pottedcacti — Cricketpaw app

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>>>   G E N E R A L  


name > Cricketpaw
     prefix meaning > Theme of the litter, Bugs
     suffix meaning > Apprentice
  previous names > xxx
nicknames > Cricket

clan > Cloudclan
    previous clan > xxx
rank > Appretentice
    previous ranks > Kit
mentor > Cliffrise
apprentices >
    current > xxx
    previous > xxx

age > 0 moons
gender > Female
pronouns > She/Her
sex > Female
sexuality > Heterosexual, Demiromantic

   >>>   P H Y S I C A L
basic description 
> Black and white spotted molly with aqua eyes

build > Lanky and awkward
fur description > Short and spikey
breeds > moggy

height > 15 cm (fully grown)
weight > 6.8 lbs (fully grown)
voice > attach a link to the voicecanon
 > Berries and grasses

scars > xxx
accessories > xxx
banned traits > xxx

   >>>   P E R S O N A L I T Y

+ Caring

Cricketpaw loves her family and clanmates, genuinely caring for their wellbeing. She means well in everything she does.

+ Genuine

Everything about Cricketpaw is fully her. She doesn't pretend to be someone else or hide her emotions. She's unapologetically her.

+ Loyal

Cricket is very loyal to her family and clan. She couldn't imagine betraying anyone for any reason. Bonds mean everything to her.

/ Private

Cricket can keep a secret. If someone confides information with her, she's not one to gossip or tell anyone's buisness.

/ Questioning

Cricketpaw rarely ever takes things at face value, always questioning the reasoning behind things. She has a difficult time accepting simple answers either, often needed to dig around to get to the root of the answer.

/ Oblivious

Cricketpaw doesn't really understand what's going on most of the time. She just kinda nods her head if she's not paying attention or interested.

- Messy

Whether talking about her being or behavior, Cricketpaw is very messy. She tends to do things in very sporadic and chaotic bursts, resulting in a large mess she leaves behind in her wake.

- Vulnerable

Cricketpaw gets easily hurt by others' words, often taking things others say personally. Cricketpaw is also a very easy crier, and will usually run to Bug if her feelings get hurt.

- Reactionary

Cricketpaw feels emotions wholeheartedly and reacts quickly to things. She doesn't think before reacting and just lets her emotions out.

likes >
    > xxx
    > xxx
    > xxx
    > xxx
    > xxx

    > xxx
    > xxx
    > xxx
    > xxx
    > xxx

   >>>   F A M I L Y
parents >
    >> Bugcatcher > Tiny black cat with big orange eyes
    >> Grassfur > Donor > Grey bicolor tabby tom with green eyes

siblings >
    >> Beetlepaw > Tiny black molly with a flash of white on her chest and green eyes
    >> Millipedepaw > Small solid black molly with green eyes
    >> Spiderpaw > Small grey tuxedo tom with yellow eyes
    >> Cicadapaw > Small grey high white tuxedo molly with yellow eyes

mate >
    >> name > short description

kits >
    >> name > short description

extended >
>> Nightcaller > Grandmother >Black cat with yellow eyes
>> Berrybunch > Grandfather > Grey and white speckled cat with yellow eyes

   >>>   R O M A N T I C
mate > xxx
    previous mates > xxx 
    romantic interests > romantic encounters / crushes / etc
    looking for > fling / long term / etc

likes in a potential mate >
    > Fun loving
    > Playful
    > Affectionate

dislikes in a potential mate >
    > Pushover
    > Mean to her

interested in kits > yes
preferred family size > big

   >>>   S K I L L S

abilities >
   [ 4 / 10 ] || agility
   [ 5 / 10 ] || stealth
   [ 6 / 10 ] || speed
   [ 4 / 10 ] || strength
   [ 3 / 10 ] || endurance
   [ 3 / 10 ] || climbing
   [ 3 / 10 ] || swimming

senses >
   [ 5 / 10 ] || sight
   [ 5 / 10 ] || hearing
   [ 5 / 10 ] || smell
   [ 5 / 10 ] || taste
   [ 5 / 10 ] || touch

knowledge >
   [ 2 / 10 ] || den building
   [ 4 / 10 ] || battle tactics
   [ 3 / 10 ] || hunting tactics
   [ x / 10 ] || kitting
   [ x / 10 ] || herbal 
   [ x / 10 ] || niche*
   [ 7 / 10 ] || sign fluency

   >>>   H I S T O R Y

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    Born in a large litter of kittens in Cloudclan, Cricketkit opened her eyes to see her parent Bugcatcher alongside her five other siblings. Times were uncertain with the conflict, but Cricketkit was unaware to the danger right outside of camp, at least temporarily.

    As quick as she was opening her eyes, Cloudclan camp was attacked and everyone scattered. Cricketkit ended up split up from her mother, ending up with Jaychirp and Creekhowl in Marshclan immediately following the attack. She tried to be brave, but she was terrified her mother or other siblings were missing or dead. Creekhowl comforted her, keeping close with the kit and not leaving her side. It was comforting.

    Things got cold, apparently leaf-bare had started. Cricketkit didn't care to play in the snow or really even leave the den, not until Bugcatcher, Beetle, Cicada, and Spiderkit were all found in the tunnels and brought to Marshclan. Cricketkit was worried though. Where was Millipedekit? Where had her siblings ended up if not with Bugcatcher? Cicadakit and Bugcatcher needed to stay in the Herblalist den, Cricketkit praying everyday for their recovery.

    Luckily things were okay and the two recovered fully. Things were easier, but with Millipedekit still missing Cricketkit couldn't rest easy and she could tell Bugcatcher was just as worried. Every patrol that came from the entrance had Bugcatcher standing in hopes her little kit would come home to them. It was disappointment after disappointment though.

    Cricketkit didn't care about anything happening outside of the nursery, curling close to her parent, refusing to leave Bugcatcher's side.

    It was a bright day when there were calls from outside the nursery, Cricketkit flinching, expecting an attack, only to see a famliar little black pelt. Millipedekit! She rushed her sister alongside all her other siblings and parent. Millipede was finally home!!

    She heard about the clans fighting to get Cloudclan's territory back, but she stayed nestled close to Bugcatcher, terrified that she would hear the Empire's war cries and they would storm Marshclan's camp. The attack was a success she heard, and Jaychirp was picked as Cloudclan's deputy. Cricketkit was happy, Jaychirp helped her flee Cloudclan's camp. She'd made a good deputy and leader.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
    Cricketkit stood beside her siblings before Cheetahstar to gain their mentors and be deemed apprentices. Cricketpaw was given Cliffrise as her mentor. A pretty molly with a big patient smile. Cricketpaw was excited to be an apprentice, even though things had been so scary for her life so far.

    Cats were getting sick a lot, some passing away. It was almost as scary as the Empire attacking. Cats would get sick and die within the next few days.

    When Creekhowl turned up sick, Cricketpaw was distressed. He couldn't die! He was the brave one who led Cricketkit and the others to Cloudclan right after the Empire attack! Cricketpaw begged Starclan to spare Creekhowl, wanting the tom to be healthy again so he could keep being the brave caretaker Cloudclan needed.

    Same as the others though, Creekhowl passed away only a pawful of days after going to the Herbalist den. Cricketpaw was heartbroken and so was Bugcatcher. Her mother seemed torn that the Caretaker had passed on. Mousestep and Hickorydove returned to Cloudclan, Mousestep having been Creekhowl's long lost brother and Hickorydove having went missing during the attack to get Cloudclan's territory back. Cricketpaw didn't even notice Hickorydove had gone missing. Mousestep seemed unwilling to accept that his brother died mere days before his return to Cloudclan, demanding to see him. It only further shattered Cricketpaw's heart.

    She hoped Creekhowl was in the best hunting grounds ever, because a lot of cats were missing him and would be looking forward to seeing him again.

    A rogue came to Cloudclan seeking aid for their kits. It sparked outrage with older cats who claimed Prophet was actually a cat named Laurelsprout who used to be Hailclan's Herbalist before getting exiled for doing something terrible! Cricketpaw was scared, how could Cheetahstar let someone like that into Cloudclan! Who knows what Prophet had done to get exiled. What if they killed someone- what if they killed kits!?

    Cricketpaw kept far away from the Nursery, a place once comfortable ruined by the presence of the unknown cat. What was she supposed to do with that cat in camp? Camp was supposed to be safe now that the Empire was kicked out, but Cheetahstar immediately ruined it by inviting some ex-hailclan cat who probably did something awful.

    Bugcatcher announced they were expecting kits again, and Cricketpaw was excited! At least until she realized her parent would be in the same den as Prophet. What if Prophet poisoned the kits or hurt Bugcatcher? Cricketpaw wanted to be execited to be a big sister, and she was. But camp didn't feel safe anymore, not as long as Prophet was here.

warriorhood [ 12 - present moons ] >

   >>>   T R I V I A
> Trivia fact (optional)
> Trivia fact (optional)
> Trivia fact (optional)
> Trivia fact (optional)

   >>>   L I N K S
roleplay tracker > link
heart chart > link
family tree > link

Written Application @/vicstars
Application Art @/me
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