PrimusOmega96 — DBS: A Strengthen Bond and Controlled Chaos

#dbs #kale #supersaiyan #supersaiyan2 #supersaiyangreen #caulifia #supersaiyangod #dbsuper #caulifladragonball #kaledragonball
Published: 2017-09-14 18:02:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 7706; Favourites: 130; Downloads: 55
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Description Hey guys! Here's the next part of my DBS Tournament of power story. Hope you enjoy.

Also, I used an image from the Deviant, , to create the Kale and Caulifia rendering.

Next: (Coming Soon)
Prev.: [link]

Last time, on Dragon Ball Super, Orion and Caulifia had both reached a new level of strength and went toe to toe against the Universe 7 Saiyan known as Goku. Through their fight with him, Kale had begun to feel left out and desperately wanted to help her sister fight this opponent. In her attempt, she began to feel useless and nothing but a burden, as her sister, Caulifia simply ignored her. This set off a spark inside Kale and unleashed a Berserker that slept deep down inside of her. She went on a rampage with one goal in mind, Destroy Son Goku. With her sister out of control, Orion reminded Caulifia about the meaning of family, and that her sister, Kale, was all she had. She then told her that he didn't want to let Kale end up like him. The two then flew off to try and calm Kale down, only to have Universe 11's Jiren attack and knock out Kale. Now with the fighters of the Tournament of Power knowing how dangerous Kale was, the Universe 11's Pride Troopers are now focusing their sights on Kale. But, with Orion, Caulifia and Hit protecting her, the Pride Troopers will have a hell of a time getting to her.

Somewhere off in the arena, Caulifia, Orion, Hit and Kale were resting as they were now on the run from the Pride Troopers. They had taken cover behind a part of the destroyed arena to let Kale rest.

Hit: How much longer do you think it will take her to recover?
Orion: I'm not sure. She's still unconscious. Whatever the Jiren guy did to her to knock her out, it really did the job.
Caulifia: *smacks him upside the head* Hey! That bastard still hurt my sister! Don't forget that!
Orion: Ow... Look, I know that. I'm just saying. If that Jiren guy can take down Kale in that form, with nothing but a single attack, while Goku couldn't even lay a finger on her, then I don't think we wanna go toe to toe with him anytime soon.
Caulifia: I.. I... *tries to protest but knows he's right* I... guess your right.
Orion: Right now. Let's not worry about them. Let's focus on Kale.
Caulifia: R-Right!

All of a sudden, Universe 11's Kahseral came out of no where and knocked Hit away from the three of them.

Kahseral: The Time id here! To the World of Void For the Fate of the Universe,
Orion: HIT!!! *glares at Tupper and growls* What do you want?
Kahseral: Relax! We only want to protect you and your girlfriend from certain doom!

Orion and Caulifia glared at him for a bit as they quickly realized what he just implied.

Kahseral: ... *sweatdrops* My... apologizes.
Orion: *sighs* Anyway,... What are you trying to protect us from anyway?
Kahseral: *points to Kale* That beast! She is a danger to everyone here, including you two.
Caulifia: *holds Kale* Kale is not a danger to anyone!
Orion: *places himself between Caulifia, Kale and Tupper* Look! She just lost control, it won't happen again.
Kahseral: We cannot take that risk. As a member of the Pride Troopers, I will personally dispose of her. For the good of Justice!
Orion: Then you'll have to go through me first!

Just as Orion and Kahseral were about to fight a man with long black hair appeared and knocked Kasheral away from them.

Orion: What the? W... Who the heck are you?
??? 1: A friend of Goku's. Don't worry, I'm here to help you?
Orion: You mean like he was?! If your after Kale then I'll just take you both on!
??? 2: Relax! 17 is trying to help you protect her.

Orion then looked back and saw a girl with long blonde hair wearing a pink jump suit.

17: So, you came to help me, 18?
18: Only because my husband has already been knocked out of the arena.
Orion: Wait! Why are you two helping us?
???: Because I asked them to.

Orion then looked back and saw Goku standing there beside 17.

Orion: But... Why?
Goku: Simple! I want to fight the strongest fighters here. And you and those two girls definitely qualify. Plus, I don't like it when other people gang up on someone. Especially someone that can't defend themselves.
Caulifia: Hey! WE can defend ourselves just fine.
Goku: I know that, but unless your sister can fight unconscious, then I don't think she can defend herself.
Caulifia: O... Oh...
Orion: *gives a serious face to Goku* Alright. Just buy us some time. And... Thank you.

Caulifia then grabbed Kale and placed her on her back as Orion and her took off to find shelter. As they did, Goku, 17 and 18 began their fight with Kahseral, Zoiray and Kettol. When they finally found a place to rest, Orion and Caulifia placed Kale down and leaned her against a rock. As she rested the two of them rested as well. Caulifia and Orion were silent for a moment, until Caulifia became curious and finally spoke up.

Caulifia: Hey, Orion?
Orion: Hmm?
Caulifia: I'm curious... Why did you want to join my crew 4 years ago anyway?
Orion: Oh... that... Well, to be honest, I wanted to because when I first met you, you were strong, independent, and didn't gave crap about what other people thought or said about you. Since I was on my own, I wanted to learn how to be like you. In a way... I admired you. *blushes* And... it kinda... caused me to develop a crush on you. *looks away as his face turns red*
Caulifia: *blushes a bit* WH... WHAT?!
Orion: YOU HEARD ME!! DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT IT!!!It's embarrassing enough to confess that after you've rejected me for the past 4 years.
Caulifia: *jumps back a bit as she blushed and felt bad a bit* S... Sorry.
Orion: Don't be... in the end.. I learned how to be independent on my own. I even started my own business and made my own money.
Caulifia: Which... you shared with me...
Orion: It's called fair business. I was mining on your property, it was only fair to share the profit with you. Plus... it allowed you and Kale to live a bit of a better life without having to always resort to mugging someone. 
Caulifia: You know... I don't get you.
Orion: Hmm?
Caulifia: You say you don't rely on anyone, yet you're willing to help take care of me and Kale. I don't get it.
Orion: I said I don't rely on anyone, that doesn't mean that I don't mind other people relying on me.
Caulifia: Okay... I'm lost.
Orion: *sigh* I like helping people, okay? That's the main reason why I started my mining business.
Caulifia: Hmm?
Orion: *thinks back to before he started his mining business* Back when I hit upon Katchin, I only sold it on the black-market to help get enough money to feed myself, but when I looked at the town that was closest to where I was mining, I found out there were people there that didn't have jobs. And, that meant that they didn't have money to feed themselves or their families. So, I mined more Katchin, sold them off, and then started my business. It created jobs for the people of the town, and with the extra hands, I was making more money then I even needed. So, I split a large amount of profits to my men, give good amount of the profits to you and Kale, and whatever is left, I keep for myself to either repair or replace broken equipment and to feed myself.
Caulifia: *is a bit shocked* You did all of that... just for that town?
Orion: *nods*
Caulifia: Wow... But... why do you constantly act cold towards people?
Orion: It's because of the way I was treated when my parents died. The people of Sadal never gave a shit about me. The only person that I thought would care about me, was my sensei. But, after I lost my first tournament, he kicked me to the curb, just like the rest.
Caulifia: *feeling bad* O.. Oh...
Orion: After that, I stopped trying to figure people out. I no longer cared what anyone thought of me. ... That was... until Hit told me that Champa was the one that ordered him to kill my parents.
Caulifia: What do you mean?
Orion: *looks back and sees Hit walking away* When Hit found me, I thought I was gonna die. And yet,... he let me live. In fact... now that I think about it... he... actually looked sad that he killed my parents.
Caulifia: *is slightly confused*
Orion: It's still a mystery to me, but... I guess... that's why I have respect for Hit. He doesn't enjoy killing people. To him, it's just a job. But... when I see him fight, especially now in this tournament, I can actually see him having fun. That's why I now know, that Hit and I... we aren't so different.
Caulifia: *looks at Orion a bit and smiles* "I think... I now see why Kale likes him so much. He's strong, independent, and, above all else, he's caring. ... Even to people like me, who has done nothing but treat him badly. He even has great respect for Hit. A man that killed his family, and has left him to live alone. ... Orion... you truly are amazing" *begins to blush a bit as she gets closer to Orion and kisses his cheek*
Orion: *blushes as he looks back at Caulifia* Wh... What the...?
Caulifia: *chuckles as she winks at him* You know, you really are something.
Orion: *blushes as he turns away with a stern face* Sh... Shut up.

Caulifia just laughed as Orion smirked a bit at her comment. As they talked, Kale began to stir a bit.

Kale: *groans*
Caulifia: KALE!!
Orion: Huh? *turns around and sees Kale waking up* KALE!! Are you okay?
Kale: Big Sister? Orion-kun? Wh... What happened? *tries to get up*
Orion: *gently pushes her back down* Take it easy. You need to rest still.
Kale: But... What happened?
Caulifia: It was amazing, Kale! You transformed and took out a few fighters. You even pushed back Goku!
Kale: I... I did?
Caulifia: Yeah! See, Kale! I knew you had it in you!
Kale: *smiles slightly as her eyes tear up a bit* Sis...
Orion: *notices that her hair is down* Hang on, I'll tie your hair up.
Kale: Oh... Uhh... Th... Thank you, Orion-kun.

As Orion ties up Kale's hair, Universe 11's Tupper and Cocotte approached them.

Cocotte: Well, looks like we found our target.
Orion: Damn it!

Orion got up and got ready to fight as 18 came out of no where and hit Tupper so hard that he was sent over the edge.

Cocotte: TUPPER!!
Orion: *looks at 18* Thanks!
18: Don't mention it.

Cocotte the retaliated as she knocked 18 and Orion back. As she did, the other pride troopers that were fighting Goku and 17 regrouped with Cocotte as she then created a barrier around the four of them and around Caulifia and Kale.

Orion: CAULIFIA!!! KALE!!!!

Orion ran up and began to punch the barrier as hard as he could to try and break it. But, it was no use.

Meanwhile, inside the barrier...

Kahseral: Great work, Cocotte.
Cocotte: Thank you commander!
Kahseral: Now, Cocotte. Commence with the operation!
Cocotte: Yes commander! *creates a barrier around Kale*
Caulifia: KALE!! *begins to punch the barrier as to try and break it*
Kale: SIS!! *tries to break the barrier as well*
Kahseral: Now then, let us eliminate your sister, and we'll let you go.
Caulifia: *turns around and glares the Pride Troopers down* Not a chance!
Kahseral: So be it. Zoiray! Do your thing!
Zoiray: *cackles* As you say, Commander! *begins to spin and makes a vortex*

Meanwhile, outside the barrier, Orion is still trying ti break the barrier as 17 is trying to help and Goku is trying to use Instant Transmission.

18: Anything, Goku?
Goku: *puts his fingers down* Nothing. That barrier is blocking their ki. I can't use Instant Transmission to get to them.
17: *stops hitting the barrier* Just calm down, we'll find a way. We just need time.
Orion: WE DON'T HAVE TIME!!! *punches the ground as it cracks* ... Wait! Does this barrier reach underground as well?
18: I would think not, considering that it's not falling.
Orion: Then that's my way in. *Jumps up into the air*
17: What are you doing?!
Orion: WHAT I DO BEST!!! *claps his hands together as he holds them together* KATCHIN HAMMER... *hurls his fist downwards as he begins to spin* DRILL!!!!

Orion began to drill underneath the ground and made his way into the barrier. Meanwhile, Caulifia was getting hit again and again as she continued to defend Kale.

Zoiray: *cackles* Ready to give up?
Caulifia: *panting* Not... a chance!
Kale: SIS!!!
Zoiray: So be it! *spins at her in a vortex*

All of a sudden the ground cracks and begins to shake as Orion popped out of the ground and uppercut Zoiray and then kicked him back towards the other Pride Troopers.

Kahseral: Wh... What the?
Kale: Orion-kun!!
Caulifia: O... Orion?
Orion: Some heroes you guys are. Ganging up on two women like this! Let me teach you guys a lesson.

Orion began to attack the Pride troopers as he tried his best, but eventually got knocked back towards Caulifia and Kale.

Kale: ORION-KUN!!!
Orion: *pants as he gets up* Is... that all... you got?
Kahseral: Enough of this! We'll end this now! Everyone, ATTACK!!!

The Pride Troopers began to attack again and again as Caulifia and Orion were getting hit brutally.

Kale: SIS!!! ORION-KUN!!! *begins to tear up*
Caulifia and Orion: Kale.
Kale: *looks up at Orion and Caulifia* Huh?
Caulifia and Orion: We'll protect you. We believe in you.

Kale heard their words and cried a bit. As she did, her ki rose exponentially as she became a unique Super Saiyan and broke the barrier.

SSJGreen Kale: Wh... What's this?
Caulifia: Kale!!! You... You did it.
Orion: You've... You've become a Super Saiyan!!
SSJGreen Kale: I... I have?! *observes herself as her face lights up* I HAVE!!! ORION-KUN!!! SIS!!! LOOK!!! I'M A SUPER SAIYAN!!!
Orion: I'm... I'm proud of you Kale.
Caulifia: As am I.
SSJGreen Kale: *tears up as she smiles*
Kahseral: NO! She's free and she's transformed! Everyone, QUICK!!! ATTACK!!!
Orion: Caulifia! Kale! Get Ready!! *becomes surrounded by a fiery aura as he transforms into a Super Saiyan God*
Caulifia: *transforms into a Super Saiyan 2* Right! Get ready Kale!!
SSJGreen Kale: R... Right!!!

All of the Pride Troopers attacked as Orion, Caulifia and Kale began to push back.

SSJGreen Kale: I... I... *transforms into an Uncontrollable Super Saiyan*

The blast becomes stronger and pushes three of the four Pride Troopers off the Arena. As they did this, smoke built up. As it cleared, Orion, Caulifia and Kale in her Uncontrolled Super Saiyan transformation. As they saw this, 18, 17 and Goku stepped back a bit, slightly worried.

SSJ2 Caulifia: Relax. She's in control. *turns to Kale* Right Kale?
LSSJ Kale: *nods*

Kale then begins to shrink down as she returns to her normal self. As she does, she passes out as Orion catches her.

SSG Orion: It's going to take sometime, but she'll get used to the transformation.
SSJ2 Caulifia: *caresses her cheek* I'm so proud of her.
SSG Orion: *smiles softly* Same here.

As they reverted back to normal, Cocotte came out and panicked a bit.

Cocotte: They... They got rid of almost all of our Pride Troopers. This isn't good.

As she said this, Orion and the other turned around and noticed her. In an act of pure panic, she surrounded herself in a barrier in order to protect herself from them.

Cocotte: Haha! Now none of you can hurt me.

As she said this, 18 walked up to her and picked her up.

18: Then I guess I'll just throw you off the arena then.

18 then walked over to the edge of the arena and threw her off the edge. With that, over half of the Pride Troopers had been eliminated.

Orion: *ties Kale's hair up* There.
Goku: *walks up to him* Glad to see everything worked out.
Orion: Yeah. *gets up and looks at Goku* I want to thank you for helping us.
Goku: No problem. Just keep getting stronger, and I'll be looking forward to our rematch.
*smirks* Same here. I plan on becoming a Super Saiyan Blue, and when I do, maybe you can teach me that technique that Hit and Cabba were telling me about.
Goku: Hmm? Technique? What technique?
Orion: I believe Hit said that you called it, The Kaio-ken.
Goku: *shocked* You want to learn the Kaio-Ken?!

Orion just nodded as he picked up Kale and held her in his arms.

Goku: Well, I don't see why I can't teach you. But, let's make this interesting. *gets serious* Go off and rest. Once you become a Super Saiyan Blue, we'll fight. If you beat me, then I'll teach you the Kaio-Ken. Deal?
Orion: *walks to Caulifia and turns around to Goku as he smirks* Deal!

Caulifia, Orion and Kale then left as Goku, 17 and 18 returned to Tournament as well. Who will win in this epic Tournament. Who will come out victorious, and who will be erased from existence?

I hoped you enjoyed.

Dragonball Super belongs to Akira Toriyama.
Orion Belongs to ME!!
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Comments: 20

granddragoonknight [2019-08-14 10:25:40 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fistron [2018-05-16 04:46:48 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! ! ! !

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrimusOmega96 In reply to Fistron [2018-05-16 14:41:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fistron In reply to PrimusOmega96 [2018-05-16 18:02:05 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Firedude34990 [2017-09-16 18:57:45 +0000 UTC]

the art is really good!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrimusOmega96 In reply to Firedude34990 [2017-09-16 19:10:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wilnet1tractor [2017-09-15 16:28:45 +0000 UTC]

All three: DON'T TOUCH<    OUR FOOD!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrimusOmega96 In reply to wilnet1tractor [2017-09-15 16:53:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WOLFBLADE111 [2017-09-14 18:46:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrimusOmega96 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2017-09-14 18:49:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you my friend!!! XD

The Super Saiyan 4 Reaction Pick is up next.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WOLFBLADE111 In reply to PrimusOmega96 [2017-09-14 18:59:19 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.


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PrimusOmega96 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2017-09-14 19:01:16 +0000 UTC]

This is gonna be... interesting. XDDDD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WOLFBLADE111 In reply to PrimusOmega96 [2017-09-15 01:30:23 +0000 UTC]

Indeed. XDDDD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrimusOmega96 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2017-09-15 02:45:32 +0000 UTC]

I just submitted it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WOLFBLADE111 In reply to PrimusOmega96 [2017-09-15 18:08:43 +0000 UTC]

I saw and I liked.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrimusOmega96 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2017-09-15 18:14:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 2

PrimusOmega96 In reply to PrimusOmega96 [2017-09-15 19:38:07 +0000 UTC]

XDDDDD I just found it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WOLFBLADE111 In reply to PrimusOmega96 [2017-09-15 18:16:07 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PrimusOmega96 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2017-09-15 18:20:00 +0000 UTC]


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WOLFBLADE111 In reply to PrimusOmega96 [2017-09-15 18:45:04 +0000 UTC]

0.0....Didn't see that coming. lol XD

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