just go.

-Remember that my parents will not be there for the next month, it's my only chance to go to earth, I'm sure they would not let me go once they come back, and by the time they leave me alone the human may have died.

-And you want me to help you, right? That's why you came running to my room.

-Please, Julia, help me, you promised me just a few hours ago.




-Okay, Alicia, I'll help you, but it's tomorrow, rest here today.


Alicia shouted, tears in her eyes.

-Of course, after all a promise is a promise.

Julia said with a smile from ear to ear.

-Though I never thought I'd have to meet her so soon.


Alicia shouted as she ran to hug Julia.


-Okay, okay, you do not need to hug me so much, come on.


-For dinner, I was preparing for dinner when you arrived, I do not think my parents will bother you to appear out of nowhere and without warning.


Alice said excitedly.

-Yes, now come, my mother is angry if I'm late to eat with her.



"Even if you say that, you obviously die for eating ..."

-Wait, Alicia, first let's look for the maid, to prepare the guest room, so it will be ready by the time we finish eating.

-Ok, you're the boss.

Returning to the point where Alice left Lalo's room.

"That just happened, was it magic?"

Lalo began to think.

"So all the myths or at least the creatures they talk about exist, does that mean that myths about powers and abilities like magic or artifacts like the holy grail or excalibur are also real ?.To what extent the real is mixed with the imagination of the people who told the stories.No, that's not what's important, what's important, is that so much of what is real, since if the demons of the dream exist, all that is of them is real ?, combat tactics, magic, everything What has been in my mind for several years thanks to that book that I read, will they be real ?, Even the note that I found later? ".


"Ahhhh, there are so many questions that come to mind, I feel overwhelmed."

Lalo inhaled deeply, in an attempt to calm the chaos of ideas that tormented his mind.

"Focus, now the most important thing is to know if I can do magic, but as ..., oh ya know, if I can really do magic, I should be able to conjure the book that time, let's see what the spell was like ..."

Lalo continued to think as he struggled to remember that spell.


The next morning.


"It's already day, I see I fall asleep by the medicine, that means that everything of last night was a dream"

[Snif, snif, snif]

"What is that smell ?, smells rich"


"It looks like someone is cooking something"

"Wait I live alone, and I'm not supposed to be sick with the flu, how can I smell this rich aroma?"

Lalo ran straight into the living room, and when I looked at the kitchen I could not believe my eyes.


Alicia said with a big smile to the confused and perplexed Lalo.

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