Press-button-to-RP — Dashlaugh

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ꕥ Warrior of Windclan ꕥ
»  [ last updated : 05/22/23]
update log :

 »    [ name ] : Dashlaugh

prefix reasoning : Named after his father's late apprentice, Dashflame
suffix reasoning  : for his friendly and personable personality
 nicknames : N/a
previous names : Dashkit / Dashpaw

 »    [ gender and age ] : Cismale, 14 moons


biological sex : DMAB
gender  : Cismale
birthdate : 10/31/2022
age in moons : 14 moons

»    [ physical information ] :

build : Sleek and broad shouldered with lean but strong legs
simple appearance description  :  A silky, if not messy, furred black torbico with a majorly white head and throat and long white fringe over his eyes and back of his neck
accessories : n/a
limited traits: n/a

»    [ sexuality and romance ] :
sexuality : pansexual, polyamorous 
currently interested in  : no-one
mate : nope
likes : n/a
dislikes : n/a

      »    [ training and abilities ] : 

mentor(s) : n/a
apprentice(s)  : n/a


» Personality Traits


(+) Optimistic

(+) light-hearted

(+) Loyal

Like the sun that rises merrily with the stead-fast promise to always be near, this boy is a bundle of joy and light! Rarely, if *ever* will you see this child with a frown on his face- no sir! No one brings the cheer more readily than this windclanner! No matter what, Dashpaw always seems to find the bright side in everything, and just as quick as he does he eagerly awaits to share his findings with those around him! He's simply not the type to be happy alone, and will work his hardest to make sure you have a smile on your face as bright as his! Raised and nurtured in love, the little guy simply doesn't have a single bad bone in his body - in fact, he brims with so much adoration for life and the creatures in it that there isn't a single person out there he isn't determined to befriend! Being light-hearted, there is almost nothing that can upset him. Like his father, he is airy and warm, simply here to spread joy and admire the roses! But don't get him wrong, though he's more carefree than a bumble bee, if something involves his family, friends or clan, there is nothing this lad won't do to protect every single one of them! He's loyal to the max, refusing to leave a single soul behind in whatever path that may be! From being prepared at any moment to rush into a fire to save someone or eagerly bounding forth with a bouquet of dandelions to cheer up a sniffling clanmate, Dashpaw vows to never leave a single person uncared for in his presence!

(/) sensitive

(/) Nerdy

(/) Stubborn

Nothing is manlier than a tough guy who weeps openly at the ending to a rom-com - are you surprised that fits Dashpaw to a T? To say this kid wears his heart on his sleeve is an understatement! Thanks to being raised by two of the sweetest cats Windclan can offer, Dashpaw isn't afraid to show his emotions - he simply doesn't understand a need to! He'll cry openly and laugh raucously, unafraid of what others may think of him! While it can lead him to be easily manipulated, Dashpaw's open heart is one of his strongest qualities, even if his sensitive soul can also be at risk of shattering for how little barriers he puts up to protect it. The boy's empathy is admirable, but even Dashpaw can overwork himself trying to make others happy, occasionally forgetting to take care of himself in the process. But luckily for Dash, it's not too hard to raise his spirits when he's such an obvious and proud nerd for stars, puns and stealth tactics! That's about all the boy can ever think about! In the daytime he every intricate way he can camouflage himself to best surprise his prey! At night, he'll babble on and on about this star and that star, and how they move across the sky as subtly as clouds if you just take the time to look! Oh GOSH and there's no time frame for the best opportunity for a pun - even if you long to tell him none. There is *no* time. He simply will not listen. While it's nice that he has these things to keep him happy, a problem often arises when he can't quite bring himself to think about anything *besides* puns, stars and stealth tactics. It can be difficult to have a conversation with the kid and he's quite stubborn about the things he likes, doing his best to turn every conversation into said subjects. Luckily he does make up for his one-track mind by being the sweetheart that he is.

(-) Gullible

(-) Passionate

(-) Reckless

When Starclan wove together the stardust to make this little guy, they made sure he was filled to the brim with heart and soul! But they *may* have left him a bit shy of a sharpened wit. Granted, every day the boy proves that a big heart trumps all, but there's no denying the trouble he can often find himself in due to his habits of focusing on the wrong things, at the wrong times, for a lot of the wrong reasons. If you told him 'Gullible' was written in the clouds, Dashpaw would probably be stuck staring for hours, determined to find it even after the joke's been explained - perhaps that's more a nod to his overly trusting heart as he rarely considers maliciousness in most, if not all, cats he meets. It doesn't help that he'll take everything at nothing short of face value. Subtly is Dashpaw's mortal enemy- he doesn't process abstract concepts very well and it can often take a lot of careful explaining before it can finally sink in. Sometimes though, getting through to him can be simply impossible, mainly when he has his mind set on his stubborn perception or interest and pulling him out of that specific line of thinking just won't happen. This can be painfully true in his reckless habits, where he'll act first and think (specifically of the consequences) later. Planning ahead is a concept often burned when in the heat of the moment, whether the fire come from stress or excitement. Though his confidence is admirable, the likelihood of him sticking his head into an occupied fox den is a probability much too high for anyone's liking!


» History


[ kithood ] :

Born the second male in a litter of three to two loving elders, Wolfheart and Wispdream, alongside his littermates Chamomilekit and Tempestkit. But his first day of life isn't an entirely happy one as, elsewhere, a kittypet named Dixie interrupts that moon's gathering to announce herself as the leader of a dangerous group of outsiders demanding the life of a veteran shadowclanner named Blackstag, sending the four clans into chaos as they debate sacrificing one life for the sake of peace.

Dashkit's older siblings, Tinypaw and Magpiepaw, become full warriors earning the names Tinycrown and Magpietalon at Dashkit's 5th moon. In that same moon, Wolfheart bittersweetly retires to the elder's den, and though Dashkit was saddened by the thought that he wouldn't get to be a warrior alongside his father, he was happy to spend his last moon as a kit with more time with his dad!

But his last moon as a kit ends in tragedy when Dixie returns to uphold her threats, sending a monster to attack those present at that moon's gathering. All four leaders tragically lose a life and countless cats, including many of his clanmates, receive frightening injuries from small scrapes to dreadful burns. Dashkit, though frightened by these events, becomes more enamoured with the idea of becoming an apprentice, determined to learn everything in order to know how to protect his family.

[ apprenticeship ] :

At 6 moons old he is renamed to Dashpaw and assigned Martensmirk as his mentor! Although they aren't as inclined to humor and pranks as Dashpaw is, he quickly grows to adore the stone-faced enby!

But on his 7th moon Flamestar is forced to restrict the clan with a new rule; no cat is to leave camp alone, after Ottersplash, Oakridge and Fawnflutter are attacked by the kittypets associated with Dixie's cause. While Flamestar doesn't call for violence to be shed, patrols double as he becomes determined to seek out information on the gang of rogue cats. It's not a decision many cats from windclan appreciate as a bias towards Ottersplash for his outsider blood during the attack leaves many windclanners side-eyeing other non-clanborn cats in the clan.
Dashpaw, more determined than ever to become a protector for his clan, isn't influenced by this fear. His simple mindset of "us vs them" leaves no room to doubt his fellow cat.

His apprentice moon is a turbulent one as more fights against kitty-pets break out with his 8th moons being christened by Snapdragonfrost, Sootbear, and Moorstripe returning to camp bloodied after defending their borders during a patrol. Dashpaw admires them for their bravery, not knowing that the kitty-pets attacked hadn't actually crossed the border...

On his 9th moon a tragedy like no other strikes again when dogs invade the camp, leaving a sea of dead bodies and destruction behind. This is the first time Dashpaw feels real fear for his clanmates and family, especially when one of the dog's victims is his mother, Wispdream. Although he vowed to keep his smile unshakable, Dashpaw is scarred by these events as survivor's guilt makes him even more determined to keep his family safe.

He does his best during the unusual famine, refusing to eat until he's certain his more fragile clanmates and elderly parents are taken care of, determining it's the least he can do. But he's devastated to find out the cause behind the shortage of prey could be traced back to the dogs. His 10th moon is a difficult one. But his heart swells when, out of all this mistrust and fighting, and outsider named Idalia offers her assistance by giving his clan much needed prey and guidance to a place safe from the dogs where the clan can hunt again for themselves. Perhaps things are finally improving?

But all that trust built is shattered when the place Idalia leads his clan to is filled with poisoned rabbits that leave the clan violently ill! Not only is Idalia's treachery affirming the seeds of distrust against outsiders, but now the roots begin to entangle his clanmate's faith in Flamestar! But Dashpaw remains solely focused on taking care of his family and improving his training to focus on the mumblings of his clanmates, going so far as to neglect socializing with othercats outside of Martensmirk and his close blood relatives.

This leaves him realizing that, throughout his apprentice moons, he hasn't made many memories for himself...

On his very last moon as an apprentice the outsiders betray his clan yet again when Roman, Dixie's mate, tricks Flamestar into a fake peace treaty to get the able bodied warriors out of camp long enough for the cats to attack and kidnap the clan's kits and youngest apprentices! Althought Dashpaw doesn't know Jackalkit, Coyotekit, Vixenkit, Sablekit, Cobwebpaw, Reclusepaw & Venompaw closely, he is devastated by their capture and prays that a miracle comes to pass to return them home!
And a miracle it has to be when Flamestar announces that there will be no rescue mission for the missing young ones as he decrees it to be too dangerous. although Dashpaw is saddened by the lack of action, he can't disagree on it as he fears for the safety of his elder siblings and littermates. Many of his clanmates do not seem to agree with him or Flamestar and resentment begins to build among the clan's ranks, although Dashpaw remains oblivious to it.

But the peace begins to crack when the missing youths are tracked down only for Sootbear and Oakridge to be the ones to recruit for the rescue, going against Flamestar's orders until the leader is forced to assent. Even Dashpaw's faith in Flamestar wavers slightly, but he distracts himself with joy that something is being done at all - with his mentor and hero, Martensmirk being the one to lead the patrol themself! 
And lead the patrol they do, fighting against yet another dog in order to bring back Windclan's young safe and sound! His respect for his mentor grows tenfold!
But the joy of their return is shadowed by the settling doubt like a moon eclipsing the sun as cats finally begin to openly doubt Flamestar's position as leader...Dashpaw shuffles his paws when asked his thoughts, choosing instead to praise his mentor and avoid the question altogether.

[ warriorhood ] :

Dashpaw's warrior ceremony comes and goes without fanfare and he is named Dashlaugh for his ever-present optimism throughout his troubled life! He is proud of the name as he stands alongside his sister, Chamomilewisp and Tempest_. Although, during his vigil, Dashlaugh allows himself to express his grief over his wasted moons as an apprentice, closing his eyes beneath the stars and wishing he could've had a youth not marred by war and tragedy.
But when the dawn shines upon the next day, and he looks upon the horizon with the eyes of a fully-fledged warrior, he determines to live his next few decades with a lust for life and a goal to make the most out of his relationships with his clanmates!

Not a single moon later and the dam finally breaks when Sootbear, pushed to the edge by the death of his friend Sprucestorm, finally rages against Flamestar, calling into question his leadership and starting a coup against him and Martensmirk. The clan divides instantly with those loyal to Flamestar and his peaceful way of handling things and those rebelling alongside Sootbear, finally having enough of the lack of action.
If Dashlaugh is honest with himself, he would have potentially sided with Sootbear. He longs to put his training with Martensmirk to use and finally put an end to the war against the kitty-pets lest this endless fighting destroy more lives! But he simply cannot agree with Sootbear's way of doing things, especially when he has the audacity to take Windclan's kits and elders - Dashlaugh's PARENTS - as hostages! He's no better than the kitty-pets! When given the choice, Dashlaugh joins his mentor and leader, fleeing the clan alongside his sister, Chamomilewisp. He isn't proud of it, but when Dash runs he does so with eyes stinging with tears, for his choice leads to the abandonment of his older brother Tinycrown and beloved parents, all at the mercy of clanmates he can no longer trust.

Flamestar and Martensmirk lead the cats who chose to leave WindClan with them into exile at the outsider meadows, whilst in camp Sootbear and Oakridge solidify their new leadership over WindClan as leader and deputy respectively. WindClan is now firmly under rebel control, just as ShadowClan is.

» Relationships

Bullet Guide

 || acquaintance
  || friend
   || good friend
     || close friend

  ll like
   ll respected
    ll greatly respected
     ll idolizes

  ll slight attraction
   ll attraction
    ll infatuation
     ll lust

  || slight crush
    ll major crush
     ll romantic love

  ll wants to get to know them
   ll misses
    ll can't bear without

  ll platonic Like
   ll like Family
    ll joint at the hip
    || platonic love

  ll slight suspicion
  ll major suspicion
    ll distrust

  ll annoyed by
   ll dislike
   ll hate
     ll despises

   ll shy
    || nervous
      ll discomfort

  ll missing/Status Unknown
 ll dead
 ll mate
 ll family
  ll fling / ex-mate

- - -  

[cat name - cat clan - link to cat ]

[ bullets || bullets || bullets || ]
"Huh.. what do I have to say about this cat!"

- - -  

[Wolfheart and Wispdream - Windclan- link]

[      ||   ||    || ]
There are no two people he loves more than his mom and dad. Granted, he tries his best to love everyone equally...but he absolutely *adores* his ma and pa. They both taught him what it means to be compassionate, with his dad being a gentle force of calm kindness and his mom being a lively sparkle of starlight showing him every day the true meaning of loyalty and guidance. Although a part of him - a teensy eensy 'we-dont-think-about-it-or-we'll-start-crying-so-bury-it-way-down-deep part of him fears his parents' placement into elderhood so early in his life (What if they're not there for his warriorhood?) he'd determined to make them proud of him as much as possible today by showing them just how much the kindness  they taught him not only helps him, but helps those around all of them!

[Chamomilewisp and Tempestpaw - Windclan - link]

[  ||   ||   ||    || ]
His siblings! Of course he loves them with all his heart - they're three peas in a pod! As important a three as the sun, the moon and the stars! He's overjoyed to have them by his side and eagerly awaits to see who his siblings grow up to be - hopefully with all their tails still twined tightly no matter what!

[Sycamoresky, Magpietalon, Tinycrown, Nightengalewing, Grizzlyroar, Tumbletoes - Windclan- link]

[      ||    ||    || ]

Although Dash isn't as close to his older biological, half and adoptive siblings as he is with his littermates, Dash positively loves every single one of them! He's absolutely amazed that he's born into such a big family, all of them tied together by the powerful bonds of his father and mother's love! He's eager to get to know each and every one of them properly one day!

[Martensmirk - Windclan- link]

[      ||   ||    || ]
Dashlaugh absolutely adores his cool mentor Martensmirk and often boasts about his connection to the deputy and how amazing it was to train under her! While he'd always admired her intelligence and straight-forwardness, his respect for her grew considerably during the events of his youth, especially the rescue of Windclan's youth! He likes to think of them as a older siblings, though he doubt the more serious enby would say the same about him, he doesn't mind! One day he'll get them to laugh at his puns, and that'll be a show of love enough for him!

[Flamestar- Windclan- link]

[    ]

He...isn't sure anymore how he feels about his leader. He'd never had strong feelings one way or another when it came to him and his leadership, but as of late he can't help but understand the rebel's impulsivity more than Flamestar's hesitance. Being a man of action himself, Dashlaugh can't quite justify his leader's lack of action, and at times even finds himself resenting it. But he still thinks Flamestar is a better commander than the cowardly Sootbear will ever be - no true cat who cares about his clan would ever use their most vulnerable members as hostages like that! Although he does hope Flamestar takes this as a sign to stop waiting around and finally trust his warriors to be able to protect themselves. Peace isn't an option anymore!

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