MLP Belongs to Hasburo
By: Trickate
Redesign of Pastel Twilight
Name: Pastel Twilight
nicknames: Past, Twi, Pastel Edgelord
Species: Alicorn (ascended Unicorn)
Age: 27
Gender: Cis (AFAB)
Sexuality: Bi
Parents: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Capitan Rainbow Dash
Siblings: Princess Bookworm (Younger Sister), Prinx Supernova (Younger sibling)
Adoptive Siblings: Princess Emberosia Magnificent Lavaflow/ Princes Magma Lavaflow (Younger Sister- By like a few minuets)
Special Talent: Writing, Magic
Occupation: Author, Element of Harmony
Element: Loyalty
Notes: -Is sometimes mistaken for the element of friendship due to her cutie mark
-is introverted, but not overly soft spoken
- Is a nerd, and self proclaimed egghead
-Despite her looks, and soft demeanor Pastel wrights horror and erotica; though not at the same time
-Understands that her parents are buisy a lot, but still wishes she could spend more time with them
-During an argument with Rainbow she preformed a rainboom just to prove that she could, bur rarely ever dose them unless letting out stress and frustration
-The strongest flyer out of the bunch despite having wings for the least mount of time
-Hair constantly shifts and rolls through the colors
-Was born with her heterocrimia
-Would never abandon her freinds
-Ends up dating Twinkle Twirl
-Is a little wireded out by the alternate versions of some of the ponies they know, but mostly gets used to it with time